COURSE CATALOG 2019–2020 Table of Contents 3 Academic Calendar 4 Mission Statement 4 History of Mitchell College 5 Directions to Mitchell College 6 Admission to Mitchell College 9 Financial Aid at Mitchell College 17 Tuition and Fees 22 Student Affairs 24 Athletics 25 Adult and Returning Students 26 General Information 28 Campus Information 30 Academic Information and Standards 33 Definition of Terms 35 Academic Policies and Procedures 44 Requirements for a Mitchell College Degree 47 Academic Support Services 51 First Year Experience 53 Programs and Degree Offerings 53 Bachelor Degrees 54 Associate Degrees 55 The Mitchell Ability Model 70 Course Descriptions 132 Board of Trustees 133 Full Time Faculty Directory 135 Accreditation Statement 136 Index This Course Catalog attempts to present information as accurately and completely as possible. Mitchell College reserves the right to change any of the provisions, statements, policies, curricula, procedures and regulations found in this Course Catalog. Academic Calendar 2019-2020 Fall 2019 Semester Winter 2020 MiniMester AUGUST JANUARY 29 New Students Move-In/Check-In 2-15 Winter Session - MiniMester New Student Welcome SEPTEMBER Spring 2020 Semester 3 Returning Students Move-In/Check-In JANUARY 4 Session I, First Day of Classes 15 All Students Move In/Check In Add/Drop Begins 16 Session !, First Day of Classes 11 Add/Drop Ends at 5pm Add/Drop Begins 13 Student Attendance Census 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No Classes, 17 Constitution Day College Offices Closed 23 Early Academic Reports Due to Registrar 24 Add/Drop Ends at 5pm by 9am 28 Student Attendance Census OCTOBER FEBRUARY 5 Fall Weekend 3 Early Academic Reports Due to Registrar 14 Mid-term Grades Due to Registrar by 9am 17 Presidents’ Day - No Classes, 14 Columbus Day - No Classes College Offices Closed 14 Admissions Fall Open House 24 Mid Term Grades Due to Registrar by 9am MARCH NOVEMBER 2-6 Spring Break Week - No Classes 1 Last Day to Withdraw from a Class 27 Last Day to Withdraw from a Class 11 S’20 Registration Begins 30 F’20 Registration Begins 11 Veterans Day Observed APRIL 15 Academic Day 6 Academic Day 18 Students’ Reading Day - No Classes 7-10 Session I Final Exam Period 19-22 Session I Final Exam Period 10 F’20 Registration Ends 22 S’20 Registration Ends 13 Grades Due to Registrar by 9am 25 Grades Due to Registrar by 9am 15 Academic and Student Affairs 25-29 Thanksgiving Break for Students Awards Ceremony, 1:00pm DECEMBER 16 Session II, 1st Day of Classes 2 Session II, 1st Day of Classes 17 Schedule Adjustments end 5pm 3 Schedule Adjustments end 5pm 21 Student Attendance Census 5 Student Attendance Census 21 Last Day to Withdraw from a Class 5 Last Day to Withdraw from a Class MAY 17 Reading Day 1 Session II Final ExamDay 18 Session II Final Exam Day 4 Grades Due to Registrar by 9am 20 Grades Due to Registrar by 9am 9 Commencement, 10:00am 3 Mitchell College Mission Statement Mitchell College celebrates and develops the power of unique minds. History of Mitchell College the Bentsen Learning Center, in 1981. In 1998, the College offered its first baccalaureate program in the area of human development and currently offers four-year degrees in four Cores with twelve concentrations as well as three associate’s degrees. In 2006, Thames Academy (now Thames at Mitchell College) launched its distinctive post-grad- uate program on campus, providing college-bound students with learning differences a structured year on a college campus to gain skills for a successful transition to a traditional college. In 2007 Mitchell On September 14, 1938, a group of New London College officially joined the Division III National citizens founded New London Junior College as a Collegiate Athletic Association and was a founding private, nonprofit, coeducational, two-year college in member of the New England Collegiate Conference, their community. In 1950, the name Mitchell College where they have earned championship titles across was officially adopted by the trustees to honor the multiple years in many sports. descendants of the Alfred Mitchell family, principal benefactors of the College since its founding. The Mitchell College celebrates a long and proud tra- high quality of Mitchell’s academic program was dition of educating students to discover and build recognized in 1956 when the College was awarded on their strengths while gaining an appreciation for membership in the New England Association of diversity in thought and the richness of a full life. Schools and Colleges (now New England Commis- sion of Higher Education). Taking a leading role in educating students with learning differences, Mitch- ell established it’s specialized learning center, named 4 Directions to Mitchell College DIRECTIONS TO MITCHELL COLLEGE From Springfield and Hartford From Boston and Providence From Springfield, follow Interstate 91 South to Proceed South on Interstate 95. Hartford. Take Route 84 East to Route 2 East to Route 11 in Colchester. After crossing the Gold Star Memorial Bridge over 'SPN4QSJOHGJFMEBOE)BSUGPSE