LIVRET 592x420 army corps and the Imperial Guard. e I B I T I - JENA/AUERSTAEDT - - LEIPZIG - - WATERLOO - X H O E N battle gradually shifted in favour of the 14 OCTOBER 1806 French troops who nally triumphed. 16-19 OCTOBER 1813 18 JUNE 1815 B , 1806 , 1813 , 1815 - WAGRAM - O S 01 T BATTLES In October 1806, Napoleon met the Prus- In October 1813, after the slaughter during On 18 June 1815, Napoleon attacked 5-6 JULY 1809 R the retreat from Russia, Napoleon was the British and Prussian troops stationed sians in Germany. On the morning of 14th , 1809 O A leading an inexperienced army which had in what is now Belgium: 70,000 French T October, he attacked the enemy lines at K E Jena, believing that he was facing the entire endured several defeats: he concentrated all soldiers faced 68,000 British, German, G Prussian army. Further north, the 3rd corps his forces around Leipzig. On 16th Octo- Dutch and Belgian troops comprising - ARCOLE - - MARENGO - On 6 July 1809, Napoleon decided to I led by Marshal Davout, who had received ber, the Russian, Austrian and Prussian Wellington’s army, rmly dug in on the L S 15-17 NOVEMBER 1796 14 JUNE 1800 muster a battery of a hundred cannons to the order to take the enemy from the rear, allies attacked the town. After four days heights of Waterloo. Napoleon launched T , 1796-1797 , 1800 the north of Vienna in order to contain came up against the main body of the of erce ghting, the French were beaten. several attacks against the British lines, E the Austrian army. e canons red Prussian army at Auerstedt: despite its Known as the ‘Battle of the Nations’, it which resisted until the arrival of Prussian several thousand times. 8,000 French T inferior numbers, it won a resounding vic- was the bloodiest combat in the Empire’s reinforcements led by General Blucher. On 15 November 1796, General Bonaparte In June 1800, after crossing the Alps, infantrymen with fixed bayonets in tory over the enemy, adding to Napoleon’s history. Napoleon was vanquished and abdicated a T H E attacked the town of Arcole, where the Bonaparte marched on Genoa to come to columns and reinforced by several cavalry success at Jena. second time. Austrian army was entrenched. Leading the aid of Masséna’s division, besieged by charges then crushed the Austrian army. his troops in an attack across the bridge, the Austrians. On the 14th, he clashed with Napoleon won a major victory, forcing the he was driven back. However, the French Melas’s army, which attacked him on the - EYLAU - Austrians to sue for peace command. general did not give up and had a bridge Marengo plain. Forced to withdraw, the of boats built across the river. On the 17th, French army took advantage of the arrival 8 FEBRUARY 1807 , 1807 he ordered a new attack which forced the of reinforcements from Desaix’s division. YOU CAN CONTINUE YOUR VISIT ON THE INVALIDES SITE, enemy to fall back. Victory went to the French. WHERE NAPOLEON HAS LEFT A LASTING MARK: On 8 February 1807, Napoleon faced the - AUSTERLITZ - Russians at Eylau. e French columns led by Augereau, blinded by a snowstorm, were 2 DECEMBER 1805 23 exhibition rooms contain collections relating to Napoleonic military history. , 1805 decimated by the Russian guns: the army corps was lost and the French army in a is oor also proposes a visit directly linked to the Napoleon the Strategist exhibition critical situation. To resolve the situation, as well as new multimedia installations. At Austerlitz, Napoleon was ghting Napoleon decided to send in his cavalry. - BORODINO - 6 APRIL — 22 JULY 2018 both Emperor Alexander I of Russia and With Murat at its head, it succeeded in e cabinets of curiosities feature a series of gurines, artillery models and musical instruments, the Holy Roman Emperor Francis II. retrieving the situation. 7 SEPTEMBER 1812 some of them dating back to the First Empire. Pretending to withdraw, he created the , 1812 - THE PYRAMIDS - impression that he was in a weak position: 01 - FRIEDLAND - 21 JULY 1798 this trick encouraged his enemies to attack. In the Vauban Room, you will nd three cavalrymen from the Napoleonic wars era. BATTLES , 1798-1799 On the morning of 2 December 1805, the 14 JUNE 1807 On 7 September 1812 at the Battle of Austro-Russians attacked the villages of , 1807 Borodino, the 100,000 men who made up Artillery equipment from the Napoleonic era is displayed on the rst oor. 02 Telnitz and Sokolnitz, but their o ensive Napoleon’s army encountered an equal On 21 July 1798, the French army led by was brilliantly contained by Davout. At the number of Russian troops led by Marshal GLOSSARY General Bonaparte met the Mamluk forces same time, Napoleon was taking the enemy In June 1807, Napoleon met the Russians Kutuzov. e Russian commander adopted Towering over the courtyard is a statue of Napoleon by Charles Émile Seurre. near Cairo. e French infantry with its by surprise with an attack which broke in Poland. On the 13th, he sent Marshal a defensive strategy: his soldiers were e statue once stood atop of the Vendôme column. 