i-i «.i-»-« i-.-- *•'•>-*^ .•*-»^«--.HSs-t-»'»-| r»-ff'»»'«»i-* m Tt-ii'-;iTTxai Library THE HOME TO\VN PAPER THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A ot VITAL FORCE IN EVERY TOAVN BRANFORD—NORTH BRANFORO STONY CBEEK—PINE ORCHARD PORTRAYING AS IT DOES SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN GRANNIS CORNER-MORRIS FAMILIAR LANGUAGE COVE—EAST MAVEv Cjie Pranforti ^bto AND EAST HAVEN KEWS VOL. XIV—No. 21 Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, Sopteiuber 11, 1941 Price Five Oenta Several Hundred Attend P??^^^ ^.^^^IX^^?, |Musical Society Club Is Invited Bran ford Defense Council Defeats Hall Begins Season To Federation Social Work Conference The Musical Art Society will hold Sets Time and Locations In Primaries Its first meeting this year on Sep Meeting Oct. 8 teniber 20. This will be a dinner at James J. Sullivan, Republican the Compass tor members and The Branford Garden Club held For Civilian Enrollment At Montowese Housefirs t selectman of East Haven tor guests. Mrs. Danlelson, president ot Its monthly meeting Friday after­ the past four years Monday de the society has chosen the follow­ noon In the Short Beach chapel ing committee chali;men who will with the Short Beach members as Thirty-First Annual Meeting Of Connecticut Workers fcated Harold c. Haii in one of the Centers Will Be Open September 15 to 20—Mrs. Ernest Held Yesterday And Today—Eobert 0. Doming, As- most spirited primary tights m the work with lier.thls season. hostesses. Mrs. S. A. Grlswold, history ot town politics. Sullivan, Program, Miss Olive, Pratt; ways president, presided at both board G. L. Craig In Chai'ge—Everyone Asked To Fill - sistant Administrator Speaks On "Connecticut De endorsed by the G. O. P. Town com­ and means, Mrs: William Crawford; and club meetings, and conducted ' fense Council Work." mittee, polled 64 per cent ot the scholarship, Mrs. George Fouser; a patriotic service in which she Blanks—No Age Limits. ballots cast to defeat Hall, 056 to 3'78 publicity. Miss Marlon L. Thatcher; road "Tlie Legion of the Dog Wood Connecticut Social Workers met a plurality of 278 votes. junior counsellor, Mrs. William Tree." "Civilian Air Raid Defense is an Important department in Your yesterday and today for a confer­ Freer To Oppose Also chosen to be the party can­ Rice; juvenile cbiinstillor, Mrs. Ray­ Bicycles Cause ence at the Montowese House. Over Mrs. F. T, Callln, corresponding Country's safety," states a circular didates in the coming election mond Plnkham; director of the dl.stributod this week by the Bran­ 300 attended. by margins which varied but little chorus, Mrs. Harold Baldwin. secretary, announced the annual James J. Sullivan meeting of the State Federation Two Accidents ford Defense Council in cbnnoctlon This was the 31st annual meet­ from initial candidates was the en­ The elected bfflcers tor the year with the Civilian work enrollment ing and was presided over by Con­ tire Sullivan slate. win be held In Now MUford on are Mrs. Andrew Daiilelson, presi­ Twelve persons met their death which win take place all next week. ference President Eleanor H. Little Gerard Freer, a former first Hall, president ot the New Haven dent; Mrs. William Rice, vice-pres­ will be held In New MUford on selectman, was homUiated tor the Wednesday, Oct. 8 at 10:30 A. M. two years ago In Connecticut by Mrs, Fred Howe, in Indian'Neck ot Qullford. Rev. B. Kenneth An­ County Young Republican clubs, ident; Miss Audrey Rogers, secre­ announces that enrollment^ will be thony gave the Invocation and post agahi at a meeting ot East who contested the nomination of Miss Grace Cornell will give an il­ auto bicycle accidents seven in tlie Haven Democratic committee, qind tary; Miss Isabel MacLeod, treas­ received at the flreliouso on Tues­ Judge Frank W. Daley welcomed Sullivan after he failed to receive urer; Miss Cornelia Osborn, histor­ lustrated talk on the subject day and 5 at night. day, Wednesday and Thursday will oppose Incumbent James J. "Know your Colors." Members are the delegates. the endorsement ot the town com­ ian; Miss Mary Devlin, librarian; Last year the number was de evenings from 7;30 to 10 and Satur­ Among the speakers were: Sullivan In the coming Fall elec­ mittee by a single vote margin, asked to notify Mrs. Catlln if they tion. Mrs. • Wallace Foole, former presi­ creased by 2 with 8 fatalities in the day afternoon from 2 to 4. She will Harold F. Strong, Executive Di­ rolled a plurality only in his own dent. wish to ottend. Dr. Rocco Bove was named the daytime and 2 at nignt bo assisted by Mrsi Louis Ritzing- rector Children's Village, Dobbs, district of Foxon. There he re­ The first board meeting was held Resignations were accepted