
Евразиатский энтомол. журнал 12(4): 315–327 © EUROASIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2013 The species-group names of bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea, Apiformes) described from Siberia Òàêñîíû ï÷¸ë (Hymenoptera: Apoidea, Apiformes), îïèñàííûå èç Ñèáèðè M.Yu. Proshchalykin, A.S. Lelej Ì.Þ. Ïðîùàëûêèí, À.Ñ. Ëåëåé Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Science, prospect 100 let Vladivostoku 159, Vladivostok 690022 Russia. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]. Биолого-почвенный институт ДВО РАН, просп. 100 лет Владивостоку 159, Владивосток 690022 Россия. Key words: bees, Apiformes, Russia, Palaearctic. Ключевые слова: пчёлы, Apiformes, Россия, Палеарктика. Abstract. The annotated list of 111 species-group names and described 39 species, subspecies and varieties of of bees (excepting bumble-bees) from 23 genera and six bees. Of them eight species and a subspecies of bees families described from Siberia by 27 authors during 1781– are valid at present. During last decade only four spe- 2011 is given. 49 speces and six subspecies are valid. Data cies and one subspecies of bees have been described on types and their depository, current taxonomic status and [Pesenko, Davydova, 2004; Proshchalykin, Lelej, 2010; distribution are provided for each taxa. Lectotype is desig- nated for Colletes mongolicus Friese, 1914. Romankova, Astafurova, 2011]. Acronyms for collections where specimens are de- Резюме. Приведён аннотированный список 111 на- posited are as follows: AMNY — American Museum званий видовой группы пчёл (кроме шмелей) из 23 ро- of Natural History, New York, USA; IZK — Institute дов и шести семейств, описанных 27 авторами из Сиби- of Systematic and Experimental Zoology, Polish Acad- ри в 1781–2011 гг. Из них 49 видов и 6 подвидов emy of Sciences, Kraküw, Poland; MNB — Museum являются валидными. Для каждого таксона даны сведе- für Naturkunde — Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und ния о типе и месте его хранения, современном таксоно- Biodiversitätsforschung an der Humboldt-Universität мическом положении и распространении. Обозначен лек- zu Berlin, Germany; NHML — The Natural History тотип Colletes mongolicus Friese, 1914. Museum, London, UK; ZISP — Zoological Institute, Up to end of XIX century Siberia in Russia was Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia; recognized as the territory from Ural Mountains in the ZMMU — Zoological Museum of the Moscow State west to the Pacific Ocean in the east. Very often at that University, Russia. The classification of bees follows time the entomologists used for the type locality «Sibe- Michener [2007] and Pesenko [2007c]. When the nom- ria occidentalis» (West Siberia) or «Siberia orientalis» inal taxa are the synonyms the distribution is given for (East Siberia, Far East). Even now many foreign ento- valid taxa. mologists devide Siberia thereby. Currently, Siberia includes 14 administrative regions of Russian Federa- List of species tion (Fig. 1) with square 9.7 millions sq. m (57 % of Russian Federation territory) [The National Atlas of Colletidae Russia, 2008]. Colletinae During 230 (1781–2011) years of extensive work Colletes mongolicus Friese, 1914 by 27 entomologists 111 nominal names have been Colletes mongolicus Friese, 1914a: LXI (nom. praeocc., nec proposed for 49 species and six subspecies of Siberian Pérez, 1903), $, # (lectotype: #, designated here / р. Бомын bees (excepting bumble-bees which will be reviewed (Ичегын) / СВ Цайдамъ, Гоби / Роб[оровский] Козлов VI.