. { ■ Average Dally Circulation Far the Month of September, : IB41 The Weather 6 , 8 8 0 Foreeaat of C. S. WentiMr Bereeie ■/ —Cloudy, ooroalonnl rain teBlgliii, Member of the AodU continuInK Saturday, little ehnn(e Biireaa of Circulationi in temperature. M anchester— ‘A City o f Villa/re Charm VOL. LXL, NO. 27 (ClaiMined AdvertUIng On Page IS) MANCHE.STER. CONN., FRIDAA’, OCTOBER 31. 1941 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS merican Destroyer Sunk by Torpedo; Both Faetions Cheer Seizure of Plant I [Past to Be Ignored l nilotl .Stales Minister Inspeets Kearnv Damage ReuBen James Doing In Rehiring of Men Convoy Duty; Crew’s For Air Assoeiates Fate Still Uncertain Pxeeulive Ortler Issued First .Vnipricaii Waffihip Bv K oosevell Results Defense Mediation . O ’Daniel Will Seek Lost Siiiop W ar R p - In Troops Taking Pns* trail: British See ‘In- session Early Tmlay; Board Considering (likrriiniiiale Siihma* Only .Maehine * Guns Vote on Changing rine Warfare Againat Loailed; Orilers (^iven Coal Mine Dispute I n i t e il .States' B y To Have !\'o Bullets Neutrality Today (Germany; Third War In Kid es or Pistols. Bomb 27 Members anti Alter- To Ask ( nanirnous Con­ ^ eswel to Be Target. BendiX.;N. .1., Oct. 31.— (/P) nates (father at Capi­ sent of .Senate for America Will Wa.shiriKton. (3ct. 31.— (>P) —The Army .seized the plant I tal; Davis (lint Murray )f Air As.sooiale.s, Inc., today 1 lender Evrs Immediate Ballot on I —The United State* destroy­ ind won cheers fropi both' In Brief Conference. Aot Cliaiijje er Reuben Jame* was torpe- Lifting Shipping Bans. 'actions in a bitter labor fight i I doed and sunk west of Ice­ Of Arcused ivith an announcement that Bulletin! Bulletin! •Navy Policy land last night, the first t would rehire men without Washington, Ort. 31.— i/T) Washington. Oct.' 31.— iT’; I American warship lost since Vegard for the i>ast. I’resi- OfTirial .Vilinils Exainin- — Chairinan Milliam H. Da­ — proposal By Senator F!uropean w ar began, and Koospvell Sees .No Possi­ F’resident Roosevelt crisply lent Roosevelt issued last: ution of Treasiirecl vis. of the Defense Mediation O’Daniel (D.. Tex.), that the light an rXecutfve orriar directing I Board. advised F’resident .Senate vote at once on re- bility of .Severing Dip- told a press conference the ;hat the Army take over an(A op- | iNorden Dev ire Part attack would not change United John L. L^wis of the United miiving the neutrality act’s ‘ rate the plant, aaylng the di.*- lomalir Relations Now States policy The hour* passed )ut« threatened to hajt production Of Duties of Lung. ' Mine Workers t(Klay that the shipping restrictions was Over Janies* Sinking. with no news of the fate of the nf vital defense material ,*ecre- Board would consider fhe rap- Blocked today By Senator Ma- men aboard, while in London an ary o f War .Stimion sof the .New Yor)(. Oct. 31 '.I’ Krhard tive roal mine dispute "rare- |oney ( D.. Coinn.). who said authoritative British spokesman roopa in motion. Washington, Oct. 31 - — Bierbach. vice-president of The I fully, ralmli, and not under Be would not agree to the took the view that Germany had t Form Human King Presidefit Rooaevelt said today he declared "Indiscriminate subma­ (?arl L, Norden CVimpany. te.stifled pressure" of a ,Vov. 1.5 strike More than 2,000 aoldiera with inanimous consent procedure aaw no poaaibllity of severing rine warfare against the United today that he had aoen Hermann deadline. Lincoln MaeVeagh (right). United States Minister to Iceland, States" iteel helnifta, naked bayonet* and' ami an unidentified Naval officer look at the spot on the U. S, S (^’Daniel’s plan required. diplomatic illation.-..with Germany nachlne guna formed a' human Lang, one of 15 men on trial for Kearily where the upward and forward force of the torpedo eXplosion and thought there had been no 120 Ordinary (Yew ■ing around the plant, deployed espionage conspiracy, eXamining ' Washington, Ort. .'ll..—(Ah ruptured the deck above the fire rcom an<i hurled wreckage onto the W ashington. yOcf: 31.— i/P; Ordinarily the Reuben James hrough nearby held* or idled DfldW** wHif'K im ivn m A/4*m 4 a4 as *U.._ s^l. < - _i.a___ ___--.a. change in American policy as a the treasured .Norden bomb sight, —Twenty-.seven members and t>ridg|^hich is immediately above them. Thia pleUim JtM jiip d a.by — Senator (J’Daniel (I).. TeX.) raault of the loas of the American carried 6 officers and - 114 men.. learlly in the \drlnity Few had i th-id^Wmed ....... .. ......................Slates A m y. Rignsl Crops and was releageJl^^ptly in J pepl but acknowledged that was In line alternates of the .National said '^todaj- he would ask •destroyer Reuben James and other The 21-year-old destroyer was on with Lang'a duties Washington by the Navy Department Despite the show of force only. Defen.se Mediation Board met unani^ou*'^ Senate con.sent (recent attacks on other American convoy duty, the Kavy said and A defense witneiCa, Bierbach as­ Mr Roosevelt. In his discussion of the machine guna were loaded. Of- . I here today to consider final ve.