s zn e year 1 r 1 RECORD A ugus t 1 4 1 9 9 9 1 In this issue Pastor's case before high court Eastern Solomons grows despite squeeze Now I'm a missionary Will the Toronto Blessing be an Adventist curse? edit o r i a l BEWARE THE SPIRITUAL HOOP ROLLERS n the search for a deeper spiritual greeted the "Blessing" as if it were a puts spiritual gifts in their place in experience, some Seventh-day new phenomenon. It isn't. This kind the 13th chapter—faith, hope and IAdventists are experimenting with of thing has raised its head in various love, especially love, must come first. the charismatic movement. That's forms throughout Christian history If these are missing, there's already a why, beginning in this issue, you'll and is well documented since the problem with the gift. find a series of three articles consid- Reformation. The gifts, he says, are to build up ering the background of this move- Even during the early Advent the church, not divide it. They must ment, sounding a warning. movement, in 1844, there are reports also be controlled at all times. And Was it just a matter of time before of those claiming they had the Holy Paul warns of feeling superior about the charismatic movement began to Spirit—they would roll like a hoop private interpretations of God's word impact on the Seventh-day Adventist as evidence. Fascinating. (1 Corinthians 14:12, 26-32, 36, 37). Church? After all, it has impacted on Wait a minute! Ellen White con- This passage is not a model of gift 4 almost every other denomination demned hoop rollers, but wasn't she use, but Paul's attempt to bring back over the latter half of this century. involved in some charismatic-type into line something out of control. Will there be a charismatic wing of incidents early in her ministry? The (The Corinthian church was also vir- the church in the future? Would it evidence is that she was, briefly. The tually out of control. It was divided, matter? Well, yes, it would. bickering, unstable and a theological- I sympathise with the restless who ly naive church—any pastor's night- yearn for something extra in their Will there be a mare.) Christian experience, and within the charismatic wing Importantly, Paul had a message church. It happens as people for those who demanded miraculous become frustrated with what they of the church? signs of him. "We preach Christ cru- see as a lack of spirituality in them- cified" (1 Corinthians 1:23, NW). selves and the church, frustrated with evidence is also that soon after, she That transcends any gift. the lack of growth and with the per- was battling "fanatics" (her word) We must always be open to the ceived lack of commitment by fellow who claimed to heal the sick and Spirit working in our lives. While church members. work miracles. And she warned downplaying and avoiding extremes, There's a desire for something against those who "rejoice and exult don't shun the real thing. And under- more, a deeper experience. that they have the gifts, which others stand that the real thing will always John Wesley had that desire. He have not" (Selected Messages, Book 2, be biblically based for it is the same claimed there was a second blessing pages 26, 27; Testimonies for the Spirit who gave the Word (2 Peter beyond salvation for those who Church, Vol 1, pages 418, 419). 1:19-21). sought it sincerely. Wesley never Her counsel is timely. And history The search for a deeper spiritual attained the second blessing, but said puts things into perspective for it experience can take us down many he knew some who had. helps us understand that these paths in a variety of faiths—Christian Theologically, Wesley's teaching extreme movements come and go. and non-Christian. The led to perfectionism. It also gave Even if we dismiss the extremes, search for a deeper if respect to the second blessing of the though, there's still a problem. The Christian experience Pentecostal and charismatic move- Spirit is at work in God's people. can only be found ments with their emphasis on the The Spirit does give gifts. Should the down one path, fol- Spirit's gifts of miracles and tongues. gifts be encouraged? Yes. lowing the Word of More recently, the Toronto Blessing But they need to be encouraged the Spirit. captured attention with "holy laugh- on a biblical basis. Read 1 Corinth- ter," being "drunk in the Spirit" and ians 12-14 where Paul battles gift being "slain in the Spirit." People abuse in the church at Corinth. He Bruce Manners Next week Official Paper Manuscripts Should be sent to The Editor, RECORD, South Pacific Division Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799. ACN 000 003 930 Manuscripts or computer disks will only be returned if SEVENTIN-DAY ADvENrns-r accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Auckland Adventist Editor Bruce Manners CHURCH Phone: (03) 5966 9111 Senior assistant editor Lee Dunstan Fax: (03) 5966 9019 Hospital. Editorial assistant Brenton Stacey Email: recorMa 1 .com.ati Editorial secretary Meryl McDonald-Gough Senior consulting editor Barry Oliver Subscriptions South Pacific Division, $A40.00 Successes and $NZ73.00. All other regions, $A70.00. Air mail rates on application. Order from Signs Publishing Company, challenges. Vol 104 No 31 Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. Printed weekly by Cover photo: H Anderson Signs Publishing Company. Anon .c t 14_ 1999 adventist life NOW I FEEL LIKE A MISSIONARY b y Craig Gillis efore leaving for Vanuatu, I the airstrip for the rest of the day, so and slept on the floor in the house didn't feel like my new job I pressed them to decide where he of one of the church members. Bwould class me as a "mission- should be buried. It was decided to I was woken the next morning ary." It only took three days, soon bury him next to the bamboo by the church bell. I washed in a after our arrival in Vanuatu, for that church and the Adventist men began nearby spring and lead out in the feeling to change. digging while everyone else contin- church's daily morning worship. To I received news of the death of ued to wail. After working for 20 me, breakfast seemed like yet anoth- Jessy, a partially-paid layman who minutes, the digging was halted by a er feast—there was more food than I had only moved to work on an large volcanic rock. So digging could eat. island two weeks earlier. His wife, began again in another spot. The day passed in being taught to Pauline, wanted to take his body weave fans from palm fronds, fish- back to their home island and the ing with church members and con- mission chartered a plane for that ducting Bible studies. purpose. I was to fly with Jessy's One couple with whom I studied son, Ray, to take the funeral. were keen to be baptised but said The plane was on time, but the that there was a problem. The pilot wouldn't take off until he had young man confessed that he had word that the grass had been -stolen" his wife from a nearby vil- mown on the airstrip at our desti- lage. nation. While attempts were made Contrary to the tradition of to contact the island, I began to be arranged marriages, the young peo- concerned about the body starting ple had fallen in love but the man to decompose in the hot and could not afford a dowry so he had humid morning. After some wait- "stolen" her. I suggested that he ing, the pilot was assured that the should apologise to his in-laws and grass was short and we took off— pay the dowry, but that that should on arrival we discovered that only not stop them from being baptised. a quarter of the airstrip had been That night a prayer meeting was mown. held in the dimly-lit, bamboo We were greeted by a crowd of church. As I led the worship, in wailing men and women. Jessy these surroundings, I found myself had only been on the island for feeling as close to God as I ever 12 days prior to his death, but it have. seemed that the islanders felt that Morning worship was special. I he should be properly mourned. ordained a deacon and a deaconess Although Jessy had been a small and then we walked to the beach man, his coffin must have been a for the baptism. It was a black and one-size-fits-all arrangement and, rocky beach and the locals don't after a short memorial service with swim there because of the sharks. the assembled mourners, we strug- So, avoiding waves and sharks, I gled to fit it and nine people into baptised three people into Christ's the eight-seat plane. family. The arrival at Jessy's home village It was with great delight that the caused bedlam. As the plane landed, In the early afternoon, Jessy was church members of that island could about 120 people rushed toward us buried beside the church. I conduct- now say, "God allowed our brother wailing as loud as they could. The ed the funeral service and the coffin to fall asleep in Jesus, but in his coffin was dragged from the plane was lowered with bark rope and place God has given us three new and they all clambered to fall on the coconut palm leaves were placed on family members." coffin.
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