FOLIA ENTOMOLOGICA HUNGARICA ROVARTANI KOZLEMENYEK 2000 pp. 87-93 Data to the knowledge of the Asian Ascalaphidae (Neuroptera), with description of a new subspecies Gy. Sziriki Data to the knowledge of the Asian Ascalaphidae (Neuroptera), with description of a new sub- - species -Ascalaphidae collected in different countries ofAsia, and deposited in the Hungarian Natural Histqry Museum were examined. Altogether 21 species were in the studied material. One of them was represented by a new subspecies, Bubpsis andrornacheJiryuzae ssp. n. Its description is given. One or c more of the determined ascalaphid species waslwere new to the fauna of India, Indonesia, Kazachstan, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, Taiwan and Yemen. -\ Key words: Ascalaphidae. Hungarian Natural History Museum, new subspecies. INTRODUCTION w In spite of the relatively large body of the species belonging to this family, Ascalaphidae is one of the badly abandoned groups within the insect order Neuroptera, especially as regards the fauna of Asia. Since the monograph of Van der Weele (1909), and the compendium of Navis (1913), no world-wide revisional work was written about the owlflies, and a modern revision is also lacking in the case of Asian ascalaphid species. The earlier data on the distribution of Asian ascalaphids were summarized in a recent annotated checklist (Sziriki 1998), however, most of the species are known only from a few, or even from a single (i.e. the type) locality. - The main aim of the present paper is to give a contribution to the knowledge of the range of the Asian owlfly species represented in the Neuroptera collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. As in many cases only the rather short original description is available, some uncertainty may be in the identification, especial- ly in the large and probably confused genera Sul~palacsa Lefebvre, 1842 and Suphalornitus Van der Weele, 1909. I TAXONOMIC PART ~ ASCALAPHINAE Acheron trux (Walker, 1853) Material - India, Sukna, W. Bengal, 21.05.1980, leg. Gy. Topil: 1 female; I Taiwan, Prov. Hua Lien, 30 km W of Hua Juan, 150 In a.s.1.. 02.07.1996, leg. G. Csorba and L. NCmeth: 1 male, 2 females; same country and collectors, Prov. an-TOU, 88 Gy. Sziraki 3 krn S of Hoshe, Yu-Shan Nat. Park, 1400 m a.s.l., 08.07.1996: 2 males; same country, province and collectors, 15 km N of Puli, Uisum Forest Area, 500 m a.s.l., 09.07.1996: 3 males, 2 females; same.country and province, Ursun, 16 km E of Kuoshing, 560 m a.s.l., 20.08.1996, leg. T. Cs6vPri and L. Mikus: 1 male, 1 female. It is a frequent and widespread species in the Oriental Region and in the south-east- em part of Palaearctic from India and Bhutan to Japan and Indo-Malayan islands. Ascalaphus procax Walker, 1853 Material -Nepal, Royal Chitwan National Park, Island Jungle Resort, 240 m a.s.l., 2 1-23.06.1993, leg. G. Csorba and M. Hreblay: 1 female. This ascalaphid species is known only from Nepal. Ascalaphus sinister Walker, 1853 Material - Lao PDR, Prov. Champarsak, Dong Hua Xao NBCA, 2 km S of Nong , Luang, 01-05.04.1998, leg. G. Csorba and 0. Merkl: 1 female; Vietnam, Hanoi, lake Ho Tay, 28.10.1986, leg. F. Mtszaros, J. Olah and T. Vhshrhelyi: 1 male, 1 female. This species hitherto was known from India and Sri Lanka. It is new to the fauna of Laos and Vietnam. Ascalohybris kolthoffi (Navb, 1927) I Material - Taiwan, Puli ("Polisha"), 08.1908, leg. Sauter: 1 female. Hitherto only the type specimen of this species was known from the southem part of continental China. It is new to the fauna of Taiwan. Ascalohybris subjacens (Walker, 1853) ! i Material - Japan, Paito Bunka, Takasaka, Saitama, 25.08.1972, leg. S. Sakai: 1 male; Korea, Ceju-do island, Mts Halla-san, 5 krn. SW of Cheju city, 500 m a.s.l., 24.08.1992, leg. L. Ronkay and A. Vojnits: 5 males, 3 females; Vietnam, Prov. Bac Can, Ba-Be 3 National Park, 16.09.1999, leg. Gy. Sziraki: 1 male. This ascalaphid species hitherto was known from Cambodia, China (including Taiwan) and Japan. It is new to the fauna of Vietnam. Bubopsis andromache firyuzae ssp. n. (Figs 1-5) . Holotype - Male, labelled as "Turkmenia, Kopet Dagh mt., Firyuza, 400-600 m a.s.l., 25.06.1992, leg. Gy. Fabian, B. Herczig, A. Podlusshny, Z. Varga" - deposited in the Hungarian Natural ~istojMuseum, Budapest. Paratypes: 1 male and 1 female, - same data as holotype. Deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. Description - Clypeus, labrum and palpi black or dark brown, the other parts of the head capsule black, hairs of the head gray. Antennae entirely black with whorls of black hairs on the basal flagellar segments. Thorax black, with long, dense, gray hairs. Leps