INDEX PAGE Abbotsford, Roxburghshire, Bronze Axe Animal Remains from Siccar Poin8 t 15 Fort . , found at, ..... 439 ——— ———: burnt from Clettraval Cairn . 499 Aberdeen, Constabl , Johof e n Kennedf yo Anniversary Meeting, 1934, ... 1 Kermucks, ..... 45 Anstruther, Sir Ralph W., Death of, . 3 ——— ——— Arms of, .... 46 Antiquities, Berwickshire (Chalmers-Jer- ——— ——— Offic , of e .... 45 vise7 Priz15 e . Essa 1933)r y fo . , ——— Silver Spoon made in, . 155 Antlers:— Aberdeenshire: see Broomend of Crichie; 0 8 , 73 fro. m Finavo. n Fort . , Cullerlie, Echt; Dunnideer; Foular- Deerd Re , Worked, from Viking Dwell- ton, Frendraught; Huntly Castle; . ing.29 . , Jarlshof0 . , Insch; Kermucks; Kirktowf o n ——— ——— from Knowe of Yarso, . 343 Rothiemay; Loanhead of Daviot; from Siccar Point Fort, . 158 Micras, Crathie; Rathen, Fraser- Applecross, Ross-shire, Bronze Brooch burgh; Rhynie; Wardhouse Castle. from, .....1 2 . Abernethy, Baron , ...yof . 2 8 240 . Ard . Beg, Islay. , . Du , nat ——— Helen, ...... 244 Ardmore, Islay, Dun on,.... 82 ——— John, of Mayen, .... 244 Ardovie, Brechin, Angus, Iron Spud from, ——— Willia f Rothiemayo , mde , 229 (donation) ..... 247 ——— Tom t bRothiemaya , 244 Argyll Clachanache se : ; lona; Islay; Kil- Address, Silver Jubilee, to The King, 434 mory Knap. Adze, Flint, from Knappers, Kilbowie, 353 Arm-chair, Orkney, (donation). 14 Airhouse, Berwickshire, Objects from, pre- Armitage, Captain Harr3 y A. ,. Deat , hof sented, ..... 247 ——— ——— ——— ——— Relics bequeathe8 11 , dby Albany, Louis c Stolbergd e , Countess of, Armlet, Gold, Penannular, from. Berwick- Autograph Letter of, presented, 323 shire, (donation) .... 20 Altnamain, Edderton, Ross-shire, Cup, ——— Jet, from Airhouse, (donation) . 247 Steatite, from, . 438 ——— ——— „ Glenluce Sands, (purchase) 22 Amber Bead from Rhynie, 454 ——— ——— „ Viking Dwelling, Jarlshof, 295 Analysis of three Bronze Axes, 424 Arms:— Anderson, Rev. John, elected, . 2 Highland Pistol, (donation) . 118 An Dun, Kildalton House, Islay, 82 Old Scottish 9 Gun43 , (purchase . ) ——— ——— Octafad, Islay, 84 e Constabloth f Aberdeef eo 6 n4 Castle . , ——— ——— Rhinns Point, Islay, Fort, 84 of, — Boss, on China Plate, . 13 Angus County Council present Sculptured Arrow-heads:— Stone from Bullion, 15 Flint:— Angus e Ardoviese : , Brechin; Brechin; from Airhouse7 24 , (donation . ) Bullion, Invergowrie; Dundee; Fin- , , Bragar, Lewis, 5 (donation1 . ) avon; Montrose; Soutra, Tanna- ., Caithness, ...6 11 . dice. e Dryfth ,, e Valley, Dumfries- Animal Remains from Finavon , Fort52 , 73, 79 8 shire43 ,. (donation . ) ——— ——— from Knowe of Yarso, 334 ,, Freswick Links, (donation6 24 . ) ——— ——— ——— Report on, 341 5 33 „ . Know . Yarsof eo . , 537 538 INDEX. Arrow-heads (contd.):— Banffshire: see Balvenie Castle; Clashman- Flint (contd.):— hillock; Inchcorsie; Redhill, North; from Newhouse, Rousay, (donation7 43 ) Rothiemay; Tillytarmont. „ Rossie Ochil, Forgandenny, Banks, Mrs J. M., presents a Plate with (donation). ..4 1 . Ross Coat-of-Arms, .... 13 „ Skitten Fort, . .112 Barclay, Davi , Landde d f Rothiemao s y „ Soutra Farm, Tannadice, granted to, . 229 (donation). ..4 1 . Barley Measure, from Mains of Libberton, Quartz, from Shegarten, Luss, (donation) 12 (donation) . 