October 25, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2161 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CONGRATULATING ALEX PETTIT this month from St. Anthony’s Catholic Church the Catholic Church’s Second Vatican Council. in Sacramento. As his parishioners, friends, He urged his parishioners to not be afraid of HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS family and colleagues gather to celebrate his discussing controversial issues, because he is OF TEXAS decades of ministerial service, I ask all of my certain that a healthy church is one that allows colleagues to join me in saluting this out- for the free exchange of ideas. Throughout his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES standing citizen of Sacramento. tenure, he has proven to be an effective con- Tuesday, October 25, 2005 Father O’Sullivan hails from Ireland, where sensus builder, a pragmatic thinker and a tire- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to he was born in Beara and studied for the less worker, who has earned the respect and congratulate Mr. Alex Pettit of Denton, Texas priesthood at St. Patrick’s Seminary in admiration of those who have worked with on receiving the 2005 Best of Texas Award for Thurles. Shortly after being ordained to the him. Demonstrated Leadership in Management of priesthood on June 10, 1956 he traveled to Mr. Speaker, as Father O’Sullivan’s parish- Information Technology. California to begin service in the Roman ioners, friends and colleagues gather to cele- The Best of Texas Awards program was es- Catholic Diocese of Sacramento. brate his great service in the ministry, I am tablished to salute Information Technology His first assignment in the diocese was as truly honored to pay tribute to one of Sac- professionals in Texas State and local govern- associate pastor of St. Joseph’s Parish in ramento’s most honorable citizens. We all ment organizations for their dedication, hard Redding. Father O’Sullivan then served at var- have greatly benefited from having Father work and contributions. An Evaluation Com- ious northern California churches, including St. O’sullivan’s strong leadership in our commu- mittee reviews submissions and selects recipi- Lawrence Parish in North Highlands. He nity. His dedication to the people of Sac- ents for each of the 9 categories. The Dem- served as a Catholic chaplain to the Newman ramento spans decades, many churches and Center at the University of California at Davis onstrated Leadership in Management of Infor- thousands of families. I ask all of my col- from 1962 to 1965 and continued working with mation Technology award is available only to leagues to join with me in wishing Father Catholic youth as chaplain of the Newman Chief Information Officers or Agency Chief In- O’Sullivan continued success and happiness Center at American River College and as an formation Officers who have staffed, planned in all of this future endeavors, wherever his re- educator at St. Francis High School in Sac- and executed technology plans that have as- tirement may lead him. ramento. sisted their jurisdiction, department, or agency In 1972 he accepted an assignment as a f in meeting its mission. The winner of this cat- faculty member and director of campus min- COMMEMORATING THE UNITED egory is judged on the basis of vision, leader- istry at the College of Notre Dame in Belmont, ship and support of IT throughout the depart- NATIONS AT ITS 60TH ANNIVER- CA. Later, Father O’Sullivan was called back SARY ment, agency and the entire jurisdiction. to serve in the Diocese of Sacramento as as- This year, the Demonstrated Leadership in sociate pastor of St. Joseph’s Parish in Management of Information Technology Award Clarksburg. HON. DONALD M. PAYNE was given to Mr. Pettit by the Center for Dig- In 1974 Father O’Sullivan was asked to es- OF NEW JERSEY ital Government for providing outstanding tablish a new parish in the Pocket area of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leadership and technical direction to the City Sacramento and was appointed by Bishop Tuesday, October 25, 2005 of Denton. Mr. Pettit’s responsibilities include Alden J. Bell to be the founding pastor of St. negotiation and management of all system Anthony Parish. During the past 30 years, he Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to procurements and implementations, security, has presided over the parish’s phenomenal recognize the United Nations at its 60th anni- tactical and strategic planning for technology growth. His natural charm and openness to versary and honor the organization for its solutions and services to support the City, and people from all walks of life surely was re- many contributions to humanity over the last coordination of all phones and pagers used by sponsible for much of that growth. The parish 60 years. City personnel. Through these responsibilities, now