IPP255 v2 TRIBAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Public Disclosure Authorized ORISSA COMMUNITY TANK MANAGEMENT PROJECT Public Disclosure Authorized Prepared by Verve Consulting for Public Disclosure Authorized Orissa Community Tank Development & Management Society, Department of Water Resources, Government of Orissa Dated the 7th of December 2007 Public Disclosure Authorized Orissa Community Tank Management Project Tribal Development Plan ACRONYMS AE Assistant Engineer ATDC Academy of Tribal Dialects & Culture CARM Community Agriculture Resource Management CBMS Community Based Monitoring System CEO Chief Executive Officer DTDP Dispersed Tribal Development Programme DRDA District Rural Development Agency DPU District Project Unit DLIC District Level Implementation Committee EE Executives Engineer GIS Geographic Information System GAP Gender Action Plan HYV High Yielding Variety HHI Household Industry IPNM Integrated Plant Nutrient Management ITDA Integrated Tribal Development Agencies IPM Integrated Pest Management IPC Indian Penal Code ITI Industrial Training Institute IB Institution building JE Junior Engineer KBK Kalahandi Bolangir Koraput LAO Land Acquisition Officer MI Minor irrigation MIS Management Information Systems ME & L Monitoring Evaluation and Learning MDM Mid –day Meal MADA Modified Area Development Approach NTFP Non-Timber Forest Produce OCTMP Orissa Community Tank Management Project OP Operational Policy O & M Operations and Maintenance OCTDMS Orissa Community based Tank Development and Management Society OTELP Orissa Tribal Empowerment and Livelihoods Programme PRI Panchayati Raj Institution PAF Project Affected Families PTG Primitive Tribal Group PESA Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas Act PP Pani Panchayat RI Revenue Inspector R & R Resettlement and rehabilitation RAP Rehabilitation Action Plan RLTAP Revised Long Term Action Plan _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Verve Consulting 2 Orissa Community Tank Management Project Tribal Development Plan SPU State Project Unit ST Scheduled Tribes SA Social assessment SC Scheduled Castes SCP Special Component Plan SCA Special Central Assistance SO Support Organizations SHG Self Help Group SA Social Assessment SMPT Special Multi Purpose Tribal Block TDP Tribal Development Plan TAC Tribes Advisory Councils TSP Tribal Sub-plan TIMP Tank Improvement Management Plan TD Tribal Development TOR Terms Of Reference VO Voluntary Organization WPR Work Participation Rate WTCER Water Technology Centre for Eastern Region WALMI Water and Land Management Institute WUA Water User’s Association WR Water Resources _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Verve Consulting 3 Orissa Community Tank Management Project Tribal Development Plan Contents Sl. No. Subject Page 1 Introduction 5 12 Tribal scenario in Orissa 61 3 Legal and institutional framework 8 4 Baseline information 12 5 Stakeholder consultations 15 6 Inferences from the social assessment study 16 7 Implementation action plan - TDP 18 8 Cost estimates and financing plan 29 9 Consultation mechanism during implementation 29 10 Redressal of grievances – Mechanism and institutional 30 arrangements 11 Monitoring and Evaluation framework 32 Annexure-1 Scheduled Tribes of Orissa and Primitive Tribes of Orissa Annexure-2 District wise population of Scheduled Tribes (2001 census) Annexure-3 Programs and schemes for tribal development Annexure-4 Tanks in Scheduled and Non-Scheduled area Annexure-5 Tribal Sub-plan Blocks Annexure-6 Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA) Blocks Annexure-7 Micro Projects Annexure-8 Modified Area Development Approach (MADA) Pockets Annexure-9 Cluster Pockets _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Verve Consulting 4 Orissa Community Tank Management Project Tribal Development Plan Tribal Development Plan Introduction 1. The Orissa Community Tank Management Project (OCTMP) proposes to rehabilitate about 1572 tanks in Orissa covering a command area of about 1.32 lakh hectares in 11 river basins in the state, with an objective of enhancing the productivity and performance of the existing irrigation infrastructure through rehabilitation. The project aims at improving tank based livelihood systems and strengthening community management of selected tank systems in Orissa. The proposed project takes a participatory approach to tank rehabilitation in which the users are the managers and the government agencies are the service providers, for efficient tank management and ownership. The project would cover 237 blocks spread across 29 districts of the state. The proposed project focuses mainly on restoring the existing tank irrigation systems through rehabilitation works with the aim of improving irrigation service delivery system, strengthening participatory irrigation management, and providing agricultural support services. 