NEWS OF MARCH 1961 PROFESSOR AMALIO SUAREZ To the memory of our beloved Mali the alumni, faculty and staff of The American Institute for Foreign Trade dedicate the March 1961 issue of the News of Thunderbirds. THE AmERICAn InSTITUTE FOR FOREIGn TRADE THUNDERBIRD CAMPUS PHOENIX, ARIZONA 3n �emoriam MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends of The current academic year has seen AIFT making The American InstitUte for Foreign Trade are many changes and adjuctmentz, zome planned, zome shocked and saddened by the tragic death of a unforeseen. In another place I have expressed much-beloved friend, Professor Amalio Suarez. He the desolation occazioned by the tragic loss of was returning to the campus after a trip to the Professor Amalia Suarez. He can never be re­ Pacific Northwest where he addressed the senior placed, and AIFT will always lack his radiant, classes of a number of universities and colleges friendly humanity. on the subject of overseas careers for young Americans. Snow, ice, and ptorm on a mountain Another major change was occasioned by the rezig­ road were responsible for a collision with a nation of Vice President Stanton S. von Grabill, truck. His death was instantaneous. who felt that eight yearz spent in almost contin­ uous travel for AIFT had kept him too long away A native of Jerome, Arizona, Mali was a graduate from his family. He is staying on in the Valley of Arizona State College at Flagstaff, and of the Sun as City Clerk of Phoenix. received his master's degree from the National University of Mexico. A short period of teaching His place waz taken by Richard s. Roberts, AIFT in the high school at Miami, Arizona, was follow­ '48, whose enviably successful business career ed by a brilliant performance as Coordinator of in Sao Paulo was interrupted a couple of years Inter-American Training at Purdue University, back by a near-fatal attack of polio. Rick is during which time he inducted many students from in the final stages of a dramatically complete Latin America into North American college life recovery, due largely to the expert professional and studies. treatment administered by a charming New Zealand therapist who has become Mrs. Roberts. Associate Professor of Spanish at The American Institute for Foreign Trade since its founding Rick Roberts had proposed that he devote the next in 1946, he also discharged the important respon­ few years of his recovery to the development of sibility of liaison officer between the student the school that gave him his start, and was body and the administration, as well as super­ brought to Thunderbird as Aszociate Professor vising the public and campus theatrical presenta­ of Foreign Marketing, so he was on hand, complete tions," whether in English or in foreign languages. with a bagful of ideas, when the opportunity arose to have him take over as Vice President for His warm geniality and charm, his inexhaustible Development (fund-raising, recruiting, expansion). energy and willingness to help others, and his sympathetic approach to everyone's personal He has spent his first few weeks in establishing problems endeared him to all who were fortunate personal relationships in New York and Washington, enough to know him. And to know him was to be in inaugurating proposals for such exciting things his friend. as a new course in "Nationalism and the Soviet Trade Offensive," the im:tallation of a foreign He is survived by his wife and five children, to marketing merchandise laboratory which, when it whom he was a most beloved and devoted husband is in operation, will give the students a chance and father. Their visits with him to campus to work with actual products, American and affairs were always occasions on which the foreign, and make comparative studies (hopefully radiant happiness of their family life added at the U. s. factory as well as in foreign countries), immeasurably to everyone's well-being and joy. and a number of other things including participation by AIFT in the pretraining of Peace Corps selectees. Amalie Suarez' passing leaves a great emptiness in the lives of his associates and of the Meanwhile, your President, accompanied by Board thousands of graduates of AIFT who are scattered members, has been initiating fresh explorations all over the world. May he rest in peace and for foundation support for the expansion of AIFT's glory. student body and programs. Fellowship help is needed for U. S. students,single and married, to MASTERS OR PhD.? insure the maintenance and even up-grading of the calibre of future graduates, It is also needed At the request of Dr. William L. Schurz, and in for foreign students whose personal careers and order to bring our