Memorial Day Services Planned at Shore SEE STORIES PAGE 5,12 Sunny and Mild Mostly sunny, mild today. 1WIMIIY FINAL Clear and mild tonight. Sun- ny, milder tomorrow and "1 Red Bank, Freehold 7 Sunday. hong Branch J EDITION (Bee Detain, Pne IX Monmouth County's Home Newspaper lor 92 Years POL. 93, NO. 236 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1970 - 22 PAGES 10 CENTS Youth at Rally KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) no^" and "one, two, three, heard and when they speak try where • a , young person Nixon invited the' Univer- — President Nixon has told four, we don't want Nixon's they think other people should knows that there is a peace- sity of Tennessee student gov- a youth night crpwa at a Bil- war." The crowd booed the be silent so that they can,be ful way he; can change what ernment president, John Rob- ly. Graham crusade that'to demonstrators. heard." /^ he doesn't like about America ert Smith of Kingsport, Tenn., realize their full potential, Nine Arrested The President continued: and that is why it is a great for a brief talk oh the presi- young Americans "must turn, . Poljce arrested nine per- "It js a generation that is not country." dential aircraft before leaving to those great spiritual sons on charges of disturbing the lost generation, as some • Graham made a plea for Knoxville for San Clemente. sources that have made a public worship, a misde- Americans think. It isn't the Americans' to support Nixon "I was impressed because America the great country it meanor. ! beat-up generation. It can be in what he called "the world's he was very concerned and. is.". , Nixon said he and the stu- and will become the great loneliest and toughest job." very worried about the prob- The crusade was held last dents both want the same young generation." • The evangelist invited Nix- lerhsof our country, but he is night at the University of Ten- thing —peace. ' . Nixon- conceded America on and his wife to attend the . searching for answers," nessee football stadium, and. "I can tell you my life is isn't everything he would like crusade while on their way Smith said as Air Force One a university official estimated dedicated to the cause that I it to be. Young people, he from Washington to their San roared off in the background. that 75,000 heard the Presi-. know you are dedicated to, all said, are concerned about Clemente, Calif., home for Smith said he and the Pres- dent' and the evangelist of you," the chief executive such things as air and water the Memorial Day weekend. ident discussed domestic and speak. , declared. "I want this nation pollution, poor housing, infer- "We know, by your pres- international issues and their The- President, appearing to be at peace, and We shall l ior education and alienation ence, you are once again main area of disagreement on a college campus for the be. • between the races. reminding us that ours is was the invasion of Cambod- first time in almost a year, "A great majority of Amer- "I know there are things a crisis of the spirit — and ia. The student leader said was interrupted during his ica's young people, as I do, about America that are that only the spirit of God he and Nixon agreed on the brief speech by a small band do approve of dissent but they wrong," he said. "But I also can heal us and bring us to- right of dissent and a.dislike of hecklers chanting "peace say they want the right to be know this: that it is a coun- gether," Graham told Nixon. of violence. iiiiiim Still a Mystery By JANET STAIHAK SOMERS POINT (AP) — One year ago two coeds left this resort bound for home after a brief vacation. A short time later they were murdered in a wooded thicket, SURVEYING CROWD — Evangelist Billy Graham, left, • Their deaths marked the beginning of one of the most and President Richard M-Nixon, survey the capacity intensive manhunts in South Jersey history—a search that crowd of more than 65,000 persons attending Graham1* is still methodically going on as the killer walks free. Crusade at Neyiand Stadium on the campus of the Today droves of vacationers unwittingly drive past the University of Tennessee last night. (AP WirephotoJ patch of Jersey scrub pines on the Garden State Parkway where the two 19-year-old girls died Friday, May 30, 1969. , VICTIMS IDENTIFIED The victims,, Susan Davis of Camp HiU; Pai, and Elizabeth Perry of. Excelsior, Minn., decided to leave Ocean Utility HSIOM City, early1, that morning to. beat the Memorial Day traffic. They had spent three days shopping, sunbathing and going to liquor-free nightspots in the South Jersey resort town. They^lanned to Join Miss Davis' family in Camp, HiU Plans for a trip to Duriiam, N. C., where her brother was-to" By PAUL KERN T3eing below the minimums