,Pacific North~est , oil owan Still Being Plagued Serving the Un.versity of Iowa and the People of Iowa City e SIS Established in 1868 10 Cents Per Copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Thuma)'. December 24,1964 ead coach University • esday. ns and the 'Crazy Quilt' U sSlans Reiect n coach agree Pia ltinue In thot Of Weather new Iowa be offered Covers u.s. other capa· Iy THE ASSOCIATED PRESS year, with Floods routed more residents ken of the of the Pacific Northwest on an as· Wed n e s day while snow, y • Clash in accord· drizzle, fog, dust, high winds agreements and freakish warmth fonned a Ten, a fur· crazy quilt across the nation. new agree· ad coaches Torrential rains pounded the Diplomats Fail Anti-American sports must northwestern quarter of the ms to meet country for the third day in a row. of I Board Rivers and streams rose. The num· Drive Brews ics and aU ber of refugees passed the 5,000 To Solve Crisis Conference mark and kept growing. The count 1 CoUegiate of the dead stood at six. UNITED 1\TIONS, N.Y. (AP) - Key diplomats failed ociation, the MIST, HEAVY clouds and the Wednesday night to resolve a pre.Christmas U.N. crisis pre­ In Viet Nam ing respon· darkness of long December nights cipitated by Soviel rejection of the main point of a generally ued mainte· increased driving hazards in Mid· Sources Report rds. west areas. accepted plan to put off a showdown on peacekeeping asse 's­ Many accidents were reported in ments. Khanh Outlines Rooftop Escape traffic, but mo~t oC them were Alex Quaison·Sackey of Ghana, president of the U.. Gen· Demonstrations minor. y? Two people bored ""ir way through "" roof of a twHtory re.. O'Hare International Airport in eral Assembly, announced tbat an assembl meeting planned S.\IGO'\, !lollih Vi!'t Idonn Wodnesday to await rescue from the surrounding waters of Chicago was closed to incoming for Tbuf 'day had been put of until next Tuesday. (AP)-ll lan for till 311l!. ml'r- the Eel River. Debris from the flood had Iociged against tho hou .. and Mix, flights for l'h hours early in the day. He made the statement aftcr a ieu ll tampaign that lI1i ht in- key players near Fernadal., Calif. -AP Wirephoto The mercury climbed to 74 - a summer level - before noon in meeting with the chief delegates of dud Ir t d monstration the Buffalo the United States, Britain, the So- , Grand Island, Neb. It set a record Small Plane viet Union and France, along with hav(' h t'n laid bl'(orc oulh not need the for so late in December. leaders or various regional Rroup . Vltt l\arn '~ rllllil ry hi rorehy dy had won White TEMPERATURES SCALED un· Study Reflects "The Russian position remains by LI. C('n ' I) 'n Khanll hr title. usual heights for the eve of Christ· Carrying 3 unchanged," Soviet delegate Niko· mas Eve in other central districts. se the s~rv· lai T. Fedorenko told a reporter th(· disput(' over <:lvil rule, in- Christmas! ' Santa Clauses in their fleecy suits after the meeting. fonlll'd some aid' dn s- Lance AI· Iowa Personal . and ample beards just had to sweat Is Missing is left knee By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS it out. UA meeting of interested delega· day. lworln, tne A blustery storm was expected to The topsy·!urvey turn of the wea· JEFFERSON"" - A small, twin· tions was held and an exchange of Ambassador M . II' U 0 Taylor, er with 90 churn through Iowa between Wed· ther was pointed up by midnight engine plane carrying three exec· views took place," a statement "ho i in hi iJith month 8 th all right Sat· Income High nesday night and tonigbt, providing readings - 68 in Denver, Colo., and utives of the Nationwide Motor Club from Quaison-Sackey said. a white Christmas for virtually all 61 in Miami, Fla. was reported missing Wednesday. "It was agreed that the next .5. en voy to Sai;on, wo d scribed appeared to Iowa's personal income during sections of the state. While chinook - warm - winds An air and ground search was start· meeling of the General Assembly o. potentially a peciric t fI:et. it resumed 1963 surpassed all previous rec· But there was little hint of snow played such tricks along the eastern ed in northern Iowa and southern will be held Tuesday, Dec. 29, at THE CRISIS t orf In !gon. ords, a University of Iowa study in Wednesday afternoon weather. orial Stadi· slopes of the Rocky Mountains, win· Minnesota. 