FOILS CON TINUE COMEBACK WHERE ARE YOU IN CYBERSPACE ?! RIDE CON TROL TECH NOL OGY AD VANCES STEADILY IHS re lies on elec tronic com mu ni- From an Ar ti cle by Paul Hynds in “Speed at Sea”, Jan u ary 1999 ca tion with the mem ber ship to im prove time li ness and re duce mail ing costs. If ar i time Dy nam ics Inc. (MDI) is a fa mil iar name in the com - you are a mem ber with email, let us know Mmer cial high speed craft in dus try, but the com pany has been your email ad dress! Thank you. de vel op ing and sup ply ing ride con trol sys tems since 1980. Through out this pe riod MDI equip ment has been fit ted to just about 1999 DUES ARE DUE ev ery type of fast ferry to en hance lev els of pas sen ger com fort in a sea way. Dif fer ent sys tems have been de vel oped to suit the mark edly IHS Mem ber ship is still only dif fer ent forms of high speed ferry tech nol ogy en com pass ing cat a- US$20 per cal en dar year (US$2.50 for ma rans, mono hulls, sur face ef fect ships and SWATH ves sels. stu dents). Your re newal or new mem ber- In 1996 MDI was ac quired by UK-based Vosper Thornycroft, which ship is critical. Please re mit 1999 dues as had al ready worked closely with the US com pany on fast ferry ride soon as pos si ble. We re gret that high bank con trol sys tems for sev eral years, pro vid ing hy drau lic equip ment and fees make it im prac ti cal for IHS to ac cept pay ment by credit card or a check drawn fin sta bi lis ers while MDI sup plied elec tronic ride con trol lers, T-foil on a non-US bank, or by other than US sta bi lis ers, and ac tive stern flaps. funds. Over seas mem bers with no easy MDI has in stalled more than 140 ride con trol sys tems to a wide va ri- way to send US funds, are ad vised to send ety of com mer cial ves sels op er at ing through out the world. Each sys - money or der to IHS or US Dol lars cash. tem is uniquely con fig ured as a spe cific ap pli ca tion to the par tic u lar ves sel , tak ing into ac count its de sign and the pre vail ing sea con di- IN SIDE THIS IS SUE tions of the in - - Wel come New Mem bers, p. 2 tended or most likely op er a tional - De liv eries and Or ders, p. 6 pro file. The most - K55 Ret ro fitted with Foils, p. 7 re cent ride con trol sys tem in stal la tions - Small Ships for U.S. Navy?, p. 8 in clude Incat’s first 96m wave- piercer - Teknicraft Uses Foils, p. 10 (Hull 050), TRICO - In Memoriam - Tom Ray, p. 11 For ward T-Foil on Austal 48m Ferry Ma rine’s SWATH crewboat Stillwater - Call For Pa pers for 30th, p. 12 See Mo tion Control, Page 3 - Let ters to the Ed i tor, p 13 WEL COME NEW MEM BERS PRESIDENT’S COLUMN Rob ert W. Hol land, Jr. joined the staff of Mar i time Ap plied Phys ics t is an ap pro pri ate time to pro vide Panel on Ad vanced Ma rine Ve hi cles, Corp. in Annapolis, MD in 1993. He all mem bers with an up date on the is pur su ing the scan ning and elec - has worked on a va ri ety of pro jects I“State of the IHS”. I am pleased to tronic re lease of about 500 re ports in clud ing QUEST, a HYSWAS re port that the State of the IHS is and tech ni cal pa pers on high per for- dem on stra tor craft built for the U.S. sound. Due to the hard work and mance ma rine ve hi cles. This will be Navy. Rob pro vides the ex per tise many hours of de voted ef fort by Bar - ac com plished with the co op er a tion for the com pa nies’ CAD ca pa bil ity. of and through the Na val Sur face ney Black, our Web Mas ter, and Dan iel C. Leggett ob tained a War fare Cen ter, Carderock Di vi sion many of the Board Mem bers, we are BSME from Clark son Uni ver sity in in Mary land, out side of Wash ing ton, see ing prog ress on sev eral fronts. 1989. He sub se quently earned a D.C. One, which is of great im por tance to Mas ters de gree in ME from Johns us, is our mem ber ship. The IHS con - All of you had an op por tu nity to com - Hopkins Uni ver sity. He re cently tin ues to reach out to the hy dro foil ment on a pro posal to hold a Cel e bra- joined Mar i time Ap plied Phys ics world via the “Net”; we are pull ing in tion and Meet ing to com mem o rate Corp. in Annapolis, MD where he is mem bers from all over the globe. the 30th An ni ver sary of the IHS in in volved in struc tural and me chan i- From this and other news let ters you the Year 2000. Some of you re - cal sys tems de sign. sponded, and al though the re sponse can see, un der the “Wel come New Jon a than E. Morley is cur rently was not over whelm ing, the Board of Mem bers” col umn, that the ad di tion study ing at Plym outh Uni ver sity, Di rec tors has de cided to pur sue this of new mem bers is hold ing at a very Plym outh, Eng land for a BEng Ma - event. Board Mem ber Jerry Gore high level. These new mem bers rep - rine Sys tems Tech nol ogy. He has eval u ated and sum ma rized the ques - re sent a wide va ri ety of in ter ests in be come in creas ingly in ter ested in tion naires. In part, he rec om mended the hy dro foil arena, and this is good hy dro foil de sign and is cur rently re - a one-day af ter noon and eve ning for the So ci ety. search ing ideas for his dis ser ta tion. meet ing. As a re sult we have is sued a At pres ent Jon a than is in ter ested in I would like to bring you up to date on “Call for Pa pers” which can be found mod el ing hy dro foil dy nam ics; sev eral ini tia tives. For some time we on page 12 of this News let ter. I have prov ing the va lid ity of such com - have been pur su ing the pos si bil ity of also sent out this “Call” by e-mail to par a tive meth ods. This is likely to pro duc ing a Hy dro foil Video. Sev - all mem bers who have pro vided us in volve ex per i men tal test ing on a eral at tempts with a num ber of or ga- with an e-mail ad dress. ni za tions have failed, but we are scaled craft, and at tempts to char ac- per sis tently and stub bornly seek ing a Again we were sad dened to hear of ter ize scal ing ef fects. the death of two more mem bers of so lu tion. The lat est is a prom is ing An drew Padgett is a stu dent at the hy dro foil com mu nity: Bill con tact through the Dis cov ery Chan - Ashville Col lege, Harrogate, North Schultz and Tom Ray. Both of them nel. We will keep you posted re gard- York shire, Eng land. He is tak ing were deeply in volved for many years ing any prog ress along this line. Ad vanced Level De sign and Tech - in the hy dro foil pro gram at Boe ing. Sec ondly, a long-term ef fort is to pro - nol ogy, and he has cho sen a de sign Sumi Arima and Bill Ellsworth were duce a Hy dro foil Tech nol ogy text - pro ject to make a de vice which will kind enough to pro vide some back - book. Our lat est ap proach is a in crease the size of the wake of a ground on these two fine and highly co op er a tive ef fort with the Uni ver- speed boat when wake- board ing be - re spected hydrofoilers. (See pages 11 sity of Mich i gan Dept of Na val Ar - hind it. This al lows one to do more and 12.) chi tec ture and Ma rine En gi neering. tricks. He hopes to get some in for- While on the sub ject of “pub li ca- John R. Meyer ma tion on this sub ject with the help tions”, Ken Spaulding, along with Pres i dent of fel low hydrofoilers.
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