has over 2,000 families and is highly re- The United Nations came into being on Oc- Mr. Pettit has succeeded in implementing the garded across the Sacramento region. tober 24, 1945, when 50 countries pledged to goal of the City of Denton to be a leader During his tenure as pastor, Father work to promote international peace, security among cities in the delivery of outstanding O’Sullivan oversaw the building of the church, and human rights after suffering through two quality services and products through the utili- a religious education center and later a rec- World Wars and the Holocaust. Sixty years zation of innovation, citizen involvement, and tory. Additionally, a multipurpose Memorial later, we have, indeed, avoided another global efficient use of resources. The award was pre- Center was built in 1996 and the parish offices war and seen the U.N. protect the lives of mil- sented to Mr. Pettit on October 19, 2005 at were expanded in 2002. Father O’Sullivan had lions by creating the circumstances for peace the Center for Digital Government’s award the foresight to suggest that the church be in some 170 disputes around the world. ceremony in Austin, Texas. structured around a central point of assembly The 21st century is profoundly different than I extend my sincere congratulations to Mr. that would unify the parishioners. The result the world in which the United Nations was cre- Alex Pettit for receiving the 2005 Best of was a central plaza where parishioners gather ated. Threats of terrorism, natural disaster, Texas Award. His contributions to the tech- before and after Mass and where community and poverty heighten the role that the United nology industry and his service to the Denton events are now held. In addition, Father Nations plays in securing peace and stability community should inspire us all. O’Sullivan has encouraged St. Anthony mem- worldwide. The United Nations promotes de- f bers to extend their outreach beyond the par- mocracy where it has not existed, helping to ish boundaries by participating in numerous build democratic institutions and hold elections HONORING FATHER BRENDAN social programs in Sacramento. in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. The O’SULLIVAN UPON HIS RETIRE- Father O’Sullivan has served the Diocese of United Nations operates 17 peacekeeping MENT Sacramento in various capacities beyond his missions in regions of strategic importance to role of pastor. He has been dean of the City the United States, such as Sudan, the Middle HON. DORIS O. MATSUI Deanery, director of continuing education of East, the India-Pakistani border, and Haiti. OF CALIFORNIA priests for the diocese, a member of the Then there are the important works of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Council of Priests and the Priest’s Personnel United Nations affiliated organizations. The Board and an advisor in the Diocesan Synod International Atomic Energy Agency is leading Tuesday, October 25, 2005 process. He also took a sabbatical to study at a global effort to secure nuclear materials and Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in the University of Louvain in Belgium, one of guarantee that they are used for legal and tribute to a distinguished man who has self- the great centers of Catholic learning. peaceful reasons. The World Food Program lessly served the Sacramento area for almost Father O’Sullivan has been a visionary lead- provides life-saving food assistance to millions 50 years. Father Brendan O’Sullivan retires er in implementing the reforms and vision of of famine stricken people every year, while the ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:27 Oct 26, 2005 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A25OC8.001 E25OCPT1 E2162 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 25, 2005 Food and Agriculture Organization helps im- A TRIBUTE TO THE VISITING to over 30,000 patients. I am proud to recog- prove the long-term sustainability of providing NURSE ASSOCIATION OF HOL- nize the Holyoke Visiting Nurse Association for good nutrition in developing countries. Efforts YOKE, MA their dedication and commitment to the care of of the World Health Organization and UNICEF the residents of this region. have drastically improved vaccination rates for HON. JOHN W. OLVER f preventable diseases in children. International OF MASSACHUSETTS PROTECTION OF LAWFUL conventions and programs undertaken by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES United Nations agencies have helped to COMMERCE IN ARMS ACT Tuesday, October 25, 2005 strengthen the rights of women, refugees, and SPEECH OF victims of human rights abuses, and 10 United Mr. OLVER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Nations agencies are helping to treat and pre- recognize and honor the Visiting Nurse Asso- HON.
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