[18]95'' (China, Qinghai) / lectotype Colletes mongolicus Friese, 1914 in separate paper). T. Cockerell (39), F. Morawitz (15) design. Proshchalykin et Lelej 2013, typewritten red label, examined and O. Radoszkowski (10) described most of the taxa. [ZISP]). In 1927 American entomologist T. Cockerell together Current status. Colletes friesei Cockerell, 1918 is with his wife Wilmatte crossed Siberia by Trans-Sibe- replacement name for C. mongolicus Friese, 1914, nom. rian Railroad. They collected bees near Baikal Lake praeocc., nec Pérez, 1903 [Cockerell, 1918: 159]. The (Irkutsk Prov. and Buryatia) in July – August of 1927 lectotype which was designated by M. Kuhlmann [2000: [Weber, 2000]. Based on this material T. Cockerell 180]: $, «Mongolei, Monda, 6.08, Friese det.» is not valid, published four papers [Cockerell, 1928, 1929a, b, 1937], because type series originated from «Mongolei, nördlich 316 M.Yu. Proshchalykin, A.S. Lelej Fig. 1. Administrative map of Siberia (1–14). 1–7 — West Siberia: 1 — Tyumen Prov., 2 — Omsk Prov., 3 — Tomsk Prov., 4 — Novosibirsk Prov., 5 — Kemerovo Prov., 6 — Altaiskiy Terr., 7 — Altai Republic. 8–14 — East Siberia: 8 — Khakassia Republic (Khakassia), 9 — Tyva Republic (Tuva), 10 — Krasnoyarsk Terr., 11 — Irkutsk Prov., 12 — Buryatia Republic (Buryatia), 13 — Sakha Republic (Yakutia), 14 — Zabaikalskiy Terr. Ðèñ. 1. Àäìèíèñòðàòèâíàÿ êàðòà Ñèáèðè. 1–7 — Çàïàäíàÿ Ñèáèðü: 1 — Òþìåíñêàÿ îáë., 2 — Îìñêàÿ îáë., 3 — Òîìñêàÿ îáë., 4 — Íîâîñèáèðñêàÿ îáë., 5 — Êåìåðîâñêàÿ îáë., 6 — Àëòàéñêèé êðàé, 7 — Ðåñïóáëèêà Àëòàé. 8–14 — Âîñòî÷íàÿ Ñèáèðü: 8 — Ðåñïóáëèêà Õàêàñèÿ (Õàêàñèÿ), 9 — Ðåñïóáëèêà Òûâà (Òóâà), 10 — Êðàñíîÿðñêèé êðàé, 11 — Èðêóòñêàÿ îáë., 12 — Ðåñïóáëèêà Áóðÿòèÿ (Áóðÿòèÿ), 13 — Ðåñïóáëèêà Ñàõà (ßêóòèÿ), 14 — Çàáàéêàëüñêèé êðàé. von Zaidam, Ende Juni» collected by Roborovsky and Kozlov Distribution. Hylaeus sibiricus: Russia: Jewish Auton- [Friese, 1914a: LIX]. The specimen wrongly designated by omous Prov., Primorskiy Terr., Buryatia, Irkutsk Prov., Tuva; M. Kuhlmann as lectotype with label «Mongolei, Monda, China (Jilin, Gansu), Mongolia [Proshchalykin, Dathe, 6.08» has been collected by Weiske in Mondy, Buryatia 2012]. [Kerzhner, 1972] and is subsequent (not type) identified specimen. Andrenidae Distribution. Russia: Buryatia; China (Qinghai, Shanxi) Andreninae [Kuhlmann, Proshchalykin, 2011]. Andrena altaica Lebedev, 1932 Colletes pseudocinerascens Noskiewicz, 1936 Andrena altaica Lebedev, 1932: 66, $, # (syntypes: «Süd- westlichen Altai: Dorf Malo-Krasnojarskoe [Novosibirsk Prov.: Colletes pseudocinerascens Noskiewicz, 1936: 424, $, # (lec- Malokrasnoyarka], Nor-Zaisan [Kazakhstan: Zaisan Lake]» totype: #, Yakutia, Yakutsk, 16.VII.1927, leg. Moskvin, designat- [ZMMU]). ed by Kuhlmann, 2000: 181 [ZISP]). Current status. Valid [Gusenleitner, Schwarz, 2002]. Current status. Valid [Kuhlmann, Proshchalykin, 2011]. Distribution. Russia: Novosibirsk Prov.; Kazakhstan