JREGD. GOA-.:; ,. Panaji, 28th December,1989 [Pausa 7, 1911l SERIES III No. 39 GAZETTE-'I ~ • OFFICIAL• GOVERN-MENT, OF GOA GOVERNMENT OF GOA' Irrigation Department Works Division III. Ponda .. GOIII Tender Notice No. 10/1/83/Accls-MIID-In-ID/89-90/658 The Executive Engineer, Works Division ill, Irrigation Department Fonda-Goa, invite..<;1 on behalf of the Governor of Goa, sealed item rate tende~ from registered cop.~ctors -up to- 3.00 p.m. on 5/1/1990. Earnest Cost of Estimated money Name of work cost Class of TIme tender .Sr.No. deposit contractor llmlt form Rs. Rs. Ra_ 1. Drilling of 30 Nos. of tube wells in Khandepar and As- 3,56,924.18 8,925.00 m & above 120 days 100.00 sonora river basin sub-Head. Installation of pump sets , incl. and energisation of tube wells in Khandepar river basin,_ monsoon 2. Construction of Seven bore wells in canacona Taluka 1,13,647.50 2841.00 60 days 100.00 sub-Head Drill~g of BOre wells. Incl. monsoon 3- Construction of Nine bore wells for Irrigation purpose 1,47,340.00 3684.00 60 days. 100.00 with ,sprinkler in Sa.ttari Taluka, sub~Head Drilling of incl . Bore wells. monsoon 4. Construction of Five -bore wells iri. Sangtiem Taluka sub~ 81,12().OO. 2028.00 60 days 30.00 • ·Head DrilILt"lg of Bore wells; incl. monsoon . The tenders will'be opened on the same day after 3,30 p.m. state P.W.D;s/M.E.S./C,P_W.D/Railways and P&T, Other Earnest Money should be deposited by way of Deposit at call than those registered with Goa P.W.D. should produce along Receipt form the state Bank of India or any other Scheduled with their application fonna, definite proof from appropriate Bank drawn on local Branch and enclosed with the tender. authorities regarding their permance in execution oj sirailar Last date for receipt of' application for tender .. papers is works. 3.1.1990. The conditions and tender forms can be had from. this Office up to 5.00 .p.m. on 4.1.1990 on payment of cost of tender The tenderers must produce Income-tax Clearance Certifi­ forms in cash (non-:refuridable). The tender forms if required cate, Registration Certificate along with their applications for to be sent by post~ will be charged Rs. 15/- in addition to. the issue of tenders. cost of tender. Department iSI not responsible for any postal,"' delays.· , Right to issue the tender forms,' accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason is reserved. ' The tender for the above work will be issued to appropriate class of contractors eligible who' have succes8fully completed. Ponda, 15th December, 1989. _ The Executive Engineer, atZeast three 8'imilar work8 and registered with Goa P. W.D., N.B. Da.s Works Division X (S.!.P.) - Paiimol- Sangu61n: HGoa Tender Notice No. ID/X/AB/l-A(4l/6/89-90 The Executive Engineer, Works Division X, lITigation Department, Pajimol,' Sanguem·Goa, inVites on behalf of GoH vernor of Goa, s~led Tende~ ~~om repu.ted manufactures/dealers for supply of material/stores mentioned below. Estimated Earnest Cost of Sr. No. Name of work amount put money to tender deIXlsit TIme limit tender Rs. Rs. Ra. 1 .. Supplying Ordinary Portland cement (confinuing I. S. '7,56,000/ 15,120/- 60 days 100/- '. No. 269'packed in papers/W.D.P.C. bags of 50 kg. net weight) to Salauli Irrigation Project Godown at PajiM mol including Transportation, loading, unloading & stacking as directed by Engineer-in.c.harge. Qty. 525 TonneS 448 SERIES 1II No. 3ft Tenders will be received up to 3.00 p. m. on 10/1/1989 and whose applications for tenders received in this Office not "later will b~,opened,'at 3.30 'p.m. on the same day. in the Office of thau 8/1/1990 up, to 3.00 p.rn, along With valid lnCO!lle-\'lX the Executive Erigirieel\ Works Division X (ID) Pajimol, San-" Clearance Certificate. In case of ,outstation applications, it guem-Goa. Earnest Money should be dep,oslted in the State Mould be accompanied by a Demand Draft of Rs. 150/- incl. Bank of India or in any Scheduled Bank. in the form of DeposIt postsl charges. at Call Receipt in, favour, of the Executive Engineer, Works Division 4- (ID) Sanguem, Goa or deposit in P~st Office, Sa­ Right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without ~­ ving Bank pledged to Govt. and to'be enclosed With the tender. signing any reason thereof is res,erved. '.