DR. DE JONGH.- His Majesty the King of the Belgians has been graciously pleased to confer the dignity of a Knight Medical News. of the Order of Leopold upon this distinguished physician. It may be recollected, that the same sovereign, and also his the of the some time since awarded ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS.-- THE gentle- Majesty King Netherlands, following to Dr. De Medals of Merit in of the services men the necessary examinations for the Jongh approval having undergone rendered his scientific and diploma, were admitted members of the College at the meeting by practical investigations. of the Court of Examiners on the 24th ult. :- FATTY TUMOUR, WEIGHING TWELVE POUNDS, RESEM- BENNETT, ROBERT, Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derby. BLTNG A SPINA BIFIDA, REMOVED FROM THE BACK OF A CIIILD. HARRIS, EDWARD, H.E. I. Co.’s Service. - On Thursday last, Mr. Pollock, at St. George’s Hospital, HART, ERNEST ABRAHAM, St. Mary’s Hospital. removed an enormous tumour from the back of a little girl, JONES, THOMAS, Abridge, Essex. aged about nine yeats. It resembled a spina bifida from its MOREHEAD, JOHN, Dublin. situation, but was quite unconnected with the spines of the MUDD, WILLIAM, Hadleigh, Suffolk. vertebral column, and proved to be fatty. Its growth com- TAYLOR, WILLIAM CRAWFORD, Dublin. menced when the girl was but a year and a half old, and she WATSON, CHARLES JOHN, Ipswich. was perfect at birth: important points in the diagnosis of the case. A number of were the The were admitted at a very large persons present, following gentlemen special meeting theatre crammed. The removal of this mass of the Court on the 30th ult. ;- being literally was effected within ten seconds. HANSON, DENNIS, H. E. 1. Co.’s Service, Madras. JAMES, MOSES PROSSER, London. A MEMBER of the Worshipful Company of Barbers, last week, claimed his exemption from serving on a City jury APOTHECARIES’ HALL. - Names of gentlemen who under the charter of the company, as made and provided at passed their examination in the science and practice of Medi- the time when barbers and surgeons were one; before we cine, and received certificates to practise, on started independently to cut blocks with a razor and split Thursday, October 23rd, 1856. polemical hairs. The Lord Mayor said that he believed the surgeons to be exempt, but not the barbers. He, however, GRIFFITH, RICHARD JENKINS, Cardigan. postponed his decision until he had consulted the original MOORHEAD, JOHN, A. B., M. D., Queen’s University, Dublin. charter. PARSON, WILLIAM, Godalming. PowNE, WILLIAM, Fowey, Cornwall. GLASGOw MEDICAL SOCIETY.-At an ordinary meeting WILLIAMS, WILLIAM, Festiniog, N. Wales. of this Society, held on Tuesday evening last in the Faculty Hall, St. Enoch-square, the following gentlemen were elected APPOINTMENTS.—Dr. Robert Knox has been appointed office-bearers for the ensuing session-viz., Dr. Joseph Bell, Pathological Anatomist to the Cancer Hospital.-Mr. Richard President; Wm. Lyon, Esq., and Dr. James Adams, Vice- Adams, Assistant-Surgeon at the County of Lancaster Lunatic Presidents ; Dr. James Fraser, Treasurer; and Dr. J. G. Nilson, Asylum, at Rainhill, near Liverpool, has been appointed Medi- Secretary. cal of the Cornwall Lunatic Superintendent County Asylum. HEALTH OF LONDON DURING THE WEEK ENDING MEDICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON.-NOTICES OF MOTION SATURDAY, OCT. 25TH.-The returns continue to show that TO BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE GENERAL MEETING ON Nov. 1ST, London is at present in a very healthy condition. The total 1856.-That the Council do prepare and distribute to each number of deaths registered in the week that ended on Satur- fellow annually a short report of the state of the Society, with day is 960, being nearly the same as in the previous week, but a detailed account of the income and expenditure, and the less on an average by 170 than it was in each week of August assets and liabilities of the Society. and September, when the mean temperature, taking one week That the first report to be so distributed shall also contain a iwith another, was So higher than it was last week. In the ten brief statement of the progress of the Society since the amalga- corresponding weeks of the years 1846-55 