MOON MULLINS. Plushic Has His Dotted. TOONERVILLE FOLKS. Eye —By WILLARD -- F LADY I TOLD HIM T-t- >f;7 TO GO HUSBANDS SHOULDN’T HUSBANDS N, WELL,I ALWAYS SAID, PLUSHBOTTOM \ / AHEAD AND TELL HER NEVER TRY TO SELDOM \ "HONESTY WAS TH' y MAYBE AIN'T M IT WAC GONNA PlNkEY LUB FOOL THEIR WIVES. DEARIE. I BEST POLICY AND / SO, PET- GIVE HER AND LET HER CON s FESSION WAS GOOD BUT IT SURE , HUSBAND A BIT N LUMP IT/ FOR TH' -SOUL" / DIDN'T DO OF PEACE TILL SHE HIS EYE fI FINDS OUT WHO THAT | 1 ANY GOOD. WOMAN WAS THAT ^ PHONED HIM. I MR. AND MRS. In the Marhling Crowd. <c) 1931 N y. T*i&vm«,iate UJHy DID you APOLOGIZE To (juhx im "Timb DonT you Look* J—-—--- LOHAT NEXT < you RUN SUM That geeat oae T h&. Ujmerb yougE GoingT —I INTO A MAN AMOTrtEN RUMS IMTo you ANO you p- HIM To —1 MEEkLy SAy PAfeDoM ME f~~ 1 ExpecT apologize! —-- -■ ”■ ■ ISThERE 1 -1 tv-1- SAy AN/ftlNG GROWING PAINS I DolHATS RightT -—•— -—i ■—*—* By Phillips —.— TARZAN’S —]By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS QUEST._ __ • E4^»' *>'• !»-• -TB Rt« a p. Of UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE, ’inc! Copvnght. 1937 Fviuirf Ffatar**. Ine V*^w ——'—-----*■- Muviro believed It was to an In- hopeless attempt "They may be alive," Tarzan continued, "and we Far behind them a maniac in the Above him r silent stalker. He was 'DO YOU REALLY LIKE IT? I COPIED gibbered glided Ydenl, IT FROM AN EXCLUSIVE MODEL vasion of the Kavuru "But must dare all for them. village. your daughter Much that life holds for gloomy recesses of the forest. In every shadow the Kavuru. Ydeni this was for* I SAW IN THE DIME STORE.” smiled; good Buira is there,” Tarzan reminded him. 'Lady us is behind those can no gates. We admit ob- Prince Sborov seemed to see the ghost of the wife tune indeed. Kavandavanda was fond of maniacs, Jane, your Mem-sahib Is there: and another white stacles. We must do. or die!" The black war- he had murdered. He stumbled and fell, shrieked and here was a chance to please his master. Ydenl I .........1 girl who belongs to this man." He toward rior gestured answered simply; "Where the Big Bwana leads, and ran, until at last he was hopelessly lost in the dropped dowm, leaped upon his victim and bora the American. Muviro follows!" jungle maze. him to the Daily Cross-Word Puzzle ground. DAN DUNN. Secret Operative 48. —By NORMAN MARSH. ™ «■ "^vhhv'v \ __... «v*i> 11>iir ■-"■ YES, SHERIFF- Ttn ULFU I Ibo— IHLN Wt LL OUKKUU^U HELLO, DAN- THEY'VE ALL FIFTEEN SPECIAL THE PLACE AND AT TO EVERYTHING GONE TO BED- DEPUTIES--THEY'RE DAYBREAK TRY TAKE THE MEN ALL RIGHT?? EXCEPT TWO ALL GOOD SHOTS— THEM—WARN FINGER MURPHY- THAT TWO FINGER AND ZINGERS ARE KILLERS— K-im fn;n 1 -- ... MESCAL IKE. Now Go Ahead. —By S. L. HUNTLEY. HEBE'S VO’R. saw, Twer \ hougut i _ I A LoIIv <5^HS. LL -JEST 'TM/XR5 PQerW ) THEM STEAKS Gags SET DOWNJ AM’ S\WELL STEAK'. J * UP IS tT TRUE sue HASJ VEAr LUITW VUH T7-—_ A_ SECRET SORROW ?, Across. 4. Decompose. 1. Amulet. 5. Greek letter. 6. Have recourse. 6. Tropical medicinal 11. Highways. plant. 14. Country cottage. 7. Lizards. 15. Networks. 8. Portly. 17. Made of oatmeal. 9. The heaths. OM.-VES- WASMT 18. Parts of brick. 10. Register. SME TOCO VOO ABOUT 19. Geometrical figure. 11. Conjuror's tricks. IT Y£T 1 20. Place. 12. Dazzling. 21. Genus of gastropods. 13. Emotionally. 23. Bill of fare. 14. Plant bushwood. 24. Merganser. 16. Shabby. 26. Thistlelike plant. 18. Ice mass. by 8. 28. Accomplished. 22. Enumeration of (6opyT^t^ld37, Hantliy) population, (Trade Mark Kef U 8 Pat Office) r>-'^ I \ 29. Pendant. 23. Celestial body. Si. Indian of Arizona. 25. Envelop. 33. Pronoun. 27. Droplike architectural decorations. WAR ON CRIME- The Prison break in Ohio. ° 5 -By REX COLLIER 34. Despots. 30. Incensed. 35. Ingate in founding. 32. Telepnotographic lens. story of brunette and his crime rrOU BOS WARDEN NOW'S th' van / 87. Greek letter. 36. Low [The fart] time, drinking place. NCR. BEGAN ON A TOLEDO STREET IN 1031 j LIKE COUNTRY 38. Masculine name. 37. Approaches. I SHOWN YOU CAN \^E WALK FAST BESIDE ME. 40. Assigns to another legally. 