Antenatal Fetal assessment [email protected] Objecves: Describe how to test for each of the following: - Fetal well-being - Fetal growth - Fetal movement - Amnioc fluid - Fetal lung maturity Stay focused, me will pass Main Title Fetal assessment (fetal well-being): • Fetal assessment is to iden8fy fetuses at risk of neurologic injury or death in • order to prevent it. Content • To prevent prenatal mortality & morbidity. Fetal and neonatal complica6ons of Ra6onal: antepartum asphyxia: Fetal oxygenaon challenged: • S8llbirth (Mortality). - blood flow directed to brain, heart & adrenal & blood flow away from the kidney • Metabolic acidosis at birth. decrease fetal urine produc8on à decrease • Hypoxic renal damage. AF volume. - CNS hypoxia à Fetal movement • Necro8zing enterocoli8s. decrease. • Intracranial hemorrhage. - chemoreceptor's à vegally-mediated reflex à fetal heart rate abnormality late • Seizures. deceleraon. • Cerebral palsy. CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASED PERINATAL MORBIDITY/ MORTALITY: Small for gestaonal Decreased fetal Postdates pregnancy Pre-eclampsia/chronic age fetus movement (>294 days) hypertension Preterm premature Chronic (stable) Pre-pregnancy diabetes Insulin requiring gestaonal diabetes rupture of membranes abrup8on WHen to start fetal Assessment antenatally? Risk assessed individually **For D.M. fetal assessment should start from 32 weeks onward if uncomplicated. ***If complicated D.M. start at 24 weeks onward. **For Post date pregnancy start at 40 weeks. **For any paent with decrease fetal movement start immediately. ** Fetal assessment is done once or twice weekly. Pregnancy assessment: Early Late Fetal movement Fetal heart ac8vity counng kick chart Contrac8on stress test Nuchal translucency CST Fetal movement Non stress test NST Doppler Velocimetry Fetal growth UAV amnio8c fluid index AFI Early pregnancy assessment Fetal Heart ac6vity: Nuchal translucency: - fetal auscultaon (special - measurement for early screening for stethoscope or Doppler). chromosomal abnormality Between 11-13+ ~12 weeks weeks - Can be seen from 6 weeks. Fetal growtH: BPD - By fundal height measurement in the clinic Fetal movement: - By ultrasound - Fetal movement are usually first AC Biometry: percep8ble to mother ~17w-20w - Biparietal diameter (BPD) (quickening) - Abdominal Circumference (AC) - 50% of isolated limb movements are - Femur Length (FL) FL perceived - Head Circumference (HC) - 80% of trunk and limb movements Amnio6c fluid HC GrowtH chart Late pregnancy assessment fetal movement counng: Contracon stress test (CST): - It should be started ~28w in normal - Is a test for uteroplacental dysfunc8on. pregnancy &~24w in high risk pregnancy. - Causing uterine contrac8on over 20 - It can reduce avoidable s8llbirth. minutes . CARDIFF TECHNIQUE: - At least 2 uterine contrac8ons. - 10 movement in 12 hours. - Uterine contrac8on restrict O2 delivery to - If abnormal paent should get further the fetus assessment. - Normal fetus will tolerate contrac8on SADOVSKY TECHNIQUE: - Hypoxic fetus will have late deceleraon - 4 movement /hour if not felt another - High false posi8ve rate ~50% hour. 100% true negave rate - If not paent need more assessment. From tHe book: A dilute infusion of oxytocin is given to From tHe book: establish at least three uterine contrac8ons in The mother assesses fetal movement each 10 minutes. If late deceleraons are observed evening on her leh side. She should recognize with each contrac8on, the test is posi8ve 10 movements in 1 hour, and if she does not, (abnormal). she should retest in 1 hour. If she s8ll does not, she should contact her doctor. *When the test is posi8ve, the baby should usually be delivered. Late pregnancy assessment Non stress test (NST): • The first step in the assessment of fetal well-being. • Main advantage over CST is no need for contrac8on. • False +ve & false –ve higher than CST. • The base line 120-160 beats/minute. • Different criteria in fetuses < 32w. Reac6ve: - A normal fetus responds to fetal movement with an acceleraon in fetal heart rate of 15 beats/minute or more above the baseline for at least 15 seconds. - If at least two such acceleraons occur in a 20-minute interval, the test is said to be reac8ve. Non reac6ve: - No acceleraon aer 20 minutes - proceed for another 20 minutes If non reac8ve in 40 minutes - proceed for contrac8on stress test or biophysical profile. *The posi8ve predic8ve value of NST to predict fetal acidosis at birtH is 55%. Early Late Interpreta6on of CTG*: – Normal Baseline FHR 110–160 bpm – Moderate bradycardia 100–109 bpm – Moderate tachycardia 161–180 bpm – Abnormal bradycardia < 100 bpm Variable deceleraons Reduced variability – Abnormal tachycardia > 180 bpm Deceleraon: EARLY: - Occurring at the same 8me as the contrac8on, caused by Head