![THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya R *="""1 ]' 1.'Y'lll ":1- I --' L Vol](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
{\ ..sq:; F t I .s'$t$$ L F THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya r *="""1 ]' 1.'Y'Lll ":1- I --' l Vol. CXVI-No. 135 NAIROBI, l4th November, 2014 Price Sh. 60 r CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES PAGE The Central Banlk of Kenya Act-Revoca[on of a Forex Busmess Translcr -1111 Bureau Liccnce.. 3078 Drsposal ol Uncol lectctl Goods 31 I l--31 12 The Competion Act Fertrhzcr Market Inqury/Sector [.oss Share Study.......... 3078 oI Certificates 3112 bss of Polrcres 3112 3l1Ll Nandi County - Appom trnent 3078 Change ol Names 3l l;1 The t-and Act- Intentlon to Acqurre l-and. etc. ......... .... -3078 The [and Reglstratlon Act-Issue of Provrsional Ceruficates. elc . .. ........ 307q--r094 SUPPLEMENT No. 157 t The Seeds and Plant Varietres Act-Applicatrons for Grirnt of PIant Breeders' Rrghs.. 309.+ -l101 Lt gn Iatn'e S upp I entettt LEGAL NoTICE No. PAGE I The Civil Aviation Act-Apphcatron for Vanatron or Issue of Arr Servrccs Lrcences..... 3102 (Forms) (No 7) r 3l0l 156 The Land Regrstratron i Regulatrons. l0 l-+ .. ............. 1219 7 ! The Energy Regulatory Commrssion-Foreign Exchange Fluctuadon Atllustment. ete 3103 3104 151 The Energy (Energy Regulatory Commrslon Petroleum Levy) Order, 20 I 4........- 1220 r The Standards Act-DeclzLratron of Kenya Standards .. ... .. 3104 3106 The Companies Act-Intended Drssolutlon, etc................ .... 3106 3108 158-160-The Competrtlon Act-Proposed t Acgu rs itrons 1222 1223 The Physrcal Plannrng Act-Completron of Part t Development Plan..... ........... 3 108 t The Envronmental Management and Co-ordmahon Act- r Envrronmental Impact Assessment Study Reports 3108 -r I l0 SUPPLEMENT No. 158 I Muungano Party-Statement of Comprehensrve Income Senute Brll.s.20ll I andFinancialPosition...... ........ 3110-3111 PAGE Power rrf Attomcy 3111 r Ceneral The Offrce of the County Pnnter Brll. 20ll ... .. 761 ltott 3078 THE KENYA GAZETTE l4th November,2014 CORRIGENDA tlmes as lt may, ln consultation with the Authority, constder necessary for the proper.drscharge of rts functions, and IN Gazette Notice No. 1399 of 2014, amend the expressron pnnted 1 "CAUSENo. l2l5 oF2013" to read"CAUSENo 627 oF2Ol3" (b)may use officral reports of any previous tnvestigations, polictes and legislatron relevant to its mandate. J. Members of the pubhc wrth relevant rnformation may submit oral IN Gazette Notrce No. 7087 of 20'14, delete the expressron "2014" or written information to the Secretariat of the Consultant within appeanng rmmedlately after the words "section 3(l) of the Nalonal twenty-one (2 I ) days of the publication of this notice. Payment Systems Act" and substitute therefor the expression "20 1 1 ". 4. The Secretariat shall be based at the Authority's offices located at Kenya Railways Staff Retirement Benefit Scheme Building, Block .,i 'D', lst Floor, Haile Selassre Avenue, P.O. Box 3626540200 GAZETTENOTICENO.8ITO Nairobi. Email: [email protected] THE CENTRAL BANK OF KENYA ACT Dated the 6th November,2014. (Cap.491) WANG'OMBE KARIUKI, Director- General. REVoCA.IoN oF A FoREx BUREAU LICENCE IT IS notrfred for the general informahon of the public that rn GAZETTENoTICENo 8172 exerclse of the powers conferred by regulations 6 (2) of the Central Bank of Kenya (Foreign Exchange Business) Regulatrons, 2007, the THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT Central Bank of Kenya revokes the hcence of the Forex Bureau specrfied rn the first column ofthe Schedule, wlth effect from the date (No.17 of20l2) specrfied rn the second column ofthe Schedule. THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF NANDI SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT Frst Column Second. Column IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 12 of the HurlrnghamForexBureauLimited 24thOctober,21l4 County Government Act, 2012, the Nandi County Assembly has Dated the 5th November, 2014. appointed the following to be members of the County Assembly NJUGUNA NDUNG'U, Service Board with effect from 23rd Apil,20l3- Goventor, Cenn'al Bank of Kenya. Name Responsibilities Edwrn Kiprono Cheluge Speaker of the County Assembly GAZE.I"IE NoTICE No. 8 17 1 (Chatrman\ Samwel Kinyor Sawe lxader of Majority Pafty THE COMPETITION ACT -(Vice Chatrman\ (No. t2 of20t0) Ehud K. Krronso l,eader of Mrnority Parry -(Member\ FER.ILIZER MARKET INQURY/SECToR STUDY Emrlv Chebet Srsot Member Barnaba G K. Kosger Clerk of County Assembly-(Secretary n IN EXERCISE of the powers confened by secrron l8 (1) (a) of the Boord\ the Competrtron Act, 2010, the Competltlon Authonty notrfies the public that lt lntends to carry out a market rnqurry in the fertlhzer Dated the 22nd October. 