www.newhampshirelakesandmountains.com Publishing news & views of Lancaster, Groveton, Whitefield, Lunenburg & other towns of the upper Connecticut River valley of New Hampshire & Vermont [email protected] VOL. CXLVIII, NO. 6 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 LANCASTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE TELEPHONE: 603-788-4939 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES 75¢ Snow Drifters to add modern sleds to Grand Prix & vintage swap in July 2016 BY EDITH TUCKER (VSCA), a national orga- 1,260 bales of hay hauled safer. local sponsors who sup- contributions as well as [email protected] nization, will hold an ex- into place by 16 men to Both Beattie and Bol- ported the Grand Prix in-kind services. hibition and swap on the make the track’s curves land thanked the many with their direct-dollar Swap, PAGE A13 WHITEFIELD — Lan- grounds of the Lancaster caster Snow Drifters Fairgrounds, site of all president Ken Bolland Grand Prix events. The announced at Friday Club is embarking on or- night’s Grand Prix Ball ganizing tourist-orient- at the Mountain View ed events in two seasons, Grand that the Lancast- Bolland pointed out. The er Snow Drifters are VSCA has held events planning to include mod- in such communities ern sleds in next win- as Waconia, Minn., and ter’s races and events. West Yellowstone, Mont. Displaying and rac- Trail master Shawn ing vintage sleds have Beattie said that last been the focus of both year the Snow Drifters the 2014 and 2015 Grand thanked volunteers for Prix events, designed to the “countless hours celebrate the town’s his- they contributed to toric role as Snowmobile setting up the oval ice City, USA, home of the track, bleachers and all Kilkenny Cup. the other amenities that Without going into go along with preparing detail, Bolland explained for the Grand Prix. that the event would This year, Beattie ex- now feature both snow- plained, his son Tyler machines of the past as had kept track of what it well as the present and takes to get ready for the future. event: 1,580 volunteer In addition, in July hours; 960,000 gallons of 2016 the Vintage Snow- water to make a 14-inch mobile Club of America track, 78 feet wide; and PHOTO BY EDITH TUCKER WMRHS senior Emily Wild, second from right, wrapped in a white cape, of Whitefield was crowned the 2015 Grand Prix Queen at Friday night’s ball organized by the Lancaster Snow Drifters. She and her date, Ezekiel Ratliff, circled the More than $3 million ballroom floor at the Mountain View Grand in Whitefield before posing for a group photo: second runner-up Meadow Wotton, left, a WMRHS senior, and her date, Cam MacDonald of Profile High School; Ivory Blanchette, a WMRHS junior of Lancaster, and her date WMRHS Spartan Cadet Nick Accardi, also of Lancaster. Points earned on a quiz on Grand earmarked for Prix history, a hand-written essay, and an interview, plus raffle ticket sales determined the rankings. George M. Stevens Insurance donated a $1,000 scholarship for the winner who plans to attend Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Fla. to Rte. 26 projects major in musical theater with a minor in business; $500 for the first runner-up, and $300 for the second. Riff’s Flowers near The Balsams donated the beautiful bouquets. Music was provided by DJ Phil Rivera of WLTN in Littleton. BY EDITH TUCKER that will complement [email protected] both current recre- State’s Wine Week comes to the ational users and the DIXVILLE — More eventual needs of the than $3 million has been Balsams project,” Way slated to be spent near explained. Grande Dame’s Princess Room The Balsams resort on The balance of the and under Route 26, available NHDOT dol- BY EDITH TUCKER starting this spring, lars will be spent on [email protected] according to deputy di- Route 26 upgrades from rector Christopher Way just west of the Cole- BRETTON WOODS of the state Division of brook-Dixville town — Twenty-four people Economic Development. line east to a pavement enjoyed a delicious four- Route 26 is two-lane joint at Spur Road. course prix fixe dinner 22-mile-long highway “The pavement reha- on Wednesday night that runs from Cole- bilitation project, which served by a very atten- brook to Errol; it di- will be undertaken by tive waitstaff in the Prin- vides the resort’s re- NHDOT, was planned cess Room at the Omni maining hotel and other prior to the proposed Mount Washington Ho- structures plus its two Balsams project and was tel. golf courses from the actually delayed one The dinner, which existing, now-shuttered year to coordinate with featured five delicious Wilderness Ski Area. the development,” Way pairings of Domaine Federal funds total- pointed out. “We antic- Bousquet wines from ing $1 million are ear- ipate that both projects Mendoza, Argentina marked to