S. Kann Sons Go. Open 8:15 A. M. Close 5 P .A CHRONICLE OF EVENTS i_MJ WITH SIDE LIGHTS* ON THE ME/SI AND WOMEN WHO MAKE UP THINK OF BUYING WASHINGTON'S COMPLEX AND INTERESTING SOCIAL LIFE. Silk and Wool Skirts In? Jean Eliot $8.95 to and will her hushuiid- Mrx Sherman Is at the - . Congr««n»n and<>'Europe Join staying president*and mrs. Hughes, were among the guests 4 Frellnghuysen. WIHart?. $12.95 values, HARDING will attend the of Col. and Mrs. Robert M. Mrs. Frederick C. Hicks. Congress¬ In Italy. Princess Boncoui|»igni, Show With Mr. and Mrs. man and Mr#. John Philip Hill, Mr. who Htti Miss Margaret Draper, At TheNational Capital Horse Thompson. Hobert 8. has l>een in this for several Park this afternoon. Larjt Anderson were the Chinese and Mth. iMrz Anderson, roum§ Mrs. William Deeble will at Arlington Brookings. Prince and Princess Can monthM and haw been dismantling Riley The President Is anxious to be Minister and Mme. See, Mrs. the old house In K street, leave Washington shortly for Bos Morris Ernest Locke and other tacusene, Minn Roinona E. Lefevre, Draper a present at this afternoon's per¬ which was sold and which ton. wht;re sh$ will make short his Miss Manuela Lloveras, Miss Sarth recently visit to ton formance as Harbell, personal guests. will be by an office build¬ her and daughter-in-law. ¦addle horse, is making hit* debut General Pershing had in his box Lee. Miss Mary Patten. Felipe A replaced I'apt. and Mrs William Riley Dee In the show ring today. Harbell Mme. Riano, the charge d'affaires Espll, Captain Rlgal and Hubert ing Mi- Jt\, and make the acquaintance Is entered In a special class for of Panama. Senor Don J. E. Le Guerln. of her grandson, William Riley thoroughbred saddle horses and fevre;Senorita Kamona E. Lefevrc, Mrs. James Sherman, wife of the Det'bte, 3rd. Captain Deeble is just Is of see¬ Miss Helen Patten and Lieut. New German Envoy late Vice President, was the guest a course at the Mass the White House hopeful H. at completing ing him carry away the blue. Thomas Schneider. Arrive* In Capital. today of Mrs. Mary Scienter will be remember- Mme. Peter, wife of the minis¬ the ladies of the Senate luncheon. (Continued on Pajre Jl.) The horse. It The new ambassador of Ger-nany, «d, was presented President Hard¬ ter of Switzerland, was a guest Dr. Otto Wiedfeldt. arrived in Wash¬ ing last fall by Harvey Firestone of Mrs. Franccs S. Nash, who also ington yesterday. The chargro d'af of Ohio. Harbell had been assigned had with her Mme. Heilm&nn, fa Ires of the embassy, Dr. darl to th« President for his use on the wife of the commercial attache of Mr. Fire¬ Lang, went to New York Friday to famous camping trip of the French embassy: Mrs. Stanley meet the ambassador. who arrived stone's In the West Virginia woods Rlnehart, Mrs. Charles M. Ffoulke aboard the America Saturday. last summer, and the President and Mrs. Robert Hinckley. + had become so attached to hini Mrs. Harold Walker had in her that Mr. Firestone made the White box Mrs. Judah Howe Sears and The Minister of Serbs. Croats and House stables a present of the Mrs. Edward Finkenstaedt. Slovenes and Mme. Groultch enter¬ beautiful animal. Mrs. Cuno Rudolph had with her tained at dinner laat evening in Today is to be Congressional day Mme. Saburl. Mrs. Samuel Preacott, honor of the Assistant Secretary of at the horse show. The associa¬ Miss Alice Clapp and Mrs. George War and Mrs J. Mayhew Wain- tion has invited Senators and mem¬ White. wrlght. The other guests were the bers of Congress and their wives Mrs. Walter Tuckerman had in Minister of Uruguay and Mm.. and families to attend as guests. her box Mrs. John Sterrett Get- Varela. the Charge d'Affalres of tings and Miss Mary 8hufeldt. MMK. NINON ROMAINE, the Polish Legation and Mme. .About 150 in all, and in the lot are tweeds, homespuns, J T. An who i* the of MORE brilliant even than on the Admiral and Mrs. Cary Gray¬ American artist »P Kwaplszewska, Counselor checked velours, atriped prunellas, serges, broadcloths, silk son entertained in their box Mr. In rwltal In thin country the and Mme. de | was the attend¬ pmriiif; Belgian Embassy baronet satins and sport crepes. opening day and Mrs. anJ Mr. after a obnenoe abroad. She and Mrs. Ham¬ poplins, at the Horse Hampson Gary. Ions Selys, Congressman are and ance Washington and Mrs. Effingham L. Town- was the guest of honor at ihe ilton Fish, the director general of .They made vrp in pleated, tailored wrap-around Show yesterday afternoon, and send. Arts' Club and cave a recital there the Pan-American Union. Dr. I^eo models. the card was tar more interesting. Miss Anna Hamlin and Miss la»t night. S. Rowe; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dulles, .