graduate from Duke University. Susan and Elizabeth had THAT BIG riOARD LOOK — The stock market board and faces of watchers mesh in this doiibJe.Mpqsurt ,ajr NEWARK — The chairman set by the Federal Power met as students at Moniieello Junior College, Godfrey, 11. branch office of Merrill, Lynfchr fierce, Fenner & Smith in New York's Rockefeller Center aiTjhe Wlcei con- of the Board of Public Utili- Commission and too low to DROVE IN CONVERTIBLE tinued its upward swing-ye*tejn*a^i \ \' ' , „ >(AP WirephotoJ ties Commissioners yesterday meet obligations to the Penn- Harold Syben, owner of the rooming house where the questioned .Whether the par- sylvania -. Jersey - Maryland girls stayed, and his wife bid them goodbye as the coeds ^ .,!.'•. v : - =^- ent cbtnpany of Jersey Central connection which . requires drove off in Susan's blue convertible. Power and Light to. and New each of its member com- "Be careful, be careful," my wife told those girls, Jersey-Power, and Light Co. panies ha,ve sufficient re- Syben said later. • .. should be allowed to expand. , serves to help out in an emer- Three miles; up the-road, the guis stopped to eat Yesterday's hearing was or- gency. breakfast at the Somers Point Diner. They accepted the Prosecutor Expects Jury dered .for the utility to show 1 Cites Reserves" offer of two yoifihs who insisted, on paying the bill, and cause why it shouldn't be or* W, G. Kuhns, president of then resumed the trip to Camp Hill dered to increase its power Somewhere between that diner and the .thicket the by 400,000 kilowatts. GPU, explained that JCP&L coeds encountered a man who stabbed'them to death with Thev parent company, Gen- and NJP&L's revenues are so a penknife. To Get City Scandal Case eral Public Utilities, is asking low that, according to regu- Unfortunately, a series of errors marred the police" in- LONG BRANCH — Mon- prosecutor , deems her pres- news stories and publicity Robert Graziano and William for a 13 per cent rate increase lations, it won't be allowed vestigation of the crime. mouth. County Prosecutor Vin- ence-necessary.- about the case were prema- for JCP&L and claims that to borrow enough money to fi- CAR DISCOVERED Bpnforte, as weir as'Firemen cent P. Keuper expects the . Bichard B. Ansell, attorney ture and could .be prejudicial Robert Faye and Alfied'.For- if an "immediate and sub- nance the construction it At 8:30 the same morning the girls died, a state police results of a probe: of mis- for the suspended policemen, stantial" interim increase trooper found their car abandoned on the Garden State to his clients. He added that nlcola; - - • • • needs to meet power require- conduct charges against seven, said yesterday that there is he feels the basis of the .Specifics of charges,against istft granted while the ma- 1 Parkway. Since abandoned cars are hot a novelty, only, suspended city police officers jor Increase is under consid- ments. ' '. ' . routine cheeking procedure was followed. The convertible a possibility that Mr. Keuper charges is "political" and in-, the city.workers art expect- and a,pair of firemen to go will bring charges against his volves ' personalities within ed to be released by Bernard eration, it will have to cancel, GPU, as a holding com- was towed from the murder scene to an auto service lot and before ,the Grand Jury next: clients.. He; added,, however, the Police Department. : ' the needed project. pany, has been putting more left there. M. Harfoett, city business ad- Cites Decision week, ("::•:•' r •::'••; 1 •'' that he believes there is no :The suspended city em- ministrator, . Monday.-. ,Mr. money into the two smaller Further dealy resulted when a clerk made a mistake in Mr. Keuper said yesterday substance- to- the situation' ployes are Detectives Joseph. Hartnett suspended the .men William E- Ozzard, chair- utilities than it gets out and checking the license number, and Subsequently reported that that • the. .investigation' by which would warrant such ac- • Miller and Gregory Bova^Pa- last Saturday, following a man of the state board which the license was issued to another Camp Hill resident. ; can no longer afford the fi- County. Detective Capt. An- tion. •••'•• ...••".•• trolmen James Scial]o,Augus- • three-day investigation of Uje must approve the rate in- nancing program,.Mr. Kuhns Susan's and Elizabeth's worried parents contacted Camp drew B. Manning. nears\com-' • Mr. Ansell also said that tus Anfuso, Patrick Conte, alleged incident; i • crease" and has the power to said. Hill and New Jersey Police Saturday and,rented a heli- pletion. He said facts un- order utility construction, not- He said the area served by copter to (search for them.
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