■■ .y .-1 ), TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 19B8 Average Daily Net Press Run PAGE FOURTEEN For th« Week Ended The Weather H lattrijfi0tfr EttPtttng ?|pralii Jnn. 31, 1963 Forecaet of li. 8. Weather Boeaa are welcome to attend the lec- The Hon. Alice K. Leopold. Con­ Among the births recorded at 10,871 Hartford . Hospital recently were .tures, and notices - are being sent Fair, colder tonight. Mhiinnmr necticut's secretary of State, was Betrothed Set Lectures to all YWCA nicrpbers. Coffee will ! About Town elected to the board of trustees of the following to local realdenU: Member of the Audit 14. Thnmday, moetly fair. Qn Jan. 30 a daughter to Mr. apd be served at 12:30 for those who ; bureau of Clrcnlatione of the Eastern Staten Exponitlon at, wish to" bring-their--kmch end «n-;- , ....... ManchesterrrrrA City. of yiUafte..Charm. the annual meeting held at the ex­ Mrs. Woodrow McCann '6f'"1T - On Fkianee / •ni« Qumh of Peace Mothers Fackard-atcect .and. a son tfl Mr, Joy a social time beCore the Icc- >4*:'—... .......... .............. , .. ...... ..... .. Circle will meet tomorrow night position grounds -yesterday, aiter- tfiVe; A htiracry-Tor chtidren -wlir* noon. and Mrs. Chester Kimball of 48 with Mrs. John D. Rice of 103 Drive A. Silver. Lane Homes, and Personal Problems of be supervised from 1 o’clock on a t ' VOL. LXXII, NO. 106 (Classified^ Advertising on Page 16) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 195.3 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE n V B CENTS Bretton road. Mrs. William J. on Jan. 31. a*son to Mr. and Mrs. a smalt charge per cdiild. Thd Icc-1 Manning will be co-hostess. Rev. Ugo Canisl. tne U.S. representa­ Charles Krowka of 62 Devon drive. Women to Be Mulled tme will begin at 1:16 and will be: Robert Carroll of St. Bridget’s tive of the UN High Commissioner followed by a question period, dur- ! Church will show pictures of the for Refugees, will launch the work­ The Men’a Club of the ^econd i At YW CA Talk Series ing which it Is hoped that worn-' Mass. shop series “ The Century of the Congregational Church will have i en will feel free to a.sk about their The Battle Goes On Refugee” Friday at 966 Main a dinner meeting at the church on , A course' for women on per­ own problems. A small admission Officers of . Dllworth-Comell- street, Hartford, with a discussion Thursday at 6:30 p. m., reserva- | sonal financial problems, entitled fee. will be charged for a single Quey Post, American Legion, and of the toipc, "Who and Where Are lions for which should be made j "Your Finances: "What Women lecture, or course tickets itiay be members of the ,convmittee for the They?” Anyone Interested is in­ through-Kingsley Kuhney of Hen- I purchased for the aeries... i vited to attend this lecture or the Should Know,", aponaored by the . Letters Burned, Lost Feb. 25 auction are reminded that ry street, a fine crowd turned out i YWCA Public Affairs committee, Anyone wishing further infor­ the llrst meeting to make arrange- series which will be held on suc­ for the oyster supper la.st month, cessive Fridays from 10:30 to 3:30. I will be presented on four Tuesday mation may contact Mra. Allan S. ments for the project will take and Mr. Kuhney hopes the attend- I afternoons at the Community Y, Taylor, chairman of the Public place tonight at the Legion Home a nee Thursday night will exceed starting on Feb. 10, This program Aflairs committee of the Man­ and every Tuesday night until the The Mother Cabrinl Mothers Circle will hold a meeting tomor­ former records. of four lectures la designed to help chester YWCA. time of the auction. row night at 8 o'clock at the home women overcome those confusing of Mrs. Harry Smith, 101 Middle Delta Chapter No. 61, Royal financial difficulties which face both housewives and-career women turnpike east. Arch Maaons, will confer the Royal (n their everyday life. ......... .. Arch degree at Its-stated convoca­ LAND SURVEYING A u t o m a t ic d e l i v e r y s e r v ic e tion tomorrow .night.at 7^30 in the The first lecture, on Feb. io, will on Gibbons Assetrrbly* - Catholic Masonic Temple. The degree work diSil with ■i*etff>fnent''progra ms arid' Edw w d L. Dovi»i Jr, “ JUSTTELL us TO KEEP YOUR TANK PILLED M !i«llREPQIR Lsidies of Cdlumbu's, will meet to­ life insurance, and will he given by night at o’clock in th* K. of C. will be followed by the usual re­ Registered I.iand Surveyor 8 freshments and social hour. David A. Ivry, instructor of in­ Home. The speaker will be Rev. Martha A. PaJna surance at the University of Oon- 15 Proctor Road Manchester George Hughes of St. .Tames’ necticut. Estate planning will be TRI.. MITCHELL 3-7019 L. T. WOOD CO. tiAM