Page Two EAST CLEVELAND LEADER Thursday, February 14, 1952 JoLee Fuller; Secretary-Treasurer, pitel to be held on Monday, Feb­ Ann Plunkett; Program Chair­ ruary 18th, will feature a book re­ Register For YW Finest Cadillac man, Margie Cook. view and all member* and their Invalid Car At Your Service friends are welcome. INCOME TAX SERVICE Your Clubs Nursing Lessons Day or Night At • regular meeting of East FOR A COMPLETE and CORRECT RETURN Surgical dressings will be made s. H. JOHNSTON KE. 1-3600 Cleveland Council No. 340, Daugh­ in the morning starting at 10 j CALL ters of America held February 5th o’clock followed by luncheon in the The Red Cross Home Nursing 35TH YEAR Club news may be sent to The East Cleveland W.C.T.U. is at Sommers Hall, Mrs. Elizabeth hospital cafeteria. A business course at the YWCA will receive i W. FORD CROSS registrations for the remaining Hruby Conservatory Elsa C. Berg, 14600 Euclid ave., meeting Tuesday at two o’clock Miller was installed as Councillor. meeting presided over by Mrs. G. ■ GL. 1-4061 H52 East 145th St. with Mrs. G. C. Lucas of 1025 Taking part in the ceremony were Murray Hawk will be held after five classes. The group meets at 1n of music or phoned to PO. 1-3378. It is the Y on Thursday mornings, Individual — Business Helmsdale rd. Harry Hartman of Cleveland lunch. All Branches Taught appreciated when club news Council No. 26 as installing of­ At 1:30 p.m. the program chair­ from 9:30 to 11:30. There is no 5415 Broadway arrives by Monday. ficer; Mrs. Esther Butler as ac­ man, Mrs. Guy T. Rockwell will charge. With the resignation of Mrs. DI. 1-7280 Fur Ad\crtisiuq Lal! lil.nnvHie 1-43J13 Florence Davidson, member of the companist, and Mrs. Christine present Mrs. E. O. Trescott, who Classes will include instruction Shaw Faculty, Miss Rosemary Allen of Mayfield Heights, the will dramatize the book “The for administering drugs; diets; INCOME TAX RETURNS Schrader has been named the soloist who was accompanied by Mother of Washington” by Nancy handling the patient during con­ Cold BY EXPERTS sponsor of the Senior Friendship Mrs. Minnie Oiler of Euclid. Byrd Turner. valescence; bathing in bed; Prescription REASONABLE Club at Shaw. Attending the ceremony were Tea will be served following the simple treatments to make a Waves NOTARY PUBLIC State Conductor Frances Melber review and the hostesses for the patient more comfortable; and for New officers of the Senior an extra, there will be a seventh REdwood REdwood Friendship Club and a number of members of the day will be Mrs. A. E. Rinear, -1-1762 1-5958 are: President, Chairman; Mrs. Blanche Rinear, session on what to do in the event Doris Scharlott; Vice-President, Sisterhood Dames of Malta, of which Mrs. Miller is also affili­ Mrs. W. W. Morrison, Mrs. Ray­ of atomic disaster. $7.50 . ated. A lunch was served at the mond T. Cragin, Mrs. G. J. Salis­ Mrs. Tess Kraft is Instructor. Solutions close of the meeting. bury and Mrs. Mabel M. Smith. You may register by calling the the Texture YWCA, UL. 1-2220, or by just of your hair LISTEN TO W.S «■ tephen, < old mixed to suit R. S, 1490 ™ The East Cleveland Blue Star Mrs. George Reebel, 2065 Tay- coming in at 9:30 on Thursday. Wave Specialist EVERY SATURDAY. 11:15 A.M. Mothers will turn their thoughts lor rd., president of the East The East Cleveland YWCA is at to Abraham Lincoln at the regular Cleveland YMCA Mothers’ Club, 14635 Euclid ave. Stephens Beauty Shop And Listen To This Good Advice: meeting at the East Cleveland has been nominated for the posi- 12426 St. Clair Ave. GL. 1-4050 Buy That Fertilizer - Lime Now — Have It On Library Wednesday, February tion of Treasurer, on the forth­ 20th at 1:30 p. m. coming slate of officers to be pre­ Give Tests Today To WILLIAM J. HOOFE Hand To Give That Lawn An Early Start! Mrs. Martha Oram will give a sented March 3rd, of the Cleveland ELGIN HAMILTON BULOVA reading “Why Lincoln Grew a Federation of Women’s Clubs. Pupils New At Shaw YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU LISTENED! Beard” and Mrs. Alice Post who GRUEN — WADSWORTH The usual psychological tests for Kayser Kiddie Kollege Up-to-the-minute styling, precious metals, seventeen jewel accuracy is 89 years old, will recite “First On Sunday, Uie 17th, the ATO Tuberous Rooted Begonia Bulbs Now Ready all pupils new to Shaw High . distinguish these fine watches. And it costs less to own one of in the Hearts of Thy Country­ club will visit Warrensville In­ School are being administered for DAY NURSERY men” which she wrote at the age these world-famous models than you thought See them today. firmary, bringing gifts to the the term today. C. C. Reynard, 270 East 222nd Street of 16. older folks who live there. There YOUR NORTHEAST CARDEN CENTER member of Shaw faculty is giving NEXT TO EUCLID LIBRARY An invitation is extended to will be perfume for the women, the tests to 10B and 10A pupils, those who would be interested in shaving articles for the men, and together with any other class en- 2l/i to 5 years; half day WALTER F. MEYER NOTTINGHAM FEED & SEED CO. learning what this group is doing magazines and clothing for both. rolles new this semester. classes, morning and DIAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY for the serviceman. Six of the 26 members will serve afternoon. 