compression. LATE: - Persis8ng aer the contrac8on has finished, caused by uteroplacental Insufficiency. VARIABLE Deceleraon: - Variaon in shapes and 8ming, caused by cord compression and primary CNS dysfunc8on. Reduced Variability: tachycardia - Less than 10 pbm over a period of 8me. Tachycardia: usually associated with elevated maternal temperature or an intrauterine infec8on. OtHer causes like: Hypoxia, Chorioamnioni8s, B-Mime8c drugs, Fetal anemia, sepsis, heart failure and arrhythmias. *CTG = cardiotocography = NST Amnio6c fluid index AFI: • the sum of the maximum ver8cal fluid pocket diameter in four quarters • the normal value 5-25cm • < 5 oligohydramnios • > 24cm polyhydramnios Biophysical profile (BPP): • Combines NST with USS es8maon amnio8c fluid volume, fetal breathing, fetal movement & fetal tone. • it is a scoring system, done over 30 minute. • It measures acute hypoxia (NST, fetal mov. &breathing) & chronic hypoxia (AFI) • The risk of fetal death within 1 week if BPP is normal~ 1/1300. Modified BPP (mBPP): • Consists of NST & AFI only. • low false negave 0.8/1000. • high false posi8ves ~60%. Fetal BiopHysical profile: • Using NST à fetal heart rate. • Using USS: Biophysical Variable Normal (score=2) Abnormal (score= 0) Fetal breathing Absent FBM or no episode >30 1 episode FBM of at least 30 s duration in 30 min movements s in 30 min 2 or fewer body/limb Fetal movements 3 discrete body/limb movements in 30 min movements in 30 min Either slow extension with 1 episode of active extension with return to flexion of fetal return to partial flexion or Fetal tone limb(s) or trunk. Opening and closing of the hand movement of limb in full considered normal tone extension Absent fetal movement Either no AF pockets or a Amniotic fluid volume Single deepest vertical pocket of amniotic fluid > 2cm pocket < / = 2 cm *Two points for each variable and two points for a reac6ve NST. *A score of 8-10 is considered normal. Doppler velocimetry: • Measurement of blood flow veloci8es in maternal & fetal vessels, Reflects feto-placental circulaon. • Doppler indices from UA, Uterine A & MCA • Doppler studies is mostly valuable IUGR • In IUGR absent or reversed EDF (end diastolic flow) associated with fetal hypoxia. umbilical artery waveform Umbilical Artery Doppler Invasive fetal assessment Amniocentesis chorionic villus sampling (CVS) cordocentesis - Obtaining a sample of amnio8c - Usually done aer 10w. Indicaon: fluid during pregnancy. - It is the procedure of choice for first - rapid karyotyping. - Usullay done aer 15w (can be trimester prenatal diagnosis of genec - diagnosis of inherited done aer 11w). disorders. disorders. Indicaon: Complicaon: - fetal HB assessment. - geni8c (karyotype) - fetal loss (0.7 percent within 14 days - fetal plt level. - billirubin level (RH- of a TA CVS procedure and 1.3 percent - fetal blood transfusion. isimunisaon) within 30 days), Procedure-induced Complicaon: - fetal lung maturity (L/S) limb defects bleeding, bradycardia, - therpu8c in polyhydramnios - Second trimester amniocentesis is infecon…. Risks: associated with the lowest risk of Rupture of membrane ~1%, pregnancy loss; chorionic villus abor8on 0.5%, infec8on 1/1000 samplings safer than early (i.e, before 15 weeks) amniocentesis. Fetal lung maturity (FLM): - A test for fetal lung maturity is performed before semi-elec8ve but medically indicated births < 39 weeks. - Tests for fetal lung maturity are generally not performed before 32 weeks of gestaon. - Respiratory distress syndrome develops as a consequence of surfactant deficiency and immature lung development. - L/S rao (lecithin-sphingomyelin rao) is the most commonly used (rao should be 2:1 or greater). Tesng may have value in the following clinical situaon: - Premature rupture of membranes ( ≥ 32 weeks), if FLM test is mature, delivery is likely safer than “wait and see” approach. - Assessment of need for NICU, possible only if early delivery has medical mandate and 8me allows for FLM tes8ng. - Other selected late preterm and early preterm pregnancy issues where FLM may guide management of at-risk pregnancy. *All FLM tests require amniocentesis for obtaining amnio8c fluid. Comparison of FLM Laboratory Tes6ng Op6ons Lecithin-sphingomyelin rao Lamellar body count (LBC) PhospHadylglycerol (PG) (L/S) •Ini8al FLM of choice •Main role is in adjudicaon of •Rapid, sensi8ve immature LBC or PG •Not useful unless gestaonal •New data indicates that • Last test of choice age ≥ 35 weeks one can es8mate risk of • Labor intensive, imprecise •Limited availability respiratory distress syndrome • Limited availability •Sensive (RDS) as a func8on of • Results take > 24 hrs gestaonal age and LBC unless performed at a local laboratory Done by: Ebtesam Alateeg Revised by: Razan AlDhahri .
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