the orange world 2014 At the company’s head office in Lauterach, Gebrüder Weiss in its decision. The two-storey building, which has been built an imposing, state-of-the-art office building cover- in operation since July 2014, was built according to er- ing 4,000 square metres. The concept submitted by the gonomic and ecological guidelines, and reflects the flat Cukrowicz Nachbaur firm of architects from Bregenz hierarchies of Gebrüder Weiss, facilitating quick, infor- impressed the architectural competition’s jury, which, in mal exchanges. There is a pleasant atmosphere thanks addition to appropriate design, also considered the to the green inner courtyards that are flooded with light. principles of communication and absence of hierarchy 5 Contents Management Board 6 Annual Report 8 gw-world 12 Highlights 14 25 Years of Success in Eastern Europe 30 Divisions 38 Brands 48 Sustainability 56 Locations 68 Imprint 80 5 Management Board Annual Report gw-world Highlights 25 Years of Success in Eastern Europe 7 Divisions Brands Sustainability Locations Imprint Gebrüder Weiss Management Board Peter Kloiber Heinz Senger-Weiss Wolfram Senger-Weiss Wolfgang Niessner, CEO 7 Management Board Annual Report gw-world Highlights 25 Years of Success in Eastern Europe Wolfgang Niessner CEO Gebrüder Weiss 9 Divisions Brands Sustainability Locations Imprint Dear Reader, In 2014, we succeeded for the first time ever in achiev- In terms of logistics solutions, the year under review ing a turnover in excess of 1.2 billion euros. Since the was a very successful one. We were able to develop value added and cash flow went hand in hand with a and implement several demanding and innovative con- high level of investment and an increase in equity ra- cepts in the orange network for highly prestigious tio, we can be satisfied with this result. A closer look customers from very diverse business sectors, ranging reveals that although the first and fourth quarters ful- from oil and gas to chemicals and construction via filled or even exceeded expectations, the second and automotive, high-tech and fast-moving consumer goods third quarters fell short of their respective targets. (FMCG). In terms of turnover, Air & Sea recorded the There are a number of explanations that could be largest increase and clearly set a trend. For instance, a offered here, but in my opinion, this situation is merely joint venture was set up with a local automotive special- another indication that our business is becoming more ist in China and a branch was founded in Moscow. and more difficult to predict, primarily because of an Furthermore, plans were completed for the expansion increase in short-term external influences in particular of the division’s presence in Dubai. The express parcel and in volatility in general. These are exciting times, service (CEP) sector continues to be extremely impor- and will remain so. Against this background, it is a tant for GW in Austria and our consulting activities have proven advantage that Gebrüder Weiss can boast a ro- once again proven to be a valuable addition to our ser- bust structure and has several strings to its bow. The vice portfolio. largest business division, national and international land transport with a total share of 35% of the group’s overall value added, has not only proved itself in a high- ly competitive market situation but has also made con- siderable progress. As an example, I would point to the completed integration of our locations in Baden-Würt- temberg and the nationwide launch of our product GW pro.line home (door-to-door delivery), not only in Aus- tria but also in a number of Central and Eastern Europe- an countries. Put simply, we try to expand and deepen our range of services on the basis of our known strengths. 9 Management Board Annual Report gw-world Highlights 25 Years of Success in Eastern Europe Gebrüder Weiss is on the move. Many of the topics The main challenges remain the same and can be dealt with in our “Agenda 2020” are forward-looking in summed up in a few key words: Personnel – Portfolio – nature, but many of these initiatives are also bearing Priorities – Productivity – Profit. We are increasingly be- fruit in the short term. Our aim is clearly defined by the ing confronted by complexity, which is not only the re- term ‘Service Excellence’. All measures, whether imple- sult of external forces acting on us, such as a flood of mented or planned, serve to convince customers of our legislation and regulations, but which is also in part outstanding service. This sounds ‘logical’ and can in- home-grown. We will endeavour to combat this with a deed be regarded as an extension of the ‘orange way’ ‘simplicity programme’ so as to avoid suffering a loss of upon which we have already embarked. However, the flexibility, speed and attractiveness (both as a service consequences are far-reaching and affect all stakehold- provider and as an employer). ers, either in connection with strategic financial and business decisions or professional conduct. It is impor- tant that we not only succeed in defending our excellent market position but that we also build on it, improve our competitive edge and return a respectable profit. 