Criminal record refo o move ahead .· ommunity Newspaper Company Vol. 11, No. 3 3 Sections 75¢ St eking up TO ER Goodbye, Captain Eva s By Meghann Ackerman STAFF WRITER or nine years, Police Cap­ "I'm very tain William Evans has sad that F fought liquor licenses, I I worked to hold area colleges re­ I'm leaving sponsible for their off-campus students and championed sub­ Brighton." stance abuse prevention. Last week, while he was on vacation, it Captain William Evans was announced that he would be leaving Allston-Brighton. "I'm very sad that I'm leaving came the captain of District 4, Brighton," said Evans. ''I spent which includes Fehway, the the last nine years there in com­ South End, and the Back Bay. ,mand, and the people treated me Evans sa1u he wants to continue to :very well. We worked in partner- work w11h community groups in hip on a lot of things, especially those neighborhoods like he did ·quality of life issues." in Allston and Brighton. · Starting Monday, Evans be- . "Some great people that have EVENS, page 30 But since June 1, hen he eroin found the baby while cl1 aning re­ Brigh n ·gh custodian Kevin strooms after school, h1 anger at the baby's mother ha!! ·ub ided By Meghann Ackerm victim's infant daughter was at Mojave · about that baby STAFF WRITER into a sympathy he w • slow to the site. ~very sin le day of his life, how understand. Police and paramedics were When police arrived at the fragile d efenseless the tiny "God knows what was going called to a Larose Place re · nee house, a 24-year-old woman who thing was di carded like trash in­ last week for a report of a g lived there was being treated by side a toil t · a girls' bathroom. through her head to be brought to BURIEA page 30 overdose. When police arri ved on . paramedics for a heroin over­ scene, they also found t t the DRUGS, page 30 St. ttbkill s off its ____ keover By Meghann Acl<ennan STAFF WRITER The first stage of ii long-term plan to revamp S . Colum­ bkille's School is ell under way, with five clas "OOrns re­ furbished and restod ed for the new school year. Thr improve­ ments, which were om eiled at an open house last eek. are part of a partnersh1r between the school and Boston College that began last year. Class.rooms on t• .;! garden level - basement flf or - got new rugs, furniture md com­ puter equipment. A ew cur­ riculum was also put in place for the prekindergart ·11 clas es. '"This is a long-tem1 commit­ ment," said Tom K .td from BC's office of gov ·mmental and community affait . "It' · an investment so that th1• young­ sters in pre-K matri 1 late into first grade when they' e ready.· Pat DiNatale, from BC' school of education, t•xplained that there are few c 1rriculum options available for teachers with students age 3 tc1 5. When the BC-St. Col's p;111nership began, the school wa writing its own curriculum. Di.. atale 6 said that through a revirw of the colle gue Barbara Doty decorations she purchased for her newly rehirblshed'HAFF PHOTO BY KATE FlOCK 4 ST. COL' ' page 30 classr m. 8 22 MAEL The Finest 27 . AlJTO.HOBILE Call Foir' 31 CHIROPRA (:TIC m H O.HE Markf'' s Swiss Watch Repair CONIEll.C 23 I~J~ ports 4 lonzed Salts Sir.kt LOW RATES (' ,J 8 )T OF BOSTON 26 \~ Auto Bol!J Insurance ·ertise ·)' Work Inju e Ol ALPHA OMf.GA Agency .tTE DlllMONOS SINCE 1976 p ~ ~l •rfl.tm l: 01~nt1 J)uialilu 617-787-7877 . ..:ALL 556 Cambridge St., Briehlon Ni Ma 50USS-0700 617-787-7876r 6222 Bu 781-272-4016 60 A Brighton Ave. (617) 787-87 0 Prude al C , Bostori 617-424-9030 Allston, MA 02134 . IJJl l lll ,If 1 Harvard S< e Cambodge 617_,,,~ 1227 P ~ 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, September 1 2006 www.allstonbrightontab.co1* I Then I I I )' H re Is the answer to this week's contest (we then stlll being su these roadways experlenc d Increased g ve you the hint last week): The Charles River Olmsteds aiso ch e a highly visible site at development and automotive traffic In the early edway, a mile-long, publlcly owned race lirtersectlon of Wes1tem Avenue and Soldlers years of the century, the focus of such activity ~ourse founded In 1899, extended along the oad for a Speedway Administration Bulldlng shifted to the Charles River Speedway. The I · ~rles River shore In Allston-Brighton from Just which housed the offices of the superlntende t, Speedway was also significant as a bicycle of the Arsenal Street Bridge to Just west of d the Speedway maintenance crew and pol course, one of only two In the United