BANK mm - U.o«4 Weiklri Catered at Biuntf-CUit Mattel at MM Fett- VOLUME LI, NO. 19. omee at Old Bank, N, *„ under th. Act o|'Mprob'l. 1871. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAYrOCTOBER 31T1928. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO ii RAYMOND WESH'S TRIAL PAST PRESIDENT'S NIGHT. MIDDLETOWN'S BUSINESS. TWENTY ACRES FOR DOCS MORE FARM THIEVERY.. It Waa Held by~th. Son. of Union Robber. Get. Twelve BuiheU of EAST KEANSBURG BEACH. RUMSON PUBLIC MAI CASH BEQUESTS MADE BY IT WILL BE HELD AT FREE- • '• Veterans AiyHUry. CREDITORS OF ROAD BUILDERS A NEW BUSINESS STARTED AT Archibald Reynold.'. Corn. BULKHEAD PROJECT AGAIN Past presidents' night was ob- ORDINANCE PROHIBITING • MISS THROCKMORTON. HOLD NOVEMBER 28TH. PAID BY TOWNSHIP. MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE. Thieves stole twelve bushels of BEFORE COMMITTEE. served last Wednesday night by the corn owned by Archibald Reynolds NtNG ADOPTED. Sons of Union Veterans auxiliary in Homestead property on Ea.t Front The Defeni. CliTin it Made That Unpaid Balance of $6,117.09 for Frank E. Davie* Rent, a Large Part of Colt's Neck last Friday night. The Tha Queition of Saving the Public • • r ;inn-- .-. '<;... Street «,«ft to Her Three Broth- Mr. Welih Wai Not Driving John Clayton & Magoe's hall on Broad Naveiinlc Road Work Uied to Pay of Twin Brook Farm lor the Care corn lay heaped up in a field and Beach Deferred. Until the Next Borough Attorney SUtot-'tJUl^w-u street. Mrs. Elmer Dey, one of the Three Firm, to Whom Money of Doff.—He Hat Had Large Ex- er.—Mi.. Mabel Hall Left E.tate F. Kelly'. Car When Mli. Grace the intruder^sorted it over and Jook Meeting of the Town.hip Official! Traffic Act Requ(rH Municipal^/* to Her Sl.ter, I .'•'•..'•..' Morrii Wat Killed. past presidents' of the organization, Wa. Owed by Striker & Stryker. perience-in Thi. Line. only the best cars.. They hauled it —Deadlock of Intere.le Apparent tie. to Detignate >Stop'> StfHU Miss May Ella Throckmorton, who Raymond' WcMi of Bed . Bank, was in charge of the meeting.. Af- Three wholesale dealers in toad Frank B. Davies has rented twen- $way in an automobile trud: with- The question of building a bulk- —Drainage Problem. - '••'.''"'^jM died about throe weeks ago at hef who has been In the county jail ter the business session a covered making material brought suit to col- ty acres of Oliver W- Holton's Twin out being apprehended. ThiB is only head at .East Keansburg to protect The Bumson commhsioners"ThaiijfcVis home on East Front street, made Tier tfinco September 23d on a charge luncheon was served.. Next Sunday lect Unpaid bills from the contract- Brook farm, near Middletown vil- one of a long series of thefts of that place against the encroachments day night adopted the . ordlnariej^* .will August 24th, 1010. She be- of causing the death of Miss Grace members of the auxiliary will at- ing firm of Stryker & Stryker of lage, including the large house J>n produce and poultry which have oc- of Earitan bay again came up at the prohibiting gunning' on the pObUtfsi; queathed ? 1,000 each to her broth- Morris of Middletoivn,' pleaded not tend the exercises held at the "old Red Bank and they got judgment King's highway, where he is making curred in Atlantic township the past meeting of tho township committee streets of that plnca. James. ''KM ers, John 8., Charles E. and J. Dun- guilty to manslaughter last week. soldiers' homo at Kearny in observ- for the full amount of their claims. his honoc. Mr. Davies has opened a two months without a singlo thief of Middletown township last Thurs- Bruce, one of tho councllmen, nMlM bar Throckmorton. Tho homestead He was remanded to jail to await ance of Auxiliary day. ' Last year Stryker & Stryker put business on the property for board- being caught. Tho Red Bank day night. The subject *as intro- three young men froquently fn»':g on East Front street' wn3 also be- trial on November 28th; At the time concrete paving on Navesink avenue ing and caring for dogs. He is sec- chamber of commerce is providing duced by Justice Thaddeus Breton gaged in rifle practice on a lot JleiiSj queathed to her brothers. Bequests of'the accident Welsh was seid to at Navesink and a payment of retary of the Prof eesional Handlers' free of charge posters offering a re- of East Keansb.rg, who asked the ilia home. Ho sold it was dangcrom ,,/ of $500 each were made to her sis- have been driving an automobile $9,117.00 was due on'thlB job from organization of dog fanciers, which ward of $25 for the arrest and con- committee to take action to have for people to walk, along the atrest-f