SPRINGS WILLOW SPRINGS NURSERY & PERENNIAL FARM Unique & Exceptional Evergreens, Shade Trees, Shrubs & Perennials W1541 STATE ROAD RUBICON, WI 53078 WILLOW Ph 262-670-0164 Email; [email protected] NURSERY Availability & Prices Subject to Change Rev 0 3/11/21 Available Inventory - May 2021 . SIZE TYPE Botanical Name PRICE NOTES Shrubs CADI 2 Gal Beautyberry - Purple Callicarpa dichotoma $ 27.99 CGBXWD 3 Gal Boxwood - Chicagoland Green Buxus x "Chicagoland Green" $ 54.99 Naturally round form - very hardy KBXWD 3 Gal Boxwood - Korean Buxus insularis koreana $ 29.99 Extremely hardy FLNBUC 5 Gal Buckthorn - Fineline Rhamnus frangula $ 41.99 Very fine willow-like leaves on a columnar form DBBS2 3 Gal Burning Bush - Dwarf Euonymous alatus "Compactus" $ 38.99 BULC 3 Gal Butterfly Bush, Dw - Hot Raspberry Buddleia davidii $ 26.99 New MUBFB 3 Gal Butterfly Bush, Dw - Buzz Midnight Buddleia davidii $ 26.99 WIBFB 3 Gal Butterfly Bush, Dw - Wisteria Lane Buddleia davidii $ 26.99 New CARYDK 3 Gal Caryopteris - Dark Knight Caryopteris $ 26.99 CARYFC 3 Gal Caryopteris - First Choice Caryopteris $ 26.99 CHOKMK 3 Gal Chokeberry - MaKenzie Aronia melanocarpa "McKenzie" $ 29.99 BLACEL 5 Gal Elderberry - Black Tower Sambucus nigra $ 41.99 CLEL1 3 Gal Elderberry - Cutleaf Sambucus canadensis $ 28.99 MADEL 2 Gal Elderberry - Madonna Sambucus canadensis $ 28.99 ARALFL 2 Gal Aralia - Variegated Five Leaf Eleutherococcus sieboldianus $ 25.99 Colorful shrub for shady areas BUFHS 2 Gal Honeysuckle - Butterfly Diervilla $ 28.99 Dwarf bush Hydrangea ANAHY 3 Gal Hydrangea - Annabelle Hydrangea arborescens $ 39.99 Large white "Snowball like" flowers BOBHY 2 Gal Hydrangea - Bobo Hydrangea paniculata $ 39.99 Dwarf size. Large white pannicle shaped flowers INVSHY 2 Gal Hydrangea - Invicibelle Mini Mauvette Hydrangea arborescens $ 39.99 Reblooming deep pink mop head flowers INVSHY 3 Gal Hydrangea - Invicibelle Spirit II Hydrangea arborescens $ 45.99 Reblooming deep pink mop head flowers LQFRHY 2 Gal Hydrangea - Little Quickfire Hydrangea paniculata $ 39.99 Dwarf version of "Quick Fire" LIMEHY 4' Hydrangea - Phantom White, Tree Form Hydrangea paniculata $ 89.99 Large 15" white panicle flowers SSUNHY 2 Gal Hydrangea - Strawberry Sundae Hydrangea paniculata $ 39.99 Compact size - White to pink to red panicle flowers SUCRHY 2 Gal Hydrangea - Summer Crush Hydrangea macrophylla $ 41.99 Dwarf 18-24", raspberry to purple panicle flowers VSTHY 5' Hydrangea - Vanilla Strawberry, Tree Form Hydrangea paniculata $ 94.99 Colors of vanilla and strawberry on huge panicles Lilacs BMLIL1 2' Lilac - Beauty of Moscow Syringa vulgaris $ 29.99 Pink buds open to pure white flowers CJL2 18-24" Lilac - Chas Joly Syringa vulgaris $ 27.99 Double Red Flowers DWKLT 4' Std Lilac - Dwarf Korean Tree Form Syringa meyeri $ 129.99 Highly Fragrant Pale Lilac Blooms JML2 3 Gal Lilac - James McFarlane Syringa x prestoniae $ 27.99 Single True Pink Flowers - Will tolerate wet areas MKL2 15-18" Lilac - Miss Kim Syringa pubescens sub patula $ 31.99 Pale Lilac Flowers, burgundy fall foliage color PRL2 18-24" Lilac - Primrose Syringa vulgaris $ 29.99 Single Cream/yellow Flowers YDODL2 18-24" Lilac - Yankee Doodle Syringa vulgaris $ 27.99 Single Red Flowers MINMOC 3 Gal Mockorange - Dwarf Snowflake Philadelphus $ 33.99 Very fragrant "orange