SHO 983 Llarker John, 74Matilda Street, ~ Biggs George, 81 Broad Lane, S Bramall 1\Irs

SHO 983 Llarker John, 74Matilda Street, ~ Biggs George, 81 Broad Lane, S Bramall 1\Irs

SHEFFIELD TRADES. SHO 983 llarker John, 74Matilda street, ~ Biggs George, 81 Broad lane, S Bramall 1\Irs. Nancy, 17 Rudyard rd. S Barker Robt. 9 Sit well st. Eckington, S Billard Mrs. Eli1..a J. 156 Thomas st. S Bramhall Albert, Io6-8 ::la vile ~treet ea.S EarkerThos. 88 Brinsworth st. :\1asbro',R Billing ~Irs. Caroln. II3 Leadmill rd. S Bramhail Mrs. Martha, l\Iosbrough, S Barker Thomas, 69 Eldon street, S Hills l\Irs. Ann, 126 Staniforth road, S Bramhall )lrs. Sarah A. 74 Trippet la. S ]arlow George, 2 Alexandra road, S Hillups Thomas, 53 Neville street, M Bramley Charles, 5 Cross Gilpin st. S llarlow Mrs. Isabella, 32 Station street, Bingley Albert, 28 Apple str~et, S Brammar Tom, Woodhouse, S Swinton, R Bingley John, 16 Gray street, S Brarnmer Peter, 2.1 Eleanor street, A. S Earlow Joseph, 40 School street, R Binks Joseph, Deepcar, S Brass !\Iiss Eli7..a.beth, 48 Forster road, S Earlow Robert, 9 West st. Eckington, S Birks Joshua, 123 Woodside lane, S Bray Mrs. Selina, I Garnaby road, S Earlow :\lrs. Sarah, 37 Henry street, R Birley Hamilton, 30 Pitt st. Holmes, R Brearley Alonzo George, Middlewood, ]arnes Albert, 261 Crookes, S Birtles Mrs.Sarah l<'.Maugerhay,Nortn.::l Oughtibridge, S lla.rnes Mrs. Annie, 270 Greenland road, Bishop Miss Eliza, II Derbyshire lane, Brears Mark, 29 Tasker road, S Darna.ll, S Meersbrook, S Hrears Samuel George, 95 Hill st. S Barnes Mrs. ClaraAnnie, 13 Neepsend la.S Bi~hop Joseph, 59 Green lane, S Brennan Mrs. Bridget, 13 Lambert st. S Barnes George E. 2 Birch road, S Bishop Moses, 67 Taplin rd. Hillsboro',S Brett George, 69 Steadfast street, S EarnesHarvey, Ward'sEnd view, Wdsly.S Hishton William, 17 Coventry road, S Brice Arthur, 25 Main road, Darnall, 8 Barnes Henry, Sheffield Lane top, S Bitcliffe Mrs. Amelia, 171 Duke st. S HriddonJ as.36&38 Leeds rd.A ttercliffe,S ]arnett James, 156 Sheffield road, R Black Mrs. Emily, 3 Turner's hill, S Briggs John James, 71 Charles street, S EarnetOirs.:\lary,2oWood st.Mexbro',R Blackwell Tom, 53 South st. Park, S Briggs Mrs. :\Iary Ann, 45 Westgate, R Jlarr Moses, 83 Carlisle street east, S Black well William, 45 Weigh lane, S Briggs Samuel, 16o Grammar street, S Barratt .:Hrs. Dinah, 71 Broad lane, S Blakesby Benj.35 Stanley st. Parkgate,R Briggs Thomas Henry, 12 Rhodes st. S Jlarrett Charles, 487 Penistone road, S Blanksby George, II Charlotte st. S Briggs William, 68 Wath rd. Swinton,R llarrett Joseph, 457 Penistone road, S Hlaskley Mrs. Sarah, 41 Victoria road, Hrightmore William, I St. Thomas' rd. S · Jlarron George C. W. 158 Ma.tilda st. S Parkgate, H. Brindley Edward, Woodhouse, S Bartbolomew Mrs. Eliza, 18 Thomas st.S Blenkiron Thomas, :1 Doncaster road, Brinnen 1\Irs. J\L E. 151 Cambridge rd.S Barton Samuel, 42 Harvey Clough rd. S Mexborough, R Brinnen Mrs. }fary, 137 Broad la. S Bartrop Benjamin, 67 Wostbury st. A. S Bloom Mrs. Elizabeth, 19 Sully street, S Broadhead Mrs. Ellen, 15 Trent st. S ]asford Miss F. 