ters-in-law, Mrs. Goorgina Throck- owned by John F. Kelly of Head- MASTER MASONS' NIGHT. the township committee of Middle- is a world wide association for the viction of thieves.who prey on the the bulked built. near the lot whjn the young men *a morton, Mrs. Charles E. Throck- men's Corner. A charge was made town township. showing, breeding and care of pedi- fanners, and a number o£ Atlantic The beach front is public property are shooting. Ho wanted to knowlfs'$, EASTERN STAR ORDER ENTER- morton and Mrs. Louisa Throckmor- against Kelly for permitting a drunk- greed dogs. Mr. Davies. was kennel township residents now have these 3,300 feet in length. .East Keans- the borough had authority under thflS- At tho meeting of the township offers posted on their farms. ton; to her niece, Miss Lillian D. en man to drive his car. This charge TAINED MANY NOTABLES. committee last Thursday night an manager on James Cox Brady's burg is a comparatively new town, ordinance to stop them. Senatot •?! Throckmorton, and her nophew, Hamilton farm at Gladstone, New A large part of it was developed •William A. Stevens, the borough rt-Sf was dismissed when Mr. Kelly More Than 350 Perion«_»t Fe.tiv order from Vice Chancellor Maja James S. Throckmorton. Jessio Jersey. Among other things he had and put on the market by a realty torney, sai& tho borough had juritii?' proved that Welsh had taken the car .Itiei La«t Thur.dajOjTfcht—An Leon Berry was rend to the effect : Throckmorton, another niece, was without permission. that tho unpaid balance was to be charge of two of the highest pri*iB-| company and this company set aside djction to prohibit gunning only oi»f ? bequeathed $1,000, a diamond ring Entertainment GiveA by Lodge shepherd dogs ever imported into BIT OF NEEDLEWORK. the beach front land in question for public property, but if tho shooting;;;' Bradley M. Fischor of Red Bank, Member, and Girll. turned over to the creditors of Stry- and a set of gold carrlngei- The ker & Stryker. These creditors and this country. At one tfme Mr. Da- public use. A boardwalk and bulk- endangered the lives.of peoplo waljcv ' who is Mr. Welsh's lawyer? has Is- BIG .COliJ-ECTION OF GAR- turn of $1,000, a diamond pin and Tho Red Bank order of tho East- the amounts due to them arc the vies had chargG of the Penn Craig head Were once on the property, but ing on the streets tho young Men5v a bracelet were bequeathed to her sued a statement claiming that Mr. ern Star held its annual Master Ma- Bound Brook crushed stone com- cocker spaniel kennels at Newport, MENTS AT MIDDLETOWN. they were destroyed by heavy could be arrested on a charge of di»>r J nioccj, Katharlno Throckmorton. Her Welsh was not driving Mr. Kelly's sons' night last Thursday night at Rhode Island. He has exhibited dogs storms. orderly conduct. .i*S pany ?3,687.05, the Wickwire Spen- Hundred, of Article. Contributed nephew, Bayard Throckmorton, was cor when tho tccident, occurred in tho Masonic rooms in the Eisner of various breeds at many shows in Senator Stovens brought up thit'-i cer wire and steel company $1,758.- (or Charity and Viewed at the Re- Two years ago an attempt was l bequeathed $500. Her niece, May which Miss Morris received injuries building. More than 350 persons America and England during the matter of "Stop" streets. He ,iali 03 and the Concrete products com- formed Church—A Sbcial Time at made to raise money by an assess- Throckmorton, was left $1,000,. it which resulted in her death. MV. were present, including 100 Master past twenty years. Some of the the new state traffic act required?^ pany $672.01. The money was or- Mr.. Edgar A. Slote'i. ment zoning plan to build a bulk- -diamond ring, ono dozen silver Fischer says that Mr. Welsh was not Masons.. A number of young w.irn- dered paid, It was stated that the dogs which he handled and condi- municipalities to adopt an ordinance Garments to the number of 2,369 head. A large area was included in 1 spoons and a bracelet. Mrs, Annie in any way responsible or connected cn were initiated as first degree township money did not fully cover tioned become famous as cham- designating all streets which Inter?,; ' were colleoted and exhibited at tho the zone and a number of people Throckmorton was left $200. A with the death of Miss Morris, Ho members Qf the Eastern Star dar- the* amount of the claims and that pions. sect with main thoroughfares at•;!& annual meeting of the MMdletown owning property distant from the gold watch was bequeathed to Stella fays that during the present cam- ing the opening of the exercises.
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