the average number mation in 1860, and a full abstract of the income and expendi- of deaths was 994, and if this is raised in proportion to increase ture during each year since that period. of population it becomes 1093. Hence the number of deaths That Law 2, chap. xx., be so modified that one silver medal last week was 133 less than would have occurred if the average shall be awarded yearly to the author of the best paper read rate of mortality in the third week of October had prevailed. before the Society, unless the Council shaU by vote decide that The number of deaths last week from zymotic diseases was no paper was worthy of that honour. 192, whilst the corrected average is 306. Twenty-two cases of That all the papers read shall be considered as open to the diarrhoea are returned, 17 of which were amongst children; award, unless the authors shall in writing withdraw them from the average of corresponding weeks is 40. Four children died competition. of small-pox, 23 of nieasies, 38 of scarlatina, 25 of hooping- That the points of merit shall be value to medical and surgical cough, 9 of croup; 52 persons died of typhus and common science and to the public health, original observations, and fever, 3 of ague. Fatal cases of scarlatina and typhus are general talent evinced by the communication. more frequent in the Eastern districts than in 1’,ny of the other That a committee of members of Council do recommend divisions. No case of small-pox or scarlatina is returned from to the Council the award, the final decision to rest with the the Western districts; none of small-pox from the Southern. Council. Twelve women died after childbirth, 3 persons from carbuncle, The other silver medal shall continue to be awarded to a 2 from intemperance, 1 from delirium tremens, 10 infants from ’fellow for special services. want of breastmilk and from inanition. A gilder died from the That no fellow shall be a member of Council, otherwise than mercury used in his occupation. Each of three families lost ex officio, during more than three consecutive years, but may two children, all of whom were twins, and had been born pre- be re-elected after the interval of one year. maturely. Five persons, of whom four were widows, died at the of 90 and the oldest was the of MR. MACKMURDO has the office of to age years upwards; widow resigned Surgeon a who died at Chelsei at the of 99 the Royal in Moornelds. It is surmised farmer, age years. Ophthalmic Hospital At the Observatory, Greenwich, the mean of that two vacancies for may be declared. Royal height assistant-surgeoncies the barometer in the week was 30’208 in. The mean daily The candidates in the field are Messrs. Hutch- already Hulke, was above 30 in. on of the that on inson, Streatfield, and Walter Tyrrell. reading every day week; Friday was 39 ’345 in., and that on Saturday 30 ’346 in. The KENT COUNTY OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, MAIDSTONE.- mean temperature of the week was 5I .2°, which is 2 6° above It is in contemplation to build a children’s department to this the average of the same week in 38 years (as determined by institution, which already has twenty-seven beds for in-patients. Mr. Glaisher). The mean daily reading was above the ave- It is proposed to add wards for twelve additional beds for chil- rage on every day except Saturday. The highest reading dren ; and the Board of Management have issued an appeal to occurred on Wednesday, and was 62 2°; the lowest on Friday, the inhabitants of Kent soliciting subscriptions for this pur- and was 35 6°. The mean dew-point temperature was 480; pose, and which is being liberally responded to. The Right a.nd the difference between this and the mean temperature of Hon. Thomas Pemberton Leigh has sent a donation of .f100; the air was 3 2°. The mean temperature of the water of the the Earl of Romney, £25; the Earl of Amhurst, £ 25; the Earl Thames was 543°. The wind blew on four days from east- of Abergavenny, .f25; the Earl of Darnley, £ 25; A. J. B. Hope, north-east ; the air was frequently calm. No rain fell. The Esq., £ 20; J. Stoddart Douglas, Esq., ;e20, Alexander Ran- night of Saturday was clear and cold; the thermometer fell to &c. &c. and on .dall, Esq., £ 20; , 32°, grass to 24°. 501.
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