AAFLCFLC RResourcesesources CCatalogatalog SupplementSupplement 22016-2017016-2017 1 Ambassador Sunday School Curriculum The Ambassador Sunday School Series is written by the people of the AFLC to serve our AFLC congregations and systematically gives students a complete overview of the Scriptures as they move through the series. Beginning in second grade, the biblical lessons also lead students through Luther’s Small Catechism, giving elementary age students a foundation for confirmation. Lutheran teaching emphasizes the Gospel. Christ and the cross are the central theme of Scripture, and the power for salvation is in the Gospel. “Our prayer is that God’s Word and the • The Old Testament looks ahead to the promised wonderful Gospel message of Jesus Christ Savior. would be effectively communicated • The Gospels show the fulfillment of Christ through all the materials that we provide.” as Savior of the world through His death and resurrection. Marian Christopherson • Acts and the Epistles proclaim Christ crucified, Parish Education Director risen, and coming again, and claim victory for the believer. • Revelation looks ahead to final victory in Christ. AAtt AAmbassadormbassador Publications,Publications, wwee sstrivetrive ttoo pproviderovide yyouou wwithith CChrist-centeredhrist-centered ccurriculumurriculum aandnd tteachingeaching rresourcesesources tthathat rrightlyightly ppresentresent GGod’sod’s iinerrantnerrant TTruth.ruth. FForor nnearlyearly ffiftyifty yyears,ears, tteacherseachers aandnd sstudentstudents ooff aallll aagesges hhaveave eenjoyednjoyed AAmbassadormbassador curriculum.curriculum. HereHere areare somesome ofof thethe ddistinctives:istinctives: • uupholdspholds tthehe aauthorityuthority aandnd iinerrancynerrancy ooff tthehe • uusesses NewNew AAmericanmerican SStandardtandard BBibleible VVersionersion SScripturescriptures ((currentlycurrently NNASBASB 11995995 UUpdate)pdate) • rreflectseflects tthehe SScripturalcriptural ddistinctivesistinctives ooff tthehe AAFLCFLC • ffocusesocuses oonn tthehe GGospelospel aass tthehe ppowerower fforor ssalvationalvation aandnd ssanctificationanctification • ssystematicallyystematically ccoversovers sspecificpecific ttopicsopics fforor eeachach ggraderade llevel,evel, ssoo tthathat sstudentstudents rreceiveeceive a ccompleteomplete • eemphasizesmphasizes a ggrowing,rowing, ppersonalersonal rrelationshipelationship wwithith ooverviewverview ooff tthehe SScripturescriptures aass ttheyhey mmoveove tthroughhrough CChrist,hrist, ddailyaily mmeditationeditation iinn tthehe WWord,ord, aandnd SScripturecripture tthehe sserieseries ((OldOld TTestamentestament aandnd NNewew TTestament)estament) mmemoryemory • ccorrelatesorrelates iinn sseveraleveral ggradesrades wwithith LLuther’suther’s • nnurturesurtures bbelievingelieving cchildrenhildren iinn ttheirheir ffaithaith aandnd ccallsalls SSmallmall CCatechism,atechism, wwhichhich eemphasizesmphasizes tthehe wwayay ooff uunbelieversnbelievers ttoo rreceiveeceive ssalvationalvation tthroughhrough ffaithaith iinn ssalvation,alvation, LLawaw aandnd GGospel,ospel, ssinin aandnd ggrace,race, ddailyaily CChristhrist rrepentanceepentance aandnd ffaith,aith, aandnd tteacheseaches tthehe wworkork ooff tthehe FFather,ather, SSon,on, aandnd HHolyoly SSpiritpirit • TThehe ggoaloal ooff tthehe ccurriculumurriculum iiss sspiritualpiritual llife—ife— tteachingeaching tthehe GGospelospel ssoo tthathat iindividualsndividuals aandnd • hhelpselps sstudentstudents uunderstandnderstand tthehe ssignificanceignificance ooff ccongregationsongregations wwillill bbee ttrulyruly ““freefree aandnd lliving”iving” iinn tthehe MMeanseans ooff GGracerace ((thethe WWord,ord, BBaptism,aptism, aandnd tthehe CChristhrist LLord’sord’s SSupper)upper) iinn ttheirheir ddailyaily llivesives “I have enjoyed using the Ambassador Publications Sunday school material through the years because it is Biblically sound Lutheran material. The teacher’s book materials are very helpful both for my personal faith and for teaching the students.” Dawn Johnson Wilson, WI 2 AMBASSADOR CURRICULUM SERIES OVERVIEW Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 SHOW ME GOD’S TRUTH God Does Great Things God Saves Us God Calls Servants Preschool Old and New Testament Bible stories Old Testament stories that New Testament stories Old and New Testament that show the amazing power of God demonstrate God’s great about Jesus’ birth and lessons about different and the great love He has shown in power. ministry on earth. people called to be God’s sending Jesus to be our Savior. servants. TELL ME THE STORY Jesus Loves Me Jesus Cares for Me Jesus Died for Me OF JESUS Lessons about getting ready God’s wonderful promise Jesus is the King of all Early Childhood Kindergarten Teaches about the person and life of for Jesus. of a Savior is fulfilled in the kings