-' . ':,' .' The. tender forms will be iSsued on aU working days up to Sanguem, 18th December, 1989. - The ExeCutive Engineer, 4.00 p.m. on 9/1/1990 to the reputed manUfacturers/dealers 8. D. 8wyanak. ,. I &. The: /last dwte of'- :isSue~Of tender F¥~·~d~ \; ': , f,orms is.! 10-1-90 No. ID/X/AB/1-A(5)/2-(A)/89-90 4. The last date of receipt of tender paper is up to 3.00· Refer tender notice No. ID/X/AB-A(5)j2,(89-90 dated, p,m. on 12.1.1990 and tende"" Will be opened at 3.30 15.11.89. p.m. on" the same day in Office of the Superintending Engineer, Circle Irrigation Department, Fatorda, The following modifications are made in the abpy.e" IJlentiop.e4 m, notice inviting tenders. '. '-.' . Margao Goa. 1. Esttmated cost put to tender is Rs. 12,91,009.38, All th~ other conditions remain unchanged. 2. The last date of receipt of applica.­ Sanguem, .. 15th December, 1989. - The Executive Engineer, tion is S:'IJ.8d.yatu.k. ••• , Public INorksDepartment Works Division- I (,SLOGS) Panaji -Goa" . :""- Tender Notice No. PWD/WDI/ASW-17/69/89:90 .; Sl'he Executive Engineer, Works Division I (Bldgs), Panaji invites on behalf of the Governor, Government of Goo... " sealed item rate tenders from approved and eligible contractors-of Goa, PWD and those of appropriate class of C.P.W.D., ,State, PWD, Rallways up to 3.00 p. m. on,19th Janu!¥"-yi 1990. ' Ttme .. '~ted Earnest , limit Class of Cost of Name of work" " 'i'"' "mOney; "tender'~: Sr. No.: " "oat' including , contractor RB. RB. monsoon RB. 1. 'Constru"tion of caternig College atPorvortm a:ia" 21,80.315.00 '20,000.00 16 (Sixteen) Class IA 150/'­ Phase-I Part-II. months (b~dgs.) Sealed tenders ~e'" to be 'submitted in the box kept in" th~ The tenders of the contractors who do not deposit Earnest office of the Supertntending. Engineer Circle II (Bldgs.) A1tinho-panajl-Goa. Money in the prescribed manner will be summarily rejected. The Income-tax Clearance Certificate shall be furD:lshed by ,TeIJders' ,will be ,Qpened a,t, 3 .. 30 p.,m. ,on the,same ,day. Earnest'Mohey Mould'be depOslted'in' the' form of'DePoslt the tenderers in the, prescribed fonn, for the issue of tender at Call Receipt of Scheduled Bank p\Lyable at Panajl. on sale. ConditiOns and tender- fonn can "be had from -above office up to 12.00 noon on 16th January, 1990 at the rate mentiOned Panaji, 6th December, 19-89. _ The Executive Engine~, above. Sd/-. Worb Division II (R,I'B). Panaji .. Goa " Tender 'Notice No. WDII/PWDjR&B/ASW /35/89-90 The Executive Engineer, Works Division II!R&B/pWD/Panaji-Goa for and on behalf of the Governor of Goa. invites Sealed Item Rate/Percentage rate tenders from approved and eligible contractors of Goa/PWD/CPWD/MES/Rallways and State PWD up to December 29th, 1989 up to 3.00 p. m. for the folloWIng work:- Estimated Earnest of Cost Class of Sr. No. Name of works cost money tender Ttme limit Rs. RB. Rs. contractor Item Rate Tenders 1. Construction of linking road -from Miramar to Tonca 446229.91 10000/- 100/- 360 days CIassII Bbatulem (Phase-ill) construction of 7.37m. span cul- & aboVe vert including construction of St. Inez Bhatulem road (Re-tender). 2. Imp. & B. T. of left out roads in Calvin in A1dona 366493.10 9162/- 100/- 360 days Class ill villags in a length of 1400 mta. (Phase-II) Re-tender & aboVe 3. Construction of road from Thanem to Harijanwada in. 132459.13 3311/- 100/- 180 days Class ill Satinri Taluka (Re-tender)_ & above Percentage rate tender 4. Improvement of the road and construction of' protection 38327.87 958/- 30/- 120 days Class IV " ... ~ wall near MaIIm-Ferry ramp (Re-tender). & aboVe .28Tli DECEMBER, 1989 (PAUSA ~.7:...' _1_91_1:...)-'--___________________44_9 / . Tenders wiU be .opened immediately after 3.00 p. m. on the The intending tenderers will have to produce valid Income­ . same day. Earnest money shown against the work should -tax Clearance Certificate, from Government Department be deposited in -the State Bank of India, Panaji or in any regarding execution of works of similar nature at the time Scheduled Bank in the form of Depo.8it at Call Receipt or of buying the tenders. National Saving Certificate enclosed with the tende~. The tenders of those contractors who do not deposit Earnest Conditions of contract and the tender forms can be had Money ·in the prescribed forms are liable to be rejected. from this Divisional Office up ~to 1.00 p. m. on all working Right to reject any or all the '. tenders, without assigning ·-days up to December 26th, 1989 on payment of prescribed any reason whatsoever is reserved with the authority com- fee (non-refundable) in cash. If required by post an amount petent to accept the tender.
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