WATCH OUT FOR English play Lights Out, on September 17 Bangalore, Monda! 16 #eptember 2013 6|Entertainment at Ranga Shankara, J P Nagar Harmony of music mim! and m!"r! erforming a Bharatanatyam duet is a Pdemanding tas". It calls for total involvement! erfect understanding! recise coor- dination and matching talents. It is a testing time to erform duets both for the erformers and the 5uru-choreogra hers. Hail the Bharatanatyam duet held at 6,, auditorium by Bhumi)a and ,u ra)a trained under the veteran ambassa- dor /ala"shetra of 7hennai rofessor - 8 /rishnamurthy! o ularly "nown as /itty ,ir. It was a com letely eloquent com osition! calling to mind oetry! theatre! mime and mu- sic harmonised with the great- est care and absolute erfection of movements. The sisters moved gracefully across the stage! often mirror- ing each other.s motions and erforming erfectly in unison. Their dance was filled with en- ergy too. It rovided a loo" at how different choreogra hers and dancers create duet erfor- mances. The evening focused on usual airings and was filled Bhumija and her sister Supraja (extreme right) perform a Bharatnatyam duet; (right) singer Sanjay Subramanyam with e# ansive movements. The dancers lunged and sliced! set a lively tempo to the per- tion could underscore the sub- ,u ra)a.s abhinaya for a 'a*ali ually he settled down to come language. The raga e# ansion scoo ed and swe t according formance. The ragamalika tleties of the technicalities and era raaraa 9/hamach: was bac" to his usual elements. was mar"ed by classicism to the demands of the intricate 'a$hi&(ara 9mi&hra chapu) artistry of Bharatanatyam. mature. The duet ended with The 0arayanagowal varna and sound a roach. He laya. They ste ed together and evidenced the nritta abilities of The latter half of the eve- Phara' tillana rendered by both was the o ening number. covered all the facets of diverged to dance se arately! the dancers. & familiar #habda ning highlighted the histrionic the dancers. 8ightly too! he saluted the re- the raga in his e# an- fro'e into attractive free'es and #ara&i'ak&hudu 'alakamaade talents of the sisters. 4irst! it siding deity of the tem le ,ri sive and system- struc" clear gestures. The duet 9/alyani: was neatly enacted. was Bhumi)a who dwelt u on ENTH#ALLING #E$ITAL >enugo ala"rishnaswamy atic elaboration. ieces had an array of artistic -ysore ,adashivarao.s a /shetra)na ada. ,et to In the 5o"ulashtami concert through /oteeshwaraiyer.s resources. )han!a&i *arna +e magu*a bo, /ambho)i raga the ada Baala series being held at a serene ,ri >enugo aladeva in Darbar A a ' a The first half of the evening.s dhinche is yet another dancers. *i*a$e is addressed to /rishna. ,ri >enugo ala"rishna ,wamy raga. Thyagar)a.s 0enendu ve- .iridhar rogramme saw both of them favourite com osition. In this ,he sketched the nayika who Tem le remises the renowned du"udura 9/arnata"a Behag: $ u a a ' a erforming together. Their tal- varna! the naya"a and nayi"a reminds her hero /rishna of singer ,an)ay ,ubramanyam was sung with short and schol- apana ba, ent! artistry! stage resence and are loc"ed in a direct conversa- their childhood days since arly swaras. -u"hari ala ana naake le'a in Hindi good gri over the medium got tion. The nayi"a leads with her when they have been in love and the "rithi 2nthani ne varn- was interestingly develo ed integrated beautifully to a love- naya"a to come bac" to her. with each other. &da ting a ART ARENA intunu with swaras set a lively in different s eeds. It was able chemistry of delight. ,he wants to "now as to &""a -ahadevi vachana to M SURYA PRASAD mood. & brief &thana ala ana crowned with a ragamali"a &ccom anied a ro riately why he is indifferent and angry Bharatanatyam abhinaya was [email protected] followed by ,adashivarao.s swaravinyasa. Tamil songs li"e by & arna 9nattuvanga:! 8adha towards her. ,he reminisces the a good idea indeed. (ith a >achamagochara was classic. /arpuram narumo kamala Badri from 7hennai 9vocal:! glorious moments s ent with shlo"a relude ,u ra)a was Poochi ,rinivasaiyengar.s mighty 9/hamach raga! drawn from Dr 0atara)amurthy 9violin:! him. admired for her inter retation enthralled the audience with "riti ,ri >en"atesham varam was &ndal.s 0achi!ar Tirumoli:! -ahesh ,wamy 9flute: and Bhumi)a and ,u ri)a visua- of -ole*a kangala. Bhumi)a his rofound singing and art- rendered with all res ects to its 1e$ra $hai 9>iruttam in the every dynamic mridan- lised that ining nayi"a and as &ndal and ,u ra)a as sa"hi istry. 