i MemKer of tKe Associated Press CITY NEWS EDITION CENTS EVE LOOK 2 Established October 13, 1875 Each Day's Paper Better Than the Last VOLUME LIV SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1929 NUMBER 156 .FAQraShrinR FLUNG e Convention to Close Tonight 1 LINE luimmiiiiimiimiii IHlltllll.iMIIIII.ll.il ii.iiiii.iiiiimi.uui> uuiuiiMiiuimiiui tiiiiiiiiiiiiiMHiim illlllllllllllllllllUI lllllllllllllllllllllfll <_.**-»?» By Robt. P. Holliday The court decision which wiU permit the filling of the Venice canals emphasizes the fact that the Bay District as a whole ls rapidly coming into URGE YOUNG TO SIGN HARBOR ACT its own. Connect the canal lllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iiiiiiiiiiitiimimiii- Ulllllllllllllftlllltllll project with the proposal to build a breakwater in the Bay Charge Fraud and you have two major pro­ jects that are bound to bring To Western an added measure of prosper­ Would Confute ArizonaClaim Santa Monica Leaders to ity. Lumbermen Venice had anything but a bright future as long as she Sciots Expect Huge Crowd at WASHINGTON. June 6 tm was hampered by her canals. —The federal trade commluton Call on Governor Friday The progressive people of the has issued complaints against Fezzed Host Big Benefit Dance Set for June 13 Leaders in 48 lumber companies In Cali­ community have long realized fornia, Oregon, New Mexico, lt and have done everything A record gathering is fore­ large advertising program Arlsona and Nevada charging in their power to get rid of cast for Thursday evening, mapped out by the Bay Sciots misrepresentation in the sale For Final Strong Appeal them. But as usual, a small June 13, when thousands will to put Santa Monica's name of western yellow pine as white To Be Given attend a dance given by the before other sections of the Conference pine. reactionary element has In­ Santa Monica pyramid of state at the annual Sclot con­ The companies inrlude some Committee Discusses Chimerical Objections sisted on their God-given Solots at the La Monica ball­ vention at San Francisco ln of the largest lumber producers right to protest and stand in room. November. on the west coast. Hearings to Erection of Breakwater; Want the way of development. Advance ticket sales indicate Tickets arr on sale at Santa were set for July 5. People to Decide Point that the huge beach ballroom Monica business houses and at OnDamPlan The lumber In question, the Standing on this right, they Great Show the La Monica ballroom or complaints declared, lacked will be filled to rapacity. took the case into court and Money derived from the they may be obtained from many qualities of true white In a last minute appeal to Governor C. C Young to sign after spending considerable Movie Light Men to event will go to assist in a members of the order. Gila River Million pine. the breakwater enabling legislation passed by both houses of money, find themselves de­ the state legislature at the resent session, a delegation repre­ feated and discredited. Spread Selves in Major Trouble Be­ senting the Santa Monica-Ocean Park Chamber of Commerce • Once the work starts in Parade tween States will leave for Sacramento tonight to urge the chief executive /enice you may expect that Zundelowitz Will Leaves Three New Police to permit the bill to become a law. ommunity to take on a dif- Seventy-five thousand WASHINGTON, June 6 (AP) Those who are making the Journey to the state capitol In erent aspect. There is noi Shriner s in Los Angeles at —In conference with Colonel the interest of the breakwater and pleasure harbor project TaVonwh^it should notVa ! thel,r, «»y-fifth annual con- Huge Sum for CharitiesW. J. Donovan at his home, Officers on Beats are: Judge A. A. Weber, author of the bill that was adopted by ligh type residential commu- I ve"tIon Prepared to drop the chairmen of the California the assembly and the senate, and is now in the hands of the lity. As sport as the work is curtain today on a week of gay Santa Monicans to Receive Large Share of and Arizona Colorado river Successful Candidates governor for his signature; A. R. completed-and people realize „m*kin&; commissions engaged early to­ Get Shields and Pratt, vice president of the chamber Estate Left by Late Millionaire day in what was regarded as of commerce and president of the hey can go there and not I With the post of outer Uniforms Woman Banker Santa Monica Retail Merchants' reopardlze the lives of their | •*»«*. onl.y contested office ol Philanthropist a final effort to compromise association; E. B. Conliss of the •hildren, you will see a new the imperial council, filled by the deadlocked question of Three new candidates for the po­ chamber's breakwater committee; Albert Zundelowitz. who died at the Santa Monica hospital