2. The project components proposed are: Institutional Strengthening: to enable community-based institutions assume greater responsibility for tank system management and for improvement of tank-based agricultural livelihoods. Tank Systems Improvements: to (i) improve the physical and operational performance of selected tank systems through a range of interventions identified and executed in partnership with tank WUAs; (ii) secure the safety of the tank structure; and (iii) improve on-farm water management and water use efficiency. Agricultural Livelihoods Support Services (Base Cost US$ 16.6 million): to enhance tank- based livelihoods by increasing production, productivity and profitability of agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, livestock and other significant productive activities. 3. As a part of the efforts at preparing the project, several studies had been initiated by the Government of Orissa. Some of them are Social Assessment (SA), Environment Assessment, Hydrological Assessment and a study on Pani Pnachayats in Orissa. Of these, Social Assessment study was initiated chiefly to identify key social development issues, and to ensure accomplishing the outcomes – inclusion, cohesion, equity, security, decentralization and accountability. A summary of the results of the SA study are presented in a later section. In the process, the SA study highlighted the need to devote special attention to issues: one, land requirement issues and two, tribal development issues. Accordingly and in compliance with the Bank’s respective Operational Policies (OPs), as an off-shoot, two detailed sub-investigations were undertaken and reports were prepared: (i) Resettlement Policy Framework; and (ii) Tribal Development Plan (TDP)1. This report reflects in brief about the broad contours of the TDP. 4. Structure of the Report: Section 1 viz., this section served as introduction. In Section 2, details about the tribal scenario in Orissa is presented and a case is made as to why they require separate and dedicated attention. Governance related legislative and other administrative arrangements which are of importance to the project are presented in Section 3. Some baseline information along with details about 1 Verve Consulting has conducted the Social Assessment (SA) study and prepared the Tribal Development Plan as part of the SA study for the Department of Water Resources, Government of Orissa. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Verve Consulting 5 Orissa Community Tank Management Project Tribal Development Plan the consultations held during the study are provided in Sections 4 and 5 respectively. This is followed by a summary of the results of the SA in Section 6. Subsequently, drawing on the information so generated, a TDP is prepared. Its strategy, institutional arrangements and implementation process/map cycle are presented in the Section 7. The financing plan for TDP components is presented in Section 8. A strategy for consultation during TDP implementation and grievance redressal mechanisms are presented in Sections 9 and 10 respectively. The last section of this report deals with the arrangements for monitoring and evaluation of implementation of TDP. II. Tribal Scenario in Orissa 5. In the ethnographic map of India, Orissa occupies an important place, for it is inhabited by the largest number of tribal communities as compared to the other States and Union Territories and it also has the largest concentration of tribal people next only to Maharashtra. The tribal communities, in varying concentrations, are found almost in all the districts of Orissa. Each tribe has a cultural identity of its own. The distinctiveness of each tribe is manifested in its language, social organization, and rituals and festivals, and also in their dress pattern, adornments and art and craft. Tribes in general live in a close relationship with nature and depend on it for their survival. Following the Indian Constitutional provision (Article 342), in Orissa, as many as 62 groups have been categorized / scheduled viz., Scheduled Tribes2. Of these, 13 are declared as Primitive Tribal Groups3 (the list of the 62 tribal communities in Orissa and the 13 PTGs has been provided in Annexure 1). Except the Ho, Kondh, Santal and Saora who have in recent years developed their scripts, all other tribes do not have scripts of their own and thus possesses only spoken languages in the unwritten form. From the World Bank’s Operational Policy (OP) 4.12, perspective, these 62 groups constitute ‘indigenous peoples’. It may be noted
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