20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday, Mar. 7. 1989 •waamnian I HOMES I HOMES I CONDOMINIUMS ^ 7 . I HELP WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE IFOR SALE Urgency Gone Microwave ...........— .................................... ........ COUNTRY Lot In An­ CHFA Approyed. This ^ SpgCioli^;^P<ftf I Earn While You Learn MAGNIFICIENT Home dover. Rural location adorable one bedroom We will train a qiialifieti with wooded privacy. « Vote on town hall Whalers beat tl*ade deadline, Try a thick, rich, but close to town. Lots One cul-de-sac street Condo Is at Eastmea- applicant to be an optical of trees. Build from near Glastonbury line, dow In Manchester, your plans or use ours. due within year /3 sending Robertson to Detroit /13 flavorful stew /17 terhn'cian in our lens spacious 9 room colon­ and It Is qualified for I BOOKKEEPING/ int ^MISCELLANEOUS Or buy the land now to I PAINTING/ HEATING/ ftrintiing Dept. W e offer an ial with 3'/2 baths, 2 car CHFA-FHAII! Don’t |Pf I SERVICES build In the future. let this great financing INCOME TAX PAPERING exceptional benefits program garage. Lovely private PLUMBING Good sized lot will take back yard with pond pass you by. Fully ap- N with starting rate of *6.00 a com fortable size for fishing and pool. A pllanced kitchen, ce­ Complete accounting services home. Get started In Spring is coming bovirly anil reviews in 00 & special area of special ramic bath, first floor Including A/R, A/P, P/R. G/L. PAINTING & M&M OIL housing and build your unit, ample storage For all your cleanup 180 (lavs. Call Bob Bound for homes. $379,900 Anne P8iL Statement and quarterly PLUMBING a HEATING deram home. Call and Miller Real Estate, 647- and parking. $77,500. WALLPAPERING chores call Rudy, ask tor Barbara Wein­ '■tax returns. Can design • Oil Bumar Sarvica a Sales appt. 8000.O__________________ Jackson 8, Jackson F r e e Etllmatoo 647-9925. berg tor more Informa­ additional applications • Automstic Oil Delivery QSA OPTICAL Real Estote, 647-8400.D Reasonable, reliable, A YOU'LL Never know un­ tailored for your business tion on this country lot. C e ll John • Well Pumpa Salat & Service 619-3177 Re/MAX, east of the less you see for your- MANCHESTER. Spar­ needs. Call 644-6191. and references. river, 647-1419.P______ self. Enioy the kling three room unit • Water Haatara (emtfto a om) perfect for the Inyes- 649-3331 beautiful view of Hart­ INCOME TAX • Bathroom & Kitchen Angelic Home BANKING. ComFcd Sav­ EAST HARTFORD. Cus­ ford’s expansive sky­ tor. Convenient loca­ Remodeling tion for commuting, ings has openings for tomer Appeal. Newly line both day and night PREPARATION ROOFING/ • Senior Citizen Olscountt Care Registry carpeted 6 .5 room from this loyely 8 room shopping and enter­ In Your Homo Locai registry offers quality full time tellers In our tainment. $65,000 Sen­ |£ iJS I0 IN G • Bactric work by Manchester offices. Raised Ranch, com­ Dutch Colonial on Inlcudlng: Rental and Sola Precision Electric care... lower cost to patients... try Real Estate, 643- companions, home makers, maitrlipatpr IrralJi pletely re-decorated In Ralph Road In Man­ Proprletorahlp. Call Jim Whaalar Qualified condldotes 4060.□ FREE ESTIMATES should have at least 6 last I'/j years. New chester. Four bed­ LEAKY ROOF? months of cashiering kitchen vinyl. Lower rooms, 2.5 baths, 2 •* 7 4 2 - 1 0 0 9 Mott roof* can t>a rapalrad, Phone: 6 4 9 - 2 8 7 1 6 4 7 -1 9 5 6 experience and enlov leyel family room plus fireplaces. In-ground in placa of total rarooflng axpanaal Complata rarooflng of all typat- dealing with people on play room which Is pool and lots more. LU . MANAGEMENT 30 Cents a regular basis. We partially finished. Call to see today. MORTGAGES FREE ESTIMATES Ifti J MISCELLANEOUS Wednesday, March 8, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm $289,900. Jackson & SERVICES otter on the lob train­ Don’t let this one get by Tax Return Manchester Reefing SERVICES ing and also have an you. $175,000. Realty Jackson Real Estate, |0I I LANDSCAPING 647-8400.O SAVE YOUR Preparatlon/Payrolls 645-8830 excellent fringe benef­ World, Benoit, Bookkeeping its package. Interested Frechette Associates, OLDIE But goodie. Nifty HOME!! PHIL’S LAWN CARE 646-7709.D______________ Mark P. Mornaault ... lust dial 643-2711 and HAWKES TREE SERVICE candidates should call 6 room Cape on Man­ If you are in Spring Cleanup. our Human Resources VERNON. Custom built 9 chester's west side. 289-4573 we'll help you word and Bucket, truck & chipper. Stump Route 6 Department for more room Colonial that Three bedrooms, ce­ FORECLOSURE, place your ad. removal. Free eatlmatea. Weekly services. Special conaldaratlon for Information at 649-4586. offers many nice fea­ ramic bath, fireplace, BANKRUPTCY or ICARPENTRY/ Call for free estimates Dodd favor EOE M /F /H /V