44 Cobden View road, 8 Bluck H. Wm. 204 Wath road,Mexboro',R Broadhead Waiter, 62 Weigh lane, S llateman Henry, 18 Colliers' row, S Boaler Miss Theresa, 45 Walter street, Broadhurst Benjamin, 70 Napier st. S llates Abel, 64 Belmoor road, S Masbro' & 45 Brown st. Masbro', R Broadley Samuel, 173 Arundel street, S Bates Harry, 524 Brig-htside lane, S Boa m Miss Mary Ann, I 16 Park street, Brornehead Jn. Hy. 133 Cambridge rd.S llattersby Henry, 25 Clifton terrace, R l\lasbro', R Brurnley Alfred, 49 Spring street, S Batty Frederick, 23 Upwell street, S Boddington Joseph, 579 Penistone rd. SI Bromley Mi~sElizh. 667 London road, S .Beadle :\Irs. Elizabeth, 19 Mite hell st. S Boddy Thos. Henry, 57 Belmont st. M. R 1 Brook Mrs. Ell en, 386 Brightside lane, S Bean :Mrs. Sarah Ann, 162 Charles st. S Bodington J sph.9 Uwlerton gn. Owlrtn.S i Brooke~ Wm. H. 16 Heppen3tall lane, S Heardshaw John, 1g6 Fitzwilliam st. S Bodsworth Samnel, 36 Hooton street, S Brooks Jas. Edward, 8 Watson's walk,S Beatson Charles, 28 Freedom street, S Bodsworth :\Irs. Sarah, 39 Thrush st. S BrooksbankThos.~Iainst.Greasbrough,R lleatl!<m Edward, 153 Mary street, S Bold Peter, 5I Carwood road, S Brothers Tom, uo Carbrook street, S Beatson ::Vlrs. Emily, Owlerton green, Boldy Benjamin, 26 l\Ianor Oaks rd. S Browes Mrs. Ann Maria, 30 Chesterfield Owlerton, S Boldy Mrs. Emma, 6o Bard st. Park, 8 road, Drontield, S lleatson Frank, 179 Cambridge road, S Boler Thomas, 163 Upwell street, S Brown Edward, Wadsley Bridge, S Jleatson ~Irs. Julia, 102 Carlisle road, S Bolsover Denis, Hackenthorpe, S Brown Francis, 11 Oborne street, S lleat8on Mrs. Mary, 22 Weigh la. Park, S Bolsover William, 21 Catley road, D Brown Ge-orge, 41 Bernard street, S Eeatson ~Irs. Sarah, 45 Chester st. S BookerJoseph, 18 Sycamore street, S Brown Geo.Hy.217Greasbrough rd.M.R Eeaumont Mrs. Ada, 68 Spital st. S Boot Mrs. Elizabeth, 36 Lambert st. S Brown George Henry, 61 Neville st. S BeaumontRobt.97Collegc rd.Ma.sbro',R Booth Mrs. Ann, 20 Jobson road & 23 Brown Henry, 48 High st.Rawmarsh, R Eeck Frank, 151 Fowler street, S Neepsend lane, S Brown James, 35 Ekin street, R 1leckettEdwin,2Wentworth rd. Tinsley,S Booth Harry, 70 Bowness road, S Brown John, Chapel st. Conisbrough, R Beckett Mrs. Louisa, 100 Clay street, S Booth John, Mosbrough, S Brown Mrs. Ruse, 13A, Sumrnerfield st.S lleckett nlrs. Ruth, 36 Ed ward st. S Booth J oseph, Hackenthorpe, S Brown Thomas, 1 r Alma street, S Bee Herbert, 25 Walker street, S Booth Mrs. Mary, 'Vharncliffe side, Brownhill Henry, 77 Drummond st. R Jleeley George, 196 Eyre street, S Oughtibridge, S Brownhill Nowill, 251 Crookes, S ·Beety John G. 29 Dunlop street, S Booth Peter,12 Dale street, H.awmarsh,R Browning Charles, q:~ Arundelstree-.. S Eeighton Mrs. Thurza, 51 Lloyd st. Booth Thomas, 136 Burnaby street, S Brownley John, 75 Cottingham street,A Parkgate, R BoothWalter,4 Simpson's pl.Mexboro',R llrownlow William, 12 Fife street, Eelll\lrs.:\Iary Ann,47 York rd. Darnall,S Booth William, 151 Newball road, S Wiucobank, S Bell Thomas, 68 Johu street, i-l Boss Mrs. Emrna, 8 Lake street, S Brumby Thomas, III