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AJe+aJ:)as .'Ja!ua)1 eu!Pi31/'J 8 GouncllTradldonal School JaU:J,JedA:i.,unwwoJ 8u,·pue:i.sino . l°uap,saJd aJ!/\ ''O"L/d 'AaIu!:1 uAIaJAor �leuas Ai1me:1 vsn 12 Cook'sHouse � ' :i.uap,saJd-:J.Sed a;ie,pawwI 'AaAJaH Iae4J!lf\J • ·,1 :JOU�� 19 Emerson Institute .. iuap,saJd 'AaIu,:1 sOI�e)I a8pnr _,_ · . ewecqeIv :J. 23 l•mes ReeseEurope • l O ·aie:i.s 26 IJ!roy"Satchel" Pal,e s:io:t?a�!OJO pJeog l!�Jl ·a�eipaH Ipu.noJA+ !J aI,qolf\J a u u o 33 Saint M•rtin De PorresHospital . u�?!J. aw>q-ue;>!JJ'1A ll!!:I 11>1 eJ:1 eJ .o UO!S·S!WWOJ.AiunOJ a11qOl/'J . ·• ..... s�uo(w�s JoA_�Y'J JawJO:J poo8pn7 e,JaJJa� JaUO!SS!WWOJ AlUflOJ 1 P!JlS!O '· Jr 'uospJe4J!H )IJppaJ:J uew1punoJ IIOJJeJ we�ll!M uewIpurioJ A:i.!J JaWJO:J 0 :SUO!tnq!Jll!C:>J·tUe:>!J!USis ·aJ!qovv U! sueJ!Ji3W'(f-uej!JJl;;f.JO su,o!:i.nq!J:JUOJ J/J0:J.S/1./a4:i. >f�ew pue �MJasa;d 'a:i.eJnpa01 :UO!SS!II\I "YOU CAN!•T• KNO\A(WHERE YOU1 R"i'GOING UNTIL vo·u KNOW "'[HERE YOU�VE BEEN." History comes alive on tfie Dora Franklin Finle? Mrican- ·· · American H�ritage T(ail (DFfAAH.T) ! 'qur toy rs, enlighten w,.--.-,,.,, Mobile's cultura-i'ly diverse;. herLtage by linJiing historic , . \0 . ( ..... i:I ii :i: ... ::i = .. "' contribution:s anq, events with •. sig'nificant-_·locations. � � ::f Ii' !t I"' ; n � Forgotten chapters'of history are remembere.d through 0 ::r � )>.. � · r i the stories-of· courage •and contributions.fro� Mo.bile's !" !!. � l f 0 � f ·n 0 a r �thni,cally 'diver.se.past. · ;J il � ,. f f � ' a: ·[ I f i' a r� � I f f T-he,Dpra FraJJ��n Fil"lley African-AmeFi�a,n Heritage Trail's Hank Aaro.n's Playground an<:I Park Dr; Thomas Natha.rlie1 Harris C . f � f prirn'ary objective is to s'tlare Mobile's multicultural legacy . ' 1[ , , Africatowr1 : A.N. J_ohn��n P�blishing f through the following stories; , . · ,:- I i I . • Th� early Creoles de Colo,r; 1 � r • • ' · . Ba�ili�a of the Immaculate· Conception Johnspn �11�. Al'len MQrt ary • \� � • African survivors from the Clotilda, the last sfave ship.to· 1 • Bettie Hunter-Hou_se . John LeFfote's,Office enter the US in 1860; . ,, . , .,� � \ • Newly freed Blacks who' w�rshiped and buil.t some of the ' . �.. Big Zion A'.M .E Church . Mob!l�'County lraining·school oldes� churches in Alabama; .' . • I'< I "· - Broad S.freetAcademy/Caldwe 11 'scticfol•1 - ,•:' . Most eure· Heart of Mary . ' • . • African-;t\mericans who settl-ed in an area with a stree.t�. - .• ,� � -. -. -,:,. • - ··- -·� '"' -�· •• c :.- - ri,amedironically for J�fferson Davis (.Davi� Avenue): . , C. First Johnson l;-louse cij_tnolic Church later rehamed Dr. Martin Luther King Aven'ue; ' I ' 'campgrourid N·eighborhood NationalAfrican-� ""!erican Heritage • T;he.'Civil Rights advocates integral to the desegregation , 1 , ' Archives and Museum of the city's schools, private-secto'r workforce and public · CentralLD°LaribarHigh SchoQI 11 offices; , , . , . -Leroy �'S�tchel Paige Home Site'. ... Christian B�hevolent.Funeral Home • f , .... Through the Dora Franklin Finley AfricaJ7-Americal'l Dave Patton House· 1 Heritage Trail experience, participants will .devel�p a tast,e 'Church'ot.the Good Shepherd · '- Africatown/Plateau Graveyard for the �ich gumbo of history as revealed by Mobile's past., C. t-t': Council School I' Num Name ,Book your tour today at (251) 725-2236 · Saint Martinde Porres Hospital. Cook1s House. Site, Oakleigh 2 AfricaTown J or email effinl�[email protected]. Slave Market 28 MobileCounty Training School 1 Hour, 2 Hour and Walking Tours Vernon z._Crawfor<t law Firm St. Louis Street Missiona�_ 31 Plateau