|&^£&&.';^^^ i^A,^*'S>v'":V':?.'v.'-V''-'':'*-: ^t^'.i'"•'•'•• "'• :.' '-':.'<'.^' '- ' ;r'-- '"'•- v ' -r'-NV •' • .y-.-; -'.'-"• •/ "-: ^"-Iv' '-.I •/fr.—T •*••-/> - :£ .--.'-. •-'•''•;••••'..:.• .••'- ':•,•--*•'••.,---... ' .-••-.•-• - - -- • FOURTEEN BAPTIST MESSENGER s^'^ 1 - [ > . ~. • : will direct : the:.;Sunday/ $chool < ; Terms of the school year open Sept ported could bei'.held,with good results. {not Baptists) which invitations I The meeting was finally thrown Underneath their -seeming -indifference. paJfen of the Church from 17, Nor; 19, Jan. 21 and Mar. 24. One gladly, accept open for questions. Many were asked Dec; 9i A Reilly may enter or yithdraw at the close of hundreds of Jews .are "really longing Recently a prominent Doctor of this by both Jews and Christians. At the for religious - light.: Their hearts vare a term and be credited with the work City (Atlanta) told me ttf his deep In- conclusion groups of people gathered THE FUN BOOilC by Edna.Geister^ taken. Ttiis is an advantage to those hungry for something more: than they : terest in the salvation of the Jews around the doctor to thank him for his now have. .,,:..-. .;.•',- : •'•'.-••*•.. -^ . ; -'.',.'.-•'• published by th' e • Corah -Company * at able to get a leave of absence for nine and: through him opportunity was giv- part, and the speaker had both Jews Creeks from their fields. Many 'in the en to hold a service in the church in and Christians to assure him of their ORPHAN HOME HAPPENINGS > This:, book by the ''popular author of 1701*1703 Chwtout St, Phil* Seminary make their way by supplying which he has his •membership. -The interest One Jew in particular after- "Ice Breakers" and other entertain-: 1 '" " ''; ••••••^^ nearby churches. -mPTit' • hnnVn rwitalna ninn**'-- Wfl^:-!i^-v''-t:^"^ .doctor issued invitation cards and the service remarked:"! didn't know Last week we received from the .nitfZJl UUUAOj (JUJJloillD OlUula - HUU */ ii^«^^^*XXl^«-«^-^r^<^-*N^^iMp^-r^-^y7S^^ mailed letters to his ^Jewish and Chris- I had more friends in the church than games,for':every month in the year, ^- v^'--^'^^^ ORDINATION AT GROVE First Church, McAJester, two boxes.of , tian friends. In his letter to the Chris- I have in the synagogue." fruit, a quilt, some towels, etc. 'Seven Entertainment committees will wel- tians he'had enclosed a number of It would help greatly if other lay- boxes of fruit came from Shawnee, come this new volume of-the splendid/ PELOUBET'S J. Gnver Scales, judge of the county invitation cards requesting that they men and pastors'would follow the ex- three boxes fruit from Ada. The mis- series of books on entertainment- court of Delaware county, was ordain- "be given to their Jewish friends. ample of this Methodist layman. Many sionary society of Miami sent us two. ed to the fall gospel ministry Monday This service was held on September meetings similar to this one-here re* barrels fruit. One box of fruit came Rev. William N; Whicker, quite well night when 250 or more people gath- 23.1923, at the Ponce de Leon Avenue from the Immanuel Church, Muskogee. known inOklahoma, who has beenjn ered at the First BaptisJ Church at Methodist Church. As this was the By AMOS R. WELLS, LJil. D.. LL.D. PAL-PINTO CRYSTALS Virgie Kinchloe received a package Kansas for some, time* now located In Grove, following a call two weeks ago time between the Jewish holidays we from Hobart; Mary Edwards, a box Ashland, Kansas, writes that since be- to the "pastorate of that church. The did not expect many-of the Jews to from McCurtain; Ray Baine, a» box- ing forced on account of health .to Golden Anniversary Volume ordaining presbytery was composed of attend. However, as the singing com- Made and guaranteed by from Sharon; Ruben Meade, a package take up work in the western part of the following ministers and deacons, menced the crowds began to gather Texas Carlsbad 'Wider. Company, from Gowen sent by W.; R. Merry; the state, he has become much strong- • whose places on the program are also with a Jew In the lead. The large MineroTWellsj Texas. For half a century this Sunday Edith Bush, a box from Clinton, sent er and after- a minor operation early School Commentary has been, given Rev. R. K ' Auston, Rogers, auditorium was soon filled with Jews Nature's own true laxative for the by Mrs. Hal Sodenhamer; Georgia In the year expects to be as good as Ark, moderator; Rev. J. M. "Wiley, and Christians. Jewish faces were treatment of rheumatism, constipa- Raimey, a package from Cordell sent ever." '. '•;.•. V-'. .- • .: ..'.•;."