with cr, Mrs. Ocorgo Adams and others. Perry, New York; Ruth C. Dana, candidate for second selectman and ceived 91 votes to 57 tor the prete-l regrets from the following: Mrs. In 1939, 200 children and 02 others chosen were Mrs. Madeltoe Monday night at the home ot Mrs. Mrs. Ernest G. L. Craig will re­ Hartford Bureau of Child Welfare; ent first selectman. Joseph Marlnan, Mrs, Francis RoS' adults were Involved In blcyclc- solve enrollments at the vacant Bixby, town clerk; Wilfred J. Tal­ Andrew Danlelson. Auto accidents and last year the Dr. Robert H. Mathewson of the Sullivan carried the center dis­ -V siter, Mrs. Charles Reynolds and store in the Toole building every i\ Division of Research and Planning bot, town treasurer. T. Frank Rey­ trict by a two-thirds margin, gar­ Mrs. Francis Y. Joannes. New mem­ number of children increased to 247 nolds, tax collector; ' registrar of day from 1 until 7 except on Sa­ State Department ot Education in nering 510 ballots to 248 for Hall. bers received were Mrs. 0. Murray but the adult number, decreased to turday when an attendant will bo voters, John J. Carter; Board of Edu He carried the Momauguin district, 87. Hartford and many others. cation, Mrs, Rita Blondi, Alex Dor- Thirty ^embers Upson and Mrs. Harold Blakcslee. in charge all day. The following Robert C. Deming, assistant ad­ 89 to 39. Mrs. H. E. H. Cox, chairman ot According to records At the police will assist her at two hour shifts: an, Mrs. John L. Sanford and Rus­ station 2 of the 17 automobile ac­ ministrator of the Connecticut De- sell McQuiggan; Board of tax Re­ Others on the Sullivan ticket who Attend Reunion the ways and moans committee an­ Mr, and Mrs, Robert Richardson, tense Council was one ot yester­ were victorious were Lyman Good nounced that a balance of $117.74 cidents in August Involvpd bicycles. John, Donnelly,' Franklin Gates, Ij view, John McDaniel and Charles Chief of Police urges that parents day's speakers. Using as his sub­ Capella; assessors, Richard Braohe rich, as second selectman nominee, was cleared at the recent card Miss Martha Adams, Mrs. Charles ject, "What the Defense Council Harry Conway, town treasurer; There were about 39 members ot party. It was voted to have three warn children of this danger, Bedienl, Mrs. Hinchley, Mrs, Eu­ and John Brereton; grand jurors, the B. H. S. class of 1939 at the Comparative automobile accident Expects of Social Workers." Eugene Johansen, Frank Tcnny and George Beckett, Board of Assessors; hostesses at each ot the summer gene Rodney, Mrs, Raymon Baliou, Myoron Grover and Alvin Thomp­ reunion In Svoa Hall Saturday figures follow; Mrs. Howard Wall and Mrs, Her­ Among the local residents who John DeFUlppo. constables, Harold night. The committee In charge meetings. It was voted to tax each 1041 assisted with the registration and son, Board of Tax Review and 1030 1040 bert Gallaudet. Burrltt, John W. Walsh, John Kiser were: Miss Virginia Bracken, chair­ member 2 5 cents for guests. Mrs. 7 13 12 ushering were: Registrar ot Voters AlvIn Sanford. W. T. Nott announced the annual January and George T. Woodworth. man. Miss Stasia Petela, Miss Re- February 10 8 10 Enrollments wlU be taken at tho Mrs. Arthur Scrlvenor, Jr., Mrs. .V Incumbent Town Clerk Margaret gina Donnelly; 'Stanley Bartholo luncheon to be held in the First J. Tucker and Tax Collector James March 5 10 11 Short Beach J'lrehouso each day William E. Hitchcock, Jr., Mrs. P. mew, Robert Ddmberg and Stanley Baptist Church, Friday, Oct. ' 10 7 4 from 4 o'clock until 8 with Mrs. Sherwood Boyd, Mrs. John Bald­ C. Ogllvle were uncontested by the Continued on page eight April '"' Dzwonkoskl, A new committee was May 13 8 13 T. 0. Bracken in charge. On Mon- win, Mrs. M. J. Carpinella, Mrs. Irene Massey Hall slate in the primary balloting. elected to be in charge ot the re­ V V June 0 12 11 day, and Tuesday J^rs. Thomas Clarence R. Lake, Mrs. Howard union next year consisting of Ml-ss 17 15 17 Fallon and Miss Virginia Bracken • Stevens, Mrs. Franklin Wagner Becomes Bride July Barbara Carr, Miss Eileen Mooney, Granite Bay Day August 14 10 17 win be at the desk and tho follow­ Miss Janet ' Hill, Mrs. Franklin Harry's Steaks Miss Grace BoHtelie^, -Kenneth ing two nights Mr8. bagmar Ap- Gates, Miss Grace Boutelle, Mrs. R. Of Pvt. Morris Johnson; William.: Protb, G^rado Total 8B' - • OB 05 ploRalc^and Mrs, M. D, Stanley.^-'-u B. Cate, Mrs. Harvey. W. Riddle, Giordano*.tti<5iPviii^&l«t*'*iiartohe. - Ends With Movie —pi br'Bn-fi'nrttf.'Triitiiy;TNOsT'Cffflfeftee"""'* '• Mrs. - Albertus FIge, Miss Virginia The marriage of Miss Irene Ros- Are Real McGoy ^_ _v—1 Mungor, othdr workers will be Bracken, Mrs.
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