2Ol 4 sector E. K. CHELUGET, The Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economtc MR/6110161 Speaker and Chairman to the Board. Development, Unrversrty of Johannesburg (herern "the Consultant") has been rdentified to carry out the inquiry as follows: 1. The terms of Reference of the fertilizer market inqurry sector/study GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 8 I 73 shall be to THE LAND ACT (a) examine the market structu.re in the fertilizer sector tn Kenya; (No.6 (b) determrne cost components and price determlnants of retailed of20l2) fertihzer; MWEA IRRIGATION EXPANSION (c) determine the fertilizer current demand/consumptlon levels al regronal and national levels, INTENTION TO ACQUIRE LAND (d) assess whether fertilizer subsldy program rs effrcrent and IN PURSUANCE of the transrtional provisions contained rn encouraglng to the buslness sector; section 162 (2) of the Land Act 2012 and sechon 6(2) of thc Land (Cap (repealed)). (e) engage the stakeholders tn the fertihzer sector. who rnclude- Acqursition Act 295 The National Land Commissron gives notice that the Govemment intends to acquie the followrng ' (r) lmporters; parcels of land for the Natronal Irrrgation Board for the expansion of (u) wholesalers; Mwea Imgatron in Kerugoya County. (ur) agro-dealers/retailersl (rv) transporters and freight forwa.rders; Plot Registered Land Owners 4pprox. Area tt (v) farmers and other end users; Acauire (Ha.) (vit industry associations: Kabare/Kiritine/S l9 Muhia Gachocho 1.66 (vii) the Ministry of Agriculture, Lrvestock and Fisheries; Kabare/Kiritine/l l4( Boniface Gichira Gachirisua o.44 (viit) National Cereals and Produce Board; and (rx) The Kenya Revenue Authonty. Kabare/Kiritine/95 8 Johnson Gitari 0.765 rn order to appreciate the condrtrons affectrng competitron and Kabare/Kintine/129( James Mwansi Niuki 0.55 consumer protectron in the fertilizer sector; Kabare,{(iritrne/ I I 3 7 Boniface Grchrra Gachirigua 0.26i Gacokr (fl recommend alternatiye ways to address compehtron rssues in Gachrngua, Stepher N.;agr the fertilizer sector premised on lntemational best practrce; and Ndambrn & Michae Bundr Ndambrn (ioio (9.) make recommendations to the Authonty on any matter that ownershrp) requlres regulatory intervention ln order to lncrease competrtron and consumer protectlon rn the fertllrzer sector 2 In the performance ofits functrons, the Consultant- MUHAMMAD A. SWAZURI, (a) shall hold such number of meetings rn such places and at such MR/61 10325 Chairman, Natnnal Land Commtssion t l4th November,2014 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3019 GAzE'r-rE Nor-rcE No. 8174 GAZE-TTE NoTICE No. 8 178 THE LAND REGISTRATION t THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ACT (No.3 oJ2012) (No.3 oJ20t2) IssT,E oF A PRovISIoNAL CERTIFICATE ISST]E oF CERTIFICATE oF LEASE I i WHEREAS Lucy Wambui Singi, is registered as proprietor of rhat WHEREAS Teresiah Ngorrr Kamau, of P.O. Box 22440502, land known as L.R. No. 15513/yMN. srtuate rn Mombasa Nairobr rn the Repubhc of Kenya, is regtstered as proprietor rn leasehold interest prece Municipality in Mombasa Distnct, registered as C.R. 52617, and of all that of land containlng 0.08 hectare or thereabouts, known as Dagoretti/Rlruta/5'117, sit]uate rn the district whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said of Nairobi, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced certificate of title has been lost, notrce ls given that after the expiration to show that the sard certificate of lease has been lost, notlce ls given that after of slxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisronal the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a certlficate of title provrded that no objection has been received within new certificate of lease provided that no objection has been received that period. within that penod. Dated the l4th November, 2014. Dated the 14th November, 2014 S. K. MWANGI, B. K. LEITICH, MR/6110075 Regtstrar of Trtles, Mombasa MR/5951936 Land Re gtstrar, Nairobi GAZE-ME NOTICE NO. 8 I75 GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 8179 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT I (No.3 of2O12) (No. 3 o/2012) ,I IssUE oF A PRoVISIoNAL CERIFICATE ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED i : WHEREAS Ngar Ooko Odera, of P.O. Box 1220, Krsumu rn the r WHEREAS Patrick Ndwiga N.;oka, of P.O. Box 43150, Mombasa Repubhc of Kenya, rs registered as propfletor absolute I in the Republic of Kenya, rs regrstered as propfletor of that land in ownershrp interest piece containing 0.0375 hectare or thereabouts, known as 9122165, situate in of that of land contarning 0.29 hectare or thereabouts, i situate in the district registered the North of Mombasa Municipahty rn Krlifi Drstnct, registered as of Klsumu, under tltle No. i KrsumuMathoregol2935, whereas C.R. 4152211, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to and suffrcrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land htle deed rssued thereof has been lost, t show that the sard certrficate of title has been lost, notice is given that r notice is grven that after the expration of sixty (60) days from the date after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been been recerved withrn that penod received withrn that penod.
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