ADISPATCH Newsletter of the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation • Spring 2008 Gifts to the campaign financed the acquisition of artifacts for exhibit in ‘The Campaign for Jamestown Settlement’ Surpasses Jamestown Settlement’s new perma- nent exhibition galleries, technology $24.2 Million Goal, Continues Through June 30 components of gallery exhibits and the production of the museum’s introduc- “The Campaign for Jamestown in memory of George tory film1607: A Nation Takes Root. Settlement, 1607-2007,” which cul- Lummis Taylor; Mr. and Revitalization of Jamestown Settle- minates on June 30, has surpassed Mrs. Robert V. Hatcher, ment’s outdoor living-history settings its $24.2 million goal. The achieve- Jr.; James City County; – including a new riverfront discovery ment was announced May 15 at a joint Jamestown 2007, Inc.; area, new structures in the re-created meeting of the Jamestown-Yorktown Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Powhatan Indian village and colonial Foundation Board of Trustees and Archer McMurran III; fort, new replicas of the Godspeed and Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, Inc., the Robins Foundation; Discovery, and a ships’ pier shelter Board of Directors and celebrated at a and the Federal Trans- – was substantially funded with cam- gala evening event attended by more portation Enhancement paign gifts. than 250 campaign supporters. Gifts to “The Campaign for Jamestown Settlement, Program through the Campaign gifts and Jamestown The campaign, the largest fund- 1607-2007” funded the acquisition of 165 artifacts Virginia Department of 2007 sponsors supported “The World raising effort in Foundation history, has for exhibit at Jamestown Settlement. Transportation. of 1607” quadricentennial exhibition supported new permanent facilities, “We can all share at Jamestown Settlement from April exhibits and programs at Jamestown an enormous sense of 2007 to April 2008 and are laying the Settlement implemented in time for “The Campaign for Jamestown pride in the world-class facilities and foundation for future special exhibi- last year’s 400th-annniversary com- Settlement” has received contributions programs that were created for our tions. Campaign funds supported memoration of Jamestown’s founding, from 6,900 individuals and institu- guests today and in the years to come,” special events held at Jamestown funded a broad range of educational tions. Leadership gifts of $500,000 said A. Marshall Acuff, Jr., president of Settlement during the commemora- programming initiatives, and contrib- and above were provided by the the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, tive year, including the 2007 Heritage uted to a lasting legacy for future years. Gladys and Franklin Clark Foundation; Inc. “The commitment of our donors Lecture Series, which featured nation- The campaign, publicly an- Dominion and the Dominion Founda- to preserving and communicating the ally renowned speakers Doris Kearns nounced in 2005, paralleled the tion; Ferguson Enterprises, Inc.; the story of our country’s earliest days is an Goodwin and Michael Beschloss and Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation’s Honorable and Mrs. Elmon T. Gray inspiration.” continued on page 3 now-realized comprehensive facilities master plan for the transformation of Jamestown Settlement, exhibit en- Evening Lectures, Virginia Indian Heritage Event Accompany hancements at the Yorktown Victory Center and a centrally located complex Exhibition of 16th-Century Watercolors by John White to house functions supporting both Three evening lectures and a daytime event museums. The campaign provided are linked to “A New World: England’s First View The entire collection of significant financial support for the of America,” the British Museum exhibition of more than 70 watercolors by plan, which was underwritten princi- the 16th-century watercolor drawings of John John White will be exhibited pally by the Commonweath of Virginia. White opening at Jamestown Settlement July 15. at Jamestown Settlement White’s watercolors, the earliest visual record July 15 through October by an Englishman of the flora, fauna and people 15. The drawings depict the of the New World, are on public display as an Algonquian-speaking people entire group for the first time in more than of 16th-century Virginia, as 40 years and will be at Jamestown Settlement well as people from other through October 15. John White accompanied parts of the Americas and a number of expeditions sponsored by Sir Walter the world, and New World Raleigh to Virginia in the 1580s and was gover- plants and animals. nor of the short-lived colony at Roanoke Island, “A New World: Eng- part of modern North Carolina. land’s First View of America” Lectures are scheduled in Jamestown is presented through the col- Settlement’s Robins Foundation Theater at 7 laboration of the British Mu- p.m. on July 19 with Karen Ordahl Kupperman, seum and the Jamestown- Silver Professor of History at New York Univer- Yorktown Foundation and is sity; August 9 with Daniel K. Richter, Richard S. funded in part by donations Dunn Director of the McNeil Center for Early and grants to