replace an will begin later in the that were introduced by PHOTO BY EDITH TUCKER existing snowmobile spring of this year. The winemaker Guillame Winemaker Guillame Bousquet of Mendoza, Argentina, and New York City, Food and Beverage “tunnel” located under Balsams redevelopment Bousquet, was the only Director Cedric Pas of the Omni Mount Washington Hotel, and wine broker Nick Sandric of the Perfecta Wine Company of Manchester, each holding a bottle of Domaine Bousquet wine, posed Route 26 with a box tun- is a very high priority event in Coös Coun- for a photo on Wednesday night in the Grande Dame’s Princess Room. nel underpass, 24-foot- project for the state, and ty during New Hamp- wide and 14-foot-high, our ability to coordinate shire’s 10th annual Wine — not listed on the menu single bite-sized hors triguing Brown Butter designed for OHRV use. efforts is a ‘win-win’ for Week celebration. as courses — started with d’oeuvre — and ended Almond Torte. “This is a project the North Country.” The meal’s bookends an “Amuse Bouche” — a with a Dessert — an in- Wine Week, PAGE A13 Budget Committee hearing tomorrow night: two percent increase proposed BY EDITH TUCKER ceive larger raises: Fire inally proposed $135,000 [email protected] Chief Randy Flynn and to $95,000.” Assistant Fire Chief Budget, PAGE A13 LANCASTER — The Steven Jones, whose sal- Budget Committee, aries were reported to chaired by Dana South- have fallen behind those INDEX worth, voted unani- in similar communities; mously on Monday and town clerk Jean Ole- Business Directory ......... B6 night, Jan. 26, in favor son, a step increase. Calendar ........................... B5 of accepting a proposed “We’ve taken a month Classified .......................B7-9 operating budget of to look closely at the Editorials & Letters ....... A4 $5,426,303, almost exact- budget, met with de- ly two percent over the partment heads, and Obituaries ....................... A2 one passed at last year’s scheduled extra meet- Real Estate ..................... A12 town meeting. ings, and we were able PHOTO BY EDITH TUCKER Sports .............................B1-3 to reduce the budget the Magda Randall of Lancaster has opted for a “soft opening” of the Polish Princess — retail It includes 50-cent- bakery and café — in an exquisitely restored Main Street building. She is now open from per-hour raises, retroac- selectmen sent us by 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday to Sunday, serving butter pastries, quiche, soups, cookies, tive to Jan. 1, for 23 of the $130,000,” Southworth expresso drinks, tea and coffee. Once a working bread oven arrives, French breads, hearty town’s 26 full-time town said. “A $40,000 reduc- ryes and sourdoughs will be available for sale, and the store’s hours will lengthen. On employees. tion was made in pro- Friday Magda welcomed customer Peter Gair of Lancaster. Three other full-time posed Capital Reserve employees would re- Funds, cutting the orig- A2 OBITUARIES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 ••• Reginald Hervey Abbott, 88 Agnes L. Brooks, 78 LANCASTER — Reg- was up well before dawn by a son, Stephen Ab- COLEBROOK — Ag- Brooks. inald Hervey Abbott, 88, on most days to handle bott, of Alexandria, nes L. Brooks, 78, of Calling hours were of Lancaster, died peace- several part-time jobs Va.; a daughter, Penny Colebrook, passed away on Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2015, fully at the Veteran’s in Lancaster over the Durgin, of Lancaster; on Thursday afternoon, from 6-8 p.m. at the Jen- Administration Medical years, including vari- five grandchildren; and Jan. 29, 2015, at the Cath- kins & Newman Funeral Center in White River ous duties at the Weeks nine great-grandchil- olic Medical Center in Home in Colebrook. A Junction, Vt. on Satur- Memorial Library, the dren. Manchester, with sever- Mass of Christian Buri- day, Jan. 17, 2015. Democrat offices, and In addition to his al members of her family al will be held at 10 a.m. Reg was born in Troy the Siwooganock Bank. parents, Reginald was by her side. on Wednesday, Feb. 4, on Jan. 23, 1926 the son In his spare time, he ran predeceased by his wife Agnes was born in Agnes is survived by at St. Brendan’s Catho- of Hervey Abbott and “Abbott’s Clock Shop” of more than 50 years, West Stewartstown on her children, Norman lic Church in Colebrook Corinne Marotte. He out of his home. Alice, who died in 2006; June 18, 1936, a daugh- Brooks and wife Amy of with The Rev. Craig had been a resident of After “retiring,” he and two sons, Terry Mi- ter to the late Hector Stewartstown, Robert Cheney as celebrant. Lancaster most of his enjoyed working at the chael (U.S. Marine killed J. and Florence (Thi- Brooks and wife Deb- Interment will be in the life.
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