and the Savior of the Jesus. Nurtures a personal relationship birth of Jesus. world. with Jesus as Savior and Friend. TEACH ME GOD’S WORD God’s Creation God’s Provision God’s Leading Grade One Teaches about God’s power in creation, Creation, Adam and Eve, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon, Elijah, man’s fall into sin, God’s promise of a Noah, Abraham, and Jacob. Jericho, Samson, Ruth, and Josiah, Jonah, Esther, Job, Savior, and God’s lovingkindness to all Samuel. and Daniel. generations. THE TEN Lord, Guide My Ways Lord, I Love You Lord, Keep Me Holy COMMANDMENTS Introductory lessons; Commandments 4-7; Commandments 8-10; two Early Elementary Grade Two A study of the Ten Commandments with Commandments 1-3; Christmas lesson. lessons to conclude; and applications appropriate for children. Thanksgiving lesson. four lessons for Lent and Easter. THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father . Thy Kingdom . Forgive Us . Grade Three Teaches about God’s invitation to An introduction to prayer Petitions 2-4; Jesus wants Petitions 5-7; we ask God come to Him in daily prayer and helps and the First Petition everyone to be part of His to forgive us, to protect us students understand each petition of the encourages children to call kingdom. from temptation, and to model prayer Jesus taught His disciples. upon God in every need. take us to heaven someday. THE APOSTLES’ CREED The Father—Creator The Son—Redeemer The Holy Spirit— Elementary Grade Four Sanctifier Bible lessons based on the three Articles Develops an understanding Teaches about Jesus Christ: of Faith of the Apostles’ Creed and their of who God is. Teaches the True God, True Man, Teaches about the person meanings. truths of God as Creator, Prophet, Priest, and King. of the Holy Spirit and His Provider, and Protector. work. JOURNEY THROUGH THE OLD TESTAMENT Grade Five Discover the background, culture, and geography of the Old Testament and see God’s redemption story unfold through stimulating lessons, colorful illustrations, and feature A chronological overview of the Old sections of Word Works, Fast Fact, and Catechism Corner. Testament (36 lessons with all three quarters in one book). JOURNEY THROUGH THE NEW TESTAMENT Middle School Grade Six Dig into God’s Word while learning more about the geography and culture of New Testament times. Engaging lessons include colorful illustrations and interesting feature A chronological overview of the New sections of Word Works, Fast Fact, and Catechism Corner. Testament (36 lessons with all three quarters in one book). 3 EARLY CHILDHOOD SSHOW HOW MMEE GGOD’SOD’S TTRUTHRUTH TTELLELL MMEE TTHEHE SSTORYTORY OOFF JJESUSESUS CChildrenhildren aarere nneverever ttoooo yyoungoung ttoo rrecognizeecognize GGod’sod’s aamazingmazing ppowerower NNurtureurture yyoungoung cchildrenhildren iinn a ggrowingrowing rrelationshipelationship wwithith JJesusesus aass aandnd llove.ove. OOurur eeasy-to-useasy-to-use llessonsessons aandnd ssupplementaryupplementary mmaterialsaterials ttheirheir SSavioravior aandnd FFriend.riend. SStudenttudent BBibleible llessonsessons wwithith llarge,arge, ccolorfulolorful ffeaturingeaturing OOldld aandnd NNewew TTestamentestament BBibleible sstoriestories bbuilduild a sstrongtrong iillustrationsllustrations aandnd iinterestingnteresting aactivitiesctivities hhelpelp sstudentstudents ffollowollow tthehe llifeife ffoundationoundation wwhilehile kkeepingeeping yyourour ppreschoolersreschoolers eengaged.ngaged. ooff CChristhrist tthroughhrough tthehe CChurchhurch YYear.ear. QQTRTR 1 - GGodod DDoesoes GreatGreat TThingshings QQTRTR 1 - JJesusesus LovesLoves MeMe OOldld TTestamentestament sstoriestories aaboutbout tthehe CCreation,reation, tthehe fi rrstst ppromiseromise ooff a LLessonsessons aaboutbout ggettingetting rreadyeady fforor JJesus,esus, JJohnohn tthehe BBaptist,aptist, bbaptismaptism SSavior,avior, NNoah,oah, MMoses,oses, JJericho,ericho, DDavid,avid, tthehe fi eeryry ffurnace,urnace, JJonah,onah, aandnd ooff JJesus,esus, JJesusesus callingcalling tthehe ddisciples,isciples, aandnd mmanyany mmiraclesiracles ooff JJesus.esus. DDaniel,aniel, aallll ddemonstrateemonstrate GGod’sod’s ggreatreat ppower.ower. QQTRTR 2 - JJesusesus CaresCares forfor MMee QQTRTR 2 - GGodod SSavesaves UUss GGod’sod’s wwonderfulonderful ppromiseromise ooff a SSavioravior iiss ffululfi llledled iinn tthehe bbirthirth NNewew TTestamentestament sstoriestories aaboutbout JJesus’esus’ bbirthirth aandnd mministryinistry oonn eeartharth ttellell ooff JJesus.esus. LLessonsessons fromfrom tthehe eearlyarly llifeife aandnd tteachingseachings ooff JJesus,esus, hhowow GGodod ssentent JJesusesus toto bbee oourur SSavioravior aandnd ggivesives eeternalternal llifeife ttoo aallll eemphasizingmphasizing JJesus’esus’ ccareare
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