Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 2-11-1961 The Ledger and Times, February 11, 1961 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, February 11, 1961" (1961). The Ledger & Times. 5032. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5032 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. t 7 —1111.- 7 • • a a I Selected As A Best All Round Itentueky Community Newspaper The Paper Largest Circulation In hall That More The City People Buy Largest Circulation In The County ne of ough- ••=••••• , peo- United Press International IN OUR 82nd YEAR Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoo-n, February 11, 1961 MURRAY POPULATION 10.100 along Vol. LXXXII No. 35 and pieces the your bones those rou've y and fresh LABOR SECRETARY Wad ISSUES WARNING and • .1 e'rle"r re of Kentucky News your Murray HosPital I Presents Bleak Picture, To I soll, Briefs have Think Lumumba Census - Adult ...... 62 taxing Census - Nursery 8 Audiences In the By United Press Five State Area in International Adult Beds 65 quite VOUISVILLE vpi) — Deputy Emergency Beds ......... 3 state Public Safety Commissioner Patients admitted ...... 1 By WILLIAM J. EATON nation out of the slump and James Bassett Friday Has Been told a meet- Patients dismissed 0 create more.jobs. Killed I•tr•• International a of the Women's Auxiliary of the New Citizens 0 DETROIT UPI — Labor Sec- "This administration is pledged Louisville Safety Council that to Patients admitted from Wednes- retary Arthur J. Goldberg moved do everything within lt power Kentucky's traffic laws need up- to a By WILLIAM ANDERSON habited by Tshombe's own Lunde day II:30 atm to Friday 9:30 a.m. flito recession-battered Detroit to- reinvigorate the economy and 'd dating. Bassett recommended' per- r oiled Previa International tribe, and far from regions friend- Mrs. Palice Cars-away, Route 3: day with a warning that the take care of the needs of people," LEOPOLDVILLE. The Congo iodic re-examination of drivers, ly to Lumumba. Mrs. Otho Winchester, 525 Broad nation must take emergency meas- the labor secretary declared. —Katanga troops annual vehicle inspections, more (UPI, and police A similar opinion was express- St.; Mrs, Mrytle Speight, 402 So. ures to slash unemployment But he was emphatic about driver training in all high schools or scoured the bush country today by Alexander Qualson-Sackey, 16th.; Mrs. Lawton Robinson, Rt. drift into a depression. Kennedy's intention to stimulate for escaped former and tighter regulations on the Congolese the Ghanian member of the 3, Paryear, Tenn.; Rev. C. Mor- Goldberg, acting as President the economy so private industry Premier Patrice Lumumba, sale of cars. but United Nations Conciliation Com- rison Galloway, 519 South 6th.; Kennedy's ambassador to the job- and not the government would there was widespread speculation mission, Who said the escape Mrs, James Hedasin and baby boy, began the second slass of his jgovade IA openings. that the leftist leader ASHLAND 11.11--- Taiairitony was dead. announcement was "a cover-up Golden Pond; Richard Earl Bla- five-state tour of depressed areas "We don't intend to create an- The news CASTRO EXECUTIONER HEARING SET FEB. 13—Herman Fred- ended Friday in !Boyd Circuit that Lumumba and story." lock, 1300 Poplar; Mrs. Noel Par- by conferring on Michigan's job- other WPA — let me tell you erick Marks. 39, former executioner for the Fidel Castro re. Court ,n a property owners suit two aides—Maurice Mpolo and Convinced Lumumba Dead rish, New Concord; Mrs. Luther less problems with Gov. that!" he said in Gary. gime in Cuba, is escorted from the Immigration office filed against the city on re- John B. Joseph Okito—had escaped from "I am convinced they killed. tei _ -Dexter: Rieki Anna New York after a hearing on the government's deportation zoning. They claimed that re- n isolated farm house detention him," he said. He warned that if Jeffery, 207 South 15th.; Charles proceedings against him. The case was postponed till Feb. zoning he area to light indus- The auto capital of the world Oot by overpowering their guards this is true, there will be no Erwin, 414 So. 9th.; Mrs. William 13. Mtlwaukee-born Marks lost his citizenship in 1959. trial for a clothing factory presented _a bleak picture of Ken- electrified the Congo and spread peace in the Congo for T. Smith, 301 So. 6th.; Bonnie the next would hurt the value of their nedy's chief labor adviser More Murray High, fears of a civil war. 20 years. Jean Greenfield, Rt. "aa property. 