MES Book List Report generated on 5/27/2021 9:46 AM Title/Subtitle Author Publication Year 1-2-3 draw cartoon faces : a step-by-step guide Barr, Steve, 1958- 2002 1-2-3 draw cartoon people : a step-by-step guide Barr, Steve, 1958- 2002 1-2-3 draw dinosaurs and other prehistoric Levin, Freddie. 2001 animals 1,000 miles in 12 days : pro cyclists on tour Hautzig, David. 1995 1,001 facts about dinosaurs Clark, Neil. 2002 1,001 facts about sharks Pope, Joyce. 2002 3-D ABC : a sculptural alpHabet Raczka, Bob. 2007 The 3 little dassies Brett, Jan, 1949- 2010 4 x 4 trucks Von Finn, Denny. 2009 5-minute Disney Pixar stories. 2012 5 nice mice Westerlund, Kate. 2007 The 6tH grade nickname game Korman, Gordon. 1998 7 x 9 = trouble! Mills, Claudia. 2002 8 class pets + one squirrel [divided by] one dog = Vande Velde, Vivian. 2012 chaos 9 from the Nine Worlds Riordan, Rick. 2018 10 little rubber ducks Carle, Eric. 2005 10 minutes till bedtime RatHmann, Peggy. 1998 13 American artists children should know Finger, Brad. 2010 The 13-story treeHouse GriffitHs, Andy, 1961- 2013 13 treasures Harrison, MicHelle, 1979- 2010 14 cows for America Deedy, Carmen Agra. 2009 The 14 fibs of Gregory K. Pincus, Gregory K. 2013 15 minutes Young, Steve, 1947- 2006 17 kings and 42 elephants MaHy, Margaret. 1987 21 : [the story of Roberto Clemente : a graphic Santiago, Wilfred. 2011 novel] 26 letters and 99 cents Hoban, Tana. 1987 The 26-story treeHouse GriffitHs, Andy, 1961- 2014 The 39 clues, book 1 : The maze of bones Riordan, Rick. 2008 The 39 Clues, Book 2 : One False Note. Korman, Gordon 2008 The 39 clues, book 3 : The sword tHief Lerangis, Peter. 2009 The 39 clues, book 4 : Beyond tHe grave Watson, Jude. 2009 The 39 clues, book 5 : tHe black circle Carman, Patrick. 2009 The 39 clues, book 6 : In too deep Watson, Jude. 2009 The 39 clues, book 7 : The Viper's Nest Lerangis 2010 The 39-story treeHouse GriffitHs, Andy, 1961- 2015 50 French phrases Bruzzone, CatHerine. 2009 50 nifty origami crafts Urton, Andrea. 1992 50 simple things kids can do to save the eartH by the Earth Works Group. 1990 The 52-story treeHouse GriffitHs, Andy, 1961- 2016 53 1/2 things that changed the world and some Parker, Steve. 1995 that didn't The 65-story treeHouse GriffitHs, Andy, 1961- 2017 The 78-story treeHouse GriffitHs, Andy, 1961- 2018 The 91-story treeHouse GriffitHs, Andy, 1961- 2018 100 Classic Stories. 2007 100 days and 99 nights : a novel Madison, Alan. 2008 100 things you should know about the wild West Langley, Andrew. 2003 100 Ways to Celebrate 100 DAYS Goldstone, Bruce 2010 The 100-year-old secret Barrett, Tracy, 1955- 2008 The 100tH day of scHool Medearis, Angela SHelf, 1956- 1996 101 animal jokes : guaranteed to make you howl ScHultz, Sam. 1982 101 DALMATIANS 101 dalmatians / the movie storybook Simons, Jamie 1996 101 school jokes : guaranteed to keep you awake ScHultz, Sam. 1982 in class 101 sports jokes : guaranteed to make you a ScHultz, Sam. 1982 winner 101 ways to bug your parents Wardlaw, Lee, 1955- 1996 101 ways to bug your teacher Wardlaw, Lee, 1955- 2005 The 104-story treeHouse GriffitHs, Andy, 1961- 2019 123 I can collage! Luxbacher, Irene, 1970- 2009 150 Nifty Travel games and card tricks /by Kevin Taylor, Kevin 1996 Taylor 245_a blank on import Weather/ by John Farndon, JoHn, 1992 Farndon. 