Distribution. Russia: Yakutia, Altai Republic; Mongo- [Gusenleitner, Schwarz, 2002]. lia [Kuhlmann, Proshchalykin, 2011]. Hylaeinae Andrena angarensis Cockerell, 1929 Hylaeus communis excurrens Cockerell, 1937 Andrena angarensis Cockerell, 1929a: 394–395, $, # (holo- type: $, «Siberia, Irkutsk» [Irkutsk Prov.: Irkutsk], July 1927, leg. Hylaeus communis excurrens Cockerell, 1937: 5–6, $ (holo- W.P. Cockerell [NHML]). type: $, «Siberia: Smolenschina, near Irkutsk» [Irkutsk Prov.: Smo- lenshchina, 10 km SW Irkutsk], 17.VIII.1927, leg. T. Cockerell Current status. Valid [Gusenleitner, Schwarz, 2002]. [AMNY]). Distribution. Russia: Jewish Autonomous Prov., Amur- Current status. A junior synonym of Hylaeus sibiricus skaya Prov., Primorskiy Terr., Zabaikalskiy Terr., Buryatia, (Strand, 1909) [Dathe, 1986: 38]. Irkutsk Prov.; China (Heilongjiang), Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan Distribution. See Prosopis sibirica. [Xu, Tadauchi, 1999; Proshchalykin, 2012]. Prosopis sibirica Strand, 1909 Andrena archanensis Cockerell, 1929 Prosopis sibirica Strand, 1909: 74–75, # (holotype: #, «Sibe- Andrena archanensis Cockerell, 1929a: 400–401, $ (holo- ria: Smolenschina» [Irkutsk Prov.: Smolenshchina, 10 km SW type: $, «Archan, Siberia» [Buryatia: Archan], August 1927, leg. Irkutsk] [MNB]). T. Cockerell [NHML]). Current status. Valid, as Hylaeus sibiricus (Strand, 1909) Current status. A junior synonym of Andrena denticu- [Proshchalykin, Dathe, 2012]. lata (Kirby, 1802) [Gusenleitner, Schwarz, 2002: 222]. The species-group names of bees described from Siberia 317 Distribution. Russia: Khabarovsk Terr., Amurskaya Current status. A junior synonym of Andrena callopyrrha Prov., Sakhalin, Kuril Islands (Shikotan, Kunashir), Zabai- Cockerell, 1929 [Gusenleitner, Schwarz, 2002: 143]. kalskiy Terr., Irkutsk Prov., southern Ural; Japan (Hok- Distribution. Russia: Altai Republic; China (Shandong) kaido, Honshu, Shikoku), Korea, China (Shaanxi, Xinjiang, [Gusenleitner, Schwarz, 2002]. Jilin, Heilongjiang), Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Western Eu- rope [Proshchalykin, 2012]. Andrena ehnbergi Morawitz, 1888 Andrena ehnbergi Morawitz, 1888: 238–239, $ (syntypes: Andrena baicalensis Cockerell, 1929 «Siberia, Minusinsk» [Krasnoyarsk Terr.: Minusinsk] [ZISP]). Andrena baicalensis Cockerell, 1929a: 395, $ (holotype: $, Current status. Valid [Gusenleitner, Schwarz, 2002]. «Baikal University Station, Siberia» [Irkutsk Prov.], August 1927, Distribution. Russia: Amurskaya Prov., Primorskiy Terr., leg. T. Cockerell [NHML]). Zabaikalskiy Terr., Buryatia, Irkutsk Prov., Krasnoyarsk Current status. A junior synonym of Andrena tarsata Terr.; China (Beijing, Hebei, Xinjiang), Mongolia, Middle Nylander, 1848 [Gusenleitner, Schwarz, 2002: 747]. Asia [Xu, Tadauchi, 1999; Proshchalykin, 2012]. Distribution. Russia: Magadan Prov., Zabaikalskiy Terr., Irkutsk Prov., European part; China (Xinjiang, Sichuan), Andrena intermedia Morawitz, 1871 Mongolia, Middle Asia, Western Europe, North Africa [Pro- Andrena intermedia Morawitz, 1871: 321–322, $ (syntypes: shchalykin, 2012]. Kazan’, Irkutsk [Russia] [ZISP]). Andrena baicalica Kokujev, 1927 Current status.
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