John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 10-19-1995 The aC rroll News- Vol. 89, No. 6 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 89, No. 6" (1995). The Carroll News. 1138. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/1138 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. e Volume 89 Number 6 • October 19, 1995 ews --------------------------------------~ ------------------------------ UHPD and campus security Protection order issued summoned, again Chrls~~~~s21 inCident re:~!!:i!~A~~~:h~~~!~ayon Dolan Hall second incident in less than a month News Editor Sept27. Amyhadtoalterherscheduleand sees Donald W. Lechner Ill, 20,entered a plea secure escorts on campus and to and from Melissa Tllk "So far [Beth] has not returned my phone of not guilty to the charge of menace by hercardue to Lechner's pattern of conducr. Editor-in-chief calls," said Brady. "We were trying to give stalking at an Oct. 4 hearing at Shaker Mu- "It shows a pattern of conduct," Rohal A woman was allegedly assaulted out­ her some time ... but since she is withdraw­ nicipal Court. said. "It would cause anyone to be con- side Dolan Hall on SatuFday, Oct. 7 by a ing from school, I would like to talk to her Lechner was charged by University cerned." young man who "jumped from behind the before she leaves. I want to know what she Heights Police of the first degree misde- At the hearing, Lechner said he wanted bushes in front of Dolan and punched her feels and knows, maybe she remembers mea nor because of several incidents which to dispute the facts presented by Rohal even on the right side of the face," said joe Farrell, something else," he added. took place onjCU's campus on Sept. 21. though he appeared unrepresented and dean of students. At press time, Beth was not available for At the hearing, james Rohal, detective Montgomery advised him that he had the This is the second incident reported to comment, but Farrell said she withdrew sergeant at UHPD, toldJ udge KJ. Montgom- right to remam silent Lee h ner denied writ­ campus security and University Heights from the University on Tuesday and ery, that after "Amy" [pseudonym] met ing on the carpet but did not deny any of Police Department by a Dolan resident planned to leave campus Wednesday. "She Lechnerat aconcen ,he began placingmes- the other facts in the case. within the past month. said her withdrawal was due to reasons not sages on her voice mail. At one point, Lechner was presented with the anti­ According to Farrell, a report was taken related to the assault, and her mother said Lechnertold her he was coming to campus stalking protection order, ASPO, which is a by Matrhew Goffos, campus security of­ the same thing," said Farrell. after Amy asked him not to, said Rohal. temporaryprotection orderprevenunghim ficer, at 1224 a.m., and UHPD was notified. "She was offered the option to relocate. "Hegotintoherresidencehallandwrote from making any contact with Amy, said "She said it was Lyle Christoph, a former We think maybe she'll come back in the something on the carpet in front of her Montgomery. She said Lechner cannot visit boyfriend. She said he was somebody she spring," said Donna Byrnes, director of resi­ door," Rohal testified. "He also slipped a five Amy,JCU'scampus,or any place where she knew from high school. He's not a student dence life. page letter including a pack of matches isemployed. Hecannotcontactherthrough here, and supposedly she hadn't seen him Dolan and Murphy RAs have been noti­ with theheadscutoff and several condoms.• any medium, said Montgomery. in a year and a half," said Farrell. fied of the situation as well as all hall direc­ When Lechner was questioned by an- "None of your buddies can be giving her Farrell said there were no witnesses to tors said Byrnes, adding that no additional other resident of Dolan Hall..he allegedly a call," Montgomery sa1d to Lechner. "No the assault. "UHPD did take pictures of her safety measures are being taken at this time. responded that he 'was doi nga little friendly con tact. There is no misunderstanding." face and back and from what it says on the "If she signs the complaint, I'd like to stalking,' said Rohal. AccordingtotheOhioRevisedCode,the report, there was some swelling on her face," explain to her what it entails such as ap­ "We got a statement from [the neigh- complainantmayftleamotionthatrequests he said. pearing in court. I let the victim know up bor],"said Rohal. "No matter how he meant the issuance of an ASPOasa pretnalcond1 Later that same day," Beth"(pseudonyrn) front what is involved if the charges are it, he still said it." non of release of the alleged offender. The returned to her room after staying with pursued," said Brady. Rohal said that joe Farrell, dl"a n of stu- form isprovid d by the clerk of the court to friends in Murphy. Campussecurity,as well "Until she comes forward and signs the dents, advised Lechner not to have furrher aN COURT, P81f• 3 as UHPD, were again notified, and George complaint, we can't press charges," said Alaimo, campus security officer, took the Brady. second report at 7:10p.m. According to the Brady said that Beth offered a physical Class registration offered by phone report, Beth gave the officer several threat­ description of the suspect, describing him Cherie Skoczen dents don't have to stand in line to register." ening notes she had found in her first floor as a white male, six feet tall and l80pounds Assistant News Editor she said. Students also can register late at room, said Farrell. with black hair and a large nose. Students can register for Fall '96 courses night or on weekends, and they will be able "The case was initially handled by[Chief] Even if Beth decides not to pursue this next spring from their homes, residence to make changes to their schedules during Detective Uames] Daugherty who did the further, the suspect could be charged by the halls. or workplaces, said Kathleen the summer from their homes. preliminaryworku p, comparing the reports University with trespassing under Ohio DiFranco, university registrar. DiFranco said she does not anticipate and working with the physical evidence," statutes, if university officials so choose, Touchstone registration will enable stu­ any problems with touch tone registration. said UHPDDetective Lieutenant Dale Brady said Brady. dents to register for courses using a "Many institutions have been doing it for a who is now investigating the report. "For the two reports filed, the first charge touchtone phone. "I think it will be more number of years," she said. "They have been Brady said he could not discuss the would beassaultforcrimesagainst human­ convenient for students," DiFranco said. "We very happy with it, and so have the stU­ physical evidence since the case is still un­ ity and fort he second it would be burglary." would also like to have extended hours, en­ dents." der investigation. When asked about a statute of limita­ ablingstudents to register at night or on the In order to obtain student input before "We are still trying to locate the indi­ tions, Brady replied that as long as the case weekends." touchtone registration is available to every­ vidual named in the report at a local or is under investigation and no one has been Touchtone registration will be similar one, about 200 graduate students in the Michigan address. [Beth] says he is from charged, the case can be reopened at any to the in-person registration system cur­ Counseling and Human Services Program Hungary," said Brady. "The Michigan police time. rent! yin use_ "Priority registration will con­ and about 300 randomly selected under­ have been very help£ ul in trying to locate a "Basically, I won't know more until I talk tinue as it has for a number of years," graduates will be invited to serve as a pilot current or former address. If we can locate to her. She's the best source of information," DiFranco said. "The computer system will group to register for Spring '96classes. These the party, we will call him in." said Brady. check to see that students are calling on or students will be asked for feedback regard­ after their assigned time." ing the advantages and disadvantages of Undergraduates will still be required to touchtone registration. see their advisors who will then electroni­ "We're hoping a number of students will cally release them to schedule for classes, take advantage of this," DiFranco said. DiFranco said. If students do not meet with However, she said she realizes some stu­ their advisors or if they call to register be­ dents may not want to give up registering fore their assigned times, an electronic voice in person, she said. will tell them they are not yet permitted to "I like registering in person; said Scott register, she added. Scherler, sophomore. "Our school is small As in past years, if a student tries to reg­ enough to have registration without big ister for a class that has been closed, he or waiting lines." she will be placed on a waiting list. Addi­ Sophomore Kelly jones said she has tionally, the Student Service Center will heard about touchtoneregistration at other continue to handle courses that require spe­ schools.
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