300 first words. Root, Betty. 1993 The 500 Hats of BartHolomew Cubbins Seuss, Dr. 1990 600 black spots : a pop-up book for children of all Carter, David A. 2007 ages 999 frogs wake up Kimura, Ken, 1949- 2013 999 tadpoles Kimura, Ken, 1949- 2011 1000 makers of the millennium [U.S. editor, CHuck Wills ; authors, Simon 1999 Adams ... [et al.]]. 1500 ScHomp, Virginia. 2003 The 2001 World Trade Center attack Greene, Jacqueline Dembar. 2007 The 2011 Japan disasters Lüsted, Marcia Amidon. 2012 2030 : a day in the life of tomorrow's kids Zuckerman, Amy. 2009 2095 Scieszka, Jon. 1995 A apple pie Greenaway, Kate, 1846-1901. 2012 A BOOK IS JUST LIKE YOU FOX, KATHLEEN. 2012 A Day at damp camp : Lyon, George Ella, 1949. 1996 A-hunting we will go! Kellogg, Steven. 1998 A is for aloHa : a Hawai'i alpHabet Goldsberry, U'ilani. 2005 An a-maze-ing amusement park adventure Kalz, Jill. 2011 A Very Young Gardener : Krementz, Jill, Abandoned! Dale, Jenny. 2000 Abby takes a stand McKissack, Pat, 1944- 2005 ABC : a cHild's first alpHabet book Jay, Alison. 2003 ABCs from space : a discovered alpHabet Voiland, Adam. 2017 The abduction Korman, Gordon. 2006 Abe Lincoln and tHe muddy pig Krensky, StepHen. 2002 Abe Lincoln at last! Osborne, Mary Pope. 2011 Abe Lincoln crosses a creek : a tall, tHin tale Hopkinson, DeboraH. 2008 (introducing His forgotten frontier friend) Abe Lincoln loved animals Jackson, Ellen B., 1943- 2008 Abe Lincoln : tHe boy wHo loved books Winters, Kay. 2003 Abe Lincoln's dream SmitH, Lane. 2012 Abel's island Steig, William, 1907. 1988 Abe's Honest words : tHe life of AbraHam Lincoln Rappaport, Doreen. 2008 Abigail Adams Wallner, Alexandra. 2001 Abigail Adams : girl of colonial days Wagoner, Jean Brown, 1896- 1992 Abner & me : a baseball card adventure Gutman, Dan. 2005 The abominable snowman of Pasadena Stine, R. L. 1995 About aracHnids : a guide for cHildren Sill, CatHryn P. 2003 About average Clements, Andrew, 1949- 2012 About insects: : a guide for cHildren /. Sill, CatHryn P.,. 2000 AbraHam Lincoln Armentrout, David, 1962- 2002 AbraHam Lincoln Benoit, Peter, 1955- 2012 AbraHam Lincoln BlasHfield, Jean F. 2002 AbraHam Lincoln. DaugHerty, James Henry, 1889-1974. 1943 AbraHam Lincoln Dunn, Joeming W. 2008 AbraHam Lincoln Stone, Tanya Lee. 2005 AbraHam Lincoln, tHe Great Emancipator Stevenson, Augusta. 1986 AbraHam Lincoln : tHe life of America's sixteentH Jeffrey, Gary. 2005 president AbraHam's battle : a novel of Gettysburg Banks, Sara H., 1942- 1999 The absent autHor Roy, Ron, 1940- 1997 Absolutely almost Graff, Lisa. 2014 Absolutely normal cHaos Creech, Sharon 1990 Abuela Dorros, ArtHur. 1991 Abuela's weave Castañeda, Omar S., 1954- 1993 Abyssinian cats Kallen, Stuart A., 1996 Accidents may Happen Jones, CHarlotte Foltz. 1996 Ace, tHe very important pig King-SmitH, Dick. 1992 AcHoo! Bang! CrasH! : tHe noisy alpHabet Macdonald, Ross. 2003 AcHoo! : tHe most interesting book you'll ever read Romanek, Trudee. 2003 about germs Acorn to oak tree Owen, Oliver S., 1920- 1994 Across America, I love you Loomis, Christine. 2000 Across America : tHe story of Lewis & Clark Morley, Jacqueline. 1998 Across five Aprils. Hunt, Irene. 