tures, living room with hardwood floors plus elderly and handicapped. DIVORCED or To Cleon coffee stains suit plan DISHWASHER. Even­ fireplace, family room carpet, newer furnace REMODELING 742-7478 with bullt-ln bookcases and plumbing. Heavy "falling behind,” ask from china or plastic, rub 647-7553 ings tor hard working stain with baking soda. person. Career oppor­ and fleldstone fire­ duty Insulation. Lots of for NO PAYMENT DON’S LAWN SaWCC M D. tunities possible. Will place. Four large bed­ nooks and crannies. FARRAND REMODELING MNDEMNO train. Coll Cavev's, 643- rooms, first floor leis­ $144,900. Jackson & PROGRAM up to 2 Room additions, decks, roof­ DISTRIBUTION Call now for: delayed 2751. ure room, 2'/2 baths, Jackson Reol Estate, yearsll ing, siding, windows and gutt­ LABELS Yard clean-up hardwood floors. Im­ 647-8400.D ers. All types of remodeling and Shrub & hedge trimming key step in Tired of manually addreasinp THE SWISS GROUP repairs. Call Bob Farmnd, Jr. By Andrew J. Davis mediate occupancy. ELECTRICAL distribution mail — we can Rototllling and mowing NORTH Coventry. This 10% Sanir CItIm Olseaunt Manchester Herald $289,000. U & R Realty, clean 3 bedroom Ranch 203-454-4404 Bus. 647-8509 ‘automate this process providing 643-2692.P______________ needs nothing but you. Res. 645-6849 quality service for a reasonable 646-7011 Certified STUNNING Colonial. Close to schools, shop­ I^ R EA L ESTATE DUMAS ELECTRIC price. Call 644-6191 The Windham Board of Select­ Nine room, 2'/2 bath. ping and commute all Service changes, addi­ men has decided not to sue the on a little more than 'h WANTED RENOVATIONS tional wiring and repairs on I AUTO Nurse Aid Forest Hills home Is existing homes. Quality Tower fight Army Corps of Engineers now to offered for a True Sale acre of North Coventry PLUS GSL Building M ainte­ SERVICES MANCHESTER. Almost work at affordble prices. speed up the agency’s action on a Immediate open­ Price, $236,900!!! Blan­ land. $142,900. Phillips Complete Home Entirely owner operated. 27 nance Co. Commercl- chard 8. Rossetto Real­ Real Estate, 742-1450o new 2 year old duplex al/ResIdentlal building wetlands permit for the Route 6 ings on all shifts on cul-de-sac. 3 bed­ Maintenance years exp. Call Joseph expressway project. for full & part-time tors," We're Selling COVENTRY. Secluded 3- Dumas 846-5253. repairs and home Im­ TIERINNI’S By Christopher Callahan the defense industry were not Houses" 646-2482.0 4 bedroom Colonial, rooms, 2 full baths, full Repair / Renew provements. Interior First Selectman Norman positions. basement with washer and exterior painting, Automollvi Englntsrlng, Inc. The Associated Press substantiated. French said today the board SOUTH End Colonial. huge modern kitchen Callings, Walla, Painting, However. Tower’s loyalty to Every other weekend with bullt-ln applian­ and dryer hook-up. 100 Papering, Carpentry light carpentry. Com­ 276 Hartford Rd., Manchaatar decided Tuesday to delay the Pristine 7 room Circa amps circuit breakers, 1896 home, spacious ces, priyate beach and fnturstf • S»nlor DItcounI plete lanitorlal ‘ ser­ WASHINGTON - Sen. Chris­ Tom Dodd was the reason cited lawsuit after it learned that the required. large kitchen with HEATING/ vice. Experienced, rel­ 649-5823 by Republicans in their targeting parlor and foyer. 365' docking for your boat, stoye and refrigerator. topher J. Dodd’s decision to break corps had begun work on the Aik about our child deep lot. $170's. Blan­ two baths, more. PLUMBING iable, tree estimates. Cara, Trucka, Vana, 4x4'a of Dodd as a Democrat they felt Fully carpeted. Vinyl 646-2253 "Wt do tfi* unutuaf to tho ordintry" .from fellow Democrats and sup- permit decision. care re-lmburiement chard & Rossetto Real­ $177,900. Phillips Real H 643-0304. port embattled Defense could be swayed. And aides on tors," We're Selling Estate, 742-1450. o siding makes the exte­ The selectmen voted 10-1 Tues­ and non-benefit rate of rior maintenance free. PJ's Plumbing, Hsating & Secretary-designate John G. Capitol Hill familiar with Dodd’s Houses" 646-2482.0 NORTH COVENTRY. PAINTING/ VINYL SIDING & day to give the corps an addi­ pay program Call for a private show­ Air Conditioning Tower is a critical step forward in thinking said the strategy was not tional 60 days before deciding MANCHESTER. Three New custom Colonial, ing. $260,000 or $135,900 PAPERING DRYWALL without foundation. bedroom Cape In a superb setting with lots Boilers, pumps, hot water REPLACEMENT WINQOWS President Bush’s still uphill fight. whether to file suit, said French. per side. Possibility of tanks, new and Dodd, a liberal, was targeted The aides, who spoke on the For more informa­ super location. Care­ of trees, cedar siding, some owner financing. replacements. Expertly installed.
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