CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 SERIES 15 NAGALAND PART II-C (ii) SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES AND . FERTILITY TABLES (~ables C"'1 to C-VI and F-I to F-V) DANIEL KENT of 1M Indian Frontier Administrative Service Director of Census Operations lNagaJand CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS, NAGALAND (All the Publications of the State will bear the Series No. 1S) CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS PAJlTI-A 1. • General Report PAIlT I-BJ PAIlTI-C • Subsidiary Tables P,uTII-A General Population Tables (Published) PAlTII-B Economic Tables PAIlT II-C(i) Social and Cultural Tables (C-VTI, C-VIll and Special Tables on Scheduld Castes & SCheduled Tribes) PART U-C(ii) • Social and Cultural Tables and Fertility Tables (Tables C-I to C-VI and F-I to F-V) (Present Volume) PAIlTII-D Migration Tables PAIlTIll . Establishment Report and Tables (Publish~j) PART IV . ?ousing Report and Tables (Published) PAIlTVI-B Special Survey Reports on selected Towns PAIlTVI-C Survey Reports of selected Villages p,utVII • Special Reports on Graduates & Technical Personnel PAlLr VIII..,.A Administration Report (EnumeratiOn)} Notror sale. (Published) PAlTVIII-B • Administration Report (Tabulation) For official use only I'AlTlX • Census Atlas PAlTlX-A • Administrative AUaa (Published) MIac. • A Portrait of Population STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLICATION District Ceusus Handbooks PMTX-A. VilJaao '" Town Directory (Published) ~.uTX-' Vi1l&&e '" Town Primary Censlli Abstract (Published) 'U'f~ AnalytIcaJ Report an4 Administration StateJnellts a,nd District Census Tables J)eplll!.dlna on the size there may bt sub-parts to loml) or tho parts. In addition, Villa., SurvtY MOIlOilUPbs will b. publubed ~ rot _ HI_ad Vlliaae, PREFACE In conformity with the past Indian Cen~u~ tradition. the Census data collected during the 1971 Census have been compiled and presented in the form of Census report. The present volume depicts the demographic variables and social and cultural aspects of the people of this stat~ which may be of great interest to­ the scholars, planners and other data users. In my office, I am grateful to my dedicated Tabulation Officer Shri J. C. Datta who has not only prepared this report but also borne the brunt of entire' tabulation and printing. My g-rateful thanks are also due to Sarvashri D. C. Pathak and A. J ahan, Statistical Assistants for their painstaking efforts ;in the compilation and tabulation of datil. The typing of the manuscripts was done by Smt. Supriti Kanungo and Shri T. Yaima Singh. I express my deep debt of gratitude to Shri A. Chandra Sekhar, lA.S., former Registrar General of India under whose guidance the .1971 CensuS" was conducted. I am also grateful to Shri K. K. Chakravorty, Asstt. Registrar General, India for his help and guidance in all matters. connected witb. the 1.971 G;ens~ (A. c.. BAL) JJqJuty Director of Censuf. Ope.rati(,RU.. Nagaland. Dated. Kohirna. thl' 20th July, 1918 CUi) OO'RODlJCTION On the basis of the -informatioll colleetted during births during the last year by th~ 1971' census, a serles of tables depicting the demo­ education present age and age graphic variables and socio-cultural aspe;:ts of the at marriage (Rural) popUlation are presented in this volume. Table F·1l Part B- Distribution of currently marw This volume contains the following tables :­ ried women and the related births during the last year by C-SERlES education, present age and at 1. (a) C-l Part A-Members of households by' re marriage (Urban) lationsaip to head of households classified by age-groups. Table p·rn Part A-Distribution of currently mar· ried women and the related (b) C-l Part B(i) Households where the head is births during the last year by . a male by relationship of memb. religion, duration of marriage ers with the head. and age at marriage (Rural). (e) C!1 PartB(ii) Households where the head is a female by relationship of mem Table P·Ul Part B-Distribution of currently mar­ bers with the head. ried women and the related births during the last year 2. C·1I Age and marital status, by religion, duration of marriage and age at marriage (Urban) 3. (a) V-iii Part-A Age, sex and education in all areas. Appendix to table P·lll-Distribution of cjJrrently (b) C-iii Part·B Age, sex and,education in urban married women and the related areas only. births during the last year by scheduled castes/scheduled tribes, 4. C·IV Single year age returns. duration of marriage and age at marriage (Rural/Urban) S. (a) C· V Part·A Distribution of language (incl'll" ding mother-tongues grouped Table F~IV Part A· Distribution of currently mar· under each) specmed in