TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1W2 Average DaUy Net Press Run PAGE SIXTEEN If^ralb F or The Week Ended ' The Weather January 28, I972 Cloudy and cold through to­ The Women’s Guild of Trinity The Pilgrim Choir of Center. Manchester Orange wrill spon­ morrow; tonight's low zero to About Town Covenant Church will have a Congregational Church will re­ sor a card party tomorrow at 8 15,620 10 —• Thursday's high 30 to 35. dinner-meeting tonight at 7 at hearse tomorrow at 3 :15 p.m. in p.m. at Grange Hall, '206 Olcott Gas Station Zone niDm Friday cloudy, cold, enow? The Senior High Youth Forum the church. Kenneth Nanfeldt Memoiied Hall of the church. St. ’There wrlll be prizes, an auc­ Manchester—^A City o f Village Charm of North United Methodist will be guest spealcer. ^ tion table, and refreshments. CSmrch will meet tcnig;ht at 7 Temple Chapter, OES, will The event is open to the public. a u t o m a t ic o r at the church. Also, meeting at VOL. XCI, NO. 98 Grade 9 Confirmation Class meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Voted by Planners CALL DELIVERY (THIRTY-SIX PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY JANUARY 26, 1972 401assided Adverttoing on Page SS) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS 7 ore Grades 8 and 9 at the of Center Ccngregatlbnai Church Masonic Temple. The Order of Eta Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi P ER G A L. church and Grade 7 at the 24 HR. BURNER win meet to^ght at 6 ;46 at Me­ Eastern Star birthday will be sorority, wrlll have a pledge rit­ The Planning and Zoning Commission last night Y EA R ROUND church parsonage. morial Hall' of the church. observed. ’There will be enter­ ual at its meeting tonight at 8 unanimously adoptod a Business 5 Zone which makes it SER V IC E Grades 7 and 8 will also meet tainment and refreshments. at the home of Mrs. William the only zone in Which gas stations will be permitted. Jehovah’s ^Witnesses will have at 6:45 in the lower Junior Hall Borbely, 116 Carriage Dr. group discussions of a Bible aid The new regulation becomes effective Feb. 15. of the church. The Golden Age Club will ______ , With approval of the z o n e ,----------------------—---------------------- UIIOUl oil CO. @ tonight at 7:30 at 18 Chambers meet ’Thursday at 2 p.m. at the The makeup examination for gas stati(ril8 are no longer al- ness 5 Zone. John McNary said Allies Batter St., 726 N. Main St., 167 Boulder ’Hie Drama Workshop for ^ n - Senior Citizens Club. Refresh­ Rd., 144 Griffin Rd. in South entrance to East Catholic High lowed in any other business die opening paragraph ^ toe lor Highs of South United Meth­ ments will be served. School next year wrlll be given Critics, Enemy Cool to Plan Windsor, and French Rd., Bol­ zone (Business n and m and is orfy a guideline odist Church wrlll meet tonight* at the school Saturday at 9 z u n o VOUSUISDS a u u ixj. w u COm mlSSlOn. ton. at 7 at the church’s Jesse Lee The Adult Forum of North a.m. It may be taken by any toe Central Building District. That paragraph describes House. United Methodist ^ u r c h will eighth grade student who has A clause was Included in toe Business 6 as "a district where -I meet tonight at 8 at the church. not previously been tested. new regulations whereby gas retail shoi^ilng and service fa- Tanks Atty. Melvin Kata will speak Candidates are asked to con­ stations already existing in cilities can be established to SOUTH SIDE ENTRANCE on "No Fault Insurance—Is the A service of the Holy Euchar­ tact the school before Satur­ other business zcmes wdll be g^rve travelers on restricted Nate Says Public Getting the Full Story?’’ ist will be held tomorrow at 10 day. ’The fee is payable at the considered permitted and con- access highways, and such a 9 -Point At the meeting of the Rotary a.m. at St. Mary’s Episcopal time of the test. forming uses. The clause wras district is Intended to be dis- Club tonight at 6 ;30 at the Man­ Church. Included at the suggestion of ynct from local neighborhood chester Country Club. Katz is a Al^ed Sleffert to meet an ob^ business districts because of its Line N ixon W ill graduate of Tale University, a The Adult Bell CSioir of Emem- Trainee Sought jectlon raised Jan. 3 at a pub! proximity to points of egress member of the Hartford County uel L uthei^ Church will re, Package lie hearing. At that tone, Atty. or Ingress of such highways.’’ By RICHARD PYI.E Bar Association, president of hearse tomorrow at 10 a.m. in In Electricity John LaBelle, represratoig de- Paris suggested that toe new the Connecticut ’Trial Lawyers Luther Hall of the church. veloper Alexander Jarvis; said zone might be challenged if an 1 i — South Vietnamese fighter-bombers T ake State Association and former chair­ that existing gas stations would application is approved which kiKxiKed out four North Vietnamese tanks today and man of the Insurance Conunit- The Hartford electricians’ ’The Adult Bible Study Class become non-conforming uses does not seem to conform to Tuesday along the western side of the central high­ By SOL R. COHEN tee of the Hartford County Bar. Group of Zion Evangelical Luth­ union is accepting applications Offered ^ _ and could not be rebuilt if they Oie guideline, lands, military spokesmen reported. (Herald Reporter) eran Church will meet tomorrow for joint apprenticeship and burned dowm or were for some C3arence Welti, commission It was toe first Ume slAce -------— ----------------------------------- ’The choir schedule for the at 7:30 at the church. training program. Fifteen ^can­ other reason destroyejL chairman said, "1 dem’t think President Nlx<m’s campaign WASHINGTON (AP)— Emanuel Lutheran Church to­ didates wrlll be placed. Even wdth the new reghda- there’s a question that this is Sfri S. 3 .7 ™ ‘ ■g, ‘r \ ‘“ "‘ t, “ ■ "«■ to carry Omnecticut this year Pi'esident Nixon's newly Laurel Manor Convalescent AppUcatlcn deadline is Feb. that North Vietnamese tanks morrow la: At 8:30 p.m. the ti<m, if toe FZC approves a a tightening (<^ toe regula- Remember Thh was formally launched yester­ unveiled eight - poilmt Viet­ cherub ' choir will rehearse; at Home on Chestnut St. wrill be 1. Forms may be obtained from have been Involved In combat , border c ^ p which day with the announcement Business 6 Zone, a developer tion of gas stations).’’ He even nam peace offer drew a cool' 4:30 p.m. the junior chclr will open to visitors starting tomor­ 8:30 aiatato 4 p.m., Monday will still have to apply to toe said toe new zone might be No matter where you may reside in or Inside South Vietnam. A mas- that State Cornptroller Nathan rehearse and at 7:30 p.m. the row. Visitors have been ban­ through Thursday, and Friday Zoning Board of Appeals for a challenged because of the Urn- slve enemy buUdup Including O. Agosttoelli of Manchester reception from North Viet­ Emanuel choir will rehearse. On ned because of the prevalence from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the special exertion to build a gas Ited sltuatiiMis In which gas sta- around Manchester, you can call us tanks hss hAnn nnrf.r i t Military sources on Tuesday will head toe “Connecticut nam today and found little W IN DOW Thursday at 7 :30 p.m. the Chap­ of the flu and other respiratory office of Nicholas V. Scinadies, statlon. tlons wrlll be permitted, but he . X x , * ; Committee to Re-elect toe favor with his critics at el chcir will rehearse. All choirs Illness. director, 9 Oakwood Ave., West David Paris questioned added, " I think toe fact is we President.” home. confidently. W e regularly serve famil­ , " 3 3 ; will rehearse in Luther Hall at Hartford. whether toe new zone In effect are not excluding them.’’ Vietnam, come , together, and .■___ ^ . TTie announcement was made The President, in a surprise SHADES the church. The Great Books Discussion Applicants must be 18 to 24 "outlawrs” gea stations In town. Before the new zone wras dis- ies throughout this area. U.S. and South V leL m ese offl- J i r i n v o i X by GOP State Cbalnhan J. announcement, disclosed a. pro­ Made to Order Group ■will meet tomorrow at 8 years old, writh ah additional particularly In light of a de- cussed. Potter suggested that dais expect a major offensive ‘"volvlng toem. Brian Gaffney, at an afternoon posal made secretly eight Bring year old roUen In Hie Special Education Class p.m. at the home of Mrs. Wil­ four years maximum allowed scriptlon of a B ui^ess 6 Zone shopping centers be included in timed to embarrass President Enemy tanks were first re- news conference In toe Hart­ months ago for a U.S. pullout and save 35o per shade. of South United Methodist liam Sleith, 32 WyUys St. “ Es­ for service in the armed forces; which precedes toe actual re- Business 5, but toe commlsslcm Nixon during his trip to Peking “ sed Inside South Vlet- ford IQlton Hotel. In exchange for a prisoner re­ Church will meet tomorrow at say on . Civil Disobedience” by high school graduate, writh tran­ strlctionB in toe new reg;ula- decided to not do so. Potter next month.
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