NORTH CAROLINA HISTORY OF HEALTH DIGITAL COLLECTION The Health Bulletin Volume 64 (1949) DOCUMENT NO. NCHH-04-064 || http://hsl.lib.unc.edu/specialcollections/nchealthhistory || This item is part of the North Carolina History of Health Digital Collection. Some materials in the Collection are protected by U.S. copyright law. This item is presented by the Health Sciences Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for research and educational purposes. It may not be republished or distributed without permission of the Health Sciences Library. The North Carolina History of Health Digital Collection is an open access publishing initiative of the Health Sciences Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Financial support for the initiative was provided in part by a multi-year NC ECHO (Exploring Cultural Heritage Online) digitization grant, awarded by the State Library of North Carolina, and funded through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). For more information about the collection, or to search other volumes, please visit: || http://hsl.lib.unc.edu/specialcollections/nchealthhistory || . MEDICAL LIBRARY U. OF N. C N. Cjlj^ CHAPEL HILL. C I This Bulletin wJl be sent free to on^dtizerv of the State vipon request! Published monthly at the office of the Secretary of the Board, Raleigh, N. C Entered as second-class matter at Postoffice at Raleigh, N. C. under Act of August 24, 1912 Vol. 64 JANUARY, 1949 No. 1 Paul Pressley McCain, M. D. 1884-1946 MEMBERS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH S. D. GILA.IG, M.D., President Winston-Salem G. G. DIXON, M.D., Vice-President : Ayden H. LEE LARGE, M.D Rocky Mount Fayetteville W. T. RAINEY, M.D., ,_„^_,„ ^. »...s HUBERT B. HAYWOOD, M.D '.;.......; .;..... Raleigh - AsheviUe J. LaBRUCE WARD, M.D Kannapolis J. O. NOLAN, M.D , JASPER C. JACKSON, Ph.G ; Lumberton PAUL E. JONES, D.D.S Farmville EXECUTIVE STAFF M.P.H., Secretary and State Health Officer J. W. R. NORTON, M.D., G. M. COOPER, M.D., Assistant State Health Officer and Director Division of Health Education, Crippled Children's Work, and Maternal and Child Health Service , Director, Division Local Health Administration , District Director, Local Health Administration ERNEST A. BRANCH, D.D.S. , Director, Division Oral Hygiene JOHN H. HAMILTON, M.D., Director, Division of Laboratories Division of Sanitary Engineering J. M. JARRETT, B.S., Director, of industrial OTTO J. SWISHER, M.D., Director, Division Hygiene BERTLYN BOSLEY, Ph.D., Director, Nutrition Bureau FELIX A. GRISETTE, Director, Venereal Disease Education Institute C. P. STEVICK, M.D., M.P.H., Director, Division of Epidemiology and Vital Statistics, and Co-Director, School-Health Coordinating Service WILLIAM A. S.MITH, M.D., Director, Bureau of Tuberculosis Control IVAN M. PROCTER, M.D., Director, Bureau of Cancer Control Hill HAROLD' J. MAGNUSON, M.D., Director, Reynolds Research Laboratory, Chapel Hill JOHN J. WRIGHT, M.D., Director, Field Epidemiology Study of Syphilis, Chapel FREE HEALTH LITERATURE The State Board of Health publishes monthly THE HEALTH BULLETIN, which will be sent free to any citizen requesting it. The Board also has available for distribution without charge special literature on the following subjects. Ask for any in which you may be interested. Adenoids and Tonsils German Measles Sanitary Privies Appendicitis Health Education Scabies Cancer Hookworm Disease Scarlet Fever Constipation ' Infantile Paralysis Teeth Chickenpox Influenza Tuberculosis Diabetes Malaria Typhoid Fever Diphtheria Measles Venereal Diseases Don't Spit Placards Padiculosis Vitamins Endemic Typhus Pellagra Typhoid Placards Flies Residential Sewage Water Supplies Fly Placards Disposal Plants Whooping Cough SPECIAL LITERATURE ON MATERNITY AND INFANCY The following special literature on the subjects listed below will be sent free to any citizen of the State on request to the State Board of Health, Raleigh, North Carolina. Prenatal Care Baby's Daily Schedule Prenatal Letters (series of nine First Four Months monthly letters) Five and Six Months The Expectant Mother Seven and Eight Months Infant Care Nine Months to One Year The Prevention of Infantile Diarrhea One to Two Years Breast Feeding Two to Six Years Table of Heights and Weights Instructions for North Carolina .Midwives CONTENTS Page Tribute Paid to Late Dr. Paul P. McCain 3 Introduction of Justice Rutledge 3 Paul P. McCain 4 Acceptance of Portrait of Doctor Paul McCain 7 The Health Department and the Food of the People 8 Narrative Report J3 Blood Derivatives Important for Medicine, Research lo The Kenfield Memorial Fund 16 Vol. 64 JANUARY, 1949 No. 1 State Health Officer H. M.D., Acting Editor J. W. R. NORTON, M.D., M.P.H., JOHN HAMILTON, TRIBUTE PAID TO LATE DR. PAUL P. McCAIN A portrait of the late Dr. Paul P. Mc- the ceremonies. Other members of the Cain was unveiled in the lobby of