VOL. 112 - NO. 36 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, SEPTEMBER 12, 2008 $.30 A COPY Fearing the Facts, Democrats Bash by Herman Cain We are very familiar with This bashing strategy by costs, resort to bashing her SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 the Democrats’ consistent the Democrats might keep daughter and her daughter’s strategy of bashing anything the Democratic Kool-Aid fiancé. and anybody that has a hint drinkers in line, but I doubt People are waking up to of being conservative, tradi- that it will attract many new the empty experience claims tional or logical in their voters because it offers no of Senator Obama. Televi- thinking. Bush bashing, solutions to critical prob- sion audiences listening to economy bashing, Republi- lems. And if the Republicans McCain versus Obama is can bashing, war bashing, are smart enough to inten- indicative of that fact. Cheney bashing, McCain sify their messaging with People are waking up to bashing and the latest addi- solutions, the bashing strat- the fact that all bashing and tion to the Democrats’ bash- egy could be a strategic no solutions is an empty po- ing songbook, Palin bashing. vulnerability. litical promise. Just as the That’s not to say that the According to Politico.com, Democrats’ promise of “a Republicans do not do a fair Nielsen reports that McCain new direction” in 2006 has amount of criticizing the got more viewers than resulted in little more than Democrats, but at least the Obama (38.9 million versus a do-nothing Congress. Republicans offer solutions 38.4 million) during their It is clear that the Demo- that get lost or become con- acceptance speeches. Even crats do not want people to fusing to the public when fil- though Obama had more have all of the facts. And tered through the liberal flare and fanfare, McCain when it comes to economics media’s lens. was more direct and decisive and taxes, the Democrats The Obama campaign, about what he planned to do don’t even want people to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as president. know the truth (See my col- have also been consistent Thomas Jefferson said, umn titled The Economic with their attempt to define “The American people won’t Truth dated September 1, John McCain and now Sarah make a mistake, if they are 2008). Palin as an extension of the given all of the facts.” More people are seeing Bush Administration. The Democrats can’t handle through the bashing and latest verse to the songbook the facts, and liberals are waking up to the truth about is so ridiculous that it is afraid of the facts. So they solutions to our nation’s News Briefs laughable. bash and bash and bash. problems. Let’s hope that by Sal Giarratani “Sarah Palin is just a fe- Governor Sarah Palin’s enough people will wake up male Dick Cheney,” I actu- record as a reformer who before it’s too late — Election ally heard one of the many challenges anybody who is Day. The Alamo – 13 Days in 1836 Democratic attack strate- part of the problem, includ- If not, we may all be bash- and its Bay State Connection gists say on the September ing her own political party, ing our heads against the 6 edition of the Neil Cavuto is a fact. Her accomplish- proverbial wall. Show on the Fox News ments are facts. So the lib- © 2008 North Star Writers Channel. Even the serene eral elites, willing to pursue Group. May not be repub- Ben Stein had to laugh. personal destruction at all lished without permission. Mayor’s Column by Thomas M. Menino, Mayor, City of Boston September marks National Prepared- ness is a shared responsibility, and we ness Month, and while we pause to re- rely on residents being prepared just as member the tragedies of September 11, we rely on our City agencies to be pre- 2001, we must take the time to reas- pared. We need everyone’s cooperation sess our own personal preparedness and support so that we can minimize the plans. Being prepared is about more effects caused by any emergency. It is than the federal, state, and local govern- important for every family to create a ment making sure that we are secure. plan that deals with the effects of any- Being prepared comes down to families thing from power outages, to fires, to having a plan for all emergencies, both storms and flooding. Take a look at the large and small, and that’s what I will City of Boston website for useful infor- be emphasizing as I kick-off National mation about emergency preparedness. Preparedness Month. Visit http://www.cityofboston.gov/emer- The City’s Office of Emergency Pre- gency/. Every emergency is different, paredness has partnered with agencies and since it is difficult to anticipate the across the City including the Boston exact nature of an emergency, families Police and Fire Departments, Emergency need to make a range of preparations. Medical Services, the Boston Public As a first step, families should think Health Commission, and the American about the unique needs of their house- Red Cross to launch ReadyBoston, an holds or family. Families can take three awareness campaign aimed at connect- simple steps: (1) Put an emergency sup- Photo Caption: Back in 1836, the rallying cry ing residents with resources and infor- ply kit together; (2) Plan for special “Remember the Alamo” eventually led to mation to help deal with the unexpected. needs; and (3) Educate yourself about Texas being annexed by the United States. Families need to put together their own the City’s plans for an emergency and (Photo by Sal G) customized emergency plans. how you can help. “You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas.” Over the past several years, we have An emergency supply kit contains — Davy Crockett made great progress in anticipating critical items that you might need emergencies and preparing our key during an emergency. These items San Antonio and the Alamo played a critical agencies, but the greatest threats that might include first aid supplies (includ- role in the Texas Revolution in December 1835. we typically face come from events that ing prescription medicines), flash lights Mexican troops were quartered in the city. After most people do not think to plan ahead (with extra batteries), a battery powered for. Snow storms, flooding, and hurri- (Continued on Page 14) canes are just a few examples. Prepared- (Continued on Page 12) Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 12, 2008 S imple TIMES . by Girard A. Plante The race for the presi- bling to contemplate in this dency of the United States particular presidential race. BIRTH OF THE GODS has shifted into uncharted The majority of voters in One essential difference gods, and (b) Secondary gods. honey and goat’s milk. waters. For the first time the United States are over between Greek and Roman The six Primary gods are the When fully grown, Zeus gave in the history of the Grand 40 years of age. Too many mythology is the extent to offspring from the union of one of the goat’s horns to his Old Party, the Republican Americans don’t know the which their family trees the Titans Cronus and former nurse, along with a nominee for Vice President name of the Secretary of were developed. Greek my- Rhea, while the Secondary promise that she would al- is a woman. Senator John State. Too many Americans thology lists at least eight gods are the offspring from ways find in it whatever she McCain announced his run- cannot accurately say which Primeval Beings as the fore- the union of Zeus (Jupiter) wished. This is now called ning mate would be Alaska’s years the Civil War were runners of the Titans, and with other goddesses. the “cornucopia” or the horn Governor Sarah Palin. I am fought. But they will indeed at least twenty-one Titans The story surrounding the of plenty. Later, after the a bit baffled by the choice. vote on looks and style who were the forerunners of birth of the Primary gods is nurse died, Zeus placed both After reading numerous and age and too many other the gods. Generally, Roman quite interesting. It tells of the horn and the goat among newspapers and listening to trivialities as opposed to mythology identifies only Cronus, the Titan, being the stars. the political pundits on ra- a candidate’s breadth of one Primeval Being and six warned that someday he Zeus eventually succeeded dio and television it is appar- knowledge on the issues of Titans. The balance of the would be dethroned by his in getting Cronus to drink a ent that everybody is in a the day. mythological families ap- offspring; consequently, he potion which contained a quandary. Senator Barack Obama pear to be about even in both swallowed his first five chil- powerful emetic. This Since Senator McCain an- chose Senator Joe Biden be- cultures, with close like- dren at birth. When Zeus caused the great stone to nounced his choice for a run- cause of his many years of nesses in many of the gods was born, a great stone was become disgorged and it was ning mate, the media world experience in foreign policy and demigods. wrapped in swaddling followed by the five brothers has been abuzz about Sarah. matters as well as his long During past issues we clothes and presented to and sisters of Zeus, who had Whether the saturation of and distinguished record have discussed the legends Cronus in place of the sixth previously been swallowed.
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