Schedule ried women and the related VllI to the Constitution of India: births during, the last year by (b) C·V Part·B Speakers of lang~agesjmother­ education, duration of marriage tongues (inclusive of mother­ and age at mairiage (Rural) tongues where grouped) other Table P·IV Part B-Distribution of currently mar· than those specified in Schedule ried women and the related Vlll to Constitution of India. births during \he last year by 6. C-VI Bilingualism. education, duration of marriage and age at marriage (Urban). P·SERIES Distribution 'Of currently mar· Table F·I Part A Distribution of currently married Table p·v women and the related births ried women and the related during the last year by religion; births 'during the last year by Present age arid age at marriage religion, education groiJps, present age and age at marriage (Rural) (Rural/ Urban) Table F·I Part B- Distribution of currently mar­ ried women and the related The extracts for the Instruction of Enumerators births during the last year by I relating to questions 2, 4, 5, 12 religion; present age and age 13, 14, and 15 on the basis at marriage (Urban) of which these tables are compiled are reproduced below :- Appendix to'table F-I Distribution of currently mar· • ried women and the related Question 2 : RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD: births during the last year by In the case of the Head of the household write Seheduled castes/Scheduled tri­ 'Head'. The Head of the Household for census pur· bes, present age, and age at pose is a person who is recognised as such in the house· marriage (Rural/Urban) hold. The Head of the household need not neces· Table_F•• n Part A- Distribution of currently mar· sarily be the 'eldest male member, but may even be a ried women and the related female or a younger member of either sex. 1 2 In the case of institutions like boarding houses, Question 6 (b) : ANY CHILD BORN IN THB LAST messes of friends living together in one census .houSQ ,ONE YEAR which should be regarded as households of unrelated- ' persons living together which may be called insti­ You should ascertain if the currently married wo­ maI\ wp,Opl yo~ are enumerating g\lv~ birth to a chil~ in tUlioIl,.al~ Hl)us-eholds, the man.ag~r or Superintendent tne last one year·prilir·tothe date· of einnneranon. ,'Since o(the. person who has administrative responsibility it' may be difficult for a person to reckon the exact· or 'who by CommOll consent is. regarded as the head year with reference to the English calender 'dates~ the'·,: should be recorded as the Head of the. household, period of one year'may be ascertained wjth reference to ". In the case of absence of a normal'Head' the person a well.known festival day which falls clo~ to Feb,March on whom the ·responsibility of managing the affairs as determind by the Census Superintendent of the'State. of the household falls, should be regarded as the Head. You should ask if a child was born on or after thiS:, festival day last year to the date of enumeratjon. .Only Question 4: AGE if the child was born alive even if the' child had died Record the age of the person in .1ot;11 years. com­ soon after birth, should the answer be 'yes' to this pleted last bifthday. In respect of infants who might question. Still birth i.e. a child which is born dead not have completed one year by the day of enumeration should not be taken into account for this purpoSe. their age in completed years sp'ould be invariably shown as '0' as they have not yet completed one year Question 10 : RELIGION of age and add 'Infant' in brackets. In answering this question use, the .follOWing abbreviations: Question 5 : MARITAL STATUS H; Hinduism In answering this question use the following abbre- viations : I: Islam NM : Never M.arried C : Christianity M : Currently Married S : Sikhism W : Widowed B : 'Buddhism S ; Separated or Divorced J: Jainism For a person who ha~ never been married at any For others record the actual religion as .[etun~ed time before, write 'NM'. For a person currently fully. married, whether for the first or another time and IVhose marriage is subsisting at the time of enumera­ If a person says that he has no religion it may be tion with the spouse living, write 'M'. Write 'M' recorded accordingly. Do not mistake religion for caste also for the persons who are recognised by customs which will not be recorded here. of society as married and for the persons in stable de facto union. Even if a marriage is disputed in the Question 12: LITERACY (L or 0) locality write 'M' if the person concerned says he or Definition olliterate : A person who can both read she is married or is in stable defacto union.
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