4, Benton; than 1 million cars are on deal- 611 The massive manhunt for the Steven If it turns out Lumumba is Lockridge Irvan, Rt. 1, ers' lots — a new record — and fugitives was centered in an area dead. observers feared it would Carter-Austin 4-H Almo;.Nomon Bogard. 103 North 4 HODGENVILLE 'llat — La Rue layoffs in auto plants have put owav Game 40 miles north of Mutshatasha touch off a blood bath in the Murray State 12th St.; Mrs. Bebby Hays, Rt. 6; Club Has County, the birthplace of 1 out of every 10 workers out of which was sealed off by authori- Winners Abra- Mrs. Congo with his supporters slaugh- ham, Lincoln, won't Ronald Morton and baby a job. ties of secessionist Katanga Prov- hold an spe- tering hundreds of political pris- The cial observance of girl, Rt. 4, Benton; Robert Max ince after they located the car Carter-Austin 4-H Club his birthday ' To Meet Is Sold Out oners in reprisal. To Honor this year. Barrett, Rt. 5. First had their regular meeting on A film showing Lin- in which the three men were There was no further word Patients dismissed from Wednes- Goldberg was scheduled to dis- Thursday afternoon, Feb 9 at the coln's life in Kentucky, Indiana said to have fled. from Mobutu. army commander- day 11:30 a.m. to Friday II:30 a.m. cuss Ohio's mounting unemploy- Austin School. The program was and Illinois has been purchased OA Katangese plane flying: low in-chief, who was reported as- Mr. Lomon Thomason, Rt. ment with Gov. Mike DiSalle this The Murray High Tigers will • Cage Team a speech event. The winners were: by the National Park Service and 2: spotted the car lying in a ditch. sembling troop _reinforcements Mrs. James Cohoon, Rt. 6; Master afternoon before heading for Pit- play a return bill game with Kathleen. Farrell and Barry Gro- will be shown in LaRue- County Searching parties were dispatched and ammunition for a renewed Timothy Fite. Rt. 2, Wingo; Mas- tsburgh, last stop on his mission. Calloway County High School gan. They will participate in the schools. into the jungle. offensive against soldiers loyal Murray Statetollege will hon- ter Michael McPherson. Box 54, The cabinet officer offered hope Tuesday night in the Murray to County Speech Event to be held Katangese Interior Minister Lumumba or its first basketball team at Hazel: Mrs. Forrest Oakley, Rt. of jobs to idle workers Friday in High gym with the second team in Oriental Province. at the County 4-H Rally LOUISVILLE IPI 4- The first Godefroid Munongo was reported ceremonies before the to be fast-paced visits to Chicago, Gary game starting at 6:30. If Lumumba is alive and man- Murray- held in April. railroad shipments of surplus 1. Almo; Mrs. Lee Roy Phelps. heading to Mutshatasha to take ages reach Western game Saturday Feb. 18. Rt. 6, Benton; Mrs. Damon Lovett, and South Bend, Ind., all centers The two teams have met once to his Oriental Prov- Others participating were: Sam- food for some 40 000 needy per- charge of the search. Seven players from the 10-man Rt. 2: Mrs. Walter Parr, of rising factory unemployment. before this year in a very close ince stronghold of Stanleyville, mie K. Beaman. Linda Darnell, sons in Jefferson County ar- 3763 Speculate About rat. squad' will be at the game for Rhea. Memphis; Mrs. William He called for united support of ball game observers believed it certain he Debbie Kelley, Cindy Humphreys, rived here Friday. Distribution :. The announcement of Litman- the affair. Those who will attend Jones, Box 12, Hazel; Miss Lea Kennedy's anti-recession program All tickets for the game have armlet rally his follipirers and Glenda Canady, Fay Fulton, Sha- of surplus food will begin in ba's escape Friday by the official 'ry Holland, Vernon James, Ann McDaniel. 304 So. ard pleaded fqr a no-politics been sold. Students of both offer strong resistance to Mobutu. ron Bogard Nancy Baker, Clau- the county on or about March 15th.; ICatanga radio brought into the Auburn Wells, Warden Gilbert Master approach to domestic economic schools were given first priority Lumumbists control about a third dette Cook. Beverly Herndon, Ca- 1. Michael Parrish, Rt. 3; Warn speculation that he had Fount Russell, Ceylon Lamb, and problems during his 15-hour Mid- with parents of the players hav- of the Congo. thy Cooper, Terry Allbritten. Mrs Mary Kirkland. Rt. 1: Mar- been killed or died in jail from James Brookshire. Washsman, Rt. Almo; western expedition. ing second priority for the tickets. s-Freddie Shelton, James Maury, tin 1, Law- Ill-treatment after his arrest by Holland is football coach Church Club Will recession Due to the fact that there will be at Dale Hughes, Ricki Hornsby, Gary rence York, Rt.
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