RESEARCH FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE FISHERIES ON LAKE GCP/RAF/271/FIN—FM/16 (En & Fr) TANGANYIKA GCP/RAF/271/FIN—FM/16 (En & Fr) April 1995 UPDATED CATALOGUE OF REGIONAL DOCUMENTATION CENTRE FOR LAKE TANGANYIKA FISHERIES RESEARCH / CATALOGUE MIS A JOUR DU CENTRE REGIONAL DE DOCUMENTATION POUR LA RECHERCHE DES PECHES AU LAC TANGANYIKA by S. NDAHIGEZE FINNISH INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Bujumbura, April 1995 The conclusions and recommendations given in this and other reports in the Research for the Management of the Fisheries on the Lake Tanganyika Project series are those considered appropriate at the time of preparation. They may be modified in the light of further knowledge gained at subsequent stages of the Project. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of FAO or FINNIDA concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or concerning the determination of its frontiers or boundaries. PREFACE The Research for the Management of the Fisheries on Lake Tanganyika Project (Lake Tanganyika Research) became fully operational in January 1992. It is executed by the Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations (FAO) and funded by the Finnish International Development Agency (FINNIDA) and the Arab Gulf Programme for United Nations Development Organizations(AGFUND). This project aims at the determination of the biological basis for fish production on Lake Tanganyika, in order to permit the formulation of a coherent lake—wide fisheries management policy for the four riparian States (Burundi, Tanzania, Zaïre and Zambia). Particular attention will be also given to the reinforcement of the skills and physical facilities of the fisheries research units in all four beneficiary countries as well as to the build- up of effective coordination mechanisms to ensure full collaboration between the Governments concerned. Prof. O.V. Lindqvist Dr. George Hanek Project Scientific Coordinator Project Coordinator LAKE TANGANYIKA RESEARCH FAO B.P. 1250 BUJUMBURA BURUNDI Telex: FOODAGRI BDI 5092 Tel.: (257) 22 9760 Fax.: (257) 22 9761 GCP/RAF/271/FIN-FM/16 (En & Fr) iii GCP/RAF/271/FIN PUBLICATIONS Publications of LTR are issued in two series: *A series of technical documents (GCP/RAF/271/FIN—TD) related to meetings, missions and research organized by the project; and *A series of manuals and field guides (GCP/RAF/271/FIN—FM) related to training and field work activities conducted in the framework of the project. For both series, reference is further made to the document number (01), and the language in which the document is issued: English (En) and/or French (Fr). For bibliographic purposes this document should be cited as follows : Ndahigeze, S., Updated catalogue* of Regional Documentation 1995 Centre for Lake Tanganyika fisheries Research/ Catalogue mis à jour du Centre Regional de Documentation pour la Recherche des Pêches au lac Tanganyika. FAO/FINNIDA Research for the Management of the Fisheries of Lake Tanganyika. GCP/RAF/271/FIN—FM/16 (En & Fr): 348p. * This catalogue has been updated to include all holdings as of July 1999. GCP/RAF/271/FIN-FM/16 (En & Fr) iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION VI DC/LTR ACQUISITIONS 1 ANNEX I :GCP/RAF/271/FIN Documentation Centre: Classification 341 ANNEX II :The major Rivers Basins and Lakes of Africa 345 ANNEX III :'Datafile' Database file listing 346 TABLE DES MATIERES INTRODUCTION VII CD/RLT ACQUISITIONS 1 ANNEXE I : Centre de Documentation GCP/RAF/271/FIN: Classification 343 ANNEXE II : Les principaux Bassins et Lacs d'Afrique 345 ANNEXE III : Fichier des bases de données 346 GCP/RAF/271/FIN-FM/16 (En & Fr) v 1. INTRODUCTION The present catalogue is the updated version of the earlier ones i.e. LTR Technical Document No. 3 and LTR Field Manual No. 11 and thus lists all documents acquired by the LTR until the end of April 1995. While our Documentation Centre's collection focuses mainly on Lake Tanganyika fisheries, it also has a substantial literature on other African lakes, notably Lakes Kivu, Victoria, Eduard, George, Kariba and Malawi/Nyasa as well as on other subjects. FAO serial issues and documentation are well represented. Further, the publications of the LTR are included; they are issued in two series i.e. Technical Documents and Field Guides and Manuals. All the issues of the LTR Newsletter are also included; our Newsletter is produced quarterly and widely distributed. In all, over 700 titles were added to the last catalogue. Each of the document entries in the catalogue contains, in addition to normal bibliographic information, the class notation by which the document can be located in the DC. All documents, excluding the FAO serial issues, have been classified using a classification adapted from ASFIS (Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System) Subject Categories. The classification is presented in Annex I. Class 144 for African lakes has been subdivided to accomodate the geographical expansion of the initial collection. A map showing the relevant lakes and basins is presented in Annex II. Lastly, we take this opportunity to thank to many colleagues, friends and, particularly, to Ms. J. Collins, librarian of FAO's Fisheries Branch Library, for their continuing donations. Thanks to them our Documentation Centre is continue to grow. GCP/RAF/271/FIN-FM/16 (En & Fr) vi 1. INTRODUCTION Le présent catalogue est une version actualisée des anciens catalogues c.