the Thames River in Groton, take Exit 83 to Colman When'SPN the4QS JexpresswayOHGJFME GPMMPX ends,*O UFSTUBUFgo left 4Pfor oneVUI Umile.P) BSUTurnGPSE 5BStreet.LF 3PVUF &BTU UP 3PVUF &BTU UP 3PVUF rightJO$PMDIFTUFS onto route8IFO 85 for UIF13 milesFYQSFTTXBZ into NewFOET London.HPMFft GPSPOFNJMF5VSOSJHIUPOUP3PVUFGPSNJMFTJOUP /FX -POEPO 5VSO SJHIU POUP $PMNBO 4USFFU BOEHPUPTurnUIFF leftOE U IFontoOU VColmanSOMFGU POUP3PVUF #BOL4USStreet to the end. FFU TurnBOEU rightBLFUIFTFDPOESJHIUPOUP.POUBVL onto Colman Street* and go to "theWFO end,VF1 SPDFFENJMFTUPUIF$PMMFHFFOUSBODF5IF then"ENJTTJPOT turn leftBOE'JOBODJBM"JE onto Rout 1 (Bank0GGJDFTBSF Street) andMPDBUFE take theJO )FOSZ)BMMPO1FRVPUTurn left onto Route"WFOVFCZUIFXBUFS 1 (Bank Street andTFEHF take the second right onto Montauk Avenue. second right onto MontaukAvenue. 'SPN8PSDFTUFS Proceed5BLF3PVUFJO"VCVSO 4PVUIUP&YJU 1.5 miles to the College entrance. The5BL FMFGU POUP3PVUFUP$PMNBO4USFFUBTEFTDSJCFEBCPWFProceed 1.5 miles to the College entrance. The Admissions and Financial Aid Offices are located in Admissions and Financial Aid Offices are located in Henry'SPN #HallPTUPO on BOE1SPWJEFODFPequot Avenue by the water’s edge. Henry Hall on Pequot Avenue by the water’s edge. 1SPDFFE 4PVUI PO *OUFSTUBUF "GUFS DSPTTJOH UIF (PME 4UBS .FNPSJBM #SJEHF PWFS UIF 5IBNFT 3JWFS JO (SPUPO UBLF &YJU UP $PMNBO 4USFFU 5VSO MFGUPOUP $PMNBO 4USFFU UP UIF FOE 5VSO MFGU FromPOUP 3PWorcesterVUF #BOL 4USFFU BOE UBLF TFDPOE SJHIU JOUP .POUBVL "WFOVF 1SPDFFE NJMFT UP UIF Take$PMMFHF Route FOUSBODF5I 395 in Auburn,F "ENJTTJPOTBOE'JOBODJBM"JE South to Exit 77. Take left 0GGJDFTBSFMPDBUFEJO)FOSZ)BMMPO1FRVPU"WFOVF ontoCZUIF RouteXBUFS 85TFEHF to Colman Street as describe above*. 5 5 Admission to Mitchell College Admission Policy Secondary school graduates and students who have Our admissions requirements are designed to help attended post-secondary institutions in other coun- the College select those students best able to benefit tries and are applying for an F-1 Visa are subject to from the educational experiences at Mitchell College. the following procedures: Submission of SAT and/or ACT scores is optional. International students whose native language is not 1. International applicants should submit the Com- English are required to submit the results of the Test mon Application. of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or pro- 2. Forward an official record of work completed at vide proof of English proficiency. the secondary school attended (and all post-sec- ondary institutions attended) to the Mitchell Col- The Admission Committee reviews all applications lege Admissions Office. They must include a cer- holistically. We admit students without regard to tified translation for all documents in languages race, color, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, other than English. and national and ethnic origin. The Admissions Re- view Committee is comprised of Admissions staff as 3. Submit evidence that English proficiency is ad- well as members of the College Faculty and Admin- equate to undertake a full academic program at istration. the College. 4. If a student’s native language is not English, they Admission to the College must: Students may apply to Mitchell College as either a first-year or transfer student. However, certain pre- a. Submit the official score report from the Test requisite courses are necessary to satisfy degree re- of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). quirements. Students may begin classes twice a year, Students must obtain a score of at least 500 fall or spring term. on the written test or a score of 71 IBT on the computer test to be considered for admission. Admission Decision OR If students apply for admission, they will be notified b. As an alternative to taking the TOEFL, in- of their status by a letter. The letter will define the ternational students residing in the United nature of their acceptance and indicate when they States may show evidence of having success- must reply in the form of an advance deposit. De- fully completed an official English Language posits are accepted on-line via our website. A reply School (ELS) Language Center program. The signifying an intention to enroll as a full-time stu- ELS Language Center must forward an official dent takes the form of an advance deposit of $500 for score report to the Mitchell College Admis- resident students and $300 for commuter students. sions Office. The deposit is non-refundable until May 1 for the fall OR semester. The deposit is not refundable for the spring c. They may substitute the Scholastic Aptitude semester. Test (SAT) as an alternative to the TOEFL exam. The official score report must be -for Admission of International Students on F-1 VISA warded from the College Board directly to the The College welcomes applications from interna- Mitchell College Admissions Office. tional students and strongly urges them to com- OR plete the application process well in advance of the d.
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