11 Assembl e Freth ef y o Church , Medal com- Barnes, Miss Julia M., persent8 Medalsa 24 . , memorating, 1843, . 322 Baron Abernethyf yo , ...0 24 . Atholl, David de Strathbogie, Earl of, . 229 ——— of Rothiemay, .... 228 ——— Earls of, Arms of, on Balvenie Castle, 396 Barr present, MisC. s A Orknen sa y Chair4 1 , Aurignacian Flint Implements, (donation). 248 Bathgate, T. D., presents Deer-horn Imple- Awl-like Objects, Bone, from Viking Dwell- ments, ....4 1 . ing, Jarlshof, . .288,297 Batie, Archie, imprisone t Rothiemayda 1 23 . , Axes:— Batons f Perto , h High Constables, (pur- Analysis of three Bronze, . 42..32 . 4 3. chase) Bronze, flat, (purchase) . 440 ——— Special Constables', (donation) . 118 ——— flanged, (purchase) . 440 Beads;— ——— socketed, (purchase) . 440 4 45 Amber . , fro . m Rhynie . , ——— ——— foun t a Abbotsfordd , (pur- Bone (Bird), found near Viking dwelling, chase) ..... 430 Jarlshof, ...7 28 . Flint, from Wick Harbour, . 115 Faience, Melon-shaped, from Newstead, Jade, ,, New Zealand, (donation) . 118 (donation) ...5 1 . Stone, ,, Bragar, Lewis, (donation) . 15 Glass, (donation) ...8 11 . ——, , Earlsto— n Mains, (purchase)2 2 . ——— from Glenluce Sands, (purchase) 22 ——, , —Mosshouses , Earlston, (pur- —— , , Rhynie— , ...4 45 . chase) ....2 2 . ——— „ Sicca8 15 r Poin . t Fort . , ——— used as hammer-stone, from Fres- ——— „ Viking dwelling, 6 Jarlshof29 . , wick Links, (donation) . 246 ——— Vitreous paste segmented, from Ayr, Spoon made in, .... 146 Knappers2 36 . , Kilbowie . , Ayrshire Beithe se : ; Dairy; Doon Castle; Jet, Shale r Ligniteo , , from Buriat a l Irvine; Shewalton Moor, Irvine; Knappers. / 9 35 . , Kilbowie . , Straiton. ——— ——— ——— from Glenluce Sands, (purchase) .... 22 Bachda Mor,Vallay,N".lIist,BonePinsfrom1 2 , Shell, from Vallay . UistN , , (purchase1 2 . ) Badge, Brass, of Plasterers' Society, (dona- Stone, foun Vikinn di nead gan r dwell- tion) ...... 15 ing, Jarlshof, . .296 Baird, George, of Auchmedden, . 232 Beakers Urnse se : . Balliol Family, connection with Dunnideer Bed-smoother, Carved, from Orkney, (dona- of, .....6 46 . tion) ...... 14 Balls, Stone, from Billhead Fort, Kirkwall, Beggars' Badges, (purchase) ... 22 (donation), ....9 39 . Beinn Bheigeir, Islay, Duns east of, . 81 ——— ——— from Knappers, Kilbowie, . 370 Beith, Ayrshire, Communion Cups of, . 9 ——— ———8 Carved11 . , (donation . ) Berwickshire Antiquities (Chalmers-Jervise 1 53 . —— . — , ——of e —us 7 15 Priz . e Essa. 1933)r yfo . , ——— Culverin, Stone, from Cessford Castle, ——— Gold Armlet, Penannular, from, . 20 (donation) ..... 19 —— e Airhouse—se ; Blackburn Mill, Cock- Baltasound, Shetland, Bismar from, . 22 burnspath; Brander Heugh; Camp ——— Harbour, ..... 35 Field, Greenfield Farm, Foulden; Balvenie Castle, Banffshire, Heraldic Chester Hill, Ayton; Corn Fort, Decoratio , ...non 5 39 . Byemouth; Dryburgh Mains; Earl- INDEX. 539 ston Mains; Barn's Heugh; Eye, - Bowl, Samian, Fragmen , froof tm Prance, mouth; Greenlaw Rock; Hal, yJo (donation) ....0 2 . Lumsdaine, Coldingham; Hare- ——— Steatite, from Viking dwelling, Jarl- heughCraigs; Homestead, Pilmuir, shof, ...... 