—Lamp MANI COMMERCIAL cooltiL RARY NAIRCI m.1 TIIE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic orKenys (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol CIX—No. I NAIROBI, 5th January, 2007 Price Sh. 50 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAzErrs NoTtoEs—(Contd.) PAGE PAGE The Water Act —Appointment 2 Disposal of Uncollected Goods 29 Loss of Policies 29 The Kenya Water InSthitte Act—Appointment..„, ..... 2 The Police Act—Establishments 2 The Exchequer and Audit Act—Appointment 2 SUPPLEMENT N0.91 The Registration of Tides Act—Issue of Provisional Certificates 2-3 • Legislative Supplement • The Registered 'Land Act—Issue of New Land Tide LEGAL NOTICE NO. PAGE Deeds, etc 3-6 171—The Public Procurement and Disposal Act—Commencement 1117 The Land Acquisition Act—Addendum 6 172—The Customs and Excise (Amendment) Probate and Adminiscation 6-26 Regulations, 2006 1117 The Physical Planning Act—Completion of 173—The Civil Aviation Act—Vesting Order 1125. IDevelcipmeat Plitt etc 26 The Baiiimptcy Act=–Recelving Orders 27 The Coatiptut ies Act,–Windhtg Up 27 SUPPLEMENT No. 92 The Teachers Service Commission Act--ReMoval from Register 28 Legislative Supplement LEGAL NOTICE No. PAGE Local Go■vrtlinent Notice 28 174—The Public. Procurement and Disposal The-Cust wits and Excise Act—Address 28 Regulations, 2006 1127 2 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5th January, 2007 CoRRIGENDI GAZETTE NOTICE No. 4 IN Gazette Notice No. 8037 of 2006, amend the expression printed THE POLICE ACT as "grant of letters of administration intestate" to read "grant of (Cap. 84) probate of written will". ESTABLISHMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 2 of the Police GAZETTE NOTICE NO, 1 Act. the Commissioner of Police establishes- THE WATER ACT . MBLIMBLINI PATROL BASE (No. 8 of 2002) in Makueni District of Eastern Province M/R No, CJ 4021. to be a police patrol post, with effect from 22nd November, 2006. APPOINTMENT Dated the 22nd November. 2006. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 83 of the Water M. H, ALI. Act. the Minister for Water and Irrigation appoints- Commissioner of Police. KARIOKI MUCH EMI to be a trustee of the Water Services Trust fund, for a period of three GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5 (3) years, with effect from 2nd January, 2007. and revokes the appointment of Jacob Thuranira Kaimenyi (Prof.)*. THE EXCHEQUER AND AUDIT ACT Dated the 2nd January. 2007. (Cap. 412) J. M. KATU KU; THE EXCHEQUER AND AUDIT (PUBLIC PROCUREMENT) /Waive for WWI* (Mt/ irrimalitill. REGULATIONS *G.N. 3306/2006. (LIV: 51 of 2001 APPOINTMENT 1t4 EXERCISE of the powers conferred by part 1.1 of the Eirst Schedule of the Exchequer and Audit (Public Procurement) GAZETTE NOTICE No. 2 Regulations, 1001; the Director of the Kenya Ana-Corruption Commission drItoitits- TI-IE KENYA WATER INSTITUTE ACT (No. 11 qf 2001) FATOMA SitlIALE 000.1 THE GOVERNING COUNCIL OE THE INSTITUTE to be the Chairperson of the Kenya AntltofetititIttli Cott irdss1011 fetid& Committee; with effect from the 1st Septeinber; 21110. APPOINTN1ENT Dated the 20th December, 2006. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 of the Kenya A: O. RINGERA. Water Institute Act. the Minister fof Water and Irrigation Ottectoi. Chief eseeld(i'r. A'eti)'tt..inti, Ctirritptiott ColMitissiott: Jacob Thuranira Kaitneityl (Prof.)=1C7tairinatt). Members: The Permanent Secretary. Ministry of Finance. GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6 The Permanent Secretary. Ministry of Local Government. Director of Water. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT Director of Kenya Water Institute. (Cap. 281: section 711 Chairman. Institute of Engineers of Kenya. ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE The Vice-Chancellor. Jomo Kenvatta University of Agriculture WHEREAS Patrick Munyingi. of P.O. Box 69, in the and Technology. Mweiga Republic of Kenya. is registered proprietor in reasehold interest of that Chairman. Nyasare Water Supply Association, piece Managing Director. Machakos Water and Sewerage Company. of land known as L.R. No. 7623/79. situate in the Nlweiga. Nyeri District. by virtue of a grant registered as I.R. 30577/I. and whereaS Margery W. Kabuya, sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said grant has to he members of the Governing Council of the Institute for a period of been lost. notice is given that after the expiration of ninety 1901 days three 131 years, with effect from 2nd January. 2007. front the date hereof. I shall issue a provisional certificate of title Dated the 2nd January, 2007. provided that no objection has been received within that period. J. M. K,ATUKI.). Dated the 5th January. 