March 24, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2393 Ferguson Lowey Russell Napolitano Renacci Stivers Sec. 116. Providing incentives for increased Fleischmann Lucas Rutherford Neal Rice (NY) Swalwell (CA) frequency of eligibility redeter- Fortenberry Luetkemeyer Scalise Noem Richmond Thompson (CA) minations. Foster Lujan Grisham, Schneider Nolan Roe (TN) Thompson (MS) Frankel (FL) M. Schweikert Norcross Rogers (AL) Thompson (PA) Subtitle C—Per Capita Allotment for Frelinghuysen Marchant Scott, Austin O’Halleran Rokita Tiberi Medical Assistance Gabbard Marino Scott, David Pallone Ros-Lehtinen Tipton Sec. 121. Per capita allotment for medical Gallego Marshall Sensenbrenner Palmer Rosen Turner assistance. Garamendi Massie Sessions Panetta Roskam Upton Garrett McCarthy Shea-Porter Paulsen Rouzer Valadao Subtitle D—Patient Relief and Health Gibbs McCaul Sherman Payne Roybal-Allard Vargas Insurance Market Stability Goodlatte McClintock Shimkus Pearce Ryan (OH) Veasey Sec. 131. Repeal of cost-sharing subsidy. Gottheimer McHenry Shuster Pelosi Sa´ nchez Vela´ zquez Gowdy McMorris Simpson Perlmutter Sanford Visclosky Sec. 132. Patient and State Stability Fund. Granger Rodgers Sinema Peters Sarbanes Walberg Sec. 133. Continuous health insurance cov- Graves (MO) McNerney Slaughter Peterson Schakowsky Waters, Maxine erage incentive. Grothman Meadows Smith (MO) Pingree Schiff Watson Coleman Sec. 134. Increasing coverage options. Guthrie Meeks Smith (NE) Pittenger Schrader Weber (TX) Sec. 135. Change in permissible age vari- Harper Meng Smith (NJ) Poe (TX) Scott (VA) Wilson (FL) ation in health insurance pre- Harris Messer Smith (TX) Poliquin Serrano Woodall mium rates. Heck Mitchell Smith (WA) Price (NC) Sewell (AL) Yoder Hensarling Moolenaar Smucker Raskin Sires Yoho TITLE II—COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND Higgins (LA) Mooney (WV) Speier Reichert Soto Young (AK) MEANS Himes Mullin Stefanik ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—1 Subtitle A—Repeal and Replace of Health- Hollingsworth Murphy (FL) Stewart Related Tax Policy Huffman Murphy (PA) Suozzi Tonko Huizenga Nadler Taylor Sec. 201. Recapture excess advance pay- Hultgren Newhouse Tenney NOT VOTING—9 ments of premium tax credits. Hunter Nunes Thornberry Budd Gohmert Rush Sec. 202. Additional modifications to pre- Issa O’Rourke Titus Ca´ rdenas Lieu, Ted Takano mium tax credit. Johnson (LA) Olson Torres Cole McCollum Tsongas Sec. 203. Premium tax credit. Johnson, Sam Palazzo Trott Kelly (MS) Pascrell Vela ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Sec. 204. Small business tax credit. Kelly (PA) Perry Wagner The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Sec. 205. Individual mandate. Kildee Pocan Walden the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Sec. 206. Employer mandate. King (IA) Polis Walker Sec. 207. Repeal of the tax on employee King (NY) Posey Walorski ing. health insurance premiums and Knight Quigley Walters, Mimi b 1117 health plan benefits. Krishnamoorthi Ratcliffe Walz Sec. 208. Repeal of tax on over-the-counter Kuster (NH) Reed Wasserman So the Journal was approved. medications. Kustoff (TN) Rice (SC) Schultz The result of the vote was announced Labrador Roby Webster (FL) Sec. 209. Repeal of increase of tax on health LaHood Rogers (KY) Welch as above recorded. savings accounts. LaMalfa Rohrabacher Wenstrup f Sec. 210. Repeal of limitations on contribu- Lamborn Rooney, Francis Westerman tions to flexible spending ac- Latta Rooney, Thomas Williams AMERICAN HEALTH CARE ACT OF counts. Lawson (FL) J. Wilson (SC) 2017 Sec. 211. Repeal of medical device excise tax. Lewis (MN) Ross Wittman Sec. 212. Repeal of elimination of deduction Lipinski Rothfus Womack Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Speaker, pursuant Long Royce (CA) Yarmuth to House Resolution 228, I call up the for expenses allocable to medi- care part D subsidy. Loudermilk Ruiz Young (IA) bill (H.R. 1628) to provide for reconcili- Lowenthal Ruppersberger Zeldin Sec. 213. Repeal of increase in income ation pursuant to title II of the concur- threshold for determining med- NAYS—201 rent resolution on the budget for fiscal ical care deduction. Adams DeFazio Jenkins (KS) year 2017, and ask for its immediate Sec. 214. Repeal of Medicare tax increase. Aguilar DeGette Jenkins (WV) consideration. Sec. 215. Refundable tax credit for health in- Amash Delaney Johnson (GA) The Clerk read the title of the bill. surance coverage. Barr Denham Johnson (OH) The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Sec. 216. Maximum contribution limit to Barraga´ n DeSantis Johnson, E. B. SIMPSON). Pursuant to House Resolu- health savings account in- Bass DeSaulnier Jones creased to amount of deductible Beatty Diaz-Balart Jordan tion 228, the amendments specified in Bera Dingell Joyce (OH) and out-of-pocket limitation. section 2 of House Resolution 228 shall Sec. 217. Allow both spouses to make catch- Bergman Doyle, Michael Kaptur be considered as adopted, and the bill, Beyer F. Katko up contributions to the same Biggs Duffy Keating as amended, is considered read. health savings account. Bishop (GA) Ellison Kelly (IL) The text of the bill, as amended, is as Sec. 218. Special rule for certain medical ex- Bishop (MI) Eshoo Kennedy follows: penses incurred before estab- Blum Espaillat Khanna lishment of health savings ac- Blunt Rochester Evans Kihuen H.R. 1628 count. Bost Fitzpatrick Kilmer Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Boyle, Brendan Flores Kind resentatives of the United States of America in Subtitle B—Repeal of Certain Consumer F. Foxx Kinzinger Congress assembled, Taxes Brady (PA) Franks (AZ) Lance Brown (MD) Fudge Langevin SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Sec. 221. Repeal of tax on prescription medi- Brownley (CA) Gaetz Larsen (WA) This Act may be cited as the ‘‘American cations. Buck Gallagher Larson (CT) Health Care Act of 2017’’. Sec. 222. Repeal of health insurance tax. Burgess Gonzalez (TX) Lawrence SEC. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Subtitle C—Repeal of Tanning Tax Butterfield Gosar Lee The table of contents of this Act is as fol- Capuano Graves (GA) Levin Sec. 231. Repeal of tanning tax. lows: Carbajal Graves (LA) Lewis (GA) Subtitle D—Remuneration From Certain Carson (IN) Green, Al LoBiondo Sec. 1. Short title. Insurers Carter (GA) Green, Gene Loebsack Sec. 2. Table of contents. Sec. 241. Remuneration from certain insur- Cartwright Griffith Lofgren TITLE I—ENERGY AND COMMERCE Castor (FL) Grijalva Love ers. Clark (MA) Gutie´rrez Luja´ n, Ben Ray Subtitle A—Patient Access to Public Health Subtitle E—Repeal of Net Investment Clarke (NY) Hanabusa Lynch Programs Income Tax Cleaver Hartzler MacArthur Sec. 101. The Prevention and Public Health Sec. 251. Repeal of net investment income Clyburn Hastings Maloney, Fund. Coffman Herrera Beutler Carolyn B. tax. Sec. 102. Community health center program. Cohen Hice, Jody B. Maloney, Sean TITLE I—ENERGY AND COMMERCE Collins (GA) Higgins (NY) Mast Sec. 103. Federal payments to States. Conaway Hill Matsui Subtitle B—Medicaid Program Enhancement Subtitle A—Patient Access