-à-d. le Document Technique No 03 et le Manuel et Guides de Terrain No 11 et ainsi présente tous les documents acquis par RLT jusqu'en Avril 1995. Notre Centre de Documentation contient non seulement des documents relatifs au lac Tanganyika, mais aussi ceux portant sur d'autres lacs africains notamment les lac Kivu, Victoria, Eduard, Georges, Kariba et Malawi/Nyasa ainsi que sur d'autres sujets variés. Les publications de la FAO font également une bonne partie de l'effectif total des documents de notre Centre de Documentation. Les publications de RLT en constituent une autre et se subdivisent en deux séries dont les Documents Techniques et les Manuels et Guides de Terrain. Ce Centre de Documentation contient aussi des Bulletins de RLT publiés trimestriellement et largement distribués par le projet. Dans l'ensemble, plus de 700 titres ont été ajoutés au catalogue précedent. Chacun des documents entrant dans le catalogue contient, en plus des informations bibliographiques, la notification de classe qui permet la localisation des documents dans le Centre de Documentation (D.C.) Tous les documents, sauf les publications de la FAO, sont classés suivant les catégories de sujets conformes à la méthode de classification d'ASFIS (Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System). La classe 144 qui porte sur les lacs africains a été subdivisée afin de permettre l'expansion géographique de la première collection. Une carte des lacs et bassins est présentée en Annexe II. Enfin nous profitons de cette occasion pour remercier nos collègues et amis et plus particulièrement Mlle J. Collins, bibliothècaire du Département des Pêches de la FAO pour leur dons continuels. Grâce à eux notre centre de documentation continue de s'aggrandir. GCP/RAF/271/FIN-FM/16 (En & Fr) vii LTR/DC ACQUISITIONS 1999 1. Aarnik, B.H.M., Kapasa, L.K. & Zwieten, P.A.M. van. Present status and problems of Mweru-Luapula fisheries ("Our children will suffer"). Nchelenge, Zambia: Dept. Fisheries; 1992. 30 p. 1 DC. 2. Aarnink, B.H.M., Kapasa, C.K. & van Zwieten, P.A.M. "Our children will suffer": Present status and problems of Mweru- Luapula fisheries and the need for a conservation and management action plan. Bujumbura, Burundi: FAO; 1993; UNDP/ FAO Regional Project for Inland Fisheries Planning (IFIP). RAF/87/099-TD/50/93 (En): 1-39. 1 DC. 3. Ababouch, L. Programme de coopération technique: Contrôle de la qualité des produits de la mer; Recueil des méthodes d'inspection et d'assurance de la qualité des produits de la mer. Rome: FAO; 1994; Doc.Techn. PCT/TUN/2359 (Fr): 1-76. 1 DC. 4. Abbayes, H. des. Lichènes. Résultats scientifiques de l'Exploration hydrobiologique du Lac Tanganika (1946-1947). Bruxelles: Inst. R. Sci. Nat. Belg.; 1958; 4(4): 5-14. 1 DC. 5. Abbott, J. Agricultural and food marketing in developing countries: Selected readings. FAO/CTA: Rome; 1993; C.A.B. International / CTA (En): 1-408. 1 DC. 6. Abbott, J. (Ed.). Agricultural and food marketing in developing countries: selected readings. Wallingford, UK: CTA; 1993. 408 p.; ISBN: 0-85198-804-0. Note: 1 DC. 7. Abbott, J.C. Financing fertilizer distribution networks. Rome: FAO/CTA; 1993: 279-290 pp. 1 DC. 8. Abbott, J.C. Marketing improvement in the developing world. What happens and what we have learned. Rome: FAO; 1984; FAO Agric. Serv. Bull., 58: 1-228. 1 DC. 9. Abbott, J.C. Marketing, the rural poor and sustainability. Rome: FAO/CTA; 1993: 65-92 pp. 1 DC. 10. Abrol, V. Numerical modelling of tidal circulation and tide- induced water level variation in bombay harbour. Indian J. of Mar. Sci.; 1990; 19: 89-94. Note: 1 DC, 1 KI. 11. Achieng, A.P. The impact of the introduction of Nile perch, Lates niloticus (L.) on the fisheries of Lake Victoria. J. Fish Biol.; 1990; 37(Suppl. 1): 17-23. Note: 1 DC. GCP/RAF/271/FIN-FM/16 (En & Fr) 1 12. Adams, C.E., Murray, K.R. & Huntingford, F.A. The periodicity of primary increment formation in the otoliths of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L). J. of Fish Biol.; 1992; 41(4): 515-521; ISSN: 0022-1112. Note: 1 DC. 13. Adeniji, H.A., Ovie, S.I. & Olowe, D.I. Transparency of algal content of the new Jebba Lake before and after.
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