on the 4th lice force, who were successful in •*&_=> R. P. Holllday. editor and publisher •nflux of population in ourWalte r S. Sugden of Wheeling instant, willed more than $100,000 of his estate, estimated ln excess of the Gila river. W. Va., who was elected at yester­ Unless the sub-conference results the recent examination for patrol­ of the Santa Monica Evening Out­ .1.000,000, to charitable institutions. Among the Southern California in- men and motorcycle oft leers, were look; C. E. Hughes, J. O. OUbert, ister community. day's conference, there remalne- •titutions enriched by Mr. Zundelowitz' generosity are the Jewish Con­ in the formulation of some basis on but two more functions—the insta' added to the Santa Monica force Mayor Herman Michel, George Lar­ Everyone in the Bay District sumptive Relief association of Duarte, California, $30,000, and the Jewish which representatives are willing to today, it was announced by Chief o' son of Sawtelle, Dr. Charles Scott, •ishes Venice well. She is a lation of the 13 officers at higl Orphans Home of Palms, California, $5000. talk compromise, all Indications Police Clarence E. Webb. The new R. E. Barker and Oeorge Barker. noon and selection of a 1930 con­ Among other bequests are the Zionist Organization of America for were that the general conference ou members will begin actl.-e duty Jum ery important part of the vention city. Upon reaching Sacramento the the Relief of Poor Jews in Palestine, $44,000; Jewish Home for the Aged the lower basin Boulder dam com­ 15. Forty-two aspirants for the po­ delegation will Immediately go to ay District community. Now In as brilliant a parade as this at Minneapolis, Minnesota, $5000; Hebrew Institute and Home for Aged pact will be short lived. Predictions lice department took the recent ex­ the governor's office, where the .at she is about to come into city probably ever has seen, 10,000 Jews at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, $5000; Royal Chapter of Texas for the were general that the conference aminations ln the city hall. chief executive will be told why he or own, she is to be congrat- Shriners made a final gesture be­ Home of Aged Masons for the State of Texas, $5000; Grand Lodge of would close Saturday. The successful competitors who should sign the bill that wlU enable fore thousands of spectators last Texas, A. F. and A. M. for the Masonic Home and School of Texas, $5000; Wyoming's observers, John A. will be added to the taw enforcers the people of the Bay District and -ted. night and settled back today to l Crippled Children's hospital of Dal­ Whiting, Colorado river commis­ are: contiguous territory decide the watch Los Angeles' reply—a motion las, Texas, $5000; Orthodox Jewish sioner, and Attorney General Wil­ Shirley Carl Brown, 30 years ol pleasure harbor problem for them­ ._ is with a tinge of sadness picture electrical pageant scheduled Consumptive home of Denver. Col­ son, bade goodbye to the conference age, 170 pounds, height 6 feet; lives selves. '..at we see Francesco Ferullo for tonight. orado, $3000; Jewish Orphns' home this morning. Two other representa­ at 1454 Santa Monica boulevard Under the dazzling beams of arc of Cleveland, Ohio, $2000; Daytive s of the upper basin states, who Santa Monica high school graduate By W. G. FURMAN ly down his baton as head of lights, the Shriners staged their of­ he Santa Monica municipal Nursery of Wichita Falls, Texas. have been present as "observers", assigned to patrol duty. Three forces working against the ficial review down Figueroa street. NATIONAL LEAGUE $3000. Large bequests were also and who have made several at­ Ralph W. Smith, 28 years of ag< proposed breakwater, at least one and. Maestro Ferullo ls a The bands, patrols and chanters of PITTSBURGH. June 6. (JP)—Pitts­ made to Simon W. Zundelowltz of tempts at arbitration between the height 6 feet, weight 190 pounds of which ls chimerical, were dis­ -rilliant musician who has54 temples marched by street burgh defeated the Braves, 4 to 2, Los Angeles, a brother, Mrs. Estelle deadlocked states, Frank Wilson of lives at 1922 Eleventh street; thre cussed last night at the West Las throngs and Into the coliseum be­ here today, Kremer holding the Cooper of Santa Monica, a grand years' high school attendance; as Angeles branch of the Los Angeles iven his best to the people of fore nearly 70,000 spectators for the New Mexico, and Ward Bannister of Hub team to six hits, while the niece, and WUliam H. Zundelowitz Colorado, plan to leave Friday. signed to motorcycle squad. Chamber of Commerce by the Santa he Southland. three hours. Pirates were collecting nine. RHE of Los Angeles, a nephew. Large Harry Chamber, 26 years of age.
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