10;30 a.m." Wa hin glon relolion by Ih' mill. shows. Temperatures in southern parts of K de. to be jam· try cold persisted near the Canadian The plane, a yellow Beechcrart, Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson tory puree undayofth IIIIIb Na. 41,000 fans. It marked the eighth consecutive the state reached up into the 60s, border. Minot, N.D., had even zero bed this comment after the meet· enne y on rUlse year in which previous income shattering bigh marks for the date. may have encountered poor visibil· and snow. At the same time Rapid ity on a flight from Jefferson to ing : "Let's say there has been on lion J Council ' t ms at I t in part totals have been surpassed, al· In the north, however, a cold front City, S.D., 280 miles to the south, S.nator Edwerd K.nnedy, with hi. wlf. Joan Ind children, bo.rded from a ptrsonolity cl h between Mankato, Minn., Tuesday night. armistice, but no peace treaty." his father', yacht Wedn.sdlY for a late Ifternoon cruise. Teddy, III commander of the Vietn m though the study points out th~ kept highs itt the upper 305. had 45 above zero. Snowfalll'anged The session had been called Cor Jowa is receiving a diminishing The cold front edged southeast. Dense fog and mist plagued the Thursday to dispose of year.end Jr., is In front of Mrs, Kennedy. Stnltor Ktnntdy. wurlng I armed forcc. and Taylor, a r tired up to eight inches in North Dakota. al ea during the night and into Wed· 'H" s {lroportion of the national person· ward in Iowa late Wednesday and SNOW ALSO SWIRLED in Michi· . d h d' t'l brlCO for hi. beck, is Vilellionlnll in Palm Btlch, FIe. gcn ~ r a l who form rly w chall'm n nesday. busmess, an t en a JOurn un I of the U.S. JOint Chirfs of St al income. new cold air was moving into north. gan's Upper Peninsula and in nor· Jan. 11 in the hope that voluntary _AP Wirephoto rr. In t963 , Iowa's personal income west counties. thern and central Maine. A spokesman lor the firm, Jack Hammer of Oskaloosa, identlfied financial contributions would bring No immcdlat r llon wa evi. of $6.4 bi~lion ~as 1.39 per cent The upshot was to be sleet and During the night gusts up to 100 an end to the crisis caused by D f d T I dent among rcudln VietnamI.' of the nalt.onal figure . In 1950, the freezing rain, changing to snow in m.p.h. raked Boulder, Colo., dis· those aboard as John Denadel , oil , failure of the Soviet Union and e en 5 ay 0(- factions to Secretary of SUlte DeDn 8lat~ received 1.68 per cent, ac· northern counties by morning and rUpting electric power for four of Oskaloosa, president of Nation· otber debtor nations to pay peace· Ru. k'. call in W 5hlnllton for shclv. cordmg ~o the U. of I report. spreading across the state during hours. Blowing dust closed U.S. 287 wide, and two company representa. keeping dues . e m of personal conald r tions aDd A • Imllar dechne. was ~een tn the day. Precipitation was to end in and U.S. 87, but they were reopened tives, Harold Reichart of Mankato, R k A k v t N Minn., and Walter Chesley of Mon. But with failure to reach agree· US S S Ie am i r ill s in th intere of pro- Iowa s share ~f regIonal JDcome. western sections by afternoon and in the mornin, as visibility im· ment at the meeting of the key moting the war lIai t th VI The state r~celv~ 17.52 ~r cent northeast tonight. tivedeo, Minn . of the regional IDcome m 1963 ____ _____-.., _ proved. diplomats, there was no purpose Congo Hammer, general manager of the d compared with 19.13 in 1950, ,, ~~, I , in calling an assembly session (or Un'lte, Fleght Re INFORMED ource sold Khanh, company, said Denadel was pilot. Thursday. The postponement wa To s who w dl placed as preml r la t The study on Iowa's personal I • '" f . ing the craft when it took off from decided upon In order 10 give month by a civilian regime t up here around 7:45 p.m. Tuesday. Il I phone 338.(1243. income was written by Vern Hag· ~. " .. ..'J \V en, re earch assistant in the Uni. .,\,.."\ .. ; . i<' " more time for negotiations, and to SIll:\CTON (AP ) _ crctary of lal Dean RII \k with U '. ble ing, laid before hI 12·24 was due at Mankato about 45 min· permit the diplomats to consult ,.... mlli lary counCil o( aboul 20 eneral versity's Bureau of Business and . , ~ .. utes later, but never arrived. with their home capitals. called on outh Vl t' t (1 111 ~ rnrlltar I 'udl'rs \\ 'dIll' da to pi th outlm of a campaign against •.
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