293-5 Lauder; Lamberton Moor; Lam- Braco, William Duff, Lord, . .230 berton Shiels; Pettico Wick; Siccar Bragar, Lewis, Boss-shire, Flint Arrow- Point, Cockburnspath; Wheelburn 5 1 . hea Stond frome d. an eAx , Law, Lauder. Brander Heugh, Berwickshire5 16 . , For , on t Birkwood, Banchory, Kincardineshire, Brash, Professor J. C., Reports on the Micro-burins found at, . 444 Human Remains from Knappers, Birrenswark, Dumfriesshire, Latten Spoon Kilbowie, ....7 37 . from, .....1 44 . Brass, Object : sesof e Badge; Brooch. Bismar, Wooden, from Baltasound, Shet- Bread-spade, Iron, (donation . .11 . ) 8 land, (purchase) ...2 2 . Brechin, Angus, Spoo d Coinan n s from 3 Black, Joh . n .. C., Deat , hof Grave in, ..... 147 Blackburn Mill, Cockburnspath, Berwick- Bremen, Merchants from, in Shetland, in shire, Urns found near, ... 11 sixteenth century, ... 35 Black Dyke, Lamberton Moor, Berwick- Bremner, Simon, presents Objects from shire, ......6 16 _ Freswick Links, .... 246 ——— Houses, ..... 287 Bridge Farm: see Meikleour. Boat7 28 , Clinker-built. , The, Broc f Cogleo h , Watten, Implementf o s Bodkins, Bone, from Viking dwelling, Jarl- Bon Deer-hor4 d 1 ean . n from . , shof, ...... 294 8 , 3 Bhoraraic81 ——n . —Du . , Islay . , Bog, David, Goldsmith, .... 144 ——— of Jarlshof, Stone with Scribings Bolt-head, Iron, from Viking dwelling, from, ...... 321 Jarlshof, ..... 295Bronz e CemeterAg e t Knappersa y , Kil- Bone:— bowie, ...... 352 Burnt, from Clettraval Cairn . ,499 0 53 , ———4 Axes42 ,. Analysi . threef so . , Calcined Loanhean i , f Daviodo t Stone ——— Implement from Glenluce Sands, . 172. Circle, 175, , 1773 18 , (purchase) ....1 2 . —— Cisn —t do.i a t , ...5 18 . —— —e Axes se Object : ; of sBrooches ; Implements of, from Broch of Cogle, Buckle; Disc; Halbert; Key; Watten, (donation) ..5 1 . Knife; Medals; Needles; Patera; ——— from Finavon Port, ..3 7 . Pins; Ring; Rivets; Rosette; —— , , Jarlshof— , ...8 9 . Spear-heads; Swords; Terrets. —— , , Vikin— g dwelling, Jarlshof, ——— Sheet, Fragment , froof s m Viking 288, 290, 297 dwelling, Jarlshof, . 290, 295, 297 ——— „ Yarso, Chambered Cairn . 337/, . ——— Slag n Loanheai , f Davioto d Stone Objects of: see Awl-like Objects; Bod- Circle, .... 172 kins; Borers; Chisel; Combs; Dress- Brooch, Brass, Flat Ring, (donation) 14 fastener; Egg-spoon; Ferule; Mus. ——— ——— penannular, from Viking dwell- tard-spoon; Needles; Pins; Playing- ing, Jarlshof, .... 298 piece; Pommel; Snecks; Spoon; Ter- ——— Bronze, Flat Ring, from Applecross, minal; Toggles; Tube; Turn- (donation) ..... 21 buckles. ——— ——— ——— ——— from Glenluce Sands, Cetacean, Object of: see Whorl. (purchase) ..... 119 Books, Donations and Purchases of, ——— ——— Ring, from Glenluce Sands, (pur- 22, 26, 119, 121, 249, 323, 324, 399, 441, 442 chase) ...... 21 Boranniebill Mor, Port Ellen, Islay, Dun on, 82 ——— Silver, made in Inverness, (donation) 14 Borers:— ——— ——— Luckenbooth, mad n i Invere - 8 9 Bone . , fro . m Jarlshof . , ness, (purchase) .... 119 ——— ——— Vallay . UistN , , (purchase1 2 . ) ——— ——— Talismanic, from Micras, Crathie, Borichill Mor, Islay, Dun on, (donation) 247 540 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Broomend of Crichie, Aberdeenshire, Stone
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