^aela. tounded Lang'a attorney, Oeorge later irt.-fhe afternoon for an The Reuben James was tor­ policy noted the specific fact that peer* had ordera that not a bullet W H en, who had subpoenaed him. ! recommendation.s for .settle- immediate vote on the ques- pedoed and sunk last night west of she was carrying out a duty as­ va* to be In any nfle or pistol. "Didn't you tell me yesterday, j ment of the captive coal mine tion,-6f artaending the neutral­ Iceland. Mr. Roosevelt had no de­ signed to her. At the nearby Haabrouck rail- about 3:10 p m . in the pre-sence of oad atallon, CIO atrlker* formed i i dispute. Chairman Willianj tails to add to those already an­ In Berlin an authorized sourca my associate and five others that All 20 in Airliner ity act to Wft restrictions on said that if the destroyer waa m one aide of a drive way and non- I H. Davi.s, and Philip Murray, nounced by the Navy. Hermann Lang had never seen a I American flipping. O’Daniel Carrying O it Dtity participating In a convoy "it waa ! trlker* maaae<l on the other A | completed tximb a ig h f " demanded president of the CIO. roDferred made this announcement after ine of troop* with fixed bayonet*. I It waa in reaponse to a preas no wonder that she was tor­ Hers. briefly l>efore the .sefwion pot un­ ("hairman Connally (D, TeX.i, of conference question that .Mr. pedoed." ;aa bomb* »nd s machine gun eyed "No, I dldn t. ' said Bierbach. der way. Murray is a membf’r of oth group*. Die After Crash; the Foreign Relation* Committee ^ Rooaevelt said he did not think Replying to a reporter's ques­ Inspeellon Part Of Duties the orlRina! ll-m ember board set had informed th^. Senate solemn­ theer would be any change in tion. the president said he had not Into thi* tense acene rode Col "Wa.* it part of Lang's duties to up bv President Roo.^evelt. and all ly of the sinking of the United policy by reason of attgek* or thought about the possibility of toy Jones, eastern district auper- ' I’iaor for the Air Corps Procure- cutting off relations with Ger­ (Continued On Page Tea) I (Continued On Pace HIX) (Coatinued Oa Page Ten) I (CoqUnued On Page Teh) many. Representative Celler (D- nent Division, who took charge of : Blaze Fierc |he plant. | NYI introduced such a proposal in the House yesterday. Important to Defense Unlike the deatroyer Kearny, ■'This plant i* an important plant ' |o national defenae." he told the I 1 : 7 ; 'Woman Sees (Conttaued Oa Pag* Tea) owd. "We propose to open the Report Nazi Onslaught Red Units in Crimea )Iaht and we wlli need workera In suit of Flames; No lo- ib.XWe are going to act up an 'mployrbent agency just aa soon a* Immediate Explana­ Plane Crash ve can complete the nece.saary In- On Moscow Dwindling Said in Full Retreat I’entory. I atn asking you Uj the tion (riven for Disa.s- Flashes ! pame of the prealdent of the Near House ter; Blast After Grash. (Late RollettBa of the un Wlra) L'nited State* as good cliizena to Strong Offensive Om- (vermans Report Soviet pipport me." Nazis Probe Mc'hv Citizejig He then eXpressed hope there tiniies 'Only on Nortli- ,St. Thomas. Ont.. Oct. 31. Soniethii^ Ahoiit .Sniiiid Forres in Donets Basin •> 20 Trapped In .Mine ^ould be Jobs for all and said they — (A*)— .All 20. occupants of Nurdegg, Alberta, Ont. I l — k'ould be rehired regardleahof pa.st wesi Mank; .Vilvanre O f Motors Makes Her .Also Being Pushed Twenty oven wem trapped aad Weak Spots an .American Airlines trans­ Ignore Plea klfficulties. The tension broke and Gheoketl Even There. Decide to I.ook: High Bark hv .Axis .\rinies. lielleved to have been killed to­ fheers reao\mded. port were killed last night day when an eXpioalon cauaed Loren J. Hmiaer. eastern region­ when the b ig plane fHowed I Tension Wires Missed. two level* of a eoal mine to rave al director of the CIO's Cmted In Red Line Mo.scovv, Oct. 31.— i/P)— Berlin Oct. 31.—oP)—The Of De (raulle In today. ' A mine raacue aquad into the earth 14 miles west The Ta.a.s ajieney declared to­ j (.Mr*.
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