University of Wollongong Research Online The Living Daylights Historical & Cultural Collections 1-29-1974 The Living Daylights 2(4) 29 January 1974 Richard Neville Editor Follow this and additional works at: https://ro.uow.edu.au/livingdaylights Recommended Citation Neville, Richard, (1974), The Living Daylights 2(4) 29 January 1974, Incorporated Newsagencies Company, Melbourne, vol.2 no.4, January 29 - February 4, 28p. https://ro.uow.edu.au/livingdaylights/14 Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: [email protected] The Living Daylights 2(4) 29 January 1974 Publisher Incorporated Newsagencies Company, Melbourne, vol.2 no.4, January 29 - February 4, 28p This serial is available at Research Online: https://ro.uow.edu.au/livingdaylights/14 Vol2.No4Jan29-Feb4 30c ‘The simple mechanism of can turn into something not anonymous flocking behavior only inhuman but truly terrible ” ■ ■ ■ orSUNBURY a bawdy weekend of SPECIALripper vibes and sensational INSIDE music, Editor • * .............. Lashes out S one squeaky voice in what pur­ A ports to be a crude collective, I’d like to say that while Ward McNally’s stirring o f the cesspool o f professional Boy roasted IF 3 & V boxing (page 6) is useful, he doesnt come Richard Beckett CAPE TOWN, Jan. 27. — An 11- year-old South African colored to terms with the bestial nature o f the boy who was roasted by three white mpn is to nave psychiatric o/V£- beats up treatment to try to cure him of sport itself; the bloody concept of a fear of whites. Godfrey Lambert was caught slogging match and the motives for picking up coal at the Beaufort the week’s news West railway yaid. The whites, gambling on other mens blood. Australia aged 18, 20 and 24, beat him. un­ dressed him, smeared his body T’S AUSTRALIA YOU MUGS, with grease and held him in front has already elevated competitive sports to of a locom otive fire, giving him NOT BOGNOR REGIS: As third degree burns. a level o f caricature, from swimming to I The men were sentenced to six lashes each and one year’s im­ 7 all.. Sunday driving; without this paper loiter­ $:£: Queensland suffered one o f its natural prisonment, suspended for three years. ing at the ringsides. and rhythmic underwater periods, wow i WANr yoz which have been occurring since at least ’-TO U E D O H /V O /V Harry Gumboot is back with a bang, 7 H i5 f tP H A N b 7E o | weighing in against work, continuing the the end of time and long before land AU-AtcOT/r. debate on this subject which has been speculators were even heard of, two surreptitiously fluctuating in these pages matter fact statements went almost since issue one (page 5). Perhaps it’s all a unnoticed in the welter of stories about sly apology for his own slackness in these grandmothers clinging to the tops of past weeks. gum trees, heroic rescue bid by blind The work o f merely being alive leaves 8$ Spot, the drover’s dog, and telegrams of face prints, as Syd Shelton’s shots show sympathy from queen Elizabeth of Aus- of the Sydney busmen’s picnic (page 12). tralia. The mood is a graceful contrast to that of :£:j; The first was made by environment the Sunbury music festival, pulsating with minister, Moss Cass, who said “ the all the usual rituals o f youth; which, if a losses were distressing but both the gulf than five minutes o f any given day and he voice of the mock W: whether any members of the army are TURTLE WAS HEARD little hackneyed, were far less so than the and channel countries of Queensland T still able to pull a trigger in mock anger. THROUGHOUT THE LAND: Sir newspapers which reported the occasion. were subject to periodic flooding, every- Several Sunday journalists confessed to one knew that and those people who are Reginald Sholl, a former Victorian £:£ writing their stories before visiting the prepared to fly in the face of mother ack on the real front supreme court judge, said in Melbourne, *•* scene. So far was the truth from the nature just have to learn to offset B LINE: Firing yet another shot in that criminal law should not be changed “ nude orgy, pictures” and headlines, that profits from the tolerable years against the great butter-margarine war, the to excuse drug addicts and alcoholics one shudders to contemplate credibility >:*: the somewhat damp ones (or perhaps deputy New South Wales Labor opposi­ from their actions. In other statements, sir Reginald said that chronic alcoholism W:; in other areas. start breeding cattle with gills). When tion leader Mr Ferguson claimed that The living delights guide grows and Brisbane went under water, federal the dairy industry wanted