-The silk skirts are in navy, white, black, also in black and With particularly stirring jumping. Katherine Mackey entertained in Miss Fonrose Wainwrlght. Mrs. white combinations. The Secretary of War and Mrs. their box Mrs. Lawrence Town- fit of the Children's Hospital, was Alexander and Gardiner Coogan Weeks entertained a company of deservedly popular. Among the .The wool skirts are in the new color combinations of the in their box. them send and Miss Margaret Thomp- ^Cussts among kins of Bermuda. pretty waitresses were Miss Kon- Guest» for season, also in plain navy and black. Mrs. Frederick Dent Grant; and rose Wainwright, wearing a chic Assembling the of War Grsves-Goeti 8..4 Floor. Assistant Secretary STLVANUS STOKES had green linen gown and a green Wedding. Kama's, and Mrs. Wainwright were in a AjytRS.* feather trimmed hat; Miss Eudora Guests are assembling from several box party which Included Col. and her small daughter, Misa the with the little Clover, dressed in dark blue, wool cities for marriage tomorrow of Mrs. William C. Rivers and Mrs. Marsyl Stokes, her, embroidered, and wearing an odd Miss Antoinette Wood Eno Graves, Mlnnlgerode Andrews. lady watching the proceedings with little turban of black bugles; Miss daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Plain Overblouses to Mrs. Charles Evans Hughes, interest from the knee of her Madeline Austin, Miss Cora Barry, Leon Graves, of Paris and New York, Voiles That wife of the Secretary of State, nurse. Mrs. Stokes had no other Miss Dorothy DeAiett and Miss and Major Robert Charles Frederick and her daughter, Miss Catherine guests, but entertained a succes¬ Minnie Veeder. Miss Louisa Hoar, Goetz, U. 8. A., which is to take With sion of callers during the after¬ place Express the Wear of Mrs. Frederick Gil- at the home of the bride s aunt, Mrs noon. She wore a striking cos- daughter lett, was one pf the lassies sell¬ Charles Boughton Wood, with a re Exclusive tume of blacft crepe made absolute¬ ing cigarettes and candy for the ceptlon afterward at the home <^f of Separate Sport without sleeves. The skirt was Beauty ly Salvation Army. Her gown was W.111am Phelps Eno. uncle of the wrapped tight about the figure bride. DYED and faced with bright purple. A of red brown crepe, severely Queen Quality Color Skirts A SWEATER simple, with a small brown hat Mr. and Mrs. Graves. Miss Graves big black hat. a scarf of black and she and Miss white fur and whit«* trimmed in pompoms and little Mary Leontine/tiravee, Models .They are made or embroid¬ monkey long wore a broad "Salvation who will be the brides attend .An artiat would revel in a cos¬ Army" only ered georgette, with round AND SKIRT WITH gloves completed striking ribbon across her breast. ant. are staying with Mrs. Wood, and the color liat we in tume. The had on a white present neck and short sleeves. baby Others among the spectators Mr Eno is also entertaining a house j Many are the footwear novelties that were these beautiful voiles.it is They frock and an alorable pink taffeta his Mr and have tie sashes at each side, were Miss fatten. Mr*. R. M. party, guests including created the makers of so extensive, in the and the are tan bonnet. Mrs. Clarke Mrs. Hokan Steffanson. of New York, originally by Queen taking colors with "DIAMOND DYES" The was rather sayer Kauffman. Wagga- and the new high red. white with jade, navy dressing man. Mrs. Luke McNamee, Mrs. and the Rev. and Mrs. Oliver H Quality Shoes. staple than on any other day of the show- of Pa. colors. Some women find a with red, and white with who Mrs Helen Buchanan Jones. Mrs. Bronson. Glenside. Mr. Bron- also frilled Mrs. Joseph Ijelter. had Mr son will the ceremony. Here are two of our latest creations.and frock of one solid color ex¬ black; pretty styles Every "Diamond Dyes" package Jack Merriam among her Jaines Carroll Fraser, and perform they trimmed with lace. in white tells how to or tint worn, guests, Mrs. Charles Wilson. J. E. I^e- Other guests from out of t iwn at ceedingly becoming, and it dye any wore a gown of black embroidered are, of course, everything that the name Queen and flesh. All sizes QC faded garment or drapery a new work fevre, Mrs. Victor Kauffman. Will- the wedding will be Robert Graves. is, in fact, very striking WO.UO rich color that will not streak, spot, crepe, with lattice trimming Mr*. Charles Mrs. Aline Moffat and Mi and Mis Quality stands for.real style, lasting value, and when choeen to suit to select from, at and a big black hat wtth a lace Phelps Eno, Bough- carefully Second Floor.
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