Church, whose subject will be Miss Bernice Juul of the Weldon Mr. and Mrs, John D. Paine, Rescuerg Row into Dutch Town Beauty Studio will present a dem­ covered on Feb. 17 by William C. 51 BISSELL ST^ET TEL. MI-3-4498 "Brotherhood." ,7r., of 1 Doane atreet, Marblehead, Gets Three rnnmiumRiT onstration lecture entltlwl "Beauty Fenniman, vice president and trust Angles from the Hairline" at the A^ss., are announcing the engage­ officer of the Phoenix 55tate Bank Service Once Homemaker’s Holiday program, ment of their daughter, Martha In Hartford, including trusts, wills, aponaored by the Mancheater and inheritance laws. Alice Paine, to Salvator M. Bel- On March lO Jbhn Eglof, as­ Years; Hits If Tennis Racquets YWCA, tomorrow morning at 9:30 lingherl, Jr... son of Salvator Bel- HALE'S at the Community Y. A nursery sistant dean and professor of in­ roAnidVii lingherl and the late Mra. Be'l- surance at the University of Con­ will be provided for pre-schbol linghert, of 293 Spruce atreet. ‘Worked’ Files Badminton Racquets children. necticut and formerly field super­ Red Charge Mias Paine received her B. S. visor of Travelers Insurance Com­ Headquarters degree from Slate Teachers Col­ pany, will discuss protective in­ Re-Strung St. Mary’s Guild will meet af FOR Washington, Feb. 4— {IP )—^The woman who keeps the State 10:30 a. m. Thursday in the Guild lege at Salem, Maas., in 1949 pnd surance, property, llahillty and ac­ New York, Feb. 4— (/P)— Room to fold siirgiral dressings has done graduate work at the cident. The final subject, will be William W,_; Remington, for-' department’s files on its'foreign service officers poured: out NASSIFF for Manchester Memorial Hoapl- Univeritlty of Colorado. “ Investments': Making the Moat of to investigating Senators today a story of a “derogatory let­ Mr. Beiringherl served for two Small Ravings.” with the speaker mer (Commerce Department STATIONERY tal. Members will bring their economist, was sentenced to­ ter” tagged “ burn,” of a disappearing letter, and of informa­ AIRMAIL • NOTES own sandwiches, and the hostess­ years in the Air Force In World Wa.yne Furtney, security analyst ARMS COMPANY for Putnam and Company, .Hart­ tion handled so the FBI and pro--*-^----------- —— --------------------------- - LEADING BRANDS es. Mrs. John Trotter, Mrs. Irving War II anil is a graduate of day to three years in prison motion pantls never saw It. “ House of Sporls” Wlckhsm and Mrs. Herman Teachers College of Connecticut at ford. for perjury in defending him­ All women who are intere.sted Mrs. Helen Balog related alio frtiuir Dni| Stores 1015 Main Street Schendel, will serve tea, coffee and New Britain. Both are members self against accusations of that John Stewart Service, fired dessert. ■of the faculty of the Simset Ridge last year air of doubtful loyalty, Ike Holding School In East Hartford. Communism. Federal Judge Vincent I>. Lei- Vaa given acceee to confidential Plana are being made for an fllea in 1948 and worked on them April wedding....... ’Whllriether troops move up, a wounded man He* on ground (loi'c- bell sentenced the 35-year-old for­ ...Here's The Spot! ..1*1* .t .‘.a W ‘ as-yg-.* * A* ' Va/'v * ^ WlaF- m ■■■» through much of 1949. ; Frank's^ ground) 't^ ln g to a hospital rdrpsmaii, during a UX smaah against mer 110,000 a year government onr. two hill positions held by Chinese Communists In Korea. The UN official. Revising Files She described Service ae- one of NEW MODEL is the .spot to remove all asaault reacted in the deatlis of an estimated 300 Reds. This picture He was alleged to have per­ Antiqui Shop jured himself in testifying in his the aaalstanta revising the flies.” CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc. TRUSS FiniNG waa niade hy George Sweers, AP staff Tphotographer. who accompan­ Mrs. Ba)og. mature-appearing ^ ots. Bring your dry cleaning in to us or ied the,raiders. (AP Wlrepholo by radio from Tokyo.) flrst perjury trial that he never Fleet Order gave secret information to Eliza­ and aelf-possessed, testified before By AKRON Graduated Experts 56 Cooper Stroof Ronqos, Refrigerators call Mitchell ,3-8072 for fast, friendly route the Senate Investigations subcom­ 311 MAIN STREET beth T 'Bentley, former Commun­ Washinsrton, Feb. 4— Also Abdominal Supporta, Elasr Woshers ond All ' service.. ^ . in Manchester .and, outlying ist- courier,' end that he • dfd^ -not mittee headed by Sen. McCarthy tie Hosiery, and all types of W ill Bo C I S '(R-;Wfs). The beOrfhgs' are the PrOsIdeht Ersehhower m i^ - 0 0 4 towns. We Give Green Stamps. Finnish Ship know that a young Communist first major inquiry by the group aurgicAl appliances.
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