39. Bewails. BEHAVE .WE'RE \ LIFE/ JULY 12,1936 HEAD FOR TH' ROAD AN 42. Sea bird. 40. Efficiently. THE IF 44. transferring you RUN THEY DISCOVER, Tibetan cereal food. 41. Wise men. TO THE LONDON DESPERATE 46. Backs. 43. Varieties of saltpeter. / />-< 47. Quick. 45. Tropical fruit. PRISON FARM. / PAIR ESCAPED 49. Men. 48. Drain by percolation. FROM THE 61. Silence by force. 50. Chairs. LONDON 82. Ceremonial. 53. Fare. PRISON B*RM 53. Gainsay. 55. Masculine name. 54. Bird of prey. 57. Affirmative argument. IN OHIO ..TO 66. Grating. 58. Sound made by pigeons. BEGIN A 58. Ship-raising devices. 60. Two thousand. SPECTACULAR 59. Stimulating secretion. 61. Marksman. SERIES OF 62. Covered with lichens. MOPS'Y —By Gladys Parker CRIME Down. EXPLOITS' 1. Prates. TOMORROW: 2. Cavity. 3. Field of combat. After five years in the ohio state BRUNETTE PENITENTIARY FOR THE TOLEDO HOLD-UP DISARMS / THE LAW / Solution to Yesterday’s Puzzle. THE FAIR RECEIVE GOOD NEWS and bestow special gifts. You will find many of them visiting posite each other on the stem and flowers and blooms profusely from Twizzler Answer. Nature’s Children The St. John’s wort Is a the blossoms the June until family regularly. are oblong. They clasp smooth September. There are six combinations pos- one. Its members the The to the effect that the small prefer plants prefer the waste lands, stem, as they are stalkless. Legends plant sible for A, B and C to enter the I warm and climates. There roadsides and fields. their is a "devil chaser" would also be a BY LILLIAN COX ATHEY. temperate They attract After the insects have made offices at the same time through dif- are kinds of and attention their reason the St. John's several hypericum your by bright, yellow- call, the plant hastens to set her seeds. very good why ferent doors. Here are: Golden St. John’s Wort they are distributed. All of faced blossoms. a should find a in our gar- they widely They are about 1 Later the fruit will be found in wort place Door 1. Door 2. Door 3. Hj/pericaceae. leaves and for who would not like to have them have without stalks, inch across and there may be several handsome little brown capsule, where den, 1. A B C these flowers bloom on St. yellow flowers with three to six styles. in the terminal clusters. The the flowers were seen in June. a sentinel guarding our beloved flowers I gECAUSE calyx golden 2. A C B name is a Greek one and has of room and homes? There are s6 many vir- John's day they have been hon- The the five lance-shaped sepals, five If you have an abundance 3. B A C tues said to be the mem- ored with his name. Besides, the flowers bloom in June, St. John’s day, petals, all dotted with black, and in your garden, these flowers will add possessed by *. B C A of this that one hesitates plants are supposed to have magic which is the 24th. there are numerous stamens in three to the charm of it. There are several bers family 5. C A B or in to the out of our list of powers. And it is said that when the No nectar is offered the guests by sets. There are three styles. that will grow in rocky places leave plant 6. C B A witches and fairies are on the St. John's worts. olden In the where the has and there a wealth of frieads. One special direction for the abroad, Only places plant sand, develop ---- ■ ■ -•. .—. the eve of the day the flowers bloom, pollen is given to the insects for the the food it needs, the stem grows to foliage. There is one member that is plucking of the flowers Is to do so on Jim the haj they are visited by these night folks service they render. This seems to be a height of 3 feet, very erect and with a friendly little plant, growing to the Friday in the hour of Jupiter. This Mollison, English flyer, the Oxford Movement. * so that they may lp turn call on us satisfactory the pollen collectors. many braAhes. The leaves grow op- size of a shrub, and developing lovely makes the charm doubly potent. Group * I ~f» joined .
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