27% Logistics 5% Customs Distribution of added value across the divisions in 2014 6% Consulting 10% Domestic transport 26% International land transport 10% Parcel service 16% Air & Sea 11 Divisions BrandsSustainabilityLocationsImprint CEO, GebrüderWeiss Niessner Wolfgang sincerely, Yours continue tosupportus. who haveaccompaniedusonthisjourney andwho opportunity toextendmywarmestthanksallthose take this like to I would with optimism. coming years picksupagain,welooktothe economy, the European including political situationcalmsdownandtheeconomy, that thegeo and inthe hope all thisin mind, Bearing 11 - million euros Net salesin 2003 607.2 2004 708.3 2005 789.3 2006 871.3 2007 948.6 2008 985.1 2009 830.2 2010 976.0 2011 1065.6 2012 1146.6 2013 1182.8 2014 1240.0 Management Board Annual Report gw-world Highlights 25 Years of Success in Eastern Europe 93.4 Our worldwide network 93.4 per cent of all customers surveyed are satisfied with the service provided by GW and would 56.4 recommend the company 10.6 GW invested EUR 56.4 million in the expansion of the network, in new locations, and the extension of its 10.6 million consignments infrastructure. were processed by GW in land transport 131,000 24.9 131,000 standard containers (TEU) were shipped by Gebrüder Weiss 24.9 million parcels have sea freight; 49,500 tonnes been shipped via the of air freight were shipped Gebrüder Weiss parcel by Gebrüder Weiss service 502,000 502,000m² was the total logistics area in 2014. 13 Divisions Brands Sustainability Locations Imprint Our worldwide network Austria Lauterach Bludenz Dornbirn Feldkirch Graz Hall Kalsdorf Kennelbach Leoben Leobendorf Leopoldsdorf Linz Maria Lanzendorf Maria Saal Pöchlarn Salzburg Sulz Wels Werndorf Vienna Vienna-Schwechat Wolfurt Wörgl Germany Memmingen Aldingen Eislingen Esslingen Hamburg Kirchheim Lindau Nuremberg Passau Untermünkheim Wernau Switzerland Altenrhein Bern Pfäffikon Pratteln Zurich Bosnia-Herzegovina Sarajevo Bulgaria Kazanlak Musachevo Varna Canada Montreal Toronto China Shanghai Changchun Chengdu Chongqing Dalian Foshan Nanjing Ningbo Peking Qingdao Tianjin Urumqi Wuhan Xiamen Xian Croatia Zagreb Czech Republic Jeneč Česke Budějovice Hradec Kralove Jablonec nad Nisou Ostrava-Hrabova Ričany-Jažlovice Slapanice Georgia Tiflis Hungary Dunaharaszti Biatorbágy Győr Hajduboszormeny Mosonmag- yarovar Vecses Japan Tokyo Osaka Macedonia Skopje Montenegro Podgorica Romania Bucharest Arad Bacău Bolintin Deal Cluj Napoca Constanța Dolj Ilfov Oradea Sibiu Russian Federation Moscow Nabereschnyje Tschelny Serbia Dobanovci Belgrade Vučje Slovakia Senec Bytča Presov-Petrovany Zvolen Slovenia Ljubljana Koper Taiwan Taipeh Thailand Khon Kaen Turkey Istanbul Turkmenistan Aşgabat Ukraine Kiev Mukachevo USA Chicago Atlanta Boston Cleveland Dallas Detroit Houston Los Angeles Miami New York San Francisco UAE Dubai Vietnam Hanoi Ho Chi Minh City 13 Management Board Annual Report gw-world Highlights 25 Years of Success in Eastern Europe Highlights 15 Divisions Brands Sustainability Locations Imprint 15 Management Board Annual Report gw-world Highlights 25 Years of Success in Eastern Europe 17 Divisions Brands Sustainability Locations Imprint Logistics for a powerful automotive market Gebrüder Weiss is pursuing the goal of establishing Shortly after it was founded, Gebrüder Weiss Automotive strong ties between Europe and China. And 2014 saw Logistics was already able to record its first success. The the company come a little closer to that goal – in September, company won a major contract for air freight from Volkswa- the joint venture Gebrüder Weiss Automotive Logistics gen and now transports 10,000 tonnes of car parts each commenced operations, focusing specifically on the year from Europe to Asia. This major contract shows that needs of the rapidly expanding automotive industry. In ad- the joint venture has successfully established itself on the dition to its head office in Shanghai, Changchun, the his- market. The car parts are transported on the main route toric powerhouse of the Chinese car industry, is another from Frankfurt to Beijing and then on to Changchun, where key location for the company’s operations. Numerous joint they are finally assembled into vehicles. ventures have been set up by major car manufacturers in this million-strong city in the north-east of China, where But China is not the only place where VW calls on the ser- hundreds of thousands of vehicles are produced each vices of this logistics specialist. In the autumn of 2014, year. Gebrüder Weiss Automotive Logistics offers them Gebrüder Weiss was awarded the contract as regional for- transport and logistics expertise according to the highest warder for the Balkans by Volkswagen. From March 2015 on, European standards: in addition to land transport, the the company will be handling all inbound transports from company is mainly active in the area of logistics solutions.
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