mostly black a!so, but its outer side ma3 be grayish bleck. Wings are narrowhig apicdly. Membmesl;gbtiy brownish, how- ever, in the subcostal field distinctly brown. Pterostigma brown, with 3 cross veins. Folia ent. hung. 61, 2000 Data to knowledge of the Asian Ascalahidae 89 Apical field with two rows of cells. Length of male fore wings 25-25.5 mm, of male hind wings 22.2-22.3 mm; width of the same wings: 5.8-6.2 mm and 5.0-5.5, respec- tively. Length of the female fore wing 31.0 mm, of female hind wing 26.9 mm, while width of the same wings 7.9 and 7.2 mm. dma I Figs 14. Male terminalia of Bubopsis andromachefi~uzaessp. n. 1: ectoproct, lateral view, 2: ectoproct, ventral view, 3: paramere and pelta, dorsal view, 4: sternite 9, ventral view. Scale in Figs 1-2; 1 mm. in Figs 3-4: 0.08 mm. dma = dorso-medial angle of ectoproct, 1= lateral lobe of ninth ~tcr,;+r,~pxmedian pr+~+i& QF~inthsterni+e,p= paramece, ec--pdid,vp=ventraI ~r~jyz- rlon of zctopruct Folia ent. hung. 61, 2000 90 Gy. SzirAki Abdomen black with two dark gray spots distally on the tergites, and also dark gray stripes laterally on the sternites. (This pattern is visible after moistening the pinned mate- rial.) Male terminalia: as in Figs 14. Ectoproct narrow, covered with black hairs and spines, and pointed apically in lateral view. Its basal part (in ventral view) slightly arched, ventral projection moderately long. Strong spines absent on the proximal part of the dorso-medial angle of the ectoproct (however present on its distal part). Parameres rather short and stout. Median projection of 9th sternite wide, tips of the lateral lobes are close to the median projection and to each other. In female internal genitalia (Fig. 5) the ductus seminalis broader distally of the median loop of its free part than before this loop, and sharply broken before the end. Fig. 5. Female internal genitalia of Bubopsis andromachejifiryuzae ssp. n., lateral view. Scale: 0.16 mm, ag = postbursal accesoly gland, bc = bursa copulatrix, ml = median loop of the free part of 4 ductus seminalis, rs = receptaculum seminis Remarks - Bubopsis andromache U.Aspock, H. Aspock et Holzel, 1979 was sepa- rated from Bubopsis hamatus (Klug, 1830) first of all on the basis of its dark pigmenta- tion (U. Aspock, H. Aspock and Holzel 1979). The distribution of the species was indi- cated as Aegean Islands, South and West Anatolia, West and North Syria, Lebanon and Israel, almost everywhere near to the coastline. The investigated specimens from Firyuza - the holotype and paratypes of the new subspecies B. andromachefiryuzae - in almost - every respect agree with original description of B. andromache eidonomically, and with the examined male paratype of the species genitalically. However, there are some dis- tinctive features as well: - the flagellar segments of B. andromachefiryuzae entirely black, while in the case of the nominotypical subspecies B. andromache andromache brown, with dark rings; - the subcostal field of the B. a.Jryuzae brown, that of B. a. andromache light ochreous; - the paired spots on the abdominal tergites of B. a.$ryuzae dark gray, of B. a. andro- nzache brown; - the legs of B. a. firyuzae black, of B. a. andromache brown; Folia ent. hung. 6 1, 2000 Data to knowledge of the Asian Ascalahidae 9 1 - in the case of the new subspecies basal part of the ectoproct slightly arched, its distal end (in lateral view) pointed, and strong spines absent on the proximal part of the 1 dorso-medial angle of ectoproct, while in the nominotypical subspecies the basal part I of the ectoproct strongly arched, its distal end (in lateral view) rounded, and strong spines present also on the proximal part of the dorso-medial angle of the ectoproct. I Bubopsis hamatus (Klug, 1830) I I Material - Turkmenia, Chuli, 10.07.1992, leg. Gy. FabiBn, B. Herczig, A. Podlussany and Z. Varga: 2 females; same country and collectors, Ipay Kala, 03.07.1992: 1 male, 2 females; same country and collectors, Kopet-Dagh Mts, 58'05' E, 37'59' N, 400-500 m a.s.l., 25.06.1992: 13 males, 3 females. This rather variable species is widely distributed from North Africa to Central Asia. v. Bubopsis tancrei Van der Weele, 1909 . Material - Kazachstan, Alnaul Mt., 05.07.1965, leg. N. Skopin: 1 male, 1 female. Bubopsis tancrei is known only from Central Asia. Deleproctophylla variegata (Klug, 1845) Material - Iran, Qulhak (N of Teheran), 1700 m a.s.l., 09-23.06.1961, leg. J. Klapperich: 3 males, 2 females. This ascalaphid is known from Israel to Central Asia. Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763) Material - Armenia, Kuybishev, 1500 m a.s.l., 2 1.07.1977, leg.
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