the family present were: John McCain of main building of the Sanatorium at Chapel Hill; Mrs. N. M. McCollum, of dedication ceremonies on Tuesday, De- Leaksville; Dr. Irene McCain McPar- cember 7. The portrait, a gift of the land, of Philadelphia; and Miss Jane State Medical Society, was unveiled by Todd McCain, student at Agnes Scott Sarah Johnson McCollum, only grand- College in Georgia, all children of Dr. daughter of Dr. McCain, and daughter and Mrs. McCain; and Mr. Charles Mc- of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. McCollum of Cain of Birmingham, Alabama, brother Leaksville, North Carolina. of Dr. McCain. The portrait was painted by Prank ,i)r. Paul F. Whitaker, chairman of Benson of the National Art Galleries .,th£ McCain Memorial Committee of in New York City. A bronze plaque the State Medical Society, presided over beneath the portrait has the inscrip- the dedication ceremony and presented tion, "In loving memory of Paul Press- Justice Wiley Rutledge of the United ly McCain, A.B., M.D., P.A.C.P., LL.D., States Supreme Court, who delivered 1884-1946; Guardian of Public Health, the dedication address. Warrior against tuberculosis, beloved -; Mrs. Paul McCain, wife of the late physician and friend of man, follower Dr. McCain, was the guest of honor at of the Great Physician." INTRODUCTION OF JUSTICE RUTLEDGE By Paul F. Whitaker, M. D., Chairman McCain Memorial Committee Medical Society of the State of N. C. Kinston, North Carolina Ladies and gentlemen, members of have a small part in this occasion which the family and friends of Dr. McCain, honors the memory of a beloved col- members of the Medical Society of the league who lived so fully and so use- State of North Carolina, members of fully. As most of us know the portrait the Sanatorium Board, members of the to be presented today was made pos- Woman's Auxiliary and distinguished sible by the membership of the North guests: —As Chairman of the McCain Carolina profession, who loved, honored Memorial Committee of our Medical and respected Paiil McCain. Society, appointed by President Robert- I am sure that as your representative son, I am privileged and honored to on this occasion, you would want me to The Health Bulletin January, 1949 express thanks to a number of people kindness which is the essence of good- who have had a part in the eventuation ness, than was he. Certainly his mul- and consummation of this memorial. tiple accomplishments and his immor- To Dr. Donald Koonce, and the other tal spirit will be projected forever into members of his Committee who raised the future service of mankind. funds, and to every member of our It is now my privilege and honor to Society who contributed, we are grate- present the distinguished guest and ful. To President Robertson and Secre- speaker for this occasion. He was born tary McMillan our Committee expresses in the State of Kentucky. He graduated appreciation for their cooperation and at the University of Wisconsin. He spent support. To Dr. Stuart Willis, Super- a part of his boyhood in the beautiful intendent of the Sanatorium, Mr. Carolina coimtry around Asheville, He Charles Cannon of the Sanatorium travelled to the far West, and lived for Board, and to Mrs. McCain who met a time in New Mexico. He is a man who and advised with us often, we are also overcame disease and physical handi- grateful. And finally to Dr. Coppridge cap to obtain his present high position. and Dr. Hubbard, the other members Many accomplishments too numerous to of your Committee, who have so gen- enumerate have marked his life. He was erously given their time, their efforts a successful lawyer and an able teacher. and their thoughts, I express both per- He served as Dean of the Law School sonal and official thanks. I assure you of Washington University, and was also that this memorial has been a labor of Dean of the University of Iowa. He was love for all concerned, and that we are appointed by the late, President Roose- happy and grateful to have had this velt, to the United States Circuit Court experience. of Appeals, and at present he is a It is neither my purpose nor my member of the highest and greatest assignment to eulogize the memory of tribunal in our blessed and mighty our departed colleague. We have with Nation, and last, but not least, he was us a distinguished visitor who is priv- a friend and former patient of Paul ileged to honor himself and us, by this McCain. At this very busy and exact- assignment. Suffice it for me to say ing period in this year of his life, he that all of us loved and honored Paul has taken time from his manifold re- McCain, and that we are gathered here sponsibilities to honor us with his pre- today to pay himible tribute to his sence here today, and to pay tribute to memory, and to his warm and generous the memory of one whom he, like us, spirit.
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