States ·i rce. This structurE1, which still stands, Is th rth Harvard Street, crossing a major portion of designed by the Olmsted flrni. Professor Robert h Charles River Reservation. I st vestige of the elaborate Speedway compl x McCullough of the University of Vermont Historic Speedway was lald out by the Olmsted n•>w sadly gone. Preservation Program has d scribed the Charles ~ thers landscaplng flrm on a dam some 5 feet he Charles River S leedway was a popular River Speedway as a natlonally significant ~ creatlonal faclllty the people of greater recreational facility. f 1 ve high-tide level (the Charles River Basin r ·for I I \ Next week's contest 1 I . I Hints: water closer to •While the stone downtown. structure visible In the Can you plngolnt this 1\vinner distance stlll stands, the location? handsome tree-lined approach has been largely Fax your answer to 781· I obiIterated. ~2 or t-mall ltto • The building Is near a [email protected] I Hugh large body of water l;>y noon on Wednesday, surrounded by a path that Sept. 6. You may also call I Gallagher people love to use for In your answ · to 781- Jogg1ng. 433-8365. Please lnelude • The bulldlng's your name contact purpose was to contlDI ' Information. If leaving a the flow of water voice message, please larger body of water tlD spell your name slowly smaller, feeder bodies of and clearly. Catch up on happenings at th Delivery 1eph M. Smith CQmmunity Health G nter J>roblems? Call: 8~43-1960 ~ C UNTERTOP / Jnsllllled tlu! salflL day we f rem11ve and dispose ofyour old top. CCIRIAN and SILESTONE 1'Siff miea's www.bi islieas.com 1-888-CORIAN-9 Check~~ out "~' ~ what's~ happening af:~. the library in·,. .. ,f, .. this week's .. ~.: . paper )f·ftl Avon ,. 24, ExH ttB " 1.a77·751-7515 Has Time taken •.. ; tit Right then 1111l.eft Iller a toll on your wood cabinetS?J GChr1Slmls 1ile Shop . Reatore them! ;:.;;:. Kitchen 1\1ue-Ups has successfull , restored cabinets nationwide foJ!118 years, without stripping, usually ill one day. \Vo can also update drawers;' hinges, and handles if needed. ThiS!Js a great way to beautify your kitcheJ1· for far less than new. · "r. • Cabinet Re toration • Cabinet Refaciri · • Custom Cabinets v' Watertown • Woud Floor Restoration "'I')!" EASTOI • t1 11111 617 209-8112: ~.'> 617-923-1502 Id Llttlet 'hJ Pal www.kltchentuneup.com () Stllllm Stell 11111 ·: Mon-· Sat 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. • Sun 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Kite en 1NoEPENDENrt'.f"· OWNED AND ?Ur website: www.russos~conl $88.00 T une . U P. OPERATED to a great start, ev n in fi PACK IT IN FOR· SUMMER Buy I ... Get 2nd one I 12 off Buy 3 .. , Get I Free STAF l'HOTO BY DAVID GOROON Victoria Damian, 2, of Som rvllle, races around the Jackson Mann Community Center on Tu day afternoon, Aug, 1, during a party celebrating the end of the rst session of the IEven Start Family Literacy program. Jackson-Mann School arid the ''I need English to get a job and to Family Nurturing CentLT of help my children. And, to talk with Brighton. American at places like the gro­ Genilda Morais of Brighton, who cery store or at school," she said. attends Even Start with her two chil­ Al~1 Santos of Allston, dren, Michelle and Philip, aid re­ who atter~ Even Start with her <t cently she likes everythin about daughter. Jennifer, praised the Even Mix & Match Sale ! For th first time ever the program, especially the English Start teachers, and said, "English is all your favorite skin care products and makeup are very impcrtant to us. My daughter N classes. discounted and can be combi ned. Stock up now _J and save. With Elizabeth Grady products, beautifu l, healthy skin couldn't be easier: Order now and w beauty will be in the bag. Call 1-800-FACIALS or visit www.elizabethgrady.com for nearest location, services, products & gift certificates. Massachusetts Colleges www.mco.mass.edu n line ro commute. Massachusetts Colleges Online brings more than 1000 courses and 70 credit program ranging from certificates to mast •r's degrees to your computer. Courses are offered hy Massaclmsetts state and community colleges .at low-cost state tuition rates. Fall courses begin in September. For a full schedule of courses and programs, visit the MCO website. ; Has anyone ~ver left a really big tip? The be$~tips ire on Christmas. I me regu­ Iars,will eom inandgivetbem ager$100 tO SJ;llitbetwe ne~eryone.
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