Wallace road, S Bell Wltr. 139llradfield road,Hillsbro',S Hoswell Williarn, 59 Leader road, Hills- Brumpton:\Irs.Jne. II Went worth st. M.R Eell William, 33Churchst.Rawmarsh,R borough, S Hryas :\liss Kate, 121 Cundy street, S Bellamy Henry, tilcadless, S Bottom Mrs. Ann, 30 Edith street, S Buck ~Irs.Elizabeth.Normanton Spring, ]ellamy l\lrs. l\Iaria, 12, Court u, Bottom George, 7 Walling roacl, S Woodhouse, S Cricket Inn road, S Bottom Miss J. E. 44 Langd~~ole roaci., S Buckley David, 148 Thomas street, S Jlennett Albert H. 3 Burslem street, S Bottom Mrs. Sarah, 253 Upper Alien st.S Bucklow George, 99 N ewhall road, S Eennett Mrs. Armie, 134 Creswick st. S Boulby :\Iiss Ellen, r8 Spring Vale rd. S Hull Juseph, 84 Carlisle road, S Bennett George, 21 King James' street,S Bower Harry, 125 Masbro' st. Masbro', R Bullas Tom, Sandyg<\te, S llennett George, 56 Edgar street, B Bower Harry, Wooclhouse, S Bullas Williarn, 24 Quarry hill, R ll!lnnettHy.Parkin,LaneEnd,Chapeltn.S Bower Henry, 273 Moortields, S Bullock .Mr.;;. Elizabeth. 52 Harvest la.S Eennett Mrs. Sarah, 25 Cambridge st. S Bower Mrs. Sarah Ann, 18 Clough st. R BullockJohnW.6 Greaves rd. Masbro',R llennett Thus. .Farwater la. Drontield, S Bowiskow John,Hollins End,Gleadless,S Hunting Ric;hard, 56 Hough bank, S llennett "'illiam, High st. Dronfield, S Bowler George, 30 Creswick street, S Burden Robp,rt Wm. 29 Broad lane, S Eent :'vlarmaduke, 58 Jericho street, S Boyce Abraha.m, 429 Attercliffe road, S BLirgin Mrs. Elizabeth, 45 Walkley llentley .Mrs . .M. Thurpe Hesley, R Boyd Mrs. Ann, Wickersley, R Bank road, S .Benton Charles \V. n8 Trafalgar st. S Boyle Wilfred, 8 Parliament street, S Burgin ~Irs. :\lary, Tllorpe Hesley, R Beresford .Mrs. Elizabeth, Handsworth,S Brad bury Arthur, 9 Chippinghouse rd. S Burgm William, 165 Stanningt'm road, Beresford George, 82 Greystock street,S Brad bury Mrs. Hannah,22 Steadfast st.S l\Ialin Bridge, S Beresford James, 35 Masbro' st. M. H. Hradbury Robert, 55 Peveril road, S Burke Frank, 131 Hammond street, S Beresford Leonard, 46 & 48 Hill street,S Hradley :\Irs. Elizbth. I Wellington st. S BurkinshawMrs.Eliza,qlllackmore st. S .Berry :\lrs.SarahAnn, 2o6Burgoyne rd.S Bradley Mrs. Ellcn, 166 Portobello st. S Bnrkinshaw Henry, 96 Woollen lane, S Berry Waiter, 47 Blakeney road, S Bradley James, 414 Pitsmoor road, S Hurnham ~lrs.Jane, 88 Aizlewood rd. S .Hersllall Alfred, 38 £gerton street, S Hradley John Wltr. 24-2 Etfingham rd. S Burns .Mrs. Julia, 52 Rutland road, S .Jlertram Mrs.Marm, 174 Upper Allen st.S Bradley Joseph, 36 Sorby street, S Burns :\Irs. Sarah Ann, 42 Shepherd st.S .llPst John H. 698 Brightside lane, S Hradley Mrs. Lucy, 120 Dykes Hall Burton Mrs.E.418Greenland rd.Darnll.S Bestwick Joseph, 77 Sharrow street, S road, Hillsborough, S Burton :\Irs. Eliza, 97 Hoyle street, S .llett1son Charles, 226 D.unall road, S Bradley William, I so Attercliffe com. S 1 Hurton Frederick, 17 Thirlmere rd. S BettsAlbert, 83 I Penis tone rd. Owlerton,S Brads haw Mrs. Elizabeth, 57 Solly st. S Burton Isaac Henry, 42 Blackmore st.

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