1964 Across tHe blue Pacific : a World War II story Borden, Louise. 2006 Across tHe solar system Theodorou, Rod. 2006 Across the stream Ginsburg, Mirra. 1991 Action figures : paintings of fun, daring, and Raczka, Bob. 2010 adventure Action Jackson Greenberg, Jan. 2002 Actual size Jenkins, Steve, 1952- 2004 Ada Twist, scientist Beaty, Andrea. 2016 Adaline Falling Star Osborne, Mary Pope. 2000 Adam, Adam, wHat do you see? Martin, Bill, 1916- 2000 Adam Canfield of tHe SlasH Winerip, MicHael (MicHael C.), 1951- 2007 Adam of tHe road Gray, ElizabetH Janet 1942 Adam Sandler : celebrity witH Heart ScHuman, MicHael. 2011 Add it, dip it, fix it : a book of verbs ScHneider, R. M. (RicHard Marlowe), 1949- 1995 Addie on tHe inside Howe, James, 1946- 2011 Adele and Simon McClintock, Barbara. 2004 Adèle & Simon in America McClintock, Barbara. 2008 Adelita : a Mexican Cinderella story De Paola, Tomie. 2002 Adiós, Anna Giff, Patricia Reilly. 1995 Adios, Oscar! : a butterfly fable Elwell, Peter. 2009 Adventures in cartooning Sturm, James, 1965- 2009 Adventures in lettering : 40 exercises to improve Warnaar, Dawn Nicole. 2016 your lettering style The adventures of a SoutH Pole pig Kurtz, CHris, 1960- 2013 The adventures of Beekle : tHe unimaginary friend Santat, Dan. 2014 The adventures of Benny Shreve, Steve. 2009 The adventures of Bert Ahlberg, Allan. 2001 The adventures of Captain Underpants : an epic Pilkey, Dav, 1966- 1997 novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, unabridged Twain, Mark. 2002 and unadapted from the original text and witH twelve related readings The adventures of Marco Polo Freedman, Russell. 2006 The adventures of Nanny Piggins Spratt, R. A. 2010 The adventures of PinoccHio Collodi, Carlo, 1826-1890. 2005 The adventures of taxi dog Barracca, Debra. 1990 Adventures of tHe rat family ; a fairy tale Verne, Jules, 1828-1905. 1993 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Woodside, Martin 2005 The adventures of Vin Fiz Cussler, Clive. 2006 The adventurous cHef : Alexis Soyer Arnold, Ann. 2002 The adventurous life of Myles StandisH and tHe Harness, Cheryl. 2006 amazing-but-true survival story of the Plymouth Colony Advice for a frog ScHertle, Alice. 1995 Aesop's fables Jerry Pinkney. 2000 Aesop's fox Sogabe, Aki. 1999 AFC NortH Buckley, James. 2006 AFC West Walters, JoHn (JoHn Andrew) 2006 AfgHanistan Wittekind, Erika, 1980- 2013 Africa Aspen-Baxter, Linda. 2013 Africa Ayo, Yvonne. 1995 African acrostics : a word in edgeways Harley, Avis. 2009 African Critters Haas, Robert B. 2002 African savanna Silver, Donald M., 1947- 1997 After Hamelin RicHardson, Bill, 1955- 2000 After tHe fall : How Humpty Dumpty got back up Santat, Dan. 2017 again After tHe last dog died : tHe true-life, Hair-raising Bredeson, Carmen. 2003 adventure of Douglas Mawson and his 1911-1914 Antarctic Expedition After tHe storm [#2] Brooke, Lauren. 2000 Afternoon of tHe elves Lisle, Janet Taylor. 1989 Afternoon on tHe Amazon # 6 Osborne, Mary Pope. 1995 Agave blooms just once Jernigan, Gisela, 1948- 1989 Hostage Myers, Edward. 1996 Agnes Parker-- girl in progress O'Dell, KatHleen. 2003 Ah, music! Aliki. 2003 AHOY THERE, LITTLE POLAR BEAR Aïda Price, Leontyne.
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