Cemetery ***Call for Details*** Creole Firehouse #I 38 Union Baptist 0,un:h Available Tours: BaptistChurch Michael Donald Avenue 1) Step on Motor Coach Tours - Groups may char.t:era . State �treet AME Zion Church private tour. A Guide will board the.motor coach and will E{llanuelA.M.E ,; Church r S,tone S�reet Baptist Church 'narrate the tour. Emerson Institute v Wallace .Turnage . .2) Self-Dri'!jngTours · Detailed maps and narration - James Reese Europe Home .Site aecessible from DFFAAHT website, www.dffaaht.org.. for U ion B ptistChurch . � � ,self-guid�� t�urs. Chain of.Finley's Drug Stqres • • . • ,. i,.- • Unity Point 3��hool. BusTours.i- · Bus.,.royrs are designed for students. Fort Cond_e' .. ( � . 1 1 ,:Beview website at www.dffaaht.org. - , • ' Dr.:H: RQger Williams Drug_ Store ' Dr. James A. F.rank f • - ·4) �toric Downtown Walking Tours- Meet in Cathedral ' I 0 150 300 at the�columns�on' the corne'r of Claiborne 'I,. ;- • I ·. �- Square j and Da1:.tpbinStreets. , Tours a�e on the 3rd Wednesday •·;of each, m'orithat poor, by appaintment.,Walking Tour Js· automatically canceled by rain. Reservations reqLt ed. � "' � J' .It ) ....- .. • ;,. ... ,.· -1 ,. ? • • • ' \,, ' •.:'. � "' I .- . � I•. b �W:i�;i°�:'g§: Dora Franklin Finley African-American Heritage Trail Listen to their struggles, feel their determination Recognize their courage 1 Courtsey of 3 The University of South Alabama Archives. A.N. Johnson - Successful entrepreneur and community advo- Basilica of the Immaculate Conception - Records of the parish cate at the turn of the century. He owned People’s Drug Store, celebrate their accomplishments! date back to 1704 and record the births, baptisms, marriages Johnson Mortuary, and published the “Mobile Weekly Press”. and deaths of Mobile’s diverse people. Courtesy of The University of South Alabama Archives. Courtesy of Photo used by permission from 4 7 Historical Society of the Town of 6 8 10 the Pearl Madison family. 13 Greenwich, Conn. Bettie Hunter House - Built in 1878 and listed on the National Caldwell/ Broad Street Academy - Broad Street Academy was Home of Christopher First Johnson - Founded The Union Mutual Wallace Turnage - A self-emancipated slave who escaped during Christian Benevolent Funeral Home - First Alabama mortuary Creole Fire Station #1 - The first volunteer fire company in Ala- Register of Historic Places. In 1876 Hunter operated a profitable the first public high school in Mobile for African-Americans. Aid Association - Mobile’s first black life insurance company. By the Battle of Mobile Bay. His personal narrative was published in owned by an African- American woman, Mrs. Pearl Johnson bama. Founded in 1819 by members of Mobile’s Creole com- carriage business in downtown Mobile. Founded in 1887. William A. Caldwell was its first principal. 1920 Johnson had written over $9 million of insurance. He was the book “A Slave No More” written by Dr. David Blight. Madison. munity. the ninth pastor of St. Louis Street Baptist Church. Courtsey of The University of South Alabama Archives. Photo courtesy of the Franklin/Finley Family 14 15 16 17 20 Photos used by permission of the Finley Family. 21 Dave Patton - Early black entrepreneur- constructed the foun- Dr. T.N. Harris -The first licensed African-American Physician in Home of Dr. J. A. Franklin - (1886-1972) Served the communi- Dunbar/Central High School - Produced a culturally diverse cur- Chain of Finley’s Drug Stores - First chain of black drug stores in Fort Conde - Built by African and Native American slaves.
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