Autumn 198J Acorn soft Order form Acorn soft software for the BBC Microcomputer. The symbols tell you in what form the programs are available. ~ cass ette [i] disc ~ ROM ® @ indicates suitability for Model A orB ~ indicates you ca n use joysticks ·-$-'" (}- ~e, e-"' . e-'l- "'<v ~ c.,'-0 e-0 q_i..'c q'-~ ..;,."?- 06 "'-o" Education Word Sequencing ~ ®® SBE06 10.35 11.90 [i]@ SNE06 13.35 15.35 Word Hunt ~ ®® SBE05 10.35 11.90 [i]@ SNE05 13.35 15.35 Sentence Sequencing ~@ SBE07 10.35 11.90 [i]@ SNE07 1335 15.35 Number Balance ~@ SBE08 10.35 11.90 [i]@ SNE08 13.35 15.35 Missing Signs ~ ®@ SBE09 10.35 11.90 [i]@ SNE09 13.35 15.35 Business Games ~ ®® SBE03 8.65 9.95 Tree of Knowledge ~@ SBE04 8.65 9.95 [i]@ SNE04 10.00 11.50 Algebraic ~ ®@ SBEO I 8.65 9.95 Manipulation Peeko-Computer ~ ®® SBE02 8.65 9.95 [i] @ SNE02 10.00 11 .50 Jars ~@ SBEI 5 10.35 11.90 (i] @SNEI 5 13.35 15.35 Chemical Analysis ~@ SBEI 2 12.00 13.80 (i]@SNEI2 15.00 17.25 Chemical Simulations ~@ SBE I 3 12.00 13.80 [i] @ SNEI 3 15.00 17.25 Chemical Structures ~ ® SBEI 4 12.00 13.80 [i]@ SNE I4 15.00 17.25 Total Acorn soft software for the BBC Microcomput e r Or der form 'v · <:-(., i:Y c .c.,C . c.,c'-<.. <v ~ 0'-0 c.,O?) <:!.'' <:~. '' ..:,'~- o"'"" -<..o" Languages FO RTH [g;gj@ SBLO I 14.65 16.85 (1]@ SNLOI 17.30 19.90 LISP [g;gj ®® SBL02 14 .65 16.85 [1]@ SNL02 1730 19.90 BCPL ,:;jil@ SNL03 86.65 99.65 !R OM , disc, manual ) S- Pa scal [g;gj ® SBL08 14.65 16.85 Readu 41ft quarl er 1983 [1]@ SNL08 17.30 19.90 Microtext [g;gj@ SB L04 43.35 49.85 Readu 4lhquarlcr 1983 [1]@ SNL04 52.00 59 .80 6502 Development System [1] ® SNL05 43.35 49.85 Readij 4lhquarl er 1983 ~--- --- - Turtle Graphics [g;gj ® SB L07 14.65 16.85 Readu 3rdquarl er 1983 [1] ® SN L07 17.30 19.90 Graphics Picture M aker [g;gj@~ SBX03 8.65 g 95 Readu vd quarl er 1983 Graphs and Charts [g;gj ® SBX02 8.65 g 95 Creative Graphics [g;gj@@ SB XO I 8.65 9.95 Business and Home • VIEW !including manuals! ~ ® SBB03 52. 00 59.80 VIEW Prin ter Dri vers [g) ® SBB04 8. 65 9.95 ' ViewShee t ~ ® SBB07 52. 00 59.80 Rca du 1s l qwu-l er 1984 Datab ase ~ ® SBB06 10.35 11.90 Readu 3rd quarler 1983 [1] ® SNB06 13.35 15.35 Desk Diary [g) @ @ SBBO I 8.65 9.95 Fo recast [g)® SBB02 10.3 5 11.90 Personal Money Management [g;gj ® SBB05 10.3 5 11.90 Shirley Co nran 's [g;gj ® SBX04 8.65 9.95 Magic Gard en [1]@ SNX04 10.00 11. 50 Total Acornsoft software for the BBC Microcomputer Order form .,c;:.c.- (}co"' ·Ce "' . c"' "-"' ~ 0"-o co «'' «'' ..:,'?- o"'" -<._0" Games Philosopher's Ouest ~@ SBGO I 8.65 9.95 0@ SNGO I 10.00 11. 50 Co untdown to Doom ~@ SBG I 9 8.65 9.95 0® SNG I9 10.00 11. 50 Cas tle of Riddles ~@ SBG I 7 8.65 9.95 Kingdom of Hamil ~@ SBG25 8.65 9.95 Rra rlu v d qtwrlcr 1983 Sphinx Adventure ~@ SBG07 8.65 9.95 0@ SNG07 10.00 11. 50 Monsters ~@ SBG03 8.65 9.95 0@ SNC03 10.00 11 .50 Snapper ~ ®% SBG04 8.65 9.95 0®% SNG04 10.00 11.50 Planetoid ~@ SBCI5 8.65 9.95 0® SNG I5 10.00 11. 50 Arca de Ac tion ~®@ SBG06 10.35 11.90 Rocket Raid ~® % SBG05 8.65 9.95 0®% SNC05 10. 00 11.50 Meteors ~@ SBG I 3 8.65 9.95 0@ SNCI 3 10.00 11 .5 0 Arcadians ~® % SBG I4 8.65 9.95 0® ~ SN C I4 10.00 11. 50 Sliding-Block Pu zzles ~ @ SBGI 2 8.65 9.95 Snooker ~ ® %SBC 2 1 8.65 9.95 0® % SNG21 1000 11 5 0 Draughts and Reversi ~®®% SBC20 8.65 9.95 Cube Master ~@ SBC08 8.65 9.95 Hopper ~®% SBG23 8.65 9.95 0®% SNG23 1000 11 50 Miss ile Base ~®%SBCI 8 8.65 9.95 0®% SNG 18 10.00 11. 50 Tota l Acornsoft software for the BBC Microcomputer Order form · ,~(., (}- e e"' . c.,e-<.."' ~ 0'-0 c.,O(:) <i'c «\~~'<(- 0-::, -<..o"" Starship Command !g)®~ SBG22 8.65 9.95 (i]@~ SNG22 10.00 11.50 JCB Digger !g)@~ SBG09 8.65 9.95 Ready 3rd quarter 1983 (i]@~ SNG09 10.00 11. 50 Carousel !g)@ SBG24 8.65 9.95 Ready 3rd quarter 1983 Chess !g)®~ SBGIO 8.65 9.95 Super Invaders !g)®~ SBG 16 8.65 9.95 [i] @~ SNG I6 10.00 11.50 Books View Guide SBD07 2.50 2.50 Into View SBD08 2.50 2.50 Creative Graphics SBDO I 7.50 7.50 on the BBC Microcomputer Graphs and Charts SBD02 7.50 7.50 on the BBC Microcomputer LISP on the BBC SBD04 7.50 7.50 Microcomputer FORTH on the BBC SBD03 7.50 7.50 Microcomputer BCPL User Manual SBD IO 15.00 15.00 Creative Assembler on the BBC Microcomputer SBDII 7.50 7.50 Read y 3rd quart er 1983 Total Name Address Tel No Cheque/ PO enclosed for Please debit my Access/ Ba rclayca rd No Please send the completed order form to: Acornsoft Li mited . c/ o Vector Marketing Ltd. Denington Industrial Estate, Wellingborough, Northants NN8 2R L. Please allow 28 days for delivery. Please state which Operating System you have !2J 0.1 D 1.0 D 1.2 D Prices are co rrect at time of going to press Acornsoft reserves the right to update without prior notice ACORNS!FT .
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