alumni files up to date, we home countries could benefit from AIFT training in would like to have the names of Thunderbirds who American business philosophy and methods, and in have received a Master's Degree, and those who English as a foreign language. National employees have completed requirements for a Ph.D., since of American firms overseas, whose training at AIFT graduating from AIFT. We need to know the college would presumably be underwritten by their employers, or university from which the degree was receive�, could and should be a valued addition to the student the date received and the major. This information b;,dy in the years of the immediate future. This can be noted on the e�closed questionnaire card particular kind of expansion, co needed in these and returned· to the alumni office. We hope to have times of increasing nationalistic pressures, requires a complete list to publish in the July bulletin. careful planning of courses, faculty, and financial support. When things are ready, I shall be writing again, encouraging you to stimulate your social ATTENTION PLEASE: We are indeed sorry for the and business friends to send their young people to delay in getting the March bulletin on its way; Thunderbird. however, the following "Message from the Prezident" will reveal a few of the obstacles we have been All in all, things are moving briskly at AIFT. confronted with the past few weekc. We hope to do better with the July bulletin. AIFT RINGS AND PINS GREATER AIFT FUND Dear Fellow Thunderbirdc: Krim and I, along with everyone associated with AIFT, thank all of you who have helped the GREATER AIFT FUND reach its present total of $7,000. We feel we can begin asking for bids and discuss­ ing the various technical problems involved when we reach a-total of $9,000. This should happen before the current school term is over. In order to guarantee this, we both solicit the help of those who possibly have forgotten to contribute towards the final completion of this much needed film. Remember, your contribution to the fund is tax-deductible. Through the efforts of Tom Schetter, Class of For those of you who have written offering sug­ June 1961, Thunderbirds around the world can gestions, please don't think we have forgotten proudly wear an AIFT ring. As you will see by you. However, we don't feel we can begin actual the above cut,it is truly a beautiful ring and negotiations until we are in a each position to is fashioned of lOK yellow gold. The price - ask for bids and follow one of them up with an $25,00, plu� federal and state taxes. acceptance. Thunderbirdc in the u. s. can order the ring by My personal thanks to all of you who have written completing and returning the enclosed order blank notes or letters along with your contributions. I to the AIFT alumni office, together with a check certainly enjoy hearing from you and I will always for $5.00. The ring will be mailed to them try to get you the information you request .• C.O.D. by the manufacturer. Remember folks, this is your project so if your Thunderbirdc overseas must pay the full purchase name doesn't appear on the GREATER AIFT HONOR ROLL, price at the time of ordering, plus $3.00 federal please make it possible for us to include it in tax, plus $2.50 postage and handling chargee. the next bulletin. Overseas orders will be sent registered, air mail, first class. Cordially, AIFT pins and lapel buttons are still for sale Larry Finney at the AIFT bookstore. Domestic price $5.00, Acting Alumni Director overseas $5. 50. (No C.O.D.'s, please) When order­ ing, be certain to specify "pin" or "button." BOYE DE MENTE, J'53, has published Japanese Man­ ners and Ethics in Business, (Tokyo, East Asia Publishing Co., 1960, $5.00). It wac very well reviewed in The Christian Science Monitor and is MATCHING CONTRIBUTIONS causing quit� stir. Boye writes that it would As mentioned in the March 1960 bulletin: " be an excellent idea if one of his alumni brothers • by virtue of the provisions of the Aid to Edu­ in Latin America did a similar job for that area . cation programs of several of the major companies, We agree. Boye says it would probably need some­ such as General Electric, International B. F. one who had experienced manners and ethics on all Goodrich, Gulf Oil Company and Young & Rubicam, levels, since people with the very big firms might we have received matching contributions for our be somewhat insulated from really intimate contacts. alumni fund." To this list we have added General Further, •he has been told that the publishing Foods Corporation, Ralston Purina Company, Inter­ reception to such an effort would be warm.
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