'l- V - - -*•• .:**•• '-Y ^ ; • 4 • •i-," ‘ Chelsea District Library 221 S. Main Chelsea, Ml 4611* >,.■ V , :• tlXLli-, ■ ‘s - ^ 1... .. -7- - . : y* \ ■ ',i4l ■> ■ -■ ■ «>;v t. tv,: • ,V,VV .> ■ ■ ' W * A:>.\ ■*. .>.*■■ W W r ■! f. ■’» — ■ , ■ ■ . ' a ■ t - a'Av-a .-A-,-' “ ' a ■■ 78' h v i oNf hum!mi! n ti sii1 1if iir/i ah n«, h, ( hvlsra, M ichiyjm , fhursduw April /, Jd/A? 3? H;)(|cs rin-. Week . B C ommissionapprbves Jack Meykeh Stanley Burke and Commission in September 2000. there isn’t.” selves With greater autonomy,” Bud Hankerd, all. members, of The village wanted to annex The city’s boundary will be Merkelsaid. boundaries; fact-finding the ’Ghelsea- City . Study township land, resulting in almost the same as the village Merkel, who said he is very meting setfotAptilll. Committee, attended the hear- opposition from the two town- except for a strip of land from pleased with the cooperation of . ships, which brought a lawsuit the center of Interstate 94, run- the townships in Chelsea’s road .... ...... „ , ......... Tbe road to cityhood, which against the State Boundary ning north, annexed from Sylvan to cityhood said the tax conse- .. will make Chelsea the fifth city Commission for insufficiency of and Lima townships. It will also ouences for Chelsea residents NEWS BRIEFS? Chelsea Village topk another in Washtenaw County, with petitions. In October, the town- include a 40-acre parcel should be “n eu trT to X h tiv Chelsea school board step closer to city status March Milan, Saline, Ypsllanti and Ann ships agreed to allow Chelsea to annexed from Sylvan Township sngntiy 28 when the State Boundary* Arbor.isthe culmination of a seek cityhood if it dropped its where Jibe new water treatment «WA>vfi uPfin nnvino » mm petitions due Monday Commission approved Chelsea’s decadf of effort v annexaUon bid. plant is located at Werkner and , Anyone interestedinrun- petition to incorporate as a city. In 1092,at i&ers’ urging, the VillagePresident Richard Sibley roads.--------- ^ nlngfor a seat on the The three-member panel Vlllstige Council appointed the Steele said Monday the process There are also township *w? «towo i?£? ,vLr w^lc ,1T^ e Chelsea Board of Education approved a new boundary for Chelsea City Study Committee, tends to set up adversarial rela- “islands” that were never inqor- ootamvery little, he said. Ifin has u n til.4 p,m>. Monday to Chelsea as agreed to. by the yil- headed by Market. tionships with other government porated into the village but becoming a city we have our own file at the administration . lage, as well as neighboring ‘“As a village, we’re not a pri- units. which will be part of the city, property tax assessor and con- bfnces, 500 Washington St., Liraa and Sylvan townships, mary forni of government,” “I think that’s a shame Merkel said Saturday that duct national elections, I don’t in C h eise a . Village Manager Jack Myers, Myers said Monday, “I wanted because cityhood is such a posi- Chelsea is currently “ half vil- see our taxes rising as a result of The school hoard race is trustees Charlie Ritter and Jim more autonomy for Chelsea.” tive step,” Steele said. “I wish lage, half township.” that.” set for June 10. Myles, Planning and Zohing------ Petitions for cityhood were there was some way to get “When we incorporate, we------ Before changing the letter Oniy one person attended* Inspector Jim Droleto as well as filed with the State Boundary around that, but apparently will be a solid entity unto our- ~ See c r iY — Pages-A an orientation meeting . > offered to potential candi­ dates March 25, Two,: four-year tenns are E g g H u n t up for grabs. Secretary Dayle Wright w ill seek re- election, but Vice President Jane piesing w ill .not. a big su ccess. *: Morothan 450 bow lers, Corporate sponsors and P A total of350 homes Kurt Beleck of Lewis Companies dpnors helped to raise more W i cia argued that many of those re- than|44,000for Big , planned north of 1-94 near quirements were drawn into the Brothers-Big Sisters of Brown Drive, site plan and that they simply Washtenaw County as part of „ . ;did. not accompany the drawing the 10th annual Bowl for By Michael Rybka— ----- -with a written narrative. Kids’ Sake March 23 at Special Writer The developers also said that Chelsea Lanes. The Sylvan Township PUrt- many of the required state and a The event, which sur* Uing Commission approved a cpUrtty iicenjBes, and approvals passed its target of $40,000, • preliminary site plan with MidwC&^^ibiutlng Said raised one-third of the annu­ aittohs for a proposed aw al fuhdi needed,to recruit. nutoiifhcturod housing develop- talned. They rolo proof Would be mentjhprthoflnterstateW apd madeavaUable by the end of the ’West o fB r o w h B r tv a A r. arch 26 vote passed 3^) , They also said that the March intheabsence of commissioners 22 Assessment was the flint time i m m BarCis and Barfoara Sat- 1 that mapypf theserequirements w I U « M * t t k ........ ^ a v? ■.; atten- ■ The f?ltelaftBoard of • ■/ijjgh' conditional approvaljydk' he® in a il:of the months the' EducatibhVbtod March25 to ndt: grahtod readily. ;The BWh-; developers;and the consulting change the ending date of the ning Cotomission referred to a firm had been meeUiig. 2001-2002 school year, • '““ 4 * Sylvan Township Special Pro- The law day of the school tern Cohsulting that Staled thete ject Coordinator Gerald Dres- year—which should $11 . Weye.’’i d Item s o f Infbrm atlon selhouse said that he had at- June 7—- will be a half-day; ' requited in a preliminary-site tended all the meetings between with an end-of-yearlynchepn p la n that had hot been ad- the two parties and the 10 issues for staff scheduledfor 1p.m. dressed. - were also new to him. Forensics team enjoys Developers Mark Lewis and See HOMES—Page 4-A tournament success The Chelsea High School forensicsteamcoached by teacher Amle Ohlmann, met withsuccess at a tournament peering and remaining as members oft^e < * The Mahchester Fire Department prohibit members, who by nature work as March 23 at Dexter High ' M i * - / ' - • i a : a Union. 'btoehuyfteceived resignationa from tufo fUlLtlma firefighters; from volunteering School, “ Tf .' unions volunteer firefighters who are in other fire departments. Laureii Williams placed [reflghters in Ypsllanti. “Those byia^s say that in order to be a fourth in oratory, while Sarah '#tehip Fire Chief iCarl Fprch member of tee Jnternatiohal Association Eisenberg and Saraih fbB-iime firefightersy a M 19 of Fire fighters, you ,shoiildn’t be a vol- Misenheimer took sixth place By Aiod^n Editor , Ferch said Monday that he unteer,” he said, “There is a strong con- inprose, Sven Guatafeon iW notthlnk his ttam would beimpacted flict onnteres 'wfttTBeing a^ald are Joe Zynda was a semiflnal- i'^lvif^^teteh^'^AChalsad^iBireChief• • Dan bythabylaw fighter.” . ■* Igt in poetry and James Groat A burning . • * . r .... •* ^ojteday. “I’m A,ataunch "V/.flife*. -‘Ilhten clause is With the Chesnev said that career firefichters was a semifinalist in oratory. iime, union teers has spread M ^ IV & AFL-CIO, CLC-affiliated *time. This; This, inin turn, turn, cancan forceforce the the fhlMime full-time The Chelsea Area Fire DepartiadCt has iaf .{tofeh Bates said laborunion. employer into paying overtime wages to; lost four paid on-call fli^lghtete has Albrtettoe:f?hesney, secretaiy and trea- Osbome. Steye TSyldr, t j . bi»^cUlMl^iiite^rshave s u re r '< *? ■ $ * Michigan Rfofassionul woriwrscopriagthe,Injuredflreflghters Jeff Hughes— because of a unlunclausa IrilKuripMitldtis as fUll-fin,e flreflghters. nrefljghtersUnlon, the statebcanchof shifts, driving up that employer scoBt. foroing them to choose betWeah yblui^' ! ^ ; ■ -K“a;:a;\ . See.JJPWW— Page.5-A property in the past to dump bated particles are released into the air. said that he took an informal > Carlson said he is concerned with ires- development soil sample about six years ago that idents’safety. He urged the councii to By .» » AsnWD Yvaiton . ilaftin Meikeiand Phillip Jenldns own showed elevated levels of heavy metals. :■ have the developer prove that the soil is ^ cW'y?tWa , , ' —, . the property. Developer Steven fisher ' Although it wasn’t a professional sam- not Contaminated. Aresident living near tee 8ite of a pro- has proposed 380 homes as psrt of a sUb- piing, he considers it enough to raise Planning Commission Chairman Chris j^sed, housing development that a group:j division called Heritage Point formerly questions and to show the need for h Rode said thgt Fisher’s proposal has of ^identewimtetuiteed teto aj^kcauv;-^ ^ as The Vineyards.. / comprehensive sampling by an inde- teeen. reviewed and Phase 2 environ- Carls6n, who owhs sugar Bush Farm, pendent professional. mental studies are under way, although. the soil may be contaminated. V 1 >, a 10-acre cattle term on DextenChelsea Carlson said that the moving of earth, no results have been produced yet. Marvin Carlson. WhO lives next to the Road, adjacent to the proposed subdivi- during construction could adversely Rode said that the counciL does not site, located near the comer bfDexter* si on, Saidhe believes that thayillage affect residents a’spotentially contami- ...^ s6iL —Pd^s-A hietodc parsonage W . ■ ■ ■ T ip H o tlin e 4 7 r>-137 1 Onlinee wvv w .( h e i^ (vt %t ci,■»rd . oni f■-mail: editorO^chclseastandard.com ■4 Page 2-A ■ Thursday,;April 4, 2002- ♦ THE CHELSEA STANDARD7THE DEXTER LEADER Wi Trustees forgo raise total $20,400 a year. Trustees will tive until after the 60-day period.
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