03 25,000 men formed into squares protected through the centre of the allied army. e Lannes’ army corps to Friedland in the entrenched in fortied redoubts. Napoleon MILESTONE DATES by artillery pieces. e Mamluk cavalry enemy su ered a decisive defeat. hope of forcing the enemy army to ght. ordered his heavy cavalry to attack the re- joined battle but immediately came under Although he had fewer men, Lannes doubts. e action was unheard of, since Is home to Napoleon’s body. re from the French infantry squares and attacked the Russians and informed the infantry were usually assigned this had to fall back. Bonaparte entered Cairo Napoleon. e Emperor hastened to the type of mission, and forced the Russians to the next day. aid of his marshal at the head of three withdraw. CAVALRY CHARGE / n. LINE / n. { laɪn } SKIRMISHERS / n. STRATEGY / n. { ˈskɜː.mɪʃ.ərs } { ˈstræt.ə.dʒi } PROGRAMME { ˈkæv.əl.ri tʃɑːdʒ } PRACTICAL France and the rest of the world A line is a formation where soldiers are posi- have been fascinated by Deploying skirmishers is a battle tactic used by Strategy encompasses all operations relating INFORMATION Guided tours: Napoleon Bonaparte. e big A cavalry charge is not a stampeding forward tioned next to each other on a broad but shallow the infantry, often with the deployment of light to warfare in general, defending or conquering Families, school groups and small screen have thus push, but an o ensive manoeuvre organised on a front. (see Column) infantrymen in front of the main body of troops territory, drawing up campaign plans and large- and students: perpetuated Napoleon’s legacy 02 squadron* basis. e charge begins slowly before to an extent he could not have GLOSSARY to harass the enemy using rearms. scale operations, the principles for deploying [email protected] imagined, by highlighting speeding up as the riders approach the target, so armies, and the art of leading them until they CURATORS Adults: [email protected] LOGISTICS / n. his military brilliance and his role they can reach the necessary galloping speed over { ləˈdʒɪs.tɪks } enter into contact with the enemy. Napoleon +33 (0) 0825 05 44 05 as a master strategist at the heart the last few metres for the shock attack* to work. SQUADRON / n. { ˈskwɒd.rən } discovered the word in Saint Helena in a trans- : chief heritage of a vast array of military and Fun family visits Logistics cover all operations relating to army lation of a book by Archduke Charles of Austria. curator, head of the modern political matters. Here you can find definitions of the words marked department Children from 8 upwards. food and ammunition supplies, transport, combat, A squadron is the cavalry equivalent of a batta- Napoleon referred to ‘grand tactics’, like the e lm cycle programmed to with an asterisk on the exhibition panels. : Price: €7 per child and €12 COLUMN / n. { ˈkɒl.əm } evacuations and medical treatment. 18th-century authors he had read. reect the Napoleon the Strategist lion*. It is led by a squadron commander. senior documentary research per adult exhibition aims to illustrate fellow at the modern Bookings: musee-armee.fr or the way in which this aspect has A column is a formation where soldiers are po- department. [email protected] been depicted on the screen. MANOEUVRE / n. sitioned behind each other across a front with { məˈnuː.vər } SQUARE / n. { skweər } TACTICS / n. { ˈtæktɪks } - : Download the visit booklet and Austerlitz Auditorium ARMY CORPS / n. { ˈɑː.mi kɔːr } BATTLE / n. { ˈbæt.əl } limited width but signicant depth. It can be conservation assistant games booklet (8 and upwards) Free admission with reservation: at the painting and sculpture online. used for marches or in combat. (see Line) e goal of manoeuvres is to confuse the enemy e square is a defensive tactical* formation Tactics comprise all operations relating to the musee-armee.fr department. +33 (0)1 44 42 38 77 Created in 1805, the army corps are made up A battle is a ght between two armies or na- by moving troops around. ey target the enemy’s used by the infantry* to repel a cavalry charge. battle eld when armies face each other. In Concerts : assistant curator 14 to 18 May 2018 of troops from all branches (infantry*, cavalry* vies whose outcome inuences the course or weak points and try, for example, to outank and e soldiers position themselves in three rows.
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