42509 ST. CLAIR AVENUE 18617 NOTTINGHAM RD. at ST. CLAIR KE. 1-0256 -s KE. 1-0257 as envoys for the visit, made pos­ The St. Philomena Guild Work­ Open Every Evening Except Wednesdays The next meeting of the Wo­ sible through the gifts of the mem­ shop is having a dessert card party Transportation Furnished man’s Board of Huron Road Hos- bers from money they have earned. on Wednesday, February 20th in RE. 1-9493 the Social Hall at 1:15 p. m. Mrs. or EV. 1-6655 ' H WWeXtewlfty is HM «ni Bernetta Hollis is chairman and Prices Lewi Mrs. Pauline Bartha is co-chair­ man of the affair. New Store Hours A full and interesting program will greet the members of the Hill­ 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. top Garden Club when they meet 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wednesday at WATERLOO FURNITURE CO on Wednesday, February 20th, at 1:30 p. m. at Caledonia School. Closed Sundays and Holidays February is the month of the REGISTERED PHARMACIST annual meeting and the installa­ tion of new officers. The guest On Duty at all Timet for the day is Mrs. Frank Pochurek who will speak on “Afri­ FOREST HILL can Violets”. Mrs. Pochurek was, for two years, president of the PHARMACY Cleveland Violet Society and at East Clevetana’s Only the present time is corresponding HEAL APOTHECARY secretary for the National Violet Miss Ruth McKee Society as well as author of the “Hint Column” for the National PHARMACIST ■ MANAGER Violet Magazine. 13235 Superior at Euclid The hostess of the day will be Mrs. Fred Williams and her com­ GLenvillo 1-9412 mittee. EARL CHAMBERS A change in program is made in the Golden Age schedule of events, transposing the February 18th and February 25th plans. DRAPERIES Southern Gardens, pictures in color, will be shown this coming Monday by Mrs. H. M. Roland, SLIPCOVERS daughter of Mrs. Gusta Bemis, a club member. Made To Order Tomorrow the Golden Ager? r ALL WORK GUARANTEED attend the Grotto Circus and next Very large assortment fabrics MATTRESSES Tuesday several of them will be in Euclid Avenue Baptist Church social ehall for square dancing Call GL. 1-7168 lessons. For Showing in Your Home A Valentine card party will be Or at the Store UNHEARD-OF SAVINGS on FAMOUS held Wednesday, February 20th, by ; . a, the Modern Crusaders S.D.Z No. 45 Louis Ciz-Madia in Waterloo Home. Members an i BRAND QUALITY MATTRESSES their friends are invited. CURTAIN SHOPS 1 Swing your partner at Notting 14629 ST. CLAIR /^VENUE ham O.E.S. Chapter Square Dance at Euclid Park Clubhouse on Sat­ urday, February 16th, at 8 p. m. For Advertisinir Hl Public invited. Tickets may be pur­ chased at the door. Coll Glenville 1-4383 it H * d t W?* ■' * * INNERSPRING * __ V’** •:<. * TUFTED JW j ■5 *FELT ■ J BROOKS COAL & SUPPLY CO * COTTON up 980 East 200th Street TOM BROOKS KE. 1-1050 HOMERS. WATKINS I HIGH QUALITY COAL-SINCE 1921 * TOFTLESS 1 High heat value—Long lasting—Low ash coal ■ [teen $|g.14 Holds fire well. * LUh»F w. < \ % S|g39 I Premium Pocahontas egg B A good Pocahontas Coal— 64 Smokeless. Low Ash LUMP w Toil'll never find them again at these prices! They I*’ ■ come from the finest makers! Al! top quality Inner* Royal Pocahontas EGG *17 89 springs topped with crisp hair! Tultless mattresses with smooth tops. Pre-built with borders guaranteed not to Semi-smokeless—Burns like Pocahontas— —- >9 LUMP or sag! Ventilators and handles for easy turning. Damask Low ash—Free burning $17.14 coverings! Woven stripe or ACA covers. Cotton felt Brooks Furnace Special egg % padding! Rubber cushionized! They are all few-of-a- kind in full or twin sizes. Matching box springs avail­ High grade—Low ash—Long flame LUMP or able with some ... at clearance prices. & KENTUCKY EGG s1664 $1370 1 Screened and washed Ohio Coal EGG r BLACKBIRD LUMP $1350 $ CANNEL COAL - AN IDEAL GRATE FUEL Try Cannel Coal for a cheery fire in your grate.
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