to make should be punishable by banishment grows. There was a ballsup last week science minister Morrison, while exud- margarine so unpalatable that people from society, drug offenders should be involving Melbourne Delights which was ing a little clucking sympathy for the would, “ throw up rather than eat it” . treated equally harshly and that increas- X;X not the fault o f Chris and Eva, so sorry wet suburbanites, said many of the He also observed that while both armies ed criminal violence in the community $*: for any inconvenience. We’re trying it as a cities flooded areas had been irrespons- claimed that they were starving to was the result o f “ the decline o f relig- centre spread, to be lifted out and left ibly designed for housing or industrial death, both had managed to mount ious faith, the growth o f materialist and around. Is all the drudgery and time it 8$: development. He made no comment at intensive and costly public relations wholly selfish philosophy, the portrayal absorbs in preparation each week, worth­ j&v all on the mentally defective condition campaigns to press their points o f view, o f violence and cruelty as universal while? Please let either the Sydney or o f those who are mugs enough to a fact that somewhat spoiled their re­ entertainments". -gj; Melbourne Delights editors know, if there actually build houses over natural water spectable images. UST IN CASE YOU HADNT M are any gross omissions o f interesting courses. Meanwhile the Brisbane land NOTICED: The cost o f living in weekly things to do (see centrespread). speculators remain dry and insulated on eeping sm all nations in J Australia rose by 13 percent last year Margaret MacIntyre is soon to be higher ground. THEIR PLACE: American secre­ K which should worry absolutely no one phasing in as the overseer o f the music tary o f state, Dr Henry Kissinger, has who exists on a diet o f cold water and pages, joining our growing cottage indus­ KISS TO BUILD A DREAM ON: warned that the superpowers will joint­ seaweed. However, for the rest o f the try o f contributing editors. She plans to Seventyeight year old Edna Ed- ly adopt a “ strike first” war plan if A community, this could indicate the con- break out from the restrictions of rock wards o f the Sydney suburb o f Hurst- improvements in nuclear weapons went ditions this year might not be so rosy. :*ij consciousness and to concentrate more ij:$: ville, told police that a thief w’ o stole unchecked. He then gave the world a In an effort to damp down this mad $100 from her during the night returned little hope for the future by stating that on indigenous music scenes. spiral, the federal government an- As the commune movement acceler­ $7 o f his takings and gave her a kiss on American nuclear strategists had decided nounced that it would support quarterly ates in Australia, so does the controversy the cheek before bounding out into the to switch nuclear targeting from cities cost o f living adjustments and at the 8 8 continue as how to balance anarchy with night, presumably into the arms o f a to military installations in the future same time it increased the health fund structure. In the first TLD o f the year, somewhat younger companion. because advances in nuclear missile contributions - making it highly unlike- Graeme Dunstan, announced a workshop development no longer favored the ly that anyone will dare to get sick in :$ :3 on alternative living to be held in New e didnt even mention women and children first principle. 1974. M England, NSW, all invited, $6 fee, febru- HGOUGH WHITLAM: Author Pat- rick White in accepting the Australian o f m ary 15 to 20th, more information from HERE’S SMALL POX IN THE EAT ME, WHIP ME: The world’s :j:§: the Year award in Melbourne said he Alternative Living Foundation, PO box BLANKETS AGAIN: Senator best known child care expert, Dr S S believed the prize should have been T B 126, Uralla, 2358. In this issue, Frank Neville Bonner has revealed that mili­ Benjamin Spock, has blamed himself for g g shared by three other people — historian Wingham, a widely travelled commune tant aboriginals are prepared to use producing “ the spoiled brats o f Ameri- professor Manning Clark, green bans chronicler, airs his rather didactic views, violence against the white community ca” . He said inability to be firm with builders laborer, Jack Mundey and pages 16 and 17 (and he also supplied the to achieve their aims and are at present children was one o f the commonest Barry Humphries, chronicler o f the pas- pics).
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