2007. Minister- for It'll ter and irrigation. G. G. GACHIHI. Registrar of Titles. Noil.obi. G \ZETI E Not KT No. 7 THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT GAZETTE NoTicr No. 3 (Cap. 281. cello,/ 7 0 THE POLICE ACT lssi OFs PRovisioN.AL CERTIFICATE (Cop. S4) WHEREAS Leiden) Holdings Limited. of P.O. Box 77723. Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya. is registered proprietor in leasehold ESTABLISHMENT interest of that piece of land known as L.R. No. 20071. within N lalindi IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 2 of the Police Nlunicipality in the Kilili District. held by a certificate of title Act, the Commissioner of Police establishes— registered as C.R. 25 0 35. and u hereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said eat itale of title issued thereof has been KENYA POLICE LOGISTICS CENTRE lost. notice is given that alter the expiration of tined (00) dens (font in Ruaraka of Nairobi Province M/R 13.1 657663. to be a police post. the date hereof. I shall issue a prtoisional certificate of tale provided with effect from 22nd November. 2006. that no objection has been rescued w ithi n tha t period . Dated the 22nd No% ember. 2006. Dated the 5th January. 2007. NI. H. ALI. G. G. GACHATHI. Commissioner of Registrar of rifles, .11011,1:..,,I. 5th January, 2007.• THE KENYA GAiErtil StnEDULF.,--(Cithtd.) Date of Death Testate/Intestate . PT/Cattse'No:-. DeceasedltName•• Address 42/2006 Ndolo Kiha Yanga P.O. Box 1211. Machakos 12-9-2005 Intestate 133/2006 Nduku Muli P.O. Box 10 Athi River 8-.4-2906 Intestate 22/92 Ndaka Kau P.O. Box 28, Kibwezi 5-6-90 Intestate 1/2006 • Peninnah Kalekye Nzomo P.O. Kavumbu 12-10-2005 Intestate 8/2006 Phyles Kamene Elijah P.O. Box 172, Machakos 22-6-95 intestate 20/2006 Peter Muniku Muema P.O. Box 16. Mavindini 14-9,2003 Intestate 107/2006 Philip Muendo Nzuma P.O. Box 72866, Nairobi 10-11-2005 Intestate 41/2006 Patrick Mathelm P.O. Box 109, Machakos 3-6-2005 Intestate 82/2006 Paul Muthiani Kyeva P.O. Box 75, tviukuyuni 23-4400,3' , Intestate 297/2003 Rose Mutele Kimilu P.O. Box' 04 Email 8-40-,2901 Intestate 312/2003 Richard tvjutuku Mwania P.O. Box 56, Tala 8,5-4002 Intestate 104/2006 Regina Mteke Kingoo P.O. Box 1088, Kangundo 14-11-2004 Intestate 69/2005. Samuel Mantua Kitonzo P.O. Sultan Hamud 1-11-2003 Intestate 26/2006 , Sebastian Ndiku Mutua P.O. Box 14. .Matuu 26-12-2005 Intestate 28/2004 Samuel NakiNtutua P.O. Sultan Hamud 23-9-92 intestate 53/2006 Sabina Mbaiu P.O. Box 105, Wamunyu 1l-9-200 intestate Intestate, 307/2005 Teresiah Mutni Maundu P.O. Kola 19-2-2005 469/2003 Thomas Mukha Mwinzi P.O. Box 1.0, Kilala 9-12-2002 Intestate Intestate 62/2006 Wilson Munyasya Mutui P.O. Box 284, Kitui 26-8-2003 Intestate 87/2006 'Wilson Muli Kioko P.O. Box 1014, Kangundo 8-3-2005 Machakos, 17th November, 2006. H. N. CF10M13A, for Public Trustee. GAZETTE NOTtOEt40.- PROBATE AND ADMINISTIZATION LET /ML PERSONS concerned take notice that the Public Trustee of Kenya. P.O. Box 1744, Machakos, has filed applications for representation of the estates of the persons named in the second column of the schedule hereto, who died on the dates respectively set forth against their names And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tb any of the aforesaid applications are invited and Must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of the date of the publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (ao) days.of publication of this notice, the court shall proceed to make the respective grants of representation as prayed or to make such other order as it thinks fit. SCHEDULE Succession Deceased's Name PT/Cause No. Address Date of Death Testate/intestate Cause No. • . 509/2006 Boniface Kimeu Suma 393/2000 P.O. Box 1567, Kangundo 27-7-2000 Intestate 510/2006 Elittd-Ngui Nzttku 4/2006 P.O.Box, 83; Migwani 24-9-2005 Intestate 511/2006 David KiloMaweu 279/2005 P.O. Box 9. Mitaboni 12-10-2002 Intestate 512/2006 DanieLNIwanika Mutua 380/2005 P.O. Box 265. Tata 28-11-2003 Intestate 513/2006 Daniel.Maithya Nzoka 318/2004 P.O. Box 21. Kyuao -,,9-,..96 Intestate 514/2006 Dominit Mutua Wambua . , 3-99/2005 P.O. Box 1023, Kangundo 14-6-2001 Intestate 515/2006 David Wambua Muteti 348/2002 P.O. Box 40. Sultan Hatted 23-10-2002 Intestate 516/2006 Charles Mumn:Kiilu 196/2005 P.O. Box 734. Kitui 29-6-2094 Intestate 517/2006 , Charles M'utiso Muilu 37/2005 P.O. Box 5. Nunguni 28-5-2004 Intestate 5184006 Christopher Muthini Muthusi , 370/2001 P.O. Box 152, Masinga 18-,8-99 Intestate 519/2006 Beajamin Muthami Katua. 291/2005, P.O. Box 1473, Kitui 8-10-2000 Intestate 520/2006 Bernard Barnabas Kin!yati .
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