2#cellently accom anied structure and bhaava. +da!!a ,indhubhairavi! senchu rutti gist ;ingara)u 9mridanga:! naya"a in their e#cellent resen- e# licated >aarenamaayaram by , >aradara)an 9violin:! ga$hi in 0ata raga was sung in a and 0adanama"riya ragas: Bhumi)a and ,u ra)a o ened tation. The nritta and nrithya drawn from &ndal.s 0achiyar 0eyveli >en"atesh 9mridanga: telling manner. and Arar a&ai padar 9-uthu their duet with a traditional inters ersed liberally not only Tirumoli and ortrayed &ndal.s and 5uru rasanna 9"han)ari:! ,an)ay ca tivated the rasi"as Thandavar: drew instant a - $ri&hra Alarippu. The nec" contained varied intricacies of dream sequence in which she ,an)ay had a weighty list of with his raga! tana and allavi lause. Before concluding movements and the gradually laya but also brought to the fore finds herself being wed to ;ord com ositions for the evening. set to >alachi 9in Hindusthani it with a mangalam! he sang increasing ace of the rhythm the dancers. mastery over them. >en"ateshwara who arrives at Though at the outset! one is /alavathi:. It was sur rising Radha &ame$ha /ri&hna warmed u the artistes and &lmost <= minutes of delinea- her lace in a grand rocession. missed his usual unch! grad- to hear the allavi line in Hindi 9?amuna"alyani:. 8omance is what Prachi wants Uppi’s Shrimathi -Town actress Prachi ,andalwood. “I am conve- in Bollywood!% says Prachi. is XYZ in Telugu Desai is a frequent visi- niently going to blame it on LONG TIME NO SEE Btor to Bangalore. Her lac" of time. -y commitments hrima$hi! starring various endorsements bring in Bollywood don.t give me Though! Prachi says she.s @ endra! was a re- her here most often. “I have enough time to do a /annada short on time due to wor"! she.s ,ma"e of the Hindi fallen in love with this city. I film. The /annada industry has not seen much on and off the film Ai$raa2! which had always come here on a short made beautiful films. I don.t screen. Is it a go-slow olicy at &"shay /umar! /areena tri because of my rofes- understand the language! but wor"1 “There is no such lan. /a oor and Priyan"a sional commitments but I have seen a few of films and I never thought I would do 7ho ra in ivotal roles. this time! I have decided to not )ust /annada but other one film at a time but it that.s #hrima$hi o ened to stay bac" for a day and see southern language movies too. how my fate has wor"ed out. mi#ed res onses and a lot more of Bangalore. I There is an inherent sim licity I have to be careful about my did average business. li"e the mi# of different in every film. The way they are choices. 2veryone "nows what 0ow we hear! that the cultures here$ eo le directed and e#ecuted are the a cut-throat industry it is and dubbed version of the are always loo"ing for- best things about the stories. wrong choices and mista"es /annada film will be re- ward to e# erimenting. In s ite of not "nowing the lan- are not forgiven. I consciously leased in Telugu titled The variety I find here is guage you can instantly connect try to loo" for wor" in different 345. @ endra is o ular great!% says Prachi who to the story and characters. It genres. Be it Rock On!!! Once in Tollywood and en)oys a had accom anied friend would be great to do a /annada Upon A Time In Mumbai or huge fan following there. &dhuna Bhabani &"htar film. I am hesitant because I Bol Bachchan! these are a few & arently @ endra.s last on her tri to Bangalore re- don.t "now the language. +nce e#am les of the different "ind film! #uper was released cently. “I share an ama'ing I let go of that inhibition! then of films that e#cite me. I am in Telugu and was a bo#- bond with &dhuna since the as an actor and a erformer! it choosy and this is why I have office hit. 5a)ula -ani"ya time I wor"ed with her on will be a wonderful e# erience!% been seen in a very few films!% 8ao has bought the rights #a%ini D&i'!di(s my first film! Rock On!!. (e she says. she says. to #hrima$hi. & art from have maintained our friend- 0ot long ago actor Diganth! Prachi says she.s going @ endra! #hrima$hi &ardro)! &o!s shi from those days.
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