to Public Health Connolly Holding McEachin Sec. 111. Repeal of Medicaid provisions. Programs Costa Hoyer McGovern SEC. 101. THE PREVENTION AND PUBLIC HEALTH Costello (PA) Hudson McKinley Sec. 112. Repeal of Medicaid expansion. FUND. Courtney Hurd McSally Sec. 113. Elimination of DSH cuts. Crist Jackson Lee Meehan Sec. 114. Reducing State Medicaid costs. (a) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (b) of section Crowley Jayapal Moore Sec. 115. Safety net funding for non-expan- 4002 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Cummings Jeffries Moulton sion States. Care Act (42 U.S.C. 300u–11), as amended by VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Mar 25, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR7.022 H24MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2394 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 24, 2017 section 5009 of the 21st Century Cures Act, is Subtitle B—Medicaid Program Enhancement for periods after December 31, 2019, are amended— SEC. 111. REPEAL OF MEDICAID PROVISIONS. grandfathered expansion enrollees (as de- (1) in paragraph (2), by adding ‘‘and’’ at the The Social Security Act is amended— fined in section 1902(nn)(2))’’; and end; (1) in section 1902 (42 U.S.C. 1396a)— (B) in subsection (z)(2)— (2) in paragraph (3)— (A) in subsection (a)(47)(B), by inserting (i) in subparagraph (A), by inserting after (A) by striking ‘‘each of fiscal years 2018 ‘‘and provided that any such election shall ‘‘section 1937’’ the following: ‘‘and, for peri- and 2019’’ and inserting ‘‘fiscal year 2018’’; cease to be effective on January 1, 2020, and ods after December 31, 2019, who are grand- and no such election shall be made after that fathered expansion enrollees (as defined in (B) by striking the semicolon at the end date’’ before the semicolon at the end; and section 1902(nn)(2))’’; and and inserting a period; and (B) in subsection (l)(2)(C), by inserting (ii) in subparagraph (B)(ii)— (3) by striking paragraphs (4) through (8). ‘‘and ending December 31, 2019,’’ after ‘‘Janu- (I) in subclause (III), by adding ‘‘and’’ at (b) RESCISSION OF UNOBLIGATED FUNDS.—Of ary 1, 2014,’’; the end; and the funds made available by such section (2) in section 1915(k)(2) (42 U.S.C. (II) by striking subclauses (IV), (V), and 4002, the unobligated balance at the end of 1396n(k)(2)), by striking ‘‘during the period (VI) and inserting the following new sub- fiscal year 2018 is rescinded. described in paragraph (1)’’ and inserting ‘‘on clause: or after the date referred to in paragraph (1) ‘‘(IV) 2017 and each subsequent year is 80 SEC. 102. COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER PRO- GRAM. and before January 1, 2020’’; and percent.’’. (3) in section 1920(e) (42 U.S.C. 1396r–1(e)), (b) SUNSET OF ESSENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS Effective as if included in the enactment of by striking ‘‘under clause (i)(VIII), clause REQUIREMENT.—Section 1937(b)(5) of the So- the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthoriza- (i)(IX), or clause (ii)(XX) of subsection cial Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396u–7(b)(5)) is tion Act of 2015 (Public Law 114–10, 129 Stat. (a)(10)(A)’’ and inserting ‘‘under clause amended by adding at the end the following: 87), paragraph (1) of section 221(a) of such (i)(VIII) or clause (ii)(XX) of section ‘‘This paragraph shall not apply after De- Act is amended by inserting ‘‘, and an addi- 1902(a)(10)(A) before January 1, 2020, section cember 31, 2019.’’.
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