•/-•"•" the constant helper of millions Muskogee, examination of candidate; seen all over the house, some of them tion, indigestion, diabetes, blight's by Mrs. Emery Miller; Mary Edwards, : He has held a number of meetings of Sunday School teachers, and Rev. W. O." Leach, Bristow, ordination the most outstanding of the race. and nervous diseases. For sale by a package from McCurtain sent by with gratifying success in this mission the 1924 volume finds itself at sermon; Rev. Elmer Reynolds, Ketch- W. H. Gllllland, State Agent, Box 165, Mrs. Madden; Nellie Kinchloe, a box territory. He has been on his present the very* pinnacle of its useful- ton, ordination, prayer preceding the Oklahoma City. Okla., at 11.00 per box, field five months. Work is prosperous. laying on of hands; Rev. R. D. Shel- from Butler; Leia May Seaborn; a ness and popularity. A sale ot LYMYER by parcel post. ; Send P. O. money Bible from Circle number 2, Lawton;' "There Is plenty of work in western don, "VlGita, charge to the candidate; MOO order or check. Agents wanted all Kansas; most of it missionary work, over three million copies is a Rev* C. Stubblefield, Miami^ charge to roa. Little Louise Mogar, a box from the record which speaks for itselt. CHURCH OtntnOECAtALOCUB over the state. missionary society at Oiiton; Little our present churches not having very the church; G. SL London, Miami; pre- ^UbMu*W7 r OB <^XNT^• AXr* Residence address, 913 N. Dewey. toClftctanatl feu Fooadnr Co. CbotaMtl. Oh Garvis Tubbs, a box from Rubottom solid foundations,•'cioctrinally. Most of Send For the first lesson sentation of the bible; Jtoy Wills, Mi- W. R. GILTJTiAND State Agent them receive alien baptisms, etc. How- ami, clerk; W. W. Jarnagin, presenta- sent by Mr. and Mrs, J, L. King; Myr- of 1924 tion^ of the candidate, and Rev, May. tle Steakley, a package from Yukon; ever, our church Is of the old faith and Price $1.90 net $2.00delivered field, Caynga, and S_ L. PoDan, J* W* Alice, Thoraason, a box from Carmen. stands for the Bible and all it teaches. A box of towels and three quilts I want some strong evangelistic pastor; \V. A. WILDE COMPANY Walker and John R. Parker, deacons in Oklahoma to exchange work .with" in the Grove church. A large part of came from Wynnewpod sent by Mrs. 120 BOYLSTON STREET, BOSTON. MASS W. .R. Wheeler;, one quilt, from Ko- me in revival meetings in the spring."/ the membership of the Baptist Church FOR SAL£ AT ALL 3OOKSTOXE5 nawa sent by Mrs. S. W. Bates; six • at"'Jay attended the ordination, .and quilts, one blanket, and some clothes Complete courses lu bookkeeping Sirs. Duffield read a letter from that and shorthand taught by mail; Suc- church expressing their high esteem from the Grandfleld W. M; TL; five = cases canned goods from Wright City; cess guaranteed. Easy payments. Di-; for Brother Scales, Mrs; Everett Lee Oklahoma Baptist JTJT^TJ--«^..^^-^^-.»rtJ.J^^-^JF^- i • . ^ plomas granted. Write for particulars.; of'Berzuce, sang a solo at the begin- twenty-four quarts of canned peaches ning of the services. from the W, M. A., Altus; one barrel Abernethy's Commercial School, Wea- of fruit from the W. B. M. S. of Noble; therford, Okla. Judge Spales'has served as county one barrel fruit arid candy from Wag- judge since 1S19, and will continue in FRUIT TREES—ALL PREPAID that office while serving the church as Orphans Home oner; one box fruit, Altus; three boxes fruit. pastor until January, 1925, when his For $4.00 We Will Ship You Either -judicial term expires. He held the One blanket and quilt from the Ca- - Assortment No. ^ or No. 2 office of county superintendent from nadian church,; \Vayrie; one general No. 1—6 Plum Trees, Assorted Japan •1S11 to 1915, after -wiiich he taught box from Covlngton; a check for ten varieties. * -for two years, and then was elected i dollars from Baptist Ladies' Aid, Ed- 6 Peach Trees, Assorted Varie- county treasurer for the term from It will cost approximately $100.00 tofurnish a room. We now mond, for Nora Ennis, sent by Mrs. ties. - 1917 to .1919. He received his educa- Louisa Hayen. 6 Grape Vines, Concord and tion at the Male Seminary at Table- | have the promise by several W. M, S. that they will famish a room. A coop* containing forty-five chick- Niagara. ; . ? ens from Grandfleld sent by Pastor <iaaJv graduating there in 1909, and j If your Society will do this write the Superintendent The old furnl- No. 2—6 Nut Trees, Assorted kinds. teaching ia that institution from that Drake; fifteen dollars from Drumright 6 Apple Trees, Assorted varie- for Henry Moss' clothes. : time until the buildings burned in I ture is wholly unfit for our children's comfort and happiness. 1 ' . - • ties. .. i . '. "'.'••/•/•' '' March, 1910, after which he entered H. J. Ridings. 6 Flowering Shrubs, Assorted public life in a wider sphere and un- kinds; dertook the study of law/Judge Scales Don't be discouraged, poor little fly, Both1 assortments for $7.50.
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