The Official Publication of the Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers As- sociation Index: The Scratch Sheet “Take Me Out To the Ball Game!” “Runner safe on Second!” “Fly Ball! My Ball!” “Yer OUT!!” Home Run! “C’mon, Ump—You know that was a fair ball…” “Oh, my—You mean I get to throw out the first ball??” The Scratch Sheet Spring 2004 and I was still thinking someone would eventually want him. He still didn’t even have a name as I like to let the new owners name their kitties. When he reached ten months of age, I took a good look at him and said to my husband, “Well, if he’s going to hang around here we better think up a name for him. Besides, he’s quite nice and I think I’ll enter him in the CFF show coming up in September. The Kitten Nobody Wanted Maybe someone will see him and want him.” Tom looked at him and said, “I think his name should be Toby—he looks like a Toby.” I had to agree; he October 12th, 2000, LeBeau Minu Jes- did look like a Toby and so Toby he became. sica Lynn gave birth easily to six happy, Toby was 11 months old when he went to healthy, colorful kittens sired by LeBeau Minu his first show in the alter class. He wasn’t fond at Great Balls of Fire. Jessie loved all her babies all of riding in the car and stated that fact over and and was an excellent mom. She had a lovely over and over in the 30 minute ride to the show- blue patched tabby w/white, a brown patched hall ! I was concerned that he might not like being tabby tabby w/white, another blue patch—all shown either. Toby loved it!! He gloried in being girls—and 3 boys. Two were quite high white handled and loved stretching up the sisal rope to brown tabbies and the third, a low white brown show his length. He played with the judges and to tabby. the crowd. My fellow exhibitors and friends started I am generally not fond of high whites and usu- Toby he needed to give lessons on how to be a ally sell them all as pets. The kittens grew well show cat! Toby did very well at that first show and and became quite lovely as time passed. I decided to keep showing him. Before long, he When they got to be about 6 weeks of became a Grand Champion Alter and then a Mas- age, they started to have the run of the house ter Grand! How exciting for this kitten that nobody part of the time; when we were home to make wanted!! For the 2001/2002 season, he was 2nd sure they wouldn’t somehow get hurt. Time Best Maine Coon Alter and 9th Best Alter over all went on and the kittens got old enough to sell. in CFF. For the 2002/2003 season, he was Best Before they left home, we got a call from one Maine Coon Alter and CFF’s 2nd Best Alter over of the editors of the Portland newspapers and all!! He still loves being shown and hates riding in she asked me if I would be willing to have pho- the car so I have retired him. His home is with us tos taken for a coffee table book about Port- forever and he makes a hit with everyone who land and the surrounding area. They were try- comes here as his personality makes him shine as ing to promote the city and some of the other it does in the show hall. He is truly a gentle, lov- areas of the state and wanted a reputable ing boy and I believe that somehow he was just breeder of Maine Coons to show off our state meant to stay here with us. I would not dream of cat!!! I was thrilled to be asked and just about letting him go anywhere else to live now—not be- this whole litter ended up being in the book cause he is a winner in the show ring, but be- with one photo of me. One of the high white cause he has wound his way into our hearts for- boys was on my lap. ever. Soon after that, the kittens started to Toby’s sister, Ella Rose, never got very big leave for their new homes. I had decided to and I eventually had her spayed. One day I got a keep one female, the brown patch w/white and call from a gentleman in Lewiston whose wife had named her Le Beau Minu Ella Rose. Soon all Alzheimers and was in need of a special friend. the other kittens had gone to new homes— Rosie wasn’t big except in a capacity for love and except for the one high white brown tabby. attention. When they came to pick her up, she im- It seems no one was attracted to him and yet mediately jumped into the lady’s lap as though his brother, who was almost identical to him, she belonged there. Soon after, he called to say was sold as a pet. The months went by and no his wife was talking more than she had in a long one wanted this boy. He was getting larger time. Rosie and Toby, it seems, both had very and older and I was afraid he would get some special callings! “big boy” ideas so I told my husband that we Carol Pedley Le Beau Minu Maine Coons The Scratch Sheet Spring 2004 From the Courier– Gazette, Rockland, Maine: Geneology: Mainiac Felinus… Marilis Hornidge The chilled-down state of Maine tops old A cat walked by who had a Siamese-slim Route 1, which was the New York and Boston Post body, tiger markings and a tail like a feather Road along which all meaningful commerce once duster. This cat said something to The Cat who moved. At the other end of this first of the US high- put her nose up in the air. “Not every feline con- way links lies Key West, warm haven of smugglers, siders their duty to society,” she said. “That’s one artists and people looking for la dolce vita since the of my cooney cousins. They’re not days of the conquistadors. very...discriminating.” What, you ask, could these two places have “Standards aren’t what they used to be,” I in common? Believe it or not: a cat. said. A friend took me though the restored “Tell me,” said The Cat, putting a gentle memorabilia of the Ernest Hemingway house in paw to my cheek, “my grandma used to put us Key West while we were down there (doing re- kittens to sleep with all sorts of tales about Maine, search for a new book, in case the IRS is reading but we never quite believed them. Do your lob- my column these days.) I was marching a little be- sters really have big pincher claws to pull bad little hind our tour group, listening with one ear to the pussycats’ tails?” knowledgeable young guide and admiring the an- “They certainly have big claws,” I said, “but cient banyan tree in the brick-walled backyard no cat with any sense would ever get that close to which was festooned with cats (Hemingway being one.” a noteworthy aficionado) when I spotted The Cat. “My goodness,” said The Cat with a deli- “That’s a maine Coon Cat!” I said, perhaps cate shiver. “Our Florida lobsters don’t have any a trifle loudly. claws at all.” “You truly have a parochial feline fixation,” she ignored the face I mqde at the thought said my friend, Joan. that those Floridian crawfish had the effrontery to “Finestkind,” said the Cat. call themselves lobsters. ”And she said that you that was it. The tour moved off, but I sat eat the body of your crabs...down here we only down.. The Cat, being a friendly sort, sat down take one claw and put the crab back and it grows also—in my lap. She was a calico cat with every another one. Surely that is barbaric to eat the Maine Coon stigmata any show judge could de- whole thing.” sire...the long smooth varied-length coat, the I refrained from comment on matters pisca- plume-like tail, the glorious ruff. Her color pattern torial. “Any place that fries bananas into chips…” I was just like that of my late lamented Ms. began. Threepenny Abzug, who was noted for the perfec- “Plantains,” said the Cat. ”Actually, I don’t tion of her pattern but not her disposition, which much care for them myself. How did you know was far from perfect. that I was a Maine Coon Cat?” “How did you know you were a Maine Coon “I wrote a book about them,” I said—more Cat?” I asked. “And where did you hear that ex- or less modestly pression which is indigenous to the Midcoast of “Good heavens,” said The Cat. “Please go Maine and the Canadian Maritimes?” in and tell Mrs. Thompson at the desk and maybe “My grandma done tole me,” said The Cat— she will order some to go with Ernie’s books. Then who had, of course, added a touch of Southern ac- my family will all be famous and correctly identi- cent during her Floridian years. “She got it from her fied.” grandma, who got it from hers who, they say, was About this time, the tour group returned.
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