the Jametown- American Studies and Professor of History at the Yorktown Foundation, Inc., University of Pennsylvania; and September 20 including commitments with Karen Hearn, Curator of 16th- and 17th- from James City County and Campaign gifts substantially funded extensive improve- the Robins Foundation. ments in Jamestown Settlement’s interpretive areas, Century British Art at Tate Britain in London. Wife of a chief of Pomeiooc and her daughter, John including this new building representing the Anglican Virginia Indian Heritage Day on July 26, White, watercolor, c. 1585. © The Trustees of the British Museum. All rights reserved. church in early 17th-century Jamestown. continued on page 2 Lectures, Event on the development of Jamestown Set- continued from page 1 tlement’s gallery exhibits and outdoor Washington Portrait by Gilbert Stuart re-created Powhatan Indian village. presented in partnership with the Dr. Kupperman, author of The Exhibited at Yorktown Victory Center Virginia Indian community, will honor Jamestown Project and Indians and Virginia Indian cultures with intertribal English: Facing Off in Early America, will Upon acquiring a Gilbert Stuart dance and drum, hands-on children’s present “Roanoke’s Achievement” on portrait of George Washington several activities, and two presentations: “Be- July 19. Although Roanoke did not years ago, Doug Morton asked a con- yond Jamestown: Virginia Indians Yes- succeed as a colo- servator how he knew it was genuine. terday and Today” by Karenne Wood, nial foundation, “Those are Gilbert Stuart eyes,” the a member of the Monacan tribe and it made substan- conservator replied, pointing to a director of the Virginia Indian Heri- tial contribu- distinctive feature of works by the tage Program at the Virginia Founda- tions to English foremost portraitist of late-18th-cen- tion for the Humanities; and “Lega- comprehension tury America. cies of Jamestown,” by Chickahominy of the Atlan- The same Stuart portrait of Chief Stephen Adkins and Upper tic, both in the Washington will be exhibited in the Mattaponi Chief Kenneth Adams. design of colonial Themed museum tours and interpre- Yorktown Victory Center’s Converg- Karen Kupperman societies and in ing on Yorktown Gallery through tive programs will focus on Powhatan understanding September, courtesy of Mr. Morton Indian culture before English contact American cultures. Dr. Kupperman and his wife Marilyn Brown, mem- and through the 17th century and the will explain how the partnership of bers of the Jamestown-Yorktown influence of John White’s watercolors Manteo, the coastal Carolina Algonqui- Foundation, Inc.’s The 1607 Society. portrait, is a head-and-shoulders an man who joined the colonists, the The oil-on-canvas portrait is view of Washington that shows him Renaissance scientist Thomas Harriot, Stuart’s copy of one he was commis- turned slightly to the left but engag- and the painter John White made the sioned in 1796 by Martha Washing- ing the viewer directly with his gaze. record they created uniquely valuable. ton to make along with a portrait The Jamestown-Yorktown Foun- Dr. Richter, author of Facing East of herself. Stuart never completed dation owns a circa-1800 copy by an from Indian Country: A Native History of the two portraits and used the one unknown artist of Gilbert Stuart’s Early America, will present “Tassentasse of General Washington to make “Lansdowne” full-length portrait of in Tsenacomoco: Native People and and sell copies. The two originals Washington. The copy is exhibited the English, 1560-1622” on August are referred to as the “Athenaeum” in the Yorktown Victory Center’s 9. The native people of the Chesa- portraits, named for the Boston “The Legacy of Yorktown: Virginia peake Bay region library that acquired them after Beckons” exhibit. The original, in called Europeans Stuart’s death and now jointly owned the collection of the National Portrait tassentasse, which by the National Portrait Gallery of Gallery, was commissioned as a pres- politely translates the Smithsonian Institution and the ent to the Marquis of Lansdowne, the as “strangers.” Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. The British prime minister who helped They called their painting exhibited at the Yorktown negotiate peace with America at the homeland Tse- Victory Center, like the Athenaeum end of the Revolution. Virginia Indian Heritage Day on July 26 will feature nacomoco, which intertribal dance. means something like “the densely Daniel Richter populated land.” Dr. Richter’s presentation will explore Internet Advertising Campaign Draws the political and diplomatic world of Tsenacomoco and how it shaped native Thousands to www.historyisfun.org relations with Europeans from earliest contacts with the Spanish through the The Jamestown-Yorktown Founda- Settlement and the Yorktown Victory sponsored link leads directly to www. outbreak of war with the English in tion has embarked on its first Internet Center in the context of the Wil- historyisfun.org. It also helps boost 1622. search marketing campaign, designed liamsburg area destination. the ranking of the Web site in regular Ms.
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