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Reproductions Supplied by EDRS Are the Best That Can Be Made from the Original Document. ,S\/,,,A, 'C\\ 0,,K,\ ,2,,\N- O .0-\E' Ae \I\C) C" \C,5\'` C\,.E,O, T..,E

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 438 361 UD 033 326 TITLE White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans. Annual Performance Report. Fiscal Year 1998. INSTITUTION President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans (ED), Washington, DC. PUB DATE 1999-12-00 NOTE 118p.; Prepared by the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans. AVAILABLE FROM White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Room 5E110, Washington, DC 20202. Tel: 202-401-1411. For full text: PUB TYPE Reports Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC05 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Annual Reports; Elementary Secondary Education; *Equal Education; *Excellence in Education; Federal Aid; *Federal Government; *Federal Programs; Government Role; *Hispanic Americans ABSTRACT This annual report presents information from federally mandated annual surveys of federal agencies to assess their performance in providing educational opportunities to Hispanic Americans. Profiles were designed to gather the following information for each agency: exemplary programs/activities; contributions to Hispanic Serving Institutions; employment of Hispanics; future investments; and point of contact. Analysis of the 27 agency submissions indicated that there have been improvements since the last survey. In 1995, most agencies reported that they did not have the necessary data to comment on their agency's effectiveness in this area. The 1998 report shows that several agencies now have sufficient information to design and implement strategies targeting the Hispanic community. The 27 agencies submitting reports described a wide array of programs designed to meet the educational needs of Hispanic Americans. The process of collecting annual plans from each federal agency has increased their awareness of their responsibility to better meet the educational needs of Hispanic Americans. Several actions are being planned by the White House Initiative to increase the role of federal agencies in addressing the educational achievement of Hispanic youth in the future. (SM) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ,s\/,,,a, 'c\\ 0,,k,\ ,2,,\N- o .0-\e' Ae \i\c) C" \c,5\'` c\,.e,O, t..,e. 0,4 sc'c, rimDeC ,o.c \,c,,\,0\ ,pec\-6,,,c0"\6\ o.c'\<\\. \e` ,,.0c, c.:-)ec e<e° .\,\.ks\,.c ,),,. ,,0 e,Ni- \ N,a,:c\ . oe9 c\fa.-, et, 'N.° _,c\e" e\.--)0S a:cc\ cx. $c.o ep oN 0\,-* :3 ,,,,c..,c-"001 ,-,'a. \\S oe * scN o\ . co '.,,._ 0,\ ,ck"\ ec,\, ---JC) .0s csC (a. 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