blossom" scent LDEVNB 3 Gal Ninebark - Little Devil Physocarpus oplifolius $ 39.99 SWNNB 3 Gal Ninebark - Summer Wine Physocarpus oplifolius $ 35.99 SWNNB 4' Ninebark - Summer Wine Tree Form Physocarpus oplifolius $ 69.99 Makes an attractive low maintenance focal point SSCAR2 12-15" Pea Shrub - Mongolian, "Silver Spires" Caragana mycropylla $ 22.99 WWCAR4 4' Pea Shrub - Walker Weeping Tree Form Caragana arb Weeping $ 149.99 Unusual yellow ribbon-like flowers in spring Roses Zone 4 Hardy & Beautiful! BELROS 3 Gal Rose, Belle Poitevine, Med pink Rosa $ 31.99 BDCROS 2 Gal Rose, Blanc de Coubert,Wht Rosa $ 29.99 FOXROS 3 Gal Rose, Foxy Pavement, Pink Rosa $ 31.99 HVOROS 2 Gal Rose, Easy Elegance, High Voltage - Yellow Rosa $ 29.99 KASROS 2 Gal Rose, Easy Elegance, Kashmir - Deep Red Rosa $ 29.99 SNOROS 2 Gal Rose, Easy Elegance, Snowdrift - White Rosa $ 29.99 SUPROS 2 Gal Rose, Easy Elegance, Super Hero - Red Rosa $ 29.99 SPICEB 3 Gal Spicebush Lindera Benzoin $ 33.99 Attracts Swallowtails SPDTRE 2 Gal Spindletree, Himalayan Euonymus carnosu $ 41.99 Small tree or larger shrub, very rare Spirea BRS2 3 Gal Spirea - Bridalwreath-Van Houtte Spirea x van houtte $ 26.99 White flowers on a cascading form BIRCHS2 3 Gal Spirea - Birchleaf Spirea betulafolia $ 26.99 White flowers, low growing with excellent fall color GFS2 3 Gal Spirea - Goldflame Spirea japonica $ 26.99 Pink flowers with gold leaves, 3-4 ft h GMDS1 3 Gal Spirea - Goldmound Spirea japonica $ 26.99 Pink flowers with gold leaves, 2-3 ft h LITPRS 3 Gal Spirea - Little Princess Spirea japonica $ 26.99 Pink flowers on blue/green foliage MCSP2 3 Gal Spirea - Magic Carpet Spirea japonica $ 26.99 Reddish/gold leaves turns russet in fall. Pink flowers SUPSS 3 Gal Spirea - Pink Sparkler Birchleaf Spirea betulafolia $ 26.99 Tor type spirea with pink flowers that will rebloom SUPSS 3 Gal Spirea - Superstar Spirea x bulmalda $ 26.99 Compact form with pink reblooming flowers. STEPH 3 Gal Stephanadra, Crispa Stephanadra incisa $ 26.99 Low growing - maple like leaves turn orange in fall TESU 12-18" Sumac - Tiger Eyes Rhus tiphynia $ 31.99 Orange/gold colored foliage. Dwarf non-suckering BLMVIB 3 Gal Viburnum - Blue Muffin Viburnum dentatum $ 34.99 Upright form with Steel blue fruit KORVIB 2-3' Viburnum - Koreanspice Viburnum carlesii $ 58.99 Very fragrant flowers MYMWEI 3 Gal Weigela - My Monet Weigela $ 38.99 Variegated leaves, Red flowers attacts hummingbirds RUMWEI 3 Gal Weigela - Rhumba Weigela $ 28.99 Red Flowers, attacts hummingbirds WRSWEI 24" Weigela - Wine & Roses Weigela $ 35.99 Shiny purple leaves with pinkish red flowers ICEWIL 2 Gal Willow - Iceberg Alley Salix candida $ 24.99 New Sageleaf shrub willow. Very compact Shade Trees AUBSER 7' Serviceberry - Autumn Brilliance Amelanchier x grandiflora $ 154.99 RVB10 6-8' Birch - Heritage River Betula nigra $ 149.99 WSB6 7-8' Birch - Whitespire Clump Betula populifolia $ 149.99 NORCAT 6-8' Catalpa - Nothern Catalpa $ 149.99 AMURC6 1.5" Chokecherry - Amur Prunusa maakii $ 129.99 Cinnamon colored exfoliating bark. Medium size tree Flowering Crabs ADRCR 1.5" Crab - Adirondack Malus - Rose Red Flowers $ 129.99 PFCR6 6-7' Crab - Prairefire Malus - Deep Pinkish Red Flowers $ 99.99 RBACR6 7 Gal Crab - Red Baron Malus - Dark Red Flowers $ 79.99 ROBCR 6-7' Crab - Robinson Malus - Crimson Red Flowers $ 79.99 ROYRCR 1.5" Crab - Royal Raindrops Malus - Bright Pinkish Red Flowers $ 144.99 SNOCR 6-7' Crab - Snowdrift Malus - White Flowers $ 79.99 SUGRCR 6-7' Crab - Sugartyme Malus - Fragrant White Flowers $ 99.99 WHTCR 6-7' Crab - Whitney Malus - Fragrant White/Pink Flowers $ 49.99 Golf ball size edible apples for canning etc. TRIUELM 1.5" Elm - Triumph Ulmus $ 149.99 Disease resistant - traditional vase shape form GINKM 1" Ginkgo - Magyar Ginko biloba, Magyar $ 139.99 HACK8 4-5' Hackberry Celtis occidentalis $ 19.99 Native HACK8 7-8' Hackberry Celtis occidentalis $ 119.99 Container grown AMHRB 3 Gal Am Hornbeam - Blue Beech Carpinus caroliniana $ 79.99 Tolerates shade & wet areas "Musclewood" Honeylocusts SBL8 6' Honeyocust - Sunburst Gleditsia $ 89.99 Gold compound leaves HKAT 4-5" Katsuratree - Jap, Hanna's Heart Cercidiphyllum japonicum $ 89.99 Dwarf Katsura CCURTL 6-8' Lilac - Tree, "Copper Curls" Syringa $ 109.99 New CHSWTL 1-1.25" Lilac - Tree, "China Snow" Syringa $ 119.99 New IVSLKL 1.0" Lilac - Tree, Ivory Silk Syringa $ 129.99 SNDCL 7 Gal Lilac - Tree, Snowdance Syringa $ 119.99 PURRL 1" Locust - Purple Robe Robinia $ 109.99 ANNMAG 3 Gal Magnolia - Jane Magnolia $ 64.99 Maples AUBM10 8' Maple - Autumn Blaze Acer fremanii $ 129.99 1-1 1/4" caliper AUBM14 2-2.5" Maple - Autumn Blaze Acer fremanii $ 264.99 Very fast grower with good form BWNM14 2-2.5" Maple - Brandywine Acer rubrum $ 259.99 Great red fall color CKM12 8' Maple - Crimson King Acer platanoides $ 129.99 Maroon colored leaves EQM8 3-3 1/2""Maple - Emerald Queen Acer platanoides $ 325.99 Fast growing large leaved shade maple OGMPL 2.0" Maple - October Glory Acer rubrum $ 249.99 Orange to fiery red fall color PBARMP 1.0" Maple - Paperbark Acer griseum $ 159.99 Unique nearly black peeling bark RRMPL 7-8' Maple - Royal Red Acer platanoides $ 129.99 1-1 1/4" caliper SUMTT 6-7' Maple - Sugar, Fall Fiesta Acer saccharum $ 129.99 Faster growing sugar maple. 1 1/4" caliper. SUM12 1.75-2" Maple - Sugar Acer saccharum $ 159.99 Park Grade - Sale price until they are gone! CRMA8 6-8' Mountain Ash - Cardinal Royal Sorbus aucuparia $ 99.99 Disease resistant - Cedar Waxwings love them! SMA8 7 Gal Mountain Ash - Showy Sorbus decora $ 99.99 Deep red "berries" Oaks BURO 6-7' Oak - Burr Quercus macrocarpa $ 141.99 PINO8 6-7' Oak - Pin Quercus paustris $ 141.99 Fast grower, pyramidal form REGPRO 6-7' Oak - Regal Prince Quercus x warei $ 119.99 Interesting columnar form RDO8 7 Gal Oak - Red Quercus borealis $ 141.99 As fast growing as most maples SWHO8 6' Oak - Swamp White Quercus bicolor $ 141.99 Good tree for wetter areas CLEVEP10 1.55" Pear, Ornamental - Cleveland Pyrus calleryana "Chanticleer" $ 179.99 RSPEAR 1-1.25 Pear, Ornamental - Redspire Pyrus calleryana "Redspire" $ 124.99 QUASP 4-5' Quaking Aspen Populs tremuloides $ 32.99 SYCLP6 6-8' Sycamore - London Planetree Platanus x acerfolia $ 109.99 REDBUD 5-6' Redbud - Northern, Tree Form Cercis canadensis "Minnesota Strain" $ 129.99 Hardy "Minnesota Strain" WHTFT5 3-4' White Fringe Tree - Clump Chionanthus virginicus $ 99.99 CORWIL 1" Willow - Golden Curls Corkscrw Salix matsudana "Tortusa" $ 71.99 NIOWIL